oracular (3) DBIx::Class::Relationship::Base.3pm.gz

Provided by: libdbix-class-perl_0.082843-1_all bug


       DBIx::Class::Relationship::Base - Inter-table relationships


           spiders => 'My::DB::Result::Creatures',
           sub {
             my $args = shift;
             return {
               "$args->{foreign_alias}.id"   => { -ident => "$args->{self_alias}.id" },
               "$args->{foreign_alias}.type" => 'arachnid'


       This class provides methods to describe the relationships between the tables in your database model.
       These are the "bare bones" relationships methods, for predefined ones, look in DBIx::Class::Relationship.


       Arguments: $rel_name, $foreign_class, $condition, $attrs

                                       $condition, $attrs);

       Create a custom relationship between one result source and another source, indicated by its class name.


       The condition argument describes the "ON" clause of the "JOIN" expression used to connect the two sources
       when creating SQL queries.

       Simple equality

       To create simple equality joins, supply a hashref containing the remote table column name as the key(s)
       prefixed by 'foreign.', and the corresponding local table column name as the value(s) prefixed by
       'self.'.  Both "foreign" and "self" are pseudo aliases and must be entered literally. They will be
       replaced with the actual correct table alias when the SQL is produced.

       For example given:

           books => 'My::Schema::Book',
           { 'foreign.author_id' => 'self.id' }

       A query like:


       will result in the following "JOIN" clause:

         ... FROM author me LEFT JOIN book books ON books.author_id = me.id ...

       This describes a relationship between the "Author" table and the "Book" table where the "Book" table has
       a column "author_id" containing the ID value of the "Author".


           editions => 'My::Schema::Edition',
             'foreign.publisher_id' => 'self.publisher_id',
             'foreign.type_id'      => 'self.type_id',



       will result in the "JOIN" clause:

         ... FROM book me
             LEFT JOIN edition editions ON
                  editions.publisher_id = me.publisher_id
              AND editions.type_id = me.type_id ...

       This describes the relationship from "Book" to "Edition", where the "Edition" table refers to a publisher
       and a type (e.g. "paperback"):

       Multiple groups of simple equality conditions

       As is the default in SQL::Abstract::Classic, the key-value pairs will be "AND"ed in the resulting "JOIN"
       clause. An "OR" can be achieved with an arrayref. For example a condition like:

           related_item_links => My::Schema::Item::Links,
             { 'foreign.left_itemid'  => 'self.id' },
             { 'foreign.right_itemid' => 'self.id' },

       will translate to the following "JOIN" clause:

        ... FROM item me JOIN item_relations related_item_links ON
                related_item_links.left_itemid = me.id
             OR related_item_links.right_itemid = me.id ...

       This describes the relationship from "Item" to "Item::Links", where "Item::Links" is a many-to-many
       linking table, linking items back to themselves in a peer fashion (without a "parent-child" designation)

       Custom join conditions

         NOTE: The custom join condition specification mechanism is capable of
         generating JOIN clauses of virtually unlimited complexity. This may limit
         your ability to traverse some of the more involved relationship chains the
         way you expect, *and* may bring your RDBMS to its knees. Exercise care
         when declaring relationships as described here.

       To specify joins which describe more than a simple equality of column values, the custom join condition
       coderef syntax can be used. For example:

           cds_80s => 'My::Schema::CD',
           sub {
             my $args = shift;

             return {
               "$args->{foreign_alias}.artist" => { -ident => "$args->{self_alias}.artistid" },
               "$args->{foreign_alias}.year"   => { '>', "1979", '<', "1990" },



       will result in the "JOIN" clause:

         ... FROM artist me LEFT JOIN cd cds_80s ON
               cds_80s.artist = me.artistid
           AND cds_80s.year < ?
           AND cds_80s.year > ?

       with the bind values:

          '1990', '1979'

       "$args->{foreign_alias}" and "$args->{self_alias}" are supplied the same values that would be otherwise
       substituted for "foreign" and "self" in the simple hashref syntax case.

       The coderef is expected to return a valid SQL::Abstract::Classic query-structure, just like what one
       would supply as the first argument to "search" in DBIx::Class::ResultSet. The return value will be passed
       directly to DBIx::Class::SQLMaker and the resulting SQL will be used verbatim as the "ON" clause of the
       "JOIN" statement associated with this relationship.

       While every coderef-based condition must return a valid "ON" clause, it may elect to additionally return
       a simplified optional join-free condition consisting of a hashref with all keys being fully qualified
       names of columns declared on the corresponding result source. This boils down to two scenarios:

       •   When relationship resolution is invoked after "$result->$rel_name", as opposed to
           "$rs->related_resultset($rel_name)", the $result object is passed to the coderef as

       •   Alternatively when the user-space invokes resolution via "$result->set_from_related( $rel_name =>
           $foreign_values_or_object )", the corresponding data is passed to the coderef as
           "$args->{foreign_values}", always in the form of a hashref. If a foreign result object is supplied
           (which is valid usage of "set_from_related"), its values will be extracted into hashref form by
           calling get_columns.

       Note that the above scenarios are mutually exclusive, that is you will be supplied none or only one of
       "self_result_object" and "foreign_values". In other words if you define your condition coderef as:

         sub {
           my $args = shift;

           return (
               "$args->{foreign_alias}.artist" => { -ident => "$args->{self_alias}.artistid" },
               "$args->{foreign_alias}.year"   => { '>', "1979", '<', "1990" },
             ! $args->{self_result_object} ? () : {
               "$args->{foreign_alias}.artist" => $args->{self_result_object}->artistid,
               "$args->{foreign_alias}.year"   => { '>', "1979", '<', "1990" },
             ! $args->{foreign_values} ? () : {
               "$args->{self_alias}.artistid" => $args->{foreign_values}{artist},

       Then this code:

           my $artist = $schema->resultset("Artist")->find({ id => 4 });

       Can skip a "JOIN" altogether and instead produce:

           SELECT cds_80s.cdid, cds_80s.artist, cds_80s.title, cds_80s.year, cds_80s.genreid, cds_80s.single_track
             FROM cd cds_80s
             WHERE cds_80s.artist = ?
               AND cds_80s.year < ?
               AND cds_80s.year > ?

       With the bind values:

           '4', '1990', '1979'

       While this code:

           my $cd = $schema->resultset("CD")->search({ artist => 1 }, { rows => 1 })->single;
           my $artist = $schema->resultset("Artist")->new({});

       Will properly set the "$artist->artistid" field of this new object to 1

       Note that in order to be able to use "set_from_related" (and by extension $result->create_related), the
       returned join free condition must contain only plain values/deflatable objects. For instance the "year"
       constraint in the above example prevents the relationship from being used to create related objects using
       "$artst->create_related( cds_80s => { title => 'blah' } )" (an exception will be thrown).

       In order to allow the user to go truly crazy when generating a custom "ON" clause, the $args hashref
       passed to the subroutine contains some extra metadata. Currently the supplied coderef is executed as:

           self_resultsource   => The resultsource instance on which rel_name is registered
           rel_name            => The relationship name (does *NOT* always match foreign_alias)

           self_alias          => The alias of the invoking resultset
           foreign_alias       => The alias of the to-be-joined resultset (does *NOT* always match rel_name)

           # only one of these (or none at all) will ever be supplied to aid in the
           # construction of a join-free condition

           self_result_object  => The invocant *object* itself in case of a call like
                                  $result_object->$rel_name( ... )

           foreign_values      => A *hashref* of related data: may be passed in directly or
                                  derived via ->get_columns() from a related object in case of
                                  $result_object->set_from_related( $rel_name, $foreign_result_object )

           # deprecated inconsistent names, will be forever available for legacy code
           self_rowobj         => Old deprecated slot for self_result_object
           foreign_relname     => Old deprecated slot for rel_name


       The standard ResultSet attributes may be used as relationship attributes. In particular, the 'where'
       attribute is useful for filtering relationships:

            __PACKAGE__->has_many( 'valid_users', 'MyApp::Schema::User',
               { 'foreign.user_id' => 'self.user_id' },
               { where => { valid => 1 } }

       The following attributes are also valid:

           Explicitly specifies the type of join to use in the relationship. Any SQL join type is valid, e.g.
           "LEFT" or "RIGHT". It will be placed in the SQL command immediately before "JOIN".

       proxy => $column | \@columns | \%column
           The 'proxy' attribute can be used to retrieve values, and to perform updates if the relationship has
           'cascade_update' set. The 'might_have' and 'has_one' relationships have this set by default; if you
           want a proxy to update across a 'belongs_to' relationship, you must set the attribute yourself.

               An arrayref containing a list of accessors in the foreign class to create in the main class. If,
               for example, you do the following:

                 MyApp::Schema::CD->might_have(liner_notes => 'MyApp::Schema::LinerNotes',
                   undef, {
                     proxy => [ qw/notes/ ],

               Then, assuming MyApp::Schema::LinerNotes has an accessor named notes, you can do:

                 my $cd = MyApp::Schema::CD->find(1);
                 $cd->notes('Notes go here'); # set notes -- LinerNotes object is
                                              # created if it doesn't exist

               For a 'belongs_to relationship, note the 'cascade_update':

                 MyApp::Schema::Track->belongs_to( cd => 'MyApp::Schema::CD', 'cd,
                     { proxy => ['title'], cascade_update => 1 }
                 $track->title('New Title');
                 $track->update; # updates title in CD

               A hashref where each key is the accessor you want installed in the main class, and its value is
               the name of the original in the foreign class.

                 MyApp::Schema::Track->belongs_to( cd => 'MyApp::Schema::CD', 'cd', {
                     proxy => { cd_title => 'title' },

               This will create an accessor named "cd_title" on the $track result object.

           NOTE: you can pass a nested struct too, for example:

             MyApp::Schema::Track->belongs_to( cd => 'MyApp::Schema::CD', 'cd', {
               proxy => [ 'year', { cd_title => 'title' } ],

           Specifies the type of accessor that should be created for the relationship.  Valid values are
           "single" (for when there is only a single related object), "multi" (when there can be many), and
           "filter" (for when there is a single related object, but you also want the relationship accessor to
           double as a column accessor). For "multi" accessors, an add_to_* method is also created, which calls
           "create_related" for the relationship.

           If you are using SQL::Translator to create SQL for you and you find that it is creating constraints
           where it shouldn't, or not creating them where it should, set this attribute to a true or false value
           to override the detection of when to create constraints.

           If "cascade_copy" is true on a "has_many" relationship for an object, then when you copy the object
           all the related objects will be copied too. To turn this behaviour off, pass "cascade_copy => 0" in
           the $attr hashref.

           The behaviour defaults to "cascade_copy => 1" for "has_many" relationships.

           By default, DBIx::Class cascades deletes across "has_many", "has_one" and "might_have" relationships.
           You can disable this behaviour on a per-relationship basis by supplying "cascade_delete => 0" in the
           relationship attributes.

           The cascaded operations are performed after the requested delete, so if your database has a
           constraint on the relationship, it will have deleted/updated the related records or raised an
           exception before DBIx::Class gets to perform the cascaded operation.

           By default, DBIx::Class cascades updates across "has_one" and "might_have" relationships. You can
           disable this behaviour on a per-relationship basis by supplying "cascade_update => 0" in the
           relationship attributes.

           The "belongs_to" relationship does not update across relationships by default, so if you have a
           'proxy' attribute on a belongs_to and want to use 'update' on it, you must set "cascade_update => 1".

           This is not a RDMS style cascade update - it purely means that when an object has update called on
           it, all the related objects also have update called. It will not change foreign keys automatically -
           you must arrange to do this yourself.

       on_delete / on_update
           If you are using SQL::Translator to create SQL for you, you can use these attributes to explicitly
           set the desired "ON DELETE" or "ON UPDATE" constraint type. If not supplied the SQLT parser will
           attempt to infer the constraint type by interrogating the attributes of the opposite relationship.
           For any 'multi' relationship with "cascade_delete => 1", the corresponding belongs_to relationship
           will be created with an "ON DELETE CASCADE" constraint. For any relationship bearing "cascade_copy =>
           1" the resulting belongs_to constraint will be "ON UPDATE CASCADE". If you wish to disable this
           autodetection, and just use the RDBMS' default constraint type, pass "on_delete => undef" or
           "on_delete => ''", and the same for "on_update" respectively.

           Tells SQL::Translator that the foreign key constraint it creates should be deferrable. In other
           words, the user may request that the constraint be ignored until the end of the transaction.
           Currently, only the PostgreSQL producer actually supports this.

           Tells SQL::Translator to add an index for this constraint. Can also be specified globally in the args
           to "deploy" in DBIx::Class::Schema or "create_ddl_dir" in DBIx::Class::Schema. Default is on, set to
           0 to disable.

       Arguments: $rel_name, $rel_info

       Registers a relationship on the class. This is called internally by DBIx::Class::ResultSourceProxy to set
       up Accessors and Proxies.

       Arguments: $rel_name
       Return Value: $related_resultset

         $rs = $cd->related_resultset('artist');

       Returns a DBIx::Class::ResultSet for the relationship named $rel_name.

       Arguments: none
       Return Value: $result | $related_resultset | undef

         # These pairs do the same thing
         $result = $cd->related_resultset('artist')->single;  # has_one relationship
         $result = $cd->artist;
         $rs = $cd->related_resultset('tracks');           # has_many relationship
         $rs = $cd->tracks;

       This is the recommended way to traverse through relationships, based on the "accessor" name given in the
       relationship definition.

       This will return either a Result or a ResultSet, depending on if the relationship is "single" (returns
       only one row) or "multi" (returns many rows).  The method may also return "undef" if the relationship
       doesn't exist for this instance (like in the case of "might_have" relationships).

       Arguments: $rel_name, $cond?, \%attrs?
       Return Value: $resultset (scalar context) | @result_objs (list context)

       Run a search on a related resultset. The search will be restricted to the results represented by the
       DBIx::Class::ResultSet it was called upon.

       See "search_related" in DBIx::Class::ResultSet for more information.

       This method works exactly the same as search_related, except that it guarantees a resultset, even in list

       Arguments: $rel_name, $cond?, \%attrs?
       Return Value: $count

       Returns the count of all the rows in the related resultset, restricted by the current result or where

       Arguments: $rel_name, \%col_data
       Return Value: $result

       Create a new result object of the related foreign class.  It will magically set any foreign key columns
       of the new object to the related primary key columns of the source object for you.  The newly created
       result will not be saved into your storage until you call "insert" in DBIx::Class::Row on it.

       Arguments: $rel_name, \%col_data
       Return Value: $result

         my $result = $obj->create_related($rel_name, \%col_data);

       Creates a new result object, similarly to new_related, and also inserts the result's data into your
       storage medium. See the distinction between "create" and "new" in DBIx::Class::ResultSet for details.

       Arguments: $rel_name, \%col_data | @pk_values, { key => $unique_constraint, %attrs }?
       Return Value: $result | undef

         my $result = $obj->find_related($rel_name, \%col_data);

       Attempt to find a related object using its primary key or unique constraints.  See "find" in
       DBIx::Class::ResultSet for details.

       Arguments: $rel_name, \%col_data, { key => $unique_constraint, %attrs }?
       Return Value: $result

       Find a result object of a related class.  See "find_or_new" in DBIx::Class::ResultSet for details.

       Arguments: $rel_name, \%col_data, { key => $unique_constraint, %attrs }?
       Return Value: $result

       Find or create a result object of a related class. See "find_or_create" in DBIx::Class::ResultSet for

       Arguments: $rel_name, \%col_data, { key => $unique_constraint, %attrs }?
       Return Value: $result

       Update or create a result object of a related class. See "update_or_create" in DBIx::Class::ResultSet for

       Arguments: $rel_name, $result
       Return Value: not defined

         $book->set_from_related('author', $author_obj);
         $book->author($author_obj);                      ## same thing

       Set column values on the current object, using related values from the given related object. This is used
       to associate previously separate objects, for example, to set the correct author for a book, find the
       Author object, then call set_from_related on the book.

       This is called internally when you pass existing objects as values to "create" in DBIx::Class::ResultSet,
       or pass an object to a belongs_to accessor.

       The columns are only set in the local copy of the object, call update to update them in the storage.

       Arguments: $rel_name, $result
       Return Value: not defined

         $book->update_from_related('author', $author_obj);

       The same as "set_from_related", but the changes are immediately updated in storage.

       Arguments: $rel_name, $cond?, \%attrs?
       Return Value: $underlying_storage_rv

       Delete any related row, subject to the given conditions.  Internally, this calls:


       And returns the result of that.

       Currently only available for "has_many", "many_to_many" and 'multi' type relationships.

       has_many / multi

       Arguments: \%col_data
       Return Value: $result

       Creates/inserts a new result object.  Internally, this calls:

         $self->create_related($rel, @_)

       And returns the result of that.


       Arguments: (\%col_data | $result), \%link_col_data?
       Return Value: $result

         my $role = $schema->resultset('Role')->find(1);
             # creates a My::DBIC::Schema::ActorRoles linking table result object

         $actor->add_to_roles({ name => 'lead' }, { salary => 15_000_000 });
             # creates a new My::DBIC::Schema::Role result object and the linking table
             # object with an extra column in the link

       Adds a linking table object. If the first argument is a hash reference, the related object is created
       first with the column values in the hash. If an object reference is given, just the linking table object
       is created. In either case, any additional column values for the linking table object can be specified in

       See "many_to_many" in DBIx::Class::Relationship for additional details.

       Currently only available for "many_to_many" relationships.

       Arguments: (\@hashrefs_of_col_data | \@result_objs), $link_vals?
       Return Value: not defined

         my $actor = $schema->resultset('Actor')->find(1);
         my @roles = $schema->resultset('Role')->search({ role =>
            { '-in' => ['Fred', 'Barney'] } } );

            # Replaces all of $actor's previous roles with the two named

         $actor->set_roles(\@roles, { salary => 15_000_000 });
            # Sets a column in the link table for all roles

       Replace all the related objects with the given reference to a list of objects. This does a "delete" on
       the link table resultset to remove the association between the current object and all related objects,
       then calls "add_to_$rel" repeatedly to link all the new objects.

       Note that this means that this method will not delete any objects in the table on the right side of the
       relation, merely that it will delete the link between them.

       Due to a mistake in the original implementation of this method, it will also accept a list of objects or
       hash references. This is deprecated and will be removed in a future version.

       Currently only available for "many_to_many" relationships.

       Arguments: $result
       Return Value: not defined

         my $role = $schema->resultset('Role')->find(1);
             # removes $role's My::DBIC::Schema::ActorRoles linking table result object

       Removes the link between the current object and the related object. Note that the related object itself
       won't be deleted unless you call ->delete() on it. This method just removes the link between the two


       Check the list of additional DBIC resources.

       This module is free software copyright by the DBIx::Class (DBIC) authors. You can redistribute it and/or
       modify it under the same terms as the DBIx::Class library.