oracular (3) CSS::DOM::Interface.3pm.gz

CSS::DOM::Interface - A list of CSS::DOM's interface members in machine-readable format
Version 0.17
use CSS::DOM::Interface ':all'; # name of DOM interface (CSSStyleRule): $CSS::DOM::Interface{"CSS::DOM::Rule::Style"}; # interface it inherits from (CSSRule): $CSS::DOM::Interface{CSSStyleRule}{_isa}; # whether this can be used as an array $CSS::DOM::Interface{MediaList}{_array}; # true # or hash $CSS::DOM::Interface{MediaList}{_hash}; # false # Properties and Methods # list them all grep !/^_/, keys %{ $CSS::DOM::Interface{CSSStyleSheet} }; # see whether a given property is supported exists $CSS::DOM::Interface{CSSStyleSheet}{foo}; # false # Is it a method? $CSS::DOM::Interface{CSSStyleSheet}{cssRules} & METHOD; # false $CSS::DOM::Interface{CSSStyleSheet}{insertRule} & METHOD; # true # Does the method return nothing? $CSS::DOM::Interface{MediaList}{deleteMedium} & VOID; # true # Is a property read-only? $CSS::DOM::Interface{StyleSheetList}{length} & READONLY; # true # Data types of properties ($CSS::DOM::Interface{CSSStyleSheet}{type} & TYPE) == STR; # true ($CSS::DOM::Interface{CSSStyleSheet}{disabled} & TYPE) == BOOL; # true ($CSS::DOM::Interface{CSSStyleSheet}{ownerNode} & TYPE) == NUM; # false ($CSS::DOM::Interface{CSSStyleSheet}{href} & TYPE) == OBJ; # false # and return types of methods: ($CSS::DOM::Interface{MediaList}{item} & TYPE) == STR; # true ($CSS::DOM::Interface{CSSMediaRule} ->{insertRule} & TYPE) == BOOL; # false ($CSS::DOM::Interface{CSSStyleDeclaration} ->{getPropertyVaue} & TYPE) == NUM; # false ($CSS::DOM::Interface{CSSStyleDeclaration} ->{removeProperty} & TYPE) == OBJ; # false # Constants # list of constant names in the form "CSS::DOM::Node::STYLE_RULE"; @{ $CSS::DOM::Interface{CSSRule}{_constants} };
The synopsis should tell you almost everything you need to know. But be warned that "$foo & TYPE" is meaningless when "$foo & METHOD" and "$foo & VOID" are both true. For more gory details, look at the source code. In fact, here it is: our @EXPORT_OK = qw/METHOD VOID READONLY BOOL STR NUM OBJ TYPE/; our %EXPORT_TAGS = (all => \@EXPORT_OK); sub METHOD () { 1 } sub VOID () { 0b10 } # for methods sub READONLY () { 0b10 } # for properties sub BOOL () { 0b0000 } sub STR () { 0b0100 } sub NUM () { 0b1000 } sub OBJ () { 0b1100 } sub TYPE () { 0b1100 } # only for use as a mask %CSS::DOM::Interface = ( 'CSS::DOM' => 'CSSStyleSheet', 'CSS::DOM::StyleSheetList' => 'StyleSheetList', 'CSS::DOM::MediaList' => 'MediaList', 'CSS::DOM::RuleList' => 'CSSRuleList', 'CSS::DOM::Rule' => 'CSSRule', 'CSS::DOM::Rule::Style' => 'CSSStyleRule', 'CSS::DOM::Rule::Media' => 'CSSMediaRule', 'CSS::DOM::Rule::FontFace' => 'CSSFontFaceRule', 'CSS::DOM::Rule::Page' => 'CSSPageRule', 'CSS::DOM::Rule::Import' => 'CSSImportRule', 'CSS::DOM::Rule::Charset' => 'CSSCharsetRule', 'CSS::DOM::Style' => 'CSSStyleDeclaration', 'CSS::DOM::Value' => 'CSSValue', 'CSS::DOM::Value::Primitive' => 'CSSPrimitiveValue', 'CSS::DOM::Value::List' => 'CSSValueList', 'CSS::DOM::Counter' => 'Counter', StyleSheetList => { _hash => 0, _array => 1, length => NUM | READONLY, item => METHOD | OBJ, }, MediaList => { _hash => 0, _array => 1, mediaText => STR, length => NUM | READONLY, item => METHOD | STR, deleteMedium => METHOD | VOID, appendMedium => METHOD | VOID, }, CSSRuleList => { _hash => 0, _array => 1, length => NUM | READONLY, item => METHOD | OBJ, }, CSSRule => { _hash => 0, _array => 0, _constants => [qw[ CSS::DOM::Rule::UNKNOWN_RULE CSS::DOM::Rule::STYLE_RULE CSS::DOM::Rule::CHARSET_RULE CSS::DOM::Rule::IMPORT_RULE CSS::DOM::Rule::MEDIA_RULE CSS::DOM::Rule::FONT_FACE_RULE CSS::DOM::Rule::PAGE_RULE ]], type => NUM | READONLY, cssText => STR, parentStyleSheet => OBJ | READONLY, parentRule => OBJ | READONLY, }, CSSStyleRule => { _isa => 'CSSRule', _hash => 0, _array => 0, selectorText => STR, style => OBJ | READONLY, }, CSSMediaRule => { _isa => 'CSSRule', _hash => 0, _array => 0, media => OBJ | READONLY, cssRules => OBJ | READONLY, insertRule => METHOD | NUM, deleteRule => METHOD | VOID, }, CSSFontFaceRule => { _isa => 'CSSRule', _hash => 0, _array => 0, style => OBJ | READONLY, }, CSSPageRule => { _isa => 'CSSRule', _hash => 0, _array => 0, selectorText => STR, style => OBJ | READONLY, }, CSSImportRule => { _isa => 'CSSRule', _hash => 0, _array => 0, href => STR | READONLY, media => OBJ | READONLY, styleSheet => OBJ | READONLY, }, CSSCharsetRule => { _isa => 'CSSRule', _hash => 0, _array => 0, encoding => STR, }, CSSStyleDeclaration => { _hash => 0, _array => 1, cssText => STR, getPropertyValue => METHOD | STR, getPropertyCSSValue => METHOD | OBJ, removeProperty => METHOD | STR, getPropertyPriority => METHOD | STR, setProperty => METHOD | VOID, length => NUM | READONLY, item => METHOD | STR, parentRule => OBJ | READONLY, azimuth => STR, background => STR, backgroundAttachment => STR, backgroundColor => STR, backgroundImage => STR, backgroundPosition => STR, backgroundRepeat => STR, border => STR, borderCollapse => STR, borderColor => STR, borderSpacing => STR, borderStyle => STR, borderTop => STR, borderRight => STR, borderBottom => STR, borderLeft => STR, borderTopColor => STR, borderRightColor => STR, borderBottomColor => STR, borderLeftColor => STR, borderTopStyle => STR, borderRightStyle => STR, borderBottomStyle => STR, borderLeftStyle => STR, borderTopWidth => STR, borderRightWidth => STR, borderBottomWidth => STR, borderLeftWidth => STR, borderWidth => STR, bottom => STR, captionSide => STR, clear => STR, clip => STR, color => STR, content => STR, counterIncrement => STR, counterReset => STR, cue => STR, cueAfter => STR, cueBefore => STR, cursor => STR, direction => STR, display => STR, elevation => STR, emptyCells => STR, cssFloat => STR, font => STR, fontFamily => STR, fontSize => STR, fontSizeAdjust => STR, fontStretch => STR, fontStyle => STR, fontVariant => STR, fontWeight => STR, height => STR, left => STR, letterSpacing => STR, lineHeight => STR, listStyle => STR, listStyleImage => STR, listStylePosition => STR, listStyleType => STR, margin => STR, marginTop => STR, marginRight => STR, marginBottom => STR, marginLeft => STR, markerOffset => STR, marks => STR, maxHeight => STR, maxWidth => STR, minHeight => STR, minWidth => STR, opacity => STR, orphans => STR, outline => STR, outlineColor => STR, outlineStyle => STR, outlineWidth => STR, overflow => STR, padding => STR, paddingTop => STR, paddingRight => STR, paddingBottom => STR, paddingLeft => STR, page => STR, pageBreakAfter => STR, pageBreakBefore => STR, pageBreakInside => STR, pause => STR, pauseAfter => STR, pauseBefore => STR, pitch => STR, pitchRange => STR, playDuring => STR, position => STR, quotes => STR, richness => STR, right => STR, size => STR, speak => STR, speakHeader => STR, speakNumeral => STR, speakPunctuation => STR, speechRate => STR, stress => STR, tableLayout => STR, textAlign => STR, textDecoration => STR, textIndent => STR, textShadow => STR, textTransform => STR, top => STR, unicodeBidi => STR, verticalAlign => STR, visibility => STR, voiceFamily => STR, volume => STR, whiteSpace => STR, widows => STR, width => STR, wordSpacing => STR, zIndex => STR, }, CSSValue => { _hash => 0, _array => 0, _constants => [qw[ CSS::DOM::Value::CSS_INHERIT CSS::DOM::Value::CSS_PRIMITIVE_VALUE CSS::DOM::Value::CSS_VALUE_LIST CSS::DOM::Value::CSS_CUSTOM ]], cssText => STR, cssValueType => NUM | READONLY, }, CSSPrimitiveValue => { _isa => 'CSSValue', _hash => 0, _array => 0, _constants => [qw[ CSS::DOM::Value::Primitive::CSS_UNKNOWN CSS::DOM::Value::Primitive::CSS_NUMBER CSS::DOM::Value::Primitive::CSS_PERCENTAGE CSS::DOM::Value::Primitive::CSS_EMS CSS::DOM::Value::Primitive::CSS_EXS CSS::DOM::Value::Primitive::CSS_PX CSS::DOM::Value::Primitive::CSS_CM CSS::DOM::Value::Primitive::CSS_MM CSS::DOM::Value::Primitive::CSS_IN CSS::DOM::Value::Primitive::CSS_PT CSS::DOM::Value::Primitive::CSS_PC CSS::DOM::Value::Primitive::CSS_DEG CSS::DOM::Value::Primitive::CSS_RAD CSS::DOM::Value::Primitive::CSS_GRAD CSS::DOM::Value::Primitive::CSS_MS CSS::DOM::Value::Primitive::CSS_S CSS::DOM::Value::Primitive::CSS_HZ CSS::DOM::Value::Primitive::CSS_KHZ CSS::DOM::Value::Primitive::CSS_DIMENSION CSS::DOM::Value::Primitive::CSS_STRING CSS::DOM::Value::Primitive::CSS_URI CSS::DOM::Value::Primitive::CSS_IDENT CSS::DOM::Value::Primitive::CSS_ATTR CSS::DOM::Value::Primitive::CSS_COUNTER CSS::DOM::Value::Primitive::CSS_RECT CSS::DOM::Value::Primitive::CSS_RGBCOLOR ]], primitiveType => NUM | READONLY, setFloatValue => METHOD | VOID, getFloatValue => METHOD | NUM, setStringValue => METHOD | VOID, getStringValue => METHOD | STR, # getCounterValue => METHOD | OBJ, # getRectValue => METHOD | OBJ, # getRGBColorValue => METHOD | OBJ, red => OBJ | READONLY, green => OBJ | READONLY, blue => OBJ | READONLY, alpha => OBJ | READONLY, top => OBJ | READONLY, right => OBJ | READONLY, bottom => OBJ | READONLY, left => OBJ | READONLY, }, CSSValueList => { _isa => 'CSSValue', _hash => 0, _array => 1, length => NUM | READONLY, item => METHOD | OBJ, }, # Counter => { # _hash => 0, # _array => 0, # identifier => STR | READONLY, # listStyle => STR | READONLY, # separator => STR | READONLY, # }, CSSStyleSheet => { type => STR | READONLY, _hash => 0, _array => 0, disabled => BOOL, ownerNode => OBJ | READONLY, parentStyleSheet => OBJ | READONLY, href => STR | READONLY, title => STR | READONLY, media => OBJ | READONLY, ownerRule => OBJ | READONLY, cssRules => OBJ | READONLY, insertRule => METHOD | NUM, deleteRule => METHOD | VOID, }, ); __END__