oracular (3) Convert::UUlib.3pm.gz

Provided by: libconvert-uulib-perl_1.8+dfsg-1build3_amd64 bug


       Convert::UUlib - decode uu/xx/b64/mime/yenc/etc-encoded data from a massive number of files


        use Convert::UUlib ':all';

        # read all the files named on the commandline and decode them
        # into the CURRENT directory. See below for a longer example.
        LoadFile $_ for @ARGV;

        for my $uu (GetFileList) {
           if ($uu->state & FILE_OK) {
             print $uu->filename, "\n";


       This module started as an interface to the uulib/uudeview library by Frank Pilhofer that can be used to
       decode all kinds of usenet (and other) binary messages.

       After upstream abondoned the project, the library was continuously bugfixed and improved in this module,
       with major focuses on security fixes, correctness and speed (that does not mean that this library is
       considered safe with untrusted data, but it surely is safer than the original uudeview).

       Read the file doc/library.pdf from the distribution for in-depth information about the C-library used in
       this interface, and the rest of this document and especially the non-trivial decoder program at the end.


   Action code constants
         ACT_IDLE      we don't do anything
         ACT_SCANNING  scanning an input file
         ACT_DECODING  decoding into a temp file
         ACT_COPYING   copying temp to target
         ACT_ENCODING  encoding a file

   Message severity levels
         MSG_MESSAGE   just a message, nothing important
         MSG_NOTE      something that should be noticed
         MSG_WARNING   important msg, processing continues
         MSG_ERROR     processing has been terminated
         MSG_FATAL     decoder cannot process further requests
         MSG_PANIC     recovery impossible, app must terminate

         OPT_VERSION   version number MAJOR.MINORplPATCH (ro)
         OPT_FAST      assumes only one part per file
         OPT_DUMBNESS  switch off the program's intelligence
         OPT_BRACKPOL  give numbers in [] higher precedence
         OPT_VERBOSE   generate informative messages
         OPT_DESPERATE try to decode incomplete files
         OPT_IGNREPLY  ignore RE:plies (off by default)
         OPT_OVERWRITE whether it's OK to overwrite ex. files
         OPT_SAVEPATH  prefix to save-files on disk
         OPT_IGNMODE   ignore the original file mode
         OPT_DEBUG     print messages with FILE/LINE info
         OPT_ERRNO     get last error code for RET_IOERR (ro)
         OPT_PROGRESS  retrieve progress information
         OPT_USETEXT   handle text messages
         OPT_PREAMB    handle Mime preambles/epilogues
         OPT_TINYB64   detect short B64 outside of Mime
         OPT_ENCEXT    extension for single-part encoded files
         OPT_REMOVE    remove input files after decoding (dangerous)
         OPT_MOREMIME  strict MIME adherence
         OPT_DOTDOT    ".."-unescaping has not yet been done on input files
         OPT_RBUF      set default read I/O buffer size in bytes
         OPT_WBUF      set default write I/O buffer size in bytes
         OPT_AUTOCHECK automatically check file list after every loadfile

   Result/Error codes
         RET_OK        everything went fine
         RET_IOERR     I/O Error - examine errno
         RET_NOMEM     not enough memory
         RET_ILLVAL    illegal value for operation
         RET_NODATA    decoder didn't find any data
         RET_NOEND     encoded data wasn't ended properly
         RET_UNSUP     unsupported function (encoding)
         RET_EXISTS    file exists (decoding)
         RET_CONT      continue -- special from ScanPart
         RET_CANCEL    operation canceled

   File States
        This code is zero, i.e. "false":

         UUFILE_READ   Read in, but not further processed

        The following state codes are or'ed together:

         FILE_MISPART  Missing Part(s) detected
         FILE_NOBEGIN  No 'begin' found
         FILE_NOEND    No 'end' found
         FILE_NODATA   File does not contain valid uudata
         FILE_OK       All Parts found, ready to decode
         FILE_ERROR    Error while decoding
         FILE_DECODED  Successfully decoded
         FILE_TMPFILE  Temporary decoded file exists

   Encoding types
         UU_ENCODED    UUencoded data
         B64_ENCODED   Mime-Base64 data
         XX_ENCODED    XXencoded data
         BH_ENCODED    Binhex encoded
         PT_ENCODED    Plain-Text encoded (MIME)
         QP_ENCODED    Quoted-Printable (MIME)
         YENC_ENCODED  yEnc encoded (non-MIME)


   Initializing and cleanup
       Initialize is automatically called when the module is loaded and allocates quite a small amount of memory
       for todays machines ;) CleanUp releases that again.

       On my machine, a fairly complete decode with DBI backend needs about 10MB RSS to decode 20000 files.

           Release memory, file items and clean up files. Should be called after a decoidng run, if you want to
           start a new one.

   Setting and querying options
       $option = GetOption OPT_xxx
       SetOption OPT_xxx, opt-value

       See the "OPT_xxx" constants above to see which options exist.

   Setting various callbacks
       SetMsgCallback [callback-function]
       SetBusyCallback [callback-function]
       SetFileCallback [callback-function]
       SetFNameFilter [callback-function]

   Call the currently selected FNameFilter
       $file = FNameFilter $file

   Loading sourcefiles, optionally fuzzy merge and start decoding
       ($retval, $count) = LoadFile $fname, [$id, [$delflag, [$partno]]]
           Load the given file and scan it for encoded contents. Optionally tag it with the given id, and if
           $delflag is true, delete the file after it is no longer necessary. If you are certain of the part
           number, you can specify it as the last argument.

           A better (usually faster) way of doing this is using the "SetFNameFilter" functionality.

       $retval = Smerge $pass
           If you are desperate, try to call "Smerge" with increasing $pass values, beginning at 0, to try to
           merge parts that usually would not have been merged.

           Most probably this will result in garbled files, so never do this by default, except:

           If the "OPT_AUTOCHECK" option has been disabled (by default it is enabled) to speed up file loading,
           then you have to call "Smerge -1" after loading all files as an additional pre-pass (which is
           normally done by "LoadFile").

       $item = GetFileListItem $item_number
           Return the $item structure for the $item_number'th found file, or "undef" of no file with that number

           The first file has number 0, and the series has no holes, so you can iterate over all files by
           starting with zero and incrementing until you hit "undef".

           This function has to walk the linear list of fils on each access, so if you want to iterate over all
           items, it is usually faster to use "GetFileList".

       @items = GetFileList
           Similar to "GetFileListItem", but returns all files in one go, which is very much faster for large
           number of items, and has no drawbacks when used for a small number of items.

   Decoding files
       $retval = $item->rename ($newname)
           Change the ondisk filename where the decoded file will be saved.

       $retval = $item->decode_temp
           Decode the file into a temporary location, use "$item->infile" to retrieve the temporary filename.

       $retval = $item->remove_temp
           Remove the temporarily decoded file again.

       $retval = $item->decode ([$target_path])
           Decode the file to its destination, or the given target path.

       $retval = $item->info (callback-function)

   Querying (and setting) item attributes
       $state    = $item->state
       $mode     = $item->mode ([newmode])
       $uudet    = $item->uudet
       $size     = $item->size
       $filename = $item->filename ([newfilename})
       $subfname = $item->subfname
       $mimeid   = $item->mimeid
       $mimetype = $item->mimetype
       $binfile  = $item->binfile

   Information about source parts
       $parts = $item->parts
           Return information about all parts (source files) used to decode the file as a list of hashrefs with
           the following structure:

              partno   => <integer describing the part number, starting with 1>,
              # the following member sonly exist when they contain useful information
              sfname   => <local pathname of the file where this part is from>,
              filename => <the ondisk filename of the decoded file>,
              subfname => <used to cluster postings, possibly the posting filename>,
              subject  => <the subject of the posting/mail>,
              origin   => <the possible source (From) address>,
              mimetype => <the possible mimetype of the decoded file>,
              mimeid   => <the id part of the Content-Type>,

           Usually you are interested mostly the "sfname" and possibly the "partno" and "filename" members.

   Functions below are not documented and not very well tested - feedback welcome

       Functions found in this module but not documented in the uulib documentation:

       $msg = straction ACT_xxx
           Return a human readable string representing the given action code.

       $msg = strerror RET_xxx
           Return a human readable string representing the given error code.

       $str = strencoding xxx_ENCODED
           Return the name of the encoding type as a string.

       $str = strmsglevel MSG_xxx
           Returns the message level as a string.

       SetFileNameCallback $cb
           Sets (or queries) the FileNameCallback, which is called whenever the decoding library can't find a
           filename and wants to extract a filename from the subject line of a posting. The callback will be
           called with two arguments, the subject line and the current candidate for the filename. The latter
           argument can be "undef", which means that no filename could be found (and likely no one exists, so it
           is safe to also return "undef" in this case). If it doesn't return anything (not even "undef"!), then
           nothing happens, so this is a no-op callback:

              sub cb {
                 return ();

           If it returns "undef", then this indicates that no filename could be found. In all other cases, the
           return value is taken to be the filename.

           This is a slightly more useful callback:

             sub cb {
                return unless $_[1]; # skip "Re:"-plies et al.
                my ($subject, $filename) = @_;
                # if we find some *.rar, take it
                return $1 if $subject =~ /(\w+\.rar)/;
                # otherwise just pass what we have
                return ();


       The general workflow for decoding is like this:

       1. Configure options with "SetOption" or "SetXXXCallback".
       2. Load all source files with "LoadFile".
       3. Optionally "Smerge".
       4. Iterate over all "GetFileList" items (i.e. result files).
       5. "CleanUp" to delete files and free items.

       What follows is the file "example-decoder" from the distribution that illustrates the above worklfow in a
       non-trivial example.


          # decode all the files in the directory uusrc/ and copy
          # the resulting files to uudst/

          use Convert::UUlib ':all';

          sub namefilter {
             my ($path) = @_;



          sub busycb {
             my ($action, $curfile, $partno, $numparts, $percent, $fsize) = @_;
             print "busy_callback(", (join ",",@_), ")\n";

          SetOption OPT_RBUF, 128*1024;
          SetOption OPT_WBUF, 1024*1024;
          SetOption OPT_IGNMODE, 1;
          SetOption OPT_IGNMODE, 1;
          SetOption OPT_VERBOSE, 1;
          SetOption OPT_AUTOCHK, 0;

          # show the three ways you can set callback functions. I normally
          # prefer the one with the sub inplace.
          SetFNameFilter \&namefilter;

          SetBusyCallback "busycb", 333;

          SetMsgCallback sub {
             my ($msg, $level) = @_;
             print uc strmsglevel $_[1], ": $msg\n";

          # the following non-trivial FileNameCallback takes care
          # of some subject lines not detected properly by uulib:
          SetFileNameCallback sub {
             return unless $_[1]; # skip "Re:"-plies et al.
             local $_ = $_[0];

             # the following rules are rather effective on some newsgroups,
             # like alt.binaries.games.anime, where non-mime, uuencoded data
             # is very common

             # if we find some *.rar, take it as the filename
             return $1 if /(\S{3,}\.(?:[rstuvwxyz]\d\d|rar))\s/i;

             # one common subject format
             return $1 if /- "(.{2,}?\..+?)" (?:yenc )?\(\d+\/\d+\)/i;

             # - filename.par (04/55)
             return $1 if /- "?(\S{3,}\.\S+?)"? (?:yenc )?\(\d+\/\d+\)/i;

             # - (xxx) No. 1 sayuri81.jpg 756565 bytes
             # - (20 files) No.17 Roseanne.jpg [2/2]
             return $1 if /No\.[ 0-9]+ (\S+\....) (?:\d+ bytes )?\[/;

             # try to detect some common forms of filenames
             return $1 if /([a-z0-9_\-+.]{3,}\.[a-z]{3,4}(?:.\d+))/i;

             # otherwise just pass what we have

          # now read all files in the directory uusrc/*
          for (<uusrc/*>) {
             my ($retval, $count) = LoadFile ($_, $_, 1);
             print "file($_), status(", strerror $retval, ") parts($count)\n";

          Smerge -1;

          SetOption OPT_SAVEPATH, "uudst/";

          # now wade through all files and their source parts
          for my $uu (GetFileList) {
             print "file ", $uu->filename, "\n";
             print " state ", $uu->state, "\n";
             print " mode ", $uu->mode, "\n";
             print " uudet ", strencoding $uu->uudet, "\n";
             print " size ", $uu->size, "\n";
             print " subfname ", $uu->subfname, "\n";
             print " mimeid ", $uu->mimeid, "\n";
             print " mimetype ", $uu->mimetype, "\n";

             # print additional info about all parts
             print " parts";
             for ($uu->parts) {
                for my $k (sort keys %$_) {
                   print " $k=$_->{$k}";
                print "\n";


             if (my $err = $uu->decode) {
                print " ERROR ", strerror $err, "\n";
             } else {
                print " successfully saved as uudst/", $uu->filename, "\n";

          print "cleanup...\n";



       This module supports the perlmulticore standard (see <http://perlmulticore.schmorp.de/> for more info)
       for the following functions - generally these are functions accessing the disk and/or using considerable
       CPU time:


       The perl interpreter will be reacquired/released on every callback invocation, so for performance
       reasons, callbacks should be avoided if that is costly.

       Future versions might enable multicore support for more functions.


       The original uulib library this module uses was written at a time when main memory was measured in
       megabytes and buffer overflows as a security thing didn't exist. While a lot of security fixes have been
       applied over the years (including some defense in depth mechanism that can shield against a lot of as-of-
       yet undetected bugs), using this library for security purposes requires care.

       Likewise, file sizes when the uulib library was written were tiny compared to today, so do not expect
       this library to handle files larger than 2GB.

       Lastly, this module uses a very "C-like" interface, which means it doesn't protect you from invalid
       points as you might expect from "more perlish" modules - for example, accessing a file item object after
       callinbg "CleanUp" will likely result in crashes, memory corruption, or worse.


       Marc Lehmann <schmorp@schmorp.de>, the original uulib library was written by Frank Pilhofer
       <fp@informatik.uni-frankfurt.de>, and later heavily bugfixed by Marc Lehmann.


       perl(1), uudeview homepage at <http://www.fpx.de/fp/Software/UUDeview/>.