Provided by: libdbix-dr-perl_0.32-2_all 

DBIx::DR - easy DBI helper (perl inside SQL and blessed results)
my $dbh = DBIx::DR->connect($dsn, $login, $passed); $dbh->perform( 'UPDATE tbl SET a = 1 WHERE id = <%= $id %>', id => 123 ); my $rowset = $dbh->select( 'SELECT * FROM tbl WHERE id IN (<% list @$ids %>)', ids => [ 123, 456 ] ); my $rowset = $dbh->select(-f => 'sqlfile.sql.ep', ids => [ 123, 456 ]); while(my $row = $rowset->next) { print "id: %d, value: %s\n", $row->id, $row->value; }
The package extends DBI and allows You: • to use perl inside Your SQL requests; • to bless resultsets into Your package; • to place Your SQL's into dedicated directory; • to use usual DBI methods.
Additional 'connect' options.
dr_iterator A string describes iterator class. Default value is 'dbix-dr-iterator#new' (decamelized string). dr_item A string describes item (one row) class. Default value is 'dbix-dr-iterator-item#new' (decamelized string). dr_sql_dir Directory path to seek sql files (If You use dedicated SQLs). dr_decode_errors Decode database errors into utf-8 dr_sql_utf8 Default value: "true". If true, it will open sql files with option ":utf8".
All methods can receive the following arguments: -f => $sql_file_name It will load SQL-request from file. It will seek file in directory that was defined in dr_sql_dir param of connect. You needn't to use suffixes (.sql.ep) here, but You can. -item => 'decamelized_obj_define' It will bless (or construct) row into specified class. See below. Default value defined by dr_item argument of DBI::connect. -noitem Do not bless row into any class. -iterator => 'decamelized_obj_define' It will bless (or construct) rowset into specified class. Default value defined by dr_iterator argument of DBI::connect. -noiterator Do not bless rowset into any class. -noitem_iter Do not pass iterator as second argument to item constructor. -dbi => HASHREF Additional DBI arguments. -hash => FIELDNAME Selects into HASH. Iterator will operate by names (not numbers). -die => 0|1 If true the method will die with SQL-request. -warn => 0|1 If true the method will warn with SQL-request. Decamelized strings Are strings that represent class [ and method ]. foo_bar => FooBar foo_bar#subroutine => FooBar->subroutine foo_bar-baz => FooBar::Baz perform Does SQL-request like 'UPDATE', 'INSERT', etc. $dbh->perform($sql, value => 1, other_value => 'abc'); $dbh->perform(-f => $sql_file_name, value => 1, other_value => 'abc'); select Does SQL-request, pack results into iterator class. By default it uses DBIx::DR::Iterator class. my $res = $dbh->select(-f => $sql_file_name, value => 1); while(my $row = $res->next) { printf "RowId: %d, RowValue: %s\n", $row->id, $row->value; } my $row = $row->get(15); # row 15 my $res = $dbh->select(-f => $sql_file_name, value => 1, -hash => 'name'); while(my $row = $res->next) { printf "RowId: %d, RowName: %s\n", $row->id, $row->name; } my $row = $row->get('Vasya'); # row with name eq 'Vasya' single Does SQL-request that returns one row. Pack results into item class. Does SQL-request, pack results (one row) into item class. By default it uses DBIx::DR::Iterator::Item class.
Template language
You can use perl inside Your SQL requests: % my $foo = 1; % my $bar = 2; <% my $foo_bar = $foo + $bar %> .. % use POSIX; % my $gid = POSIX::getgid; There are two functions available inside perl: quote Replaces argument to '?', add argument value into bindlist. You can also use shortcut '=' instead of the function. Example 1 SELECT * FROM tbl WHERE id = <% quote $id %> Result SELECT * FROM tbl WHERE id = ? and bindlist will contain id value. If You use DBIx::DR::ByteStream in place of string the function will recall immediate function. Example 2 SELECT * FROM tbl WHERE id = <%= $id %> immediate Replaces argument to its value. You can also use shortcut '==' instead of the function. Example 1 SELECT * FROM tbl WHERE id = <% immediate $id %> Result SELECT * FROM tbl WHERE id = 123 Where 123 is id value. Be carful! Using the operator You can produce code that will be amenable to SQL-injection. Example 2 SELECT * FROM tbl WHERE id = <%== $id %>
There are a few default helpers. list Expands array into Your SQL request. Example SELECT * FROM tbl WHERE status IN (<% list @$ids %>) Result SELECT * FROM tbl WHERE status IN (?,?,? ...) and bindlist will contain ids values. hlist Expands array of hash into Your SQL request. The first argument can be a list of required keys. Places each group into brackets. Example INSERT INTO tbl ('a', 'b') VALUES <% hlist ['a', 'b'] => @$inserts Result INSERT INTO tbl ('a', 'b') VALUES (?, ?), (?, ?) ... and bindlist will contain all inserts values. include Includes the other SQL-part. Example % include 'other_sql', argument1 => 1, argument2 => 2; stacktrace Returns perl stacktrace. You can use the helper for debug Your code. The helper receives the following position-arguments: (first) $skip (default = 0) How many frames to skip. (second) $dept (default = 0) How many frames to print. (third) $separator (default ", ") Separator between stackframes. Examples /* <%= stacktrace %> */ /* <%= stacktrace $skip, $depth, $separator %> */
User's helpers
You can add Your helpers using method set_helper. set_helper Sets (or replaces) helpers. $dbh->set_helper(foo => sub { ... }, bar => sub { ... }); Each helper receives template object as the first argument. Examples: $dbh->set_helper(foo_AxB => sub { my ($tpl, $a, $b) = @_; $tpl->quote($a * $b); }); You can use quote and immediate functions inside Your helpers. If You want use the other helper inside Your helper You have to do that by Yourself. To call the other helper You can also use "$tpl->call_helper" function. call_helper $dbh->set_helper( foo => sub { my ($tpl, $a, $b) = @_; $tpl->quote('foo' . $a . $b); }, bar => sub { my $tpl = shift; $tpl->call_helper(foo => 'b', 'c'); } );
Copyright (C) 2011 Dmitry E. Oboukhov <> Copyright (C) 2011 Roman V. Nikolaev <> This program is free software, you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the Artistic License.
The project is placed git repo on github: <>