oracular (3) Config::Model::models::LCDd::imonlcd.3pm.gz

Config::Model::models::LCDd::imonlcd - Configuration class LCDd::imonlcd
Configuration classes used by Config::Model generated from LCDd.conf
Backlight Set the backlight state Optional. Type boolean. upstream_default value : on Contrast Select the displays contrast Optional. Type integer. upstream_default value : 200 Device Select the output device to use Optional. Type uniline. upstream_default value : /dev/lcd0 Note: Device is computed with '"my $l = '/dev/lcd-imon'; -e $l ? $l : '/dev/lcd0';"' and with: • DiscMode Set the disc mode 0 => spin the "slim" disc - two disc segments, 1 => their complement spinning; Optional. Type enum. choice: '0', '1'. upstream_default value : 0 OnExit Set the exit behavior 0 means leave shutdown message, 1 means show the big clock, 2 means blank device. Optional. Type integer. upstream_default value : 1 Protocol Specify which iMon protocol should be used Choose 0 for 15c2:ffdc device, Choose 1 for 15c2:0038 device. Optional. Type enum. choice: '0', '1'. upstream_default value : 0 Note: Protocol is computed with '" `lsusb -d 15c2:` =~ /:0038/ ;"' and with: • Size Specify the size of the display in pixels Optional. Type uniline. upstream_default value : 96x16
• cme