oracular (3) Chart::Gnuplot.3pm.gz

Provided by: libchart-gnuplot-perl_0.23-2_all bug


       Chart::Gnuplot - Plot graph using Gnuplot in Perl on the fly


           use Chart::Gnuplot;

           # Data
           my @x = (-10 .. 10);
           my @y = (0 .. 20);

           # Create chart object and specify the properties of the chart
           my $chart = Chart::Gnuplot->new(
               output => "fig/simple.png",
               title  => "Simple testing",
               xlabel => "My x-axis label",
               ylabel => "My y-axis label",

           # Create dataset object and specify the properties of the dataset
           my $dataSet = Chart::Gnuplot::DataSet->new(
               xdata => \@x,
               ydata => \@y,
               title => "Plotting a line from Perl arrays",
               style => "linespoints",

           # Plot the data set on the chart


           # Plot many data sets on a single chart
           $chart->plot2d($dataSet1, $dataSet2, ...);


       This Perl module is to plot graphs uning GNUPLOT on the fly. In order to use this module, gnuplot need to
       be installed. If image format other than PS and EPS is required to generate, it is recommended to install
       the convert program of ImageMagick as well. Please refer to "MECHANISM OF THIS MODULE" for details.

       To plot chart using Chart::Gnuplot, a chart object and at least one dataset object are required.
       Information about the chart such as output file, chart title, axes labels and so on is specified in the
       chart object.  Dataset object contains information about the dataset to be plotted, including source of
       the data points, dataset label, color used to plot and more.

       After chart object and dataset object(s) are created, the chart can be plotted using the plot2d, plot3d
       or multiplot method of the chart object, e.g.

           # $chart is the chart object
           $chart->plot2d($dataSet1, $dataSet2, ...);

       To illustate the features of Chart::Gnuplot, the best way is to show by examples. A lot of examples can
       be found in SourceForge <http://chartgnuplot.sourceforge.net>.


       Casual users may skip this session.

       When the plotting method (e.g. plot2d) is called, Chart::Gnuplot would generate a Gnuplot script based on
       the information in the chart object and dataset object. Then it would call the Gnuplot program. Unless
       specified explicitly in terminal of the Chart object, Chart::Gnuplot would by default generate the image
       in PS format first and then convert the image (by ImageMagick) based on the extension of the filename.
       The rationale of this approach is that the postscript terminal is so far the best developed teriminal and
       so this would let users to enjoy the power of Gnuplot as much as possible.

       Because the default terminal is postscript, if ImageMagick is not installed, you would always need to
       specify the terminal if the output format is not PS (or EPS).

       On the other hand, for some image formats, e.g. mousing supported SVG, which ImageMagick cannot be
       converted to, the terminal must be set explicitly (e.g., "svg mousing" in this case).


       The chart object can be initiated by the c<new> method. Properties of the chart may be specified
       optionally when the object is initiated:

           my $chart = Chart::Gnuplot->new(%options);

   Chart Options

       Output file of the graph. E.g.

           output => "fig/chart.png",

       By default, the image format is detected automatically by the extension of the filename. (Please refer to
       "MECHANISM OF THIS MODULE" for details). However, it can also be changed manually by the terminal option
       or the format conversion methods such as convert and png.

       Some of image formats that can be detected automatically are:

           bmp  : Microsoft Windows bitmap
           epdf : Encapsulated Portable Document Format
           epi  : Encapsulated PostScript Interchange format
           eps  : Encapsulated PostScript
           gif  : Graphics Interchange Format
           jpg  : Joint Photographic Experts Group JFIF format
           pdf  : Portable Document Format
           png  : Portable Network Graphics
           ppm  : Portable Pixmap Format
           ps   : PostScript file
           psd  : Adobe Photoshop bitmap file
           xpm  : X Windows system pixmap

       If the filename has no extension, postscipt format will be output.


       Title of the chart. E.g.,

           title => "Chart title"

       Properties of the chart title can be specified in hash. E.g.,

           title => {
               text => "Chart title",
               font => "arial, 20",

       Supported properties are:

           text     : title in plain text
           font     : font face (and optionally font size)
           color    : font color
           offset   : offset relative to the default position
           enhanced : title contains subscript/superscipt/greek? (on/off)

       Default values would be used for properties not specified. These properties has no effect on the main
       title of the multi-chart (see multiplot).

       xlabel, ylabel, zlabel

       Label of the x-axis, y-axis and z-axis. E.g.

           xlabel => "Bottom axis label"

       Properties of the axis label can be specified in hash, similar to the chart title. Supported properties

           text     : title in plain text
           font     : font face (and optionally font size)
           color    : font color
           offset   : offset relative to the default position
           rotate   : rotation in degrees
           enhanced : title contains subscript/superscipt/greek? (on/off)

       x2label, y2label

       Label of the secondary x-axis (displayed on the top of the graph) and the secondary y-axis (displayed on
       the right of the graph). See xlabel.

       xrange, yrange, zrange

       Range of the x-axis, y-axis and z-axis in the plot, e.g.

           xrange => [0, "pi"]

       would make the plot from x = 0 to x = 3.14159...

       x2range, y2range

       Range of the secondary (top horizontal and right vertical) axes of the plot.  See "xrange, yrange,

       trange, urange, vrange

       Range of the parametric parameter (t for 2D plots, while u and v for 3D plots).  See "xrange, yrange,

       xtics, ytics, ztics

       The tics and tic label on the x-axis, y-axis and z-axis. E.g.

          xtics => {
             labels   => [-10, 15, 20, 25],
             labelfmt => "%3f",

       If you set this to "undef". E.g.,

           xtics => undef

       Then this option will be explicitly unset and the chart will have not have tic marks on the specified

       Supported properties are:

           labels    : the locations of the tic labels
           start     : the starting value for manually-specified range
               incr      : the increment for manually-specified range
               end       : the ending value for manually-specified range
           labelfmt  : format of the labels
           font      : font of the labels
           fontsize  : font size of the lebals
           fontcolor : font color of the label
           offset    : position of the tic labels shifted from its default
           rotate    : rotation of the tic labels
           length    : length of the tics
           along     : where the tics are put (axis/border)
           minor     : number of minor tics between adjacant major tics
           mirror    : turn on and off the tic label of the secondary axis. No effect
                     : for C<ztics> (on/off)

       x2tics, y2tics

       The tics and tic label of the secondary axes. See "xtics, ytics, ztics".


       Legend describing the plots. Supported properties are:

           position : position of the legend
           width    : number of character widths to be added or subtracted to the
                    : region of the legend
           height   : number of character heights to be added or subtracted to the
                    : region of the legend
           align    : alignment of the text label. Left or right (default)
           order    : order of the keys
           title    : title of the legend
           sample   : format of the sample lines
           border   : border of the legend

       See border for the available options of border


           legend => {
              position => "outside bottom",
              width    => 3,
              height   => 4,
              align    => "right",
              order    => "horizontal reverse",
              title    => "Title of the legend",
              sample   => {
                  length   => 3,
                  position => "left",
                  spacing  => 2,
              border   => {
                  linetype => 2,
                  width    => 1,
                  color    => "blue",


       Specify the axes of which the tic labels are date/time string. Possible values are combinations of "x",
       "y", "x2", and "y2" joined by ",". E.g.

           timeaxis => "x, y2"

       means that the x-axis and y2-axis are data/time axes.


       Border of the graph. Properties supported are:

           sides    : sides on which border is displayed
           linetype : line type
           width    : line width
           color    : line coler


           border => {
               sides    => "bottom, left",
               linetype => 3,
               width    => 2,
               color    => '#ff00ff',

       "sides" tells which side(s) will be displayed. Default is all four borders for 2D plots, and four bottom
       and left vertial borders for 3D plots. Acceptable valurs are the 12-bit code (see the Gnuplot manual) or
       the following names:

           bottom left front
           bottom left back
           bottom right front
           bottom right back
           left vertical
           right vertical
           front vertical
           back vertical
           top left front
           top left back
           top right front
           top right back

       If you set this to "undef". E.g.,

           border => undef

       Then this option will be explicitly unset and the chart will have not have any border.


       Major grid lines. E.g.

           grid => {
               linetype => 'dash',
               width    => 2,

       Supported properties are:

           linetype : line type of the grid lines (default: dot)
           width    : line width (defaulr: 0)
           color    : line color (default: black)
           xlines   : whether the vertical grid lines are drawn (on/off)
           ylines   : whether the horizontal grid lines are drawn (on/off)

       tmargin, bmargin

       Top and bottom margin (in character height). This option has no effect in 3D plots. E.g.

           tmargin => 10

       lmargin, rmargin

       Left amd right margin (in character width). This option has no effect in 3D plots. See "tmargin,


       Orientation of the image. Possible values are "lanscape" (default) and "portrait". E.g.

           orient => "portrait"


       Size (length and height) of the image relative to the default. E.g.

           imagesize => "0.8, 0.5"


       Size of the plot relative to the chart size. This is useful in some multi-plot such as inset chart. E.g.

           size => "0.5, 0.4"


       Origin of the chart. This is useful in some multi-plot such as inset chart.  E.g.

           origin => "0.1, 0.5"


       Time stamp of the plot. To place the time stamp with default setting,

           timestamp => 'on'

       Properties of the time stamp (such as date-time format) can also be set, e.g.

           timestamp => {
              fmt    => '%d/%m/%y %H:%M',
              offset => "10,-3",
              font   => "Helvetica",

       Supported properties are:

           fmt    : date-time format
           offset : offset relative to the default position
           font   : font face (and optionally font size)


       Background color of the chart. This option has no effect in the sub-chart of multiplot. E.g. to give the
       chart a yellow background,

           bg => "yellow"

       Properties can be specified in hash. E.g.,

           bg => {
               color   => "yellow",
               density => 0.2,

       Supported properties are:

           color   : color (name ot RRGGBB value)
           density : density of the coloring


       Background color of the plot area. This option has no effect in 3D plots. See bg for supported


       The path of Gnuplot executable. This option is useful if you are using Windows or have multiple versions
       of Gnuplot installed. E.g.,

           gnuplot => "C:\Program Files\...\gnuplot\bin\wgnuplot.exe"   # for Windows


       The path of convert executable of ImageMagick. This option is useful if you have multiple convert


       The terminal driver that Gnuplot uses. E.g.,

           terminal => 'svg mousing'

       The default value is "postscript enhanced color". Terminal is not necessarily related to the output image
       format. E.g., you may use gif terminal and then convert the image format to jpg by the convert() method.

   Chart Options Not Mentioned Above
       If Chart::Gnuplot encounters options not mentions above, it would convert them to Gnuplot set statements.
       E.g. if the chart object is

           $chart = Chart::Gnuplot->new(
               foo => "FOO",

       the generated Gnuplot statements would be:

           set foo FOO

       This mechanism lets Chart::Gnuplot support many features not mentioned above (such as "cbrange",
       "samples", "view" and so on).

   Chart Methods

           my $chart = Chart::Gnuplot->new(%options);

       Constructor of the chart object. If no option is specified, default values would be used. See "Chart
       Options" for available options.


       General set methods for arbitrary number of options.



           $chart->set(view => '30,60');

       will be translated to the Gnuplot statement

           set view 30,60



       Plot the data sets in a 2D chart. Each dataset is represented by a dataset object.



       Plot the data sets in a 3D chart. Each dataset is represented by a dataset object.



       Plot multiple charts in the same image.


       Create animated gif. E.g.

           # Create (main) chart object
           my $chart = Chart::Gnuplot->new(
               output => "animate.gif",

           # Add frames to the (main) chart object
           my $T = 30; # number of frames
           my @c;
           for (my $i = 0; $i < $T; $i++)
               $c[$i] = Chart::Gnuplot->new(xlabel => 'x');
               my $ds = Chart::Gnuplot::DataSet->new(
                   func => "sin($i*2*pi/$T + x)",

           # Create animation
               charts => \@c,
               delay  => 10,   # delay 0.1 sec between successive images

       Supported properties are:

           charts : chart sequence used to create the animation
           delay  : delay (in units of 0.01 second) between successive images, default
                  : value is 5

       See add2d and add3d.


       Add a 2D dataset to a chart without plotting it out immediately. Used with "multiplot" or "animate".


       Add a 3D dataset to a chart without plotting it out immediately. Used with "multiplot" or "animate".


       Add an arbitrary text label. e.g.,

               text       => "This is a label",
               position   => "0.2, 3 left",
               offset     => "2,2",
               rotate     => 45,
               font       => "arial, 15",
               fontcolor  => "dark-blue",
               pointtype  => 3,
               pointsize  => 5,
               pointcolor => "blue",

       Supported properties are:

           text       : label text
           position   : position of the label
           offset     : offset relative to the default position
           rotate     : rotation in degrees
           font       : font face (and optionally font size)
           fontcolor  : color of the text
           pointtype  : point type
           pointsize  : point size
           pointcolor : point color


       Draw arbitrary arrow. e.g.,

               from     => "0,2",
               to       => "0.3,0.1",
               linetype => 'dash',
               width    => 2,
               color    => "dark-blue",
               head     => {
                   size  => 2,
                   angle => 30,

       Supported properties are:

           from     : starting position
           to       : ending position (position of the arrow head)
           rto      : ending position relative to the starting position
           linetype : line type
           width    : line width
           color    : color
           head     : arrow head

       Supported properties of the arrow head are:

           size      : size of the head
           angle     : angle (in degree) between the arrow and the head branch
           direction : head direction ('back', 'both' or 'off')


       Draw arbitrary straight line. e.g.,

               from     => "0,2",
               to       => "0.3,0.1",
               linetype => 'dash',
               width    => 2,
               color    => "dark-blue",

       Supported properties are:

           from     : starting position
           to       : ending position (position of the arrow head)
           rto      : ending position relative to the starting position
           linetype : line type
           width    : line width
           color    : color


       Draw arbitrary rectangle. e.g.,

               from => "screen 0.2, screen 0.2",
               to   => "screen 0.4, screen 0.4",
               fill => {
                   density => 0.2,
                   color   => "#11ff11",
               border    => {color => "blue"},
               linewidth => 3,
               layer     => 'front',
               index     => 1,

       Most properties of a rectangle can be classified into location, dimension, filling and border. Location
       and dimension of the rectangle can be specified by "from" and "to", or "from" and "rto", or "at", "width"
       and "height".  Filling can be specified by "color" and "density", or "pattern". Border has only one
       property "color" so far. Besides, "linewidth" controls the line width of the border as well as the
       filling pattern. The layer that the rectangle is drawn is set by "layer". The "index" is a tag of the
       rectangle, which usually can be omitted.


       Draw arbitrary ellipse. e.g.,

               at     => "screen 0.2, screen 0.2",
               width  => 0.2,
               height => 0.5
               fill   => {pattern => 2},
               border => {color => "blue"},

       The properties of "ellipse" is the same as those of rectangle, except that its location and dimension
       must be set by "at", "width" and "height".


       Draw arbitrary circle. e.g.,

               at    => "screen 0.2, screen 0.2",
               size  => 0.5
               fill  => {pattern => 2},
               layer => 'behind',

       The properties of "circle" is the same as those of rectangle, except that its location and dimension must
       be set by "at", "width" and "height".


       Draw arbitrary polygon. e.g.,

               vertices => [
                   " 0,  0.2",
                   "-2, -0.2",
                   {to  => "2, -0.3"},
                   {rto => "0, 0.3"},
               fill   => {pattern => 2},
               border => {color => "blue"},

       The location and dimension of the polygon are specified by an array of "vertices". Except "border",
       "pattern" of "fill", "index" and "layer", other properties of rectangle is not supported.


       Copy the chart object. This method is especially useful when you want to copy a chart with highly
       customized format. E.g.

           my $chart = Chart::Gnuplot->new(

           # $copy is a copy of $chart
           my $copy = $chart->copy;

       You may also make multiple copies . E.g.

           my @copies = $chart->copy(10);  # make 10 copies


       Convert the image format by ImageMagick, e.g.




       Change the image format to PNG.



       Change the image format to GIF.



       Change the image format to JPEG.



       Change the image format to postscript.



       Change the image format to PDF.



       Add a gnuplot command. This method is useful for the Gnuplot features that have not yet implemented.


       Add a list of gnuplot commands.


       Execute Gnuplot. Normally users do not need to call this method directly because this method would be
       called automatically by other methods such as plot2d, multiplot and animate.


       The dataset object can be initiated by the "new" method. Properties of the dataset may be specified
       optionally when the object is initiated:

           my $dataset = Chart::Gnuplot::DataSet->new(%options);

       The data source of the dataset can be specified by either one of the following ways:

       1. Arrays of x values, y values and z values (in 3D plots) of the data points.
       2. Array of data points. Each point is specified as an array of x, y, z coordinates
       3. Data file.
       4. Mathematical expression (for a function).

   Dataset Options
       xdata, ydata, zdata

       The x, y, z values of the data points. E.g.

           xdata => \@x

       If "xdata" is omitted but "ydata" is defined, the integer index starting from 0 would be used for


       Data point matrix of the format [[x1,y1], [x2,y2], [x3,y3], ...]

           points => \@points


       Input data file

           datafile => $file

       The data files are assumed to be space-separated, with each row corresponding to one data point. Lines
       beginning with "#" are considered as comments and would be ignored. Other formats are not supported at
       this moment.


       Mathematical function to be plotted. E.g.

           func => "sin(x)*x**3"

       Supported functions:

           abs(x)       : absolute value
           acos(x)      : inverse cosine
           acosh(x)     : inverse hyperbolic cosine
           arg(x)       : complex argument
           asin(x)      : inverse sine
           asinh(x)     : inverse hyperbolic sine
           atan(x)      : inverse tangent
           atanh(x)     : inverse hyperbolic tangent
           besj0(x)     : zeroth order Bessel function of the first kind
           besj1(x)     : first order Bessel function of the first kind
           besy0(x)     : zeroth order Bessel function of the second kind
           besy1(x)     : first order Bessel function of the second kind
           ceil(x)      : ceiling function
           cos(x)       : cosine
           cosh(x)      : hyperbolic cosine
           erf(x)       : error function
           erfc(x)      : complementary error function
           exp(x)       : expontial function
           floor(x)     : floor function
           gamma(x)     : gamma function
           ibeta(a,b,x) : incomplete beta function
           inverf(x)    : inverse error function
           igamma(a,x)  : incomplete gamma function
           imag(x)      : imaginary part
           invnorm(x)   : inverse normal distribution function
           int(x)       : integer part
           lambertw(x)  : Lambert W function
           lgamma(x)    : log gamma function
           log(x)       : natural logarithm
           log10(x)     : common logarithm
           norm(x)      : normal distribution function
           rand(x)      : pseudo random number
           real(x)      : real part
           sgn(x)       : sign function
           sin(x)       : sine
           sinh(x)      : hyperbolic sine
           sqrt(x)      : square root
           tan(x)       : tangent
           tanh(x)      : hyperbolic tangent

       Please see the Gnuplot manual for updated information.

       Supported mathematical constants:

           pi : the circular constant 3.14159...

       Supported arithmetic operators:

           addition           : +
           division           : /
           exponentiation     : **
           factorial          : !
           modulo             : %
           multiplication     : *
           subtraction        : -, e.g., 1-2
           unary minus        : -, e.g., -1

       Supported logical operations:

           and                      : &&
           complement               : ~
           equality                 : ==
           greater than             : >
           greater than or equal to : >=
           inequality               : !=
           less than                : <
           less than or equal to    : <=
           negation                 : !
           or                       : ||
           if ... than else ...     : ?:, e.g., a ? b : c

       Parametric functions may be represented as hash. E.g.

           func => {x => 'sin(t)', y => 'cos(t)'}

       will draw a circle.


       Title of the dataset (shown in the legend).


       The plotting style for the dataset, including

           lines          : join adjacent points by straight lines
           points         : mark each points by a symbol
           linespoints    : both "lines" and "points"
           dots           : dot each points. Useful for large datasets
           impluses       : draw a vertical line from the x-axis to each point
           steps          : join adjacent points by steps
           boxes          : draw a centered box from the x-axis to each point
           xerrorbars     : "dots" with horizontal error bars
           yerrorbars     : "dots" with vertical error bars
           xyerrorbars    : both "xerrorbars" and "yerrorbars"
           xerrorlines    : "linespoints" with horizontal error bars
           yerrorlines    : "linespoints" with vertical error bars
           xyerrorlines   : both "xerrorlines" and "yerrorlines"
           boxerrorbars   : "boxes" with "yerrorbars"
           boxxyerrorbars : use rectangles to represent the data with errors
           financebars    : finance bars for open, high, low and close price
           candlesticks   : candle sticks for open, high, low and close price
           hbars          : horizontal bars (experimental)
           hlines         : horizontal lines (experimental)
           vectors        : arrows
           circles        : circles, for say, bubble charts
           histograms     : for plotting histograms

       "hbars" and "hlines" are available only if the data is input from "points" or "(x,y)data".


       Color of the dataset in the plot. Can be a named color or RBG (#RRGGBB) value.  The supported color names
       can be found in the file doc/colors.txt in the distribution. E.g.

           color => "#99ccff"

       is equivalent to

           color => "dark-red"


       Line width used in the plot. The default width is 1.


       Line type. Can be an integer or line type name. The supported line type names can be found in the file
       doc/linetypes.txt in the distribution. E.g.

           linetype => 3

       is equivalent to

           linetype => 'dash'

       Note: the line type may not be displayed as the name if "terminal" is set and is not postscript.


       Point type. Can be an integer or point type name. The supported point type names can be found in the file
       doc/pointtypes.txt in the distribution. E.g.

           pointtype => 64

       is equivalent to

           pointtype => 'square'

       Note: the point type may not be displayed as the name if "terminal" is set and is not postscript.


       Point size of the plot. E.g.

           pointsize => 3

       The default point size is 1.


       Filling the boxes. Has effect only on plotting styles with boxes, such as "boxes", "boxxyerrorbars" and
       "financebars". To fill with pattern,

           fill => {
               pattern => 1,

       "pattern" may be an interger from 0 (no filling) to 7.

       To fill with solid,

           fill => {
               color   => '#33bb33',
               density => 0.2,

       "color" may be named color or RGB (#RRGGBB). "density" may be a real number from 0 (empty) to 1.


       Border of the boxes. Has effect only on plotting styles with boxes and if "fill" is set. "color" (either
       named color or RGB) is the only supported property. E.g.

           border => {
               color => 'blue',


       Axes used in the plot. Possible values are "x1y1", "x1y2", "x2y1" and "x2y2".


       Time format of the input data. The valid format are:

           %d : day of the month, 1-31
           %m : month of the year, 1-12
           %y : year, 2-digit, 0-99
           %Y : year, 4-digit
           %j : day of the year, 1-365
           %H : hour, 0-24
           %M : minute, 0-60
           %s : seconds since the Unix epoch (1970-01-01 00:00 UTC)
           %S : second, 0-60
           %b : name of the month, 3-character abbreviation
           %B : name of the month


       The smooth method used in plotting data points. Supported methods include cubic splines (csplines),
       Bezier curve (bezier) and other. Please see Gnuplot manual for details.


       The "using" keyword of Gnuplot.


       The "every" keyword of Gnuplot. Has effect only if the data is input from "datafile".


       The "index" keyword of Gnuplot. Has effect only if the data is input from "datafile".

   Dataset Methods

           my $dataset = Chart::Gnuplot::DataSet->new(%options);

       Constructor of the dataset object. If no option is specified, default values would be used. See "Dataset
       Options" for available options.


       Copy the dataset object. This method is especially useful when you want to copy a dataset with highly
       customized format. E.g.

           my $dataset = Chart::Gnuplot::DataSet->new(

           # $copy and $dataset will have the same format and contain the same data
           my $copy = $dataset->copy;

       You may also make multiple copies . E.g.

           my @copies = $dataset->copy(10);  # make 10 copies


       Some simple examples are shown below. Many more come with the distribution.

       1. Plot a mathematical expression
               my $chart = Chart::Gnuplot->new(
                   output => "expression.png"

               my $dataSet = Chart::Gnuplot::DataSet->new(
                   func => "sin(x)"


       2. Plot from two Perl arrays, one for the x-axis data and the other the y-axis.
               my $chart = Chart::Gnuplot->new(
                   output => "arrays.png"

               my $dataSet = Chart::Gnuplot::DataSet->new(
                   xdata => \@x,
                   ydata => \@y,


       3. Plot x-y pairs
               # Data
               my @xy = (
                   [1.1, -3],
                   [1.2, -2],
                   [3.5,  0],

               my $chart = Chart::Gnuplot->new(
                   output => "points.png"

               my $dataSet = Chart::Gnuplot::DataSet->new(
                   points => \@xy


       4. Plot data from a data file
               my $chart = Chart::Gnuplot->new(
                   output => "file.png"

               my $dataSet = Chart::Gnuplot::DataSet->new(
                   datafile => "in.dat"


       5. Chart title, axis label and legend
               # Chart object
               my $chart = Chart::Gnuplot->new(
                   output => "trigonometric.gif",
                   title  => "Three basic trigonometric functions",
                   xlabel => "angle in radian",
                   ylabel => "function value"

               # Data set objects
               my $sine = Chart::Gnuplot::DataSet->new(
                   func  => "sin(x)",
                   title => "sine function"
               my $cosine = Chart::Gnuplot::DataSet->new(
                   func  => "cos(x)",
                   title => "cosine function"
               my $tangent = Chart::Gnuplot::DataSet->new(
                   func  => "tan(x)",
                   title => "tangent function"

               $chart->plot2d($sine, $cosine, $tangent);

       6. Title in non-English characters (Thanks to WOLfgang Schricker)
               use Encode;

               my $title = ...   # Title with German umlauts
               $title = decode("utf8", $title);

                   encoding => 'iso-8859-1',
                   title    => $title,

       7. Plot a financial time series
               my $chart = Chart::Gnuplot->new(
                   output   => "dj.ps",
                   title    => "Dow-Jones Index time series",
                   timeaxis => 'x',
                   xtics    => {
                       labelfmt => '%b%y',

               my $dow = Chart::Gnuplot::DataSet->new(
                   file    => "dj.dat",
                   timefmt => '%Y-%m-%d',      # time format of the input data
                   style   => "candlesticks",
                   grid    => 'on',


       8. Plot several graphs on the same image
               my $chart = Chart::Gnuplot->new(
                   output => "multiplot.gif",

               my $left = Chart::Gnuplot->new();
               my $sine = Chart::Gnuplot::DataSet->new(
                   func  => "sin(x)",

               my $center = Chart::Gnuplot->new();
               my $cosine = Chart::Gnuplot::DataSet->new(
                   func  => "cos(x)",

               my $right = Chart::Gnuplot->new();
               my $tangent = Chart::Gnuplot::DataSet->new(
                   func  => "tan(x)",

               # Place the Chart::Gnuplot objects in matrix to indicate their locations
                   [$left, $center, $right]


       1. Improve the manual.
       2. Add curve fitting method.
       3. Improve the testsuite.
       4. Reduce number of temporary files generated.


       Carp, File::Copy, File::Temp, Storable

       Gnuplot <http://www.gnuplot.info>

       ImageMagick <http://www.imagemagick.org> (for full feature)


       Gnuplot official website <http://www.gnuplot.info>


       Ka-Wai Mak <kwmak@cpan.org>

       Copyright (c) 2008-2011, 2013-2015 Ka-Wai Mak. All rights reserved.


       This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl