oracular (3) Catmandu::Fix::include.3pm.gz

Catmandu::Fix::include - include fixes from another file
include('/path/to/myfixes.txt') include('fixes/*.fix')
path is relative to a Catmandu load path #1. a catmandu load path is a directory where a catmandu configuration file can be found #2. as there are multiple load paths, it will loop through all the path, and include the first file it can find #3. in catmandu, the default_load_path is either # 3.1. the directory of the running script # 3.2. the parent directory of the running script if the directory is 'bin' #use default load_path #called from script "/opt/catmandu-project/fix.pl" #default_load_path: /opt/catmandu-project #file must be located at "/opt/catmandu-project/fixes/myfixes.txt" Catmandu->fixer("include('fixes/myfixes.txt')"); #use default load_path #called from script "/opt/catmandu-project/bin/fix.pl" #default_load_path: /opt/catmandu-project (notice the absence of 'bin') #file must be located at "/opt/catmandu-project/fixes/myfixes.txt" Catmandu->fixer("include('fixes/myfixes.txt')"); #load fixes, located at /opt/catmandu-project/fixes/myfixes.txt Catmandu->load("/opt/catmandu-project"); Catmandu->fixer("include('fixes/myfixes.txt')"); #look for 'fixes/myfixes.txt' in /opt/catmandu-project2, and if that fails in /opt/catmandu-project-1 Catmandu->load("/opt/catmandu-project2","/opt/catmandu-project-1"); Catmandu->fixer("include('fixes/myfixes.txt')"); #if "/opt/catmandu-project/fixes/myfixes2.txt" does not exists, the fix will fail Catmandu->load("/opt/catmandu-project"); Catmandu->fixer("include('fixes/myfixes2.txt)"); circular references are not detected if the 'include' is enclosed within an if-statement, the fixes are inserted in the control structure, but only executed if the if-statement evaluates to 'true'. #the fixes in the file 'add_address_fields.txt' are only executed when field 'name' has content, #but, the fixes are included in the control structure. if all_match('name','.+') include('add_address_fields.txt') end