oracular (3) DBIx::BulkLoader::Mysql.3pm.gz

DBIx::BulkLoader::Mysql - Perl extension for mysql bulk loading
use DBIx::BulkLoader::Mysql; # non repeating portion of the insert statement my $insert='insert into bulk_insert (col_a,col_b,col_c) values '; # repeating portion of the insert statement my $placeholders='(?,?,?)'; # how many rows to buffer until insert is called my $bulk_insert_count=5; # db connection my $dbh=DBI->connect(db connection info here); my $placeholder_count=3; my ($bulk,$error)=DBIx::BulkLoader::Mysql->new( dbh=>$dbh ,sql_insert=>$insert ,placeholders=>$placeholders ); die $error unless $bulk; for( 1 .. 50 ) { $bulk->insert(qw(a b c)); } # inserted 50 rows at once $bulk->insert(qw(l l x)); # inserted 0 rows $bulk->insert(qw(l l x)); # inserted 0 rows $bulk->flush; # inserted 2 rows 1 at a time
Simple buffering bulk loader interface for mysql. EXPORT None. OO Methods This section covers the OO methods for this package. • my ($bulk,$error)=DBIx::BulkLoader::Mysql->new(%hash); Package constructor. $bulk is undef on error $error explains why $bulk is undef Constructor options dbh=>$dbh Sets the DBH object sql_insert=>$insert Contains the body of the sql statement minus the placeholder segment. placeholders=>$placeholders Placeholder segment of the sql statement placeholder_count=>3 Optional argument If you get strange insert counts or dbi bails set this option manually bulk_insert_count=>50 Optional argument Sets the number of rows to buffer for insert. prepare_args=>{} Optional argument Arguments to be passed to $dbh->prepare See DBD::mysql • $bulk->flush; Empties the placeholder buffer • $bulk->insert($x,$y,$z); Inserts the placeholder arguments onto the buffer stack. This does not cause an insert, unless the total number of rows is the same as the constructor call "bulk_insert_count=>50". • my $columns=$bulk->get_placeholder_count; Gets the total number of column placeholders. • my $buffer_size=$bulk->get_buffer_size; Gets the total size of the array used for insert. • my $sql_single=$bulk->single_sql; Gets the raw sql statement used for single row inserts. • my $bulk_sql=$bulk->bulk_sql; Gets the raw sql statement used for bulk row inserts. • my $single_sth=$bulk->get_prepared_single_sth; Gets the prepared statement handle for single row inserts. • my $bulk_sth=$bulk->get_prepared_bulk_sth; Gets the prepared statement handle for bulk row inserts. • my @buffer=$bulk->get_buffered_data; Returns a list containing the current buffered data
DBI, DBD::mysql
Source Forge Project
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Michael Shipper
Copyright (C) 2010 by Michael Shipper This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself, either Perl version 5.8.4 or, at your option, any later version of Perl 5 you may have available.