oracular (3) Bio::Tools::Run::Infernal.3pm.gz

Provided by: libbio-perl-run-perl_1.7.3-11_all bug


       Bio::Tools::Run::Infernal - Wrapper for local execution of cmalign, cmbuild, cmsearch, cmscore


         # parameters which are switches are set with any value that evals TRUE,
         # others are set to a specific value

         my $factory = Bio::Tools::Run::Infernal->new(@params);

         # run cmalign|cmbuild|cmsearch|cmscore|cmemit directly as a wrapper method
         # this resets the program flag if previously set

         $factory->cmsearch(@seqs); # searches Bio::PrimarySeqI's based on set cov. model
                                    # saves output to optional outfile_name, returns
                                    # Bio::SearchIO

         # only values which are allowed for a program are set, so one can use the same
         # wrapper for the following...

         $factory->cmalign(@seqs); # aligns Bio::PrimarySeqI's to a set cov. model,
                                   # --merge option allows two alignments generated
                                   #     from the same CM to be merged.
                                   # output to outfile_name, returns Bio::AlignIO
         $factory->cmscore();      # scores set cov. model against Bio::PrimarySeqI,
                                   # output to outfile_name/STDOUT.
         $factory->cmbuild($aln); # builds covariance model based on alignment
                                  # CM to outfile_name or model_file (one is required
                                  # here), output to STDOUT.
         $factory->cmemit();      # emits sequence from specified cov. model;
                                  # set one if no file specified. output to
                                  # outfile_name, returns Bio::SeqIO or (if -a is set)
                                  # Bio::AlignIO
         $factory->cmcalibrate($file); # calibrates specified cov. model; output to
                                       # STDOUT
         $factory->cmstat($file); # summary stats for cov. model; set one if no file
                                  # specified; output to STDOUT

         # run based on the setting of the program parameter

         my $factory = Bio::Tools::Run::Infernal->new(-program => 'cmsearch',
         my $search = $factory->run($seq);

         # using cmsearch returns a Bio::SearchIO object

         while (my $result = $searchio->next_result){
          while(my $hit = $result->next_hit){
           while (my $hsp = $hit->next_hsp){
                   print join("\t", ( $r->query_name,
                                      )), "\n";


       Wrapper module for Sean Eddy's Infernal suite of programs. The current implementation runs cmsearch,
       cmcalibrate, cmalign, cmemit, cmbuild, cmscore, and cmstat. cmsearch will return a Bio::SearchIO, cmemit
       a Bio::SeqIO/AlignIO, and cmalign a Bio::AlignIO.  All others send output to STDOUT.  Optionally, any
       program's output can be redirected to outfile_name.

       We HIGHLY suggest upgrading to Infernal 1.0.  In that spirit, this wrapper now supports parameters for
       Infernal 1.0 only; for wrapping older versions of Infernal we suggest using the version of
       Bio::Tools::Run::Infernal that came with previous versions of BioPerl-run.

       NOTE: Due to conflicts in the way Infernal parameters are now formatted vs.  subroutine naming in Perl
       (specifically the inclusion of hyphens) and due to the very large number of parameters available, setting
       and resetting parameters via set_parameters() and reset_parameters() is required. All valid parameters
       can be set, but only ones valid for the executable set via program()/program_name() are used for calling
       the executables, the others are silently ignored.


   Mailing Lists
       User feedback is an integral part of the evolution of this and other Bioperl modules. Send your comments
       and suggestions preferably to one of the Bioperl mailing lists.  Your participation is much appreciated.

         bioperl-l@bioperl.org                  - General discussion
         http://bioperl.org/wiki/Mailing_lists  - About the mailing lists

       Please direct usage questions or support issues to the mailing list:


       rather than to the module maintainer directly. Many experienced and reponsive experts will be able look
       at the problem and quickly address it. Please include a thorough description of the problem with code and
       data examples if at all possible.

   Reporting Bugs
       Report bugs to the Bioperl bug tracking system to help us keep track the bugs and their resolution.  Bug
       reports can be submitted via the web:


AUTHOR - Chris Fields

        Email: cjfields-at-uiuc-dot-edu




       The rest of the documentation details each of the object methods. Internal methods are usually preceded
       with a _

        Title   : new
        Usage   : my $wrapper = Bio::Tools::Run::Infernal->new(@params)
        Function: creates a new Infernal factory
        Returns:  Bio::Tools::Run::Infernal wrapper
        Args    : list of parameters

        Title   :  program
        Usage   :  $obj->program()
        Function:  Set the program called when run() is used.  Synonym of
        Returns :  String (program name)
        Args    :  String (program name)
        Status  :  Unstable (may delegate to program_name, which is the interface method)

        Title   : program_name
        Usage   : $factory>program_name()
        Function: holds the program name
        Returns:  string
        Args    : None

        Title   :  model_file
        Usage   :  $obj->model_file()
        Function:  Set the model file used when run() is called.
        Returns :  String (file location of covariance model)
        Args    :  String (file location of covariance model)

        Title   : program_dir
        Usage   : $factory->program_dir(@params)
        Function: returns the program directory, obtained from ENV variable.
        Returns:  string
        Args    :

        Title   : version
        Usage   : $v = $prog->version();
        Function: Determine the version number of the program (uses cmsearch)
        Example :
        Returns : float or undef
        Args    : none

        Title   :   run
        Usage   :   $obj->run($seqFile)
        Function:   Runs Infernal and returns Bio::SearchIO
        Returns :   A Bio::SearchIO
        Args    :   A Bio::PrimarySeqI or file name

Specific program interface methods

        Title   :   cmsearch
        Usage   :   $obj->cmsearch($seqFile)
        Function:   Runs Infernal cmsearch and returns Bio::SearchIO
        Returns :   A Bio::SearchIO
        Args    :   Bio::PrimarySeqI or file name

        Title   :   cmalign
        Usage   :   $obj->cmalign($seqFile)
        Function:   Runs Infernal cmalign and returns Bio::AlignIO
        Returns :   A Bio::AlignIO
        Args    :   Bio::PrimarySeqI or file name

        Title   :   cmemit
        Usage   :   $obj->cmemit($modelfile)
        Function:   Runs Infernal cmemit and returns Bio::AlignIO
        Returns :   A Bio::AlignIO
        Args    :   None; set model_file() to use a specific model

        Title   :   cmbuild
        Usage   :   $obj->cmbuild($alignment)
        Function:   Runs Infernal cmbuild and saves covariance model
        Returns :   1 on success (no object for covariance models)
        Args    :   Bio::AlignIO with structural information (such as from Stockholm
                    format source) or alignment file name

        Title   :   cmscore
        Usage   :   $obj->cmscore($seq)
        Function:   Runs Infernal cmscore and saves output
        Returns :   None
        Args    :   None; set model_file() to use a specific model

        Title   :   cmcalibrate
        Usage   :   $obj->cmcalibrate('file')
        Function:   Runs Infernal calibrate on specified CM
        Returns :   None
        Args    :   None; set model_file() to use a specific model

        Title   :   cmstat
        Usage   :   $obj->cmstat($seq)
        Function:   Runs Infernal cmstat and saves output
        Returns :   None
        Args    :   None; set model_file() to use a specific model

Bio::ParameterBaseI-specific methods

       These methods are part of the Bio::ParameterBaseI interface

        Title   : set_parameters
        Usage   : $pobj->set_parameters(%params);
        Function: sets the parameters listed in the hash or array
        Returns : None
        Args    : [optional] hash or array of parameter/values.  These can optionally
                  be hash or array references
        Note    : This only sets parameters; to set methods use the method name

        Title   : reset_parameters
        Usage   : resets values
        Function: resets parameters to either undef or value in passed hash
        Returns : none
        Args    : [optional] hash of parameter-value pairs

        Title   : validate_parameters
        Usage   : $pobj->validate_parameters(1);
        Function: sets a flag indicating whether to validate parameters via
                  set_parameters() or reset_parameters()
        Returns : Bool
        Args    : [optional] value evaluating to True/False
        Note    : Optionally implemented method; up to the implementation on whether
                  to automatically validate parameters or optionally do so

        Title   : parameters_changed
        Usage   : if ($pobj->parameters_changed) {...}
        Function: Returns boolean true (1) if parameters have changed
        Returns : Boolean (0 or 1)
        Args    : None
        Note    : This module does not run state checks, so this always returns True

        Title   : available_parameters
        Usage   : @params = $pobj->available_parameters()
        Function: Returns a list of the available parameters
        Returns : Array of parameters
        Args    : [optional] name of executable being used; defaults to returning all
                  available parameters

        Title   : get_parameters
        Usage   : %params = $pobj->get_parameters;
        Function: Returns list of set key-value pairs, parameter => value
        Returns : List of key-value pairs
        Args    : [optional]
                  'full' - this option returns everything associated with the parameter
                           as an array ref value; that is, not just the value but also
                           the value, type, and prefix. Default is value only.
                  'valid'- same a 'full', but only returns the grouping valid for the
                           currently set executable

to_* methods

       All to_* methods are implementation-specific

        Title   : to_exe_string
        Usage   : $string = $pobj->to_exe_string;
        Function: Returns string (command line string in this case)
        Returns : String
        Args    :

        Title   :   _writeSeqFile
        Usage   :   obj->_writeSeqFile($seq)
        Function:   Internal(not to be used directly)
        Returns :
        Args    :

        Title   :   _writeAlignFile
        Usage   :   obj->_writeAlignFile($seq)
        Function:   Internal(not to be used directly)
        Returns :
        Args    :