oracular (3) CGI::Application::Plugin::Authentication::Driver::DBIC.3pm.gz

Provided by: libcgi-application-plugin-authentication-perl_0.25+~cs0.5-1_all bug


       CGI::Application::Plugin::Authentication::Driver::DBIC - DBIx::Class Authentication Driver


       Version 0.02


        use base qw(CGI::Application);
        use CGI::Application::Plugin::Authentication;

            DRIVER => [
               SCHEMA => My::DBIC->connect($dsn), # or existing $schema object
               CLASS => 'Users', # = My::DBIC::Users
               FIELD_METHODS => [qw(user MD5:passphrase)]
            CREDENTIALS => [qw(auth_username auth_password)],


       This Authentication driver uses the DBIx::Class module to allow you to authenticate against any
       DBIx::Class class.


       The DBIx::Class authentication driver accepts the following required parameters.

       SCHEMA (required)
           Specifies the DBIx::Class::Schema object to use for authentication.  This class must be loaded prior
           to use.

       CLASS (required)
           Specifies the DBIx::Class class within the schema which contains authentication information.

       FIELD_METHODS (required)
           FIELD_METHODS is an arrayref of the methods in the DBIx::Class class specified by CLASS to be used
           during authentication. The order of these methods needs to match the order of the CREDENTIALS. For
           example, if CREDENTIALS is set to:

             CREDENTIALS => [qw(auth_user auth_domain auth_password)]

           Then FIELD_METHODS must be set to:

             FIELD_METHODS => [qw(userid domain password)]

           FIELD_METHODS supports filters as specified by CGI::Application::Plugin::Authentication::Driver


       This method will test the provided credentials against the values found in the database, according to the
       Driver configuration.


       CGI::Application::Plugin::Authentication::Driver, CGI::Application::Plugin::Authentication, perl(1)


       Please report any bugs or feature requests to "bug-cgi-application-plugin-authentication-driver-dbic at
       rt.cpan.org", or through the web interface at
       <http://rt.cpan.org/NoAuth/ReportBug.html?Queue=CGI-Application-Plugin-Authentication-Driver-DBIC>.  I
       will be notified, and then you'll automatically be notified of progress on your bug as I make changes.


       You can find documentation for this module with the perldoc command.

           perldoc CGI::Application::Plugin::Authentication::Driver::DBIC

       You can also look for information at:

       •   AnnoCPAN: Annotated CPAN documentation


       •   CPAN Ratings


       •   RT: CPAN's request tracker


       •   Search CPAN



       Cees Hek for CGI::Application::Plugin::Authentication

       Shawn Sorichetti for CGI::Application::Plugin::Authentication::Driver::CDBI which this module is
       shamelessly copied from.


       Jaldhar H. Vyas, "<jaldhar at braincells.com>"

       Copyright 2007, Consolidated Braincells Inc., all rights reserved.

       This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl

perl v5.38.2                                       20CGI::Application::Plugin::Authentication::Driver::DBIC(3pm)