oracular (3) Dancer2::Manual.3pm.gz

Provided by: libdancer2-perl_1.1.1+dfsg-1_all bug


       Dancer2::Manual - A gentle introduction to Dancer2


       version 1.1.1


       Dancer2 is a free and open source web application framework written in Perl.

       It's a complete rewrite of Dancer, based on Moo and using a more robust and extensible fully-OO design.

       It's designed to be powerful and flexible, but also easy to use - getting up and running with your web
       app is trivial, and an ecosystem of adaptors for common template engines, session storage, logging
       methods, serializers, and plugins to make common tasks easy means you can do what you want to do, your
       way, easily.


       Installation of Dancer2 is simple, using your favourite method to install from CPAN, e.g.:

           perl -MCPAN -e 'install Dancer2'

       Thanks to the magic of cpanminus, if you do not have CPAN.pm configured, or just want a quickfire way to
       get running, the following should work, at least on Unix-like systems:

           wget -O - http://cpanmin.us | sudo perl - Dancer2

       (If you don't have root access, omit the 'sudo', and cpanminus will install Dancer2 and prereqs into

       Dancer2 is also available as a package from the package repository of several distributions, for example
       on Debian/Ubuntu you should be able to just:

           apt-get install libdancer2-perl

       Do be aware, though, that distribution-packaged versions sometimes lag behind the most recent version on


       Create a web application using the dancer script:

           $ dancer2 gen -a MyApp && cd MyApp
           + MyApp
           + MyApp/config.yml
           + MyApp/Makefile.PL
           + MyApp/MANIFEST.SKIP
           + MyApp/.dancer
           + MyApp/cpanfile
           + MyApp/bin
           + MyApp/bin/app.psgi
           + MyApp/environments
           + MyApp/environments/development.yml
           + MyApp/environments/production.yml
           + MyApp/lib
           + MyApp/lib/MyApp.pm
           + MyApp/public
           + MyApp/public/favicon.ico
           + MyApp/public/500.html
           + MyApp/public/dispatch.cgi
           + MyApp/public/404.html
           + MyApp/public/dispatch.fcgi
           + MyApp/public/css
           + MyApp/public/css/error.css
           + MyApp/public/css/style.css
           + MyApp/public/images
           + MyApp/public/images/perldancer.jpg
           + MyApp/public/images/perldancer-bg.jpg
           + MyApp/public/javascripts
           + MyApp/public/javascripts/jquery.js
           + MyApp/t
           + MyApp/t/001_base.t
           + MyApp/t/002_index_route.t
           + MyApp/views
           + MyApp/views/index.tt
           + MyApp/views/layouts
           + MyApp/views/layouts/main.tt

       It creates a directory named after the name of the app, along with a configuration file, a views
       directory (where your templates and layouts will live), an environments directory (where environment-
       specific settings live), a module containing the actual guts of your application, and a script to start
       it. Finally, .dancer indicates the root directory of your app, making it easier for Dancer2 to determine
       the various paths it needs for finding resources and code within your application.

       A default skeleton is used to bootstrap the new application, but you can use the "-s" option to provide
       another skeleton.  For example:

           $ dancer2 gen -a MyApp -s ~/mydancerskel

       For an example of a skeleton directory check the default one available in the "share/" directory of your
       Dancer2 distribution.

       (In what follows we will refer to the directory in which you have created your Dancer2 application --
       e.g., what "MyApp" was above -- as the "appdir".)

       Because Dancer2 is a PSGI web application framework, you can use the "plackup" tool (provided by Plack)
       for launching the application:

           plackup -p 5000 bin/app.psgi

       View the web application at:



       When Dancer2 is imported to a script, that script becomes a webapp, and at this point, all the script has
       to do is declare a list of routes. A route handler is composed by an HTTP method, a path pattern and a
       code block. "strict", "warnings" and "utf8" pragmas are also imported with Dancer2.

       The code block given to the route handler has to return a string which will be used as the content to
       render to the client.

       Routes are defined for a given HTTP method. For each method supported, a keyword is exported by the

   HTTP Methods
       Here are some of the standard HTTP methods which you can use to define your route handlers.

       •   GET The GET method retrieves information, and is the most common

           GET requests should be used for typical "fetch" requests - retrieving information. They should not be
           used for requests which change data on the server or have other effects.

           When defining a route handler for the GET method, Dancer2 automatically defines a route handler for
           the HEAD method (in order to honour HEAD requests for each of your GET route handlers).

           To define a GET action, use the get keyword.

       •   POST The POST method is used to create a resource on the server.

           To define a POST action, use the post keyword.

       •   PUT The PUT method is used to replace an existing resource.

           To define a PUT action, use the put keyword.

           a PUT request should replace the existing resource with that specified - for instance - if you wanted
           to just update an email address for a user, you'd have to specify all attributes of the user again;
           to make a partial update, a PATCH request is used.

       •   PATCH The PATCH method updates some attributes of an existing resource.

           To define a PATCH action, use the patch keyword.

       •   DELETE The DELETE method requests that the origin server delete the resource identified by the

           To define a DELETE action, use the del keyword.

       Handling multiple HTTP request methods

       Routes can use "any" to match all, or a specified list of HTTP methods.

       The following will match any HTTP request to the path "/myaction":

           any '/myaction' => sub {
               # code

       The following will match GET or POST requests to "/myaction":

           any ['get', 'post'] => '/myaction' => sub {
               # code

       For convenience, any route which matches GET requests will also match HEAD requests.

   Route Handlers
       The route action is the code reference declared. It can access parameters through the specific
       route_parameters, query_parameters, and body_parameters keywords, which return a Hash::MultiValue object.
       This hashref is a merge of the route pattern matches and the request params.

       You can find more details about how params are built and how to access them in the Dancer2::Core::Request

       Declaring Routes

       To control what happens when a web request is received by your webapp, you'll need to declare "routes". A
       route declaration indicates which HTTP method(s) it is valid for, the path it matches (e.g. "/foo/bar"),
       and a coderef to execute, which returns the response.

           get '/hello/:name' => sub {
               return "Hi there " . route_parameters->get('name');

       The above route specifies that, for GET requests to "/hello/...", the code block provided should be

       You can also provide routes with a name:

           get 'hi_to' => '/hello/:name' => sub {...};

       See "uri_for_route" in Dancer2::Manual::Keywords on how this can be used.

       Retrieving request parameters

       The query_parameters, route_parameters, and body_parameters keywords provide a Hash::MultiValue result
       from the three different parameters.

       Named matching

       A route pattern can contain one or more tokens (a word prefixed with ':').  Each token found in a route
       pattern is used as a named-pattern match. Any match will be set in the route parameters.

           get '/hello/:name' => sub {
               return "Hey " . route_parameters->get('name') . ", welcome here!";

       Tokens can be optional, for example:

           get '/hello/:name?' => sub {
               my $name = route_parameters->get('name') // 'Whoever you are';
               return "Hello there, $name";

       Named matching with type constraints

       Type constraints can be added to tokens.

           get '/user/:id[Int]' => sub {
               # matches /user/34 but not /user/jamesdean
               my $user_id = route_parameters->get('id');

           get '/user/:username[Str]' => sub {
               # matches /user/jamesdean but not /user/34 since that is caught
               # by previous route
               my $username = route_parameters->get('username');

       You can even use type constraints to add a regexp check:

           get '/book/:date[StrMatch[qr{\d\d\d\d-\d\d-\d\d}]]' => sub {
               # matches /book/2014-02-04
               my $date = route_parameters->get('date');

       The default type library is Dancer2::Core::Types but any type library built using Type::Tiny's
       Type::Library can be used instead.  If you'd like to use a different default type library you must
       declare it in the configuration file, for example:

           type_library: My::Type::Library

       Alternatively you can specify the type library in which the type is defined as part of the route

           get '/user/:username[My::Type::Library::Username]' => sub {
               my $username = route_parameters->get('username');

       This will load "My::Type::Library" and from it use the type "Username". This allows types to be used that
       are not part of the type library defined by config's "type_library".

       More complex constructs are allowed such as:

           get '/some/:thing[Int|MyDate]' => sub {

       See "lookup($name)" in Type::Registry for more details.

       Wildcard Matching

       A route can contain a wildcard (represented by a "*"). Each wildcard match will be placed in a list,
       which the "splat" keyword returns.

           get '/download/*.*' => sub {
               my ($file, $ext) = splat;
               # do something with $file.$ext here

       An extensive, greedier wildcard represented by "**" (A.K.A. "megasplat") can be used to define a route.
       The additional path is broken down and returned as an arrayref:

           get '/entry/*/tags/**' => sub {
               my ( $entry_id, $tags ) = splat;
               my @tags = @{$tags};

       The "splat" keyword in the above example for the route /entry/1/tags/one/two would set $entry_id to 1 and
       $tags to "['one', 'two']".

       Mixed named and wildcard matching

       A route can combine named (token) matching and wildcard matching.  This is useful when chaining actions:

           get '/team/:team/**' => sub {
               var team => route_parameters->get('team');

           prefix '/team/:team';

           get '/player/*' => sub {
               my ($player) = splat;

               # etc...

           get '/score' => sub {
               return score_for( vars->{'team'} );

       Regular Expression Matching

       A route can be defined with a Perl regular expression.

       In order to tell Dancer2 to consider the route as a real regexp, the route must be defined explicitly
       with "qr{}", like the following:

           get qr{/hello/([\w]+)} => sub {
               my ($name) = splat;
               return "Hello $name";

       A route regex may use named capture groups. The "captures" keyword will return a reference to a copy of

       Conditional Matching

       Routes may include some matching conditions (on content_type, agent, user_agent, content_length and

           get '/foo', {agent => 'Songbird (\d\.\d)[\d\/]*?'} => sub {
             'foo method for songbird'

           get '/foo' => sub {
             'all browsers except songbird'

       A prefix can be defined for each route handler, like this:

           prefix '/home';

       From here, any route handler is defined to /home/*

           get '/page1' => sub {}; # will match '/home/page1'

       You can unset the prefix value

           prefix '/'; # or: prefix undef;
           get '/page1' => sub {}; # will match /page1

       Alternatively, to prevent you from ever forgetting to undef the prefix, you can use lexical prefix like

           prefix '/home' => sub {
             get '/page1' => sub {}; # will match '/home/page1'
           }; ## prefix reset to previous value on exit

           get '/page1' => sub {}; # will match /page1

   Delayed responses (Async/Streaming)
       Dancer2 can provide delayed (otherwise known as asynchronous) responses using the "delayed" keyword.
       These responses are streamed, although you can set the content all at once, if you prefer.

           get '/status' => sub {
               delayed {
                   response_header 'X-Foo' => 'Bar';

                   # flush headers (in case of streaming)

                   # send content to the user
                   content 'Hello, world!';

                   # you can write more content
                   # all streaming
                   content 'Hello, again!';

                   # when done, close the connection

                   # do whatever you want else, asynchronously
                   # the user socket closed by now

       If you are streaming (calling "content" several times), you must call "flush" first. If you're sending
       only once, you don't need to call "flush".

       Here is an example of using delayed responses with AnyEvent:

           use Dancer2;
           use AnyEvent;

           my %timers;
           my $count = 5;
           get '/drums' => sub {
               delayed {
                   print "Stretching...\n";
                   flush; # necessary, since we're streaming

                   $timers{'Snare'} = AE::timer 1, 1, delayed {
                       $timers{'HiHat'} ||= AE::timer 0, 0.5, delayed {
                           content "Tss...\n";

                       content "Bap!\n";

                       if ( $count-- == 0 ) {
                           %timers = ();
                           content "Tugu tugu tugu dum!\n";

                           print "<enter sound of applause>\n\n";
                           $timers{'Applause'} = AE::timer 3, 0, sub {
                               # the DSL will not available here
                               # because we didn't call the "delayed" keyword
                               print "<applause dies out>\n";

       If an error happens during a write operation, a warning will be issued to the logger.

       You can handle the error yourself by providing an "on_error" handler:

           get '/' => sub {
               delayed {
                   content "works";

                   # ... user disconnected here ...

                   content "fails";

                   # ... error triggered ...

                   done; # doesn't even get run
               } on_error => sub {
                   # delayed{} not needed, DSL already available
                   my ($error) = @_;
                   # do something with $error

       Here is an example that asynchronously streams the contents of a CSV file:

           use Dancer2;
           use Text::CSV_XS  qw< csv >;
           use Path::Tiny    qw< path >;
           use JSON::MaybeXS qw< encode_json >;
           # Create CSV parser
           my $csv = Text::CSV_XS->new({
               binary    => 1,
               auto_diag => 1,
           get '/' => sub {
               # delayed response:
               delayed {
                   # streaming content
                   # Read each row and stream it in JSON
                   my $fh = path('filename.csv')->openr_utf8;
                   while ( my $row = $csv->getline($fh) ) {
                       content encode_json $row;
                   # close user connection
               } on_error => sub {
                   my ($error) = @_;
                   warning 'Failed to stream to user: ' . request->remote_address;

       NOTE: If you just want to send a file's contents asynchronously, use send_file($filename) instead of
       "delayed", as it will automatically take advantage of any asynchronous capability.

   Action Skipping
       An action can choose not to serve the current request and ask Dancer2 to process the request with the
       next matching route.

       This is done with the pass keyword, like in the following example

           get '/say/:word' => sub {
               pass if route_parameters->get('word') =~ /^\d+$/;
               "I say a word: " . route_parameters->get('word');

           get '/say/:number' => sub {
               "I say a number: " . route_parameters->get('number');


       Hooks are code references (or anonymous subroutines) that are triggered at specific moments during the
       resolution of a request.  They are set up using the hook keyword.

       Many of them are provided by Dancer2's core, but plugins and engines can also define their own.

       •   "before" hooks

           "before" hooks are evaluated before each request within the context of the request and receives as
           argument the app (a Dancer2::Core::App object).

           It's possible to define variables which will be accessible in the action blocks with the var keyword.

               hook before => sub {
                   var note => 'Hi there';

               get '/foo/*' => sub {
                   my ($match) = splat; # 'oversee';
                   vars->{note};        # 'Hi there'

           For another example, this can be used along with session support to easily give non-logged-in users a
           login page:

               hook before => sub {
                   if (!session('user') && request->path !~ m{^/login}) {
                       # Pass the original path requested along to the handler:
                       forward '/login', { requested_path => request->path };

           The request keyword returns the current Dancer2::Core::Request object representing the incoming

       •   "after" hooks

           "after" hooks are evaluated after the response has been built by a route handler, and can alter the
           response itself, just before it's sent to the client.

           This hook runs after a request has been processed, but before the response is sent.

           It receives a Dancer2::Core::Response object, which it can modify if it needs to make changes to the
           response which is about to be sent.

           The hook can use other keywords in order to do whatever it wants.

               hook after => sub {
                       q{The "after" hook can alter the response's content here!}

       •   "before_template_render"

           "before_template_render" hooks are called whenever a template is going to be processed, they are
           passed the tokens hash which they can alter.

               hook before_template_render => sub {
                   my $tokens = shift;
                   $tokens->{foo} = 'bar';

           The tokens hash will then be passed to the template with all the modifications performed by the hook.
           This is a good way to setup some global vars you like to have in all your templates, like the name of
           the user logged in or a section name.

       •   "after_template_render"

           "after_template_render" hooks are called after the view has been rendered.  They receive as their
           first argument the reference to the content that has been produced. This can be used to post-process
           the content rendered by the template engine.

               hook after_template_render => sub {
                   my $ref_content = shift;
                   my $content     = ${$ref_content};

                   # do something with $content
                   ${$ref_content} = $content;

       •   "before_layout_render"

           "before_layout_render" hooks are called whenever the layout is going to be applied to the current
           content. The arguments received by the hook are the current tokens hashref and a reference to the
           current content.

               hook before_layout_render => sub {
                   my ($tokens, $ref_content) = @_;
                   $tokens->{new_stuff} = 42;
                   $ref_content = \"new content";

       •   "after_layout_render"

           "after_layout_render" hooks are called once the complete content of the view has been produced, after
           the layout has been applied to the content.  The argument received by the hook is a reference to the
           complete content string.

               hook after_layout_render => sub {
                   my $ref_content = shift;
                   # do something with ${ $ref_content }, which reflects directly
                   #   in the caller

   Error Handling
       Refer to Error Hooks for details about the following hooks:

       •   "init_error"

       •   "before_error"

       •   "after_error"

       •   "on_route_exception"

   File Rendering
       Refer to File Handler for details on the following hooks:

       •   "before_file_render"

       •   "after_file_render"

       Logging hooks do not allow you to alter log message content, but they do give you a place to perform
       extra actions. For example, if you want to send an email for error messages, but you don't want to use a
       heavier logger such as Log::Any or Log::Log4perl:

           hook 'engine.logger.after' => sub {
               my ( $logger, $level, $message ) = @_;

               if( $level eq 'error' ) {
                   # Send an email with the message content

       There are two hooks available for logging:

       •   engine.logger.before

           This hook is called before a log message is produced.

       •   engine.logger.after

           This hook is called after a log message is produced.

       •   "before_serializer" is called before serializing the content, and receives the content to serialize
           as an argument.

             hook before_serializer => sub {
               my $content = shift;

       •   "after_serializer" is called after the payload has been serialized, and receives the serialized
           content as an argument.

             hook after_serializer => sub {
               my $serialized_content = shift;


   File Handler
       Whenever a content is produced out of the parsing of a static file, the Dancer2::Handler::File component
       is used. This component provides two hooks, "before_file_render" and "after_file_render".

       "before_file_render" hooks are called just before starting to parse the file, the hook receives as its
       first argument the file path that is going to be processed.

           hook before_file_render => sub {
               my $path = shift;

       "after_file_render" hooks are called after the file has been parsed and the response content produced. It
       receives the response object (Dancer2::Core::Response) produced.

           hook after_file_render => sub {
              my $response = shift;

   Auto page
       Whenever a page that matches an existing template needs to be served, the Dancer2::Handler::AutoPage
       component is used.

   Writing your own
       A route handler is a class that consumes the Dancer2::Core::Role::Handler role. The class must implement
       a set of methods: "methods", "regexp" and "code" which will be used to declare the route.

       Let's look at Dancer2::Handler::AutoPage for example.

       First, the matching methods are "get" and "head":

           sub methods { qw(head get) }

       Then, the "regexp" or the path we want to match:

           sub regexp { '/:page' }

       Anything will be matched by this route, since we want to check if there's a view named with the value of
       the "page" token. If not, the route needs to "pass", letting the dispatching flow to proceed further.

           sub code {
               sub {
                   my $app = shift;
                   my $prefix = shift;

                   my $template = $app->template_engine;
                   if ( !defined $template ) {

                   my $page       = $app->request->path;
                   my $layout_dir = $template->layout_dir;
                   if ( $page =~ m{^/\Q$layout_dir\E/} ) {

                   # remove leading '/', ensuring paths relative to the view
                   $page =~ s{^/}{};
                   my $view_path = $template->view_pathname($page);

                   if ( ! $template->pathname_exists( $view_path ) ) {

                   my $ct = $template->process( $page );
                   return ( $app->request->method eq 'GET' ) ? $ct : '';

       The "code" method passed the Dancer2::Core::App object which provides access to anything needed to
       process the request.

       A "register" is then implemented to add the route to the registry and if the "auto_page setting" is off,
       it does nothing.

           sub register {
               my ($self, $app) = @_;

               return unless $app->config->{auto_page};

                   method => $_,
                   regexp => $self->regexp,
                   code   => $self->code,
               ) for $self->methods;

       The config parser looks for a "route_handlers" section and any handler defined there is loaded. Thus, any
       random handler can be added to your app.  For example, the default config file for any Dancer2
       application is as follows:

               public_dir: /path/to/public
             AutoPage: 1


   Error Pages
       When an HTTP error occurs (i.e. the action responds with a status code other than 200), this is how
       Dancer2 determines what page to display.

       •   Looks in the "views/" directory for a corresponding template file matching the error code (e.g.
           "500.tt" or "404.tt"). If such a file exists, it's used to report the error.

       •   Next, looks in the "public/" directory for a corresponding HTML file matching the error code (e.g.
           "500.html" or "404.html"). If such a file exists, it's used to report the error. (Note, however, that
           if show_stacktrace is set to true, in the case of a 500 error the static HTML page will not be shown,
           but will be replaced with a default error page containing more informative diagnostics. For more
           information see Dancer2::Config.)

           (In older versions, show_errors was used instead of show_stacktrace.  Both are supported, but
           show_errors is deprecated.)

       •   As default, render a generic error page on the fly.

   Execution Errors
       When an error occurs during the route execution, Dancer2 will render an error page with the HTTP status
       code 500.

       It's possible either to display the content of the error message or to hide it with a generic error page.
       This is a choice left to the end-user and can be controlled with the show_stacktrace setting (see above).

   Error Hooks
       When an error is caught by Dancer2's core, an exception object is built (of the class
       Dancer2::Core::Error). This class provides a hook to let the user alter the error workflow if needed.

       "init_error" hooks are called whenever an error object is built, the object is passed to the hook.

           hook init_error => sub {
               my $error = shift;
               # do something with $error

       This hook was named before_error_init in Dancer, both names currently are synonyms for backward-

       "before_error" hooks are called whenever an error is going to be thrown, it receives the error object as
       its sole argument.

           hook before_error => sub {
               my $error = shift;
               # do something with $error

       This hook was named before_error_render in Dancer, both names currently are synonyms for backward-

       "after_error" hooks are called whenever an error object has been thrown, it receives a
       Dancer2::Core::Response object as its sole argument.

           hook after_error => sub {
               my $response = shift;

       This hook was named after_error_render in Dancer, both names currently are synonyms for backward-

       "on_route_exception" is called when an exception has been caught, at the route level, just before
       rethrowing it higher. This hook receives a Dancer2::Core::App and the error as arguments.

         hook on_route_exception => sub {
           my ($app, $error) = @_;


   Handling sessions
       It's common to want to use sessions to give your web applications state; for instance, allowing a user to
       log in, creating a session, and checking that session on subsequent requests.

       By default Dancer 2 has Simple sessions enabled.  It implements a very simple in-memory session storage.
       This will be fast and useful for testing, but such sessions will not persist between restarts of your

       If you'd like to use a different session engine you must declare it in the configuration file.

       For example to use YAML file base sessions you need to add the following to your config.yml:

           session: YAML

       Or, to enable session support from within your code,

           set session => 'YAML';

       (However, controlling settings is best done from your config file.)

       The Dancer2::Session::YAML backend implements a file-based YAML session storage to help with debugging,
       but shouldn't be used on production systems.

       There are other session backends, such as Dancer2::Session::Memcached, which are recommended for
       production use.

       You can then use the session keyword to manipulate the session:

       Storing data in the session

       Storing data in the session is as easy as:

           session varname => 'value';

       Retrieving data from the session

       Retrieving data from the session is as easy as:


       Or, alternatively,


       Controlling where sessions are stored

       For disc-based session backends like Dancer2::Session::YAML, session files are written to the session dir
       specified by the "session_dir" setting, which defaults to "./sessions" if not specifically set.

       If you need to control where session files are created, you can do so quickly and easily within your
       config file, for example:

           session: YAML
                 session_dir: /tmp/dancer-sessions

       If the directory you specify does not exist, Dancer2 will attempt to create it for you.

       Changing session ID

       If you wish to change the session ID (for example on privilege level change):

           my $new_session_id = app->change_session_id

       Destroying a session

       When you're done with your session, you can destroy it:


   Sessions and logging in
       A common requirement is to check the user is logged in, and, if not, require them to log in before

       This can easily be handled using a before hook to check their session:

           use Dancer2;
           set session => "Simple";

           hook before => sub {
               if (!session('user') && request->path !~ m{^/login}) {
                   forward '/login', { requested_path => request->path };

           get '/' => sub { return "Home Page"; };

           get '/secret' => sub { return "Top Secret Stuff here"; };

           get '/login' => sub {
               # Display a login page; the original URL they requested is available as
               # query_parameters->get('requested_path'), so could be put in a hidden field in the form
               template 'login', { path => query_parameters->get('requested_path') };

           post '/login' => sub {
               # Validate the username and password they supplied
               if (body_parameters->get('user') eq 'bob' && body_parameters->get('pass') eq 'letmein') {
                   session user => body_parameters->get('user');
                   redirect body_parameters->get('path') || '/';
               } else {
                   redirect '/login?failed=1';


       Here is what the corresponding "login.tt" file should look like. You should place it in a directory
       called "views/":

               <title>Session and logging in</title>
               <form action='/login' method='POST'>
                   User Name : <input type='text' name='user'/>
                   Password: <input type='password' name='pass' />

                   <!-- Put the original path requested into a hidden
                              field so it's sent back in the POST and can be
                              used to redirect to the right page after login -->
                   <input type='hidden' name='path' value='<% path %>'/>

                   <input type='submit' value='Login' />

       Of course, you'll probably want to validate your users against a database table, or maybe via
       IMAP/LDAP/SSH/POP3/local system accounts via PAM etc.  Authen::Simple is probably a good starting point

       A simple working example of handling authentication against a database table yourself (using
       Dancer2::Plugin::Database which provides the "database" keyword, and Crypt::SaltedHash to handle salted
       hashed passwords (well, you wouldn't store your users passwords in the clear, would you?)) follows:

           post '/login' => sub {
               my $user_value = body_parameters->get('user');
               my $pass_value = body_parameters->get('pass');

               my $user = database->quick_select('users',
                   { username => $user_value }
               if (!$user) {
                   warning "Failed login for unrecognised user $user_value";
                   redirect '/login?failed=1';
               } else {
                   if (Crypt::SaltedHash->validate($user->{password}, $pass_value))
                       debug "Password correct";
                       # Logged in successfully
                       session user => $user;
                       redirect body_parameters->get('path') || '/';
                   } else {
                       debug("Login failed - password incorrect for " . $user_value);
                       redirect '/login?failed=1';

       Retrieve complete hash stored in session

       Get complete hash stored in session:

           my $hash = session;

   Writing a session engine
       In Dancer 2, a session backend consumes the role Dancer2::Core::Role::SessionFactory.

       The following example using the Redis session demonstrates how session engines are written in Dancer 2.

       First thing to do is to create the class for the session engine, we'll name it "Dancer2::Session::Redis":

            package Dancer2::Session::Redis;
            use Moo;
            with 'Dancer2::Core::Role::SessionFactory';

       we want our backend to have a handle over a Redis connection.  To do that, we'll create an attribute

            use JSON;
            use Redis;
            use Dancer2::Core::Types; # brings helper for types

            has redis => (
                is => 'rw',
                isa => InstanceOf['Redis'],
                lazy => 1,
                builder => '_build_redis',

       The lazy attribute says to Moo that this attribute will be built (initialized) only when called the first
       time. It means that the connection to Redis won't be opened until necessary.

            sub _build_redis {
                my ($self) = @_;
                    server => $self->server,
                    password => $self->password,
                    encoding => undef,

       Two more attributes, "server" and "password" need to be created.  We do this by defining them in the
       config file. Dancer2 passes anything defined in the config to the engine creation.

            # config.yml
                  server: foo.mydomain.com
                  password: S3Cr3t

       The server and password entries are now passed to the constructor of the Redis session engine and can be
       accessed from there.

            has server => (is => 'ro', required => 1);
            has password => (is => 'ro');

       Next, we define the subroutine "_retrieve" which will return a session object for a session ID it has
       passed. Since in this case, sessions are going to be stored in Redis, the session ID will be the key, the
       session the value.  So retrieving is as easy as doing a get and decoding the JSON string returned:

            sub _retrieve {
                my ($self, $session_id) = @_;
                my $json = $self->redis->get($session_id);
                my $hash = from_json( $json );
                return bless $hash, 'Dancer2::Core::Session';

       The "_flush" method is called by Dancer when the session needs to be stored in the backend. That is
       actually a write to Redis. The method receives a "Dancer2::Core::Session" object and is supposed to store

            sub _flush {
                my ($self, $session) = @_;
                my $json = encode_json( { %{ $session } } );
                $self->redis->set($session->id, $json);

       For the "_destroy" method which is supposed to remove a session from the backend, deleting the key from
       Redis is enough.

            sub _destroy {
                my ($self, $session_id) = @_;

       The "_sessions" method which is supposed to list all the session IDs currently stored in the backend is
       done by listing all the keys that Redis has.

            sub _sessions {
                my ($self) = @_;
                my @keys = $self->redis->keys('*');
                return \@keys;

       The session engine is now ready.

       The Session keyword

       Dancer2 maintains two session layers.

       The first layer, Dancer2::Core::Session provides a session object which represents the current session.
       You can read from it as many times as you want, and write to it as many times as you want.

       The second layer is the session engine (Dancer2::Session::Simple is one example), which is used in order
       to implement the reading and writing from the actual storage. This is read only once, when a request
       comes in (using a cookie whose value is "dancer.session" by default).  At the end of a request, all the
       data you've written will be flushed to the engine itself, which will do the actual write to the storage
       (whether it's in a hash in memory, in Memcache, or in a database).


       Returning plain content is all well and good for examples or trivial apps, but soon you'll want to use
       templates to maintain separation between your code and your content. Dancer2 makes this easy.

       Your route handlers can use the template keyword to render templates.

       In Dancer2, a file which holds a template is called a view.  Views are located in the "appdir/views"

       You can change this location by changing the setting 'views'. For instance if your templates are located
       in the 'templates' directory, do the following:

           set views => path( app->location , 'templates' );

       By default, the internal template engine Dancer2::Template::Simple is used, but you may want to upgrade
       to Template Toolkit <http://www.template-toolkit.org/>. If you do so, you have to enable this engine in
       your settings as explained in Dancer2::Template::TemplateToolkit and you'll also have to install the
       Template module.

       In order to render a view, just call the template keyword at the end of the action by giving the view
       name and the HASHREF of tokens to interpolate in the view (note that for convenience, the request,
       session, params and vars are automatically accessible in the view, named "request", "session", "params",
       and "vars") - for example:

           hook before => sub { var time => scalar(localtime) };

           get '/hello/:name' => sub {
               my $name = route_parameters->get('name');
               template 'hello.tt', { name => $name };

       The template "hello.tt" could contain, for example:

           <p>Hi there, [% name %]!</p>
           <p>You're using [% request.user_agent %]</p>
           [% IF session.username %]
               <p>You're logged in as [% session.username %]</p>
           [% END %]
           It's currently [% vars.time %]

       For a full list of the tokens automatically added to your template (like "session", "request", and
       "vars", refer to Dancer2::Core::Role::Template).

       By default, views use a .tt extension. This can be overridden by setting the "extension" attribute in the
       template engine configuration:

           set engines => {
               template => {
                   template_toolkit => {
                       extension => 'foo',

       A layout is a special view, located in the layouts directory (inside the views directory) which must have
       a token named "content". That token marks the place where to render the action view. This lets you define
       a global layout for your actions, and have each individual view contain only specific content. This is a
       good thing and helps avoid lots of needless duplication of HTML. :)

       For example, the layout views/layouts/main.tt:

               <div id="header">

               <div id="content">
               [% content %]


       You can tell your app which layout to use with "layout: name" in the config file, or within your code:

           set layout => 'main';

       You can control which layout to use (or whether to use a layout at all) for a specific request without
       altering the layout setting by passing an options hashref as the third param to the template keyword:

           template 'index.tt', {}, { layout => undef };

       If your application is not mounted under root ("/"), you can use a "before_template_render" hook instead
       of hardcoding the path into your application for your CSS, images and JavaScript:

           hook before_template_render => sub {
               my $tokens = shift;
               $tokens->{uri_base} = request->base->path;

       Then in your layout, modify your CSS inclusion as follows:

           <link rel="stylesheet" href="[% uri_base %]/css/style.css" />

       From now on you can mount your application wherever you want, without any further modification of the CSS

       If you use Plack and have a Unicode problem with your Dancer2 application, don't forget to check if you
       have set your template engine to use Unicode, and set the default charset to UTF-8. So, if you are using
       template toolkit, your config file will look like this:

           charset: UTF-8
                 ENCODING: utf8

   Default Template Variables
       Every template knows about the following variables, which are provided by Dancer2::Core::Role::Template.
       Some are similar to the keywords you can use in the Perl part of your Dancer2 application.

       •   perl_version

           Current version of perl, effectively $^V <http://perldoc.perl.org/perlvar.html#%24%5eV>.

       •   dancer_version

           Current version of Dancer2, effectively "Dancer2->VERSION".

       •   settings

           A hash of the application configuration. This is like the config keyword.

       •   request

           The current request object. This is like the request keyword.

       •   params

           A hash reference of all the parameters.

           Currently the equivalent of "$request->params", and like the params keyword.

       •   vars

           The list of request variables, which is what you would get if you called the vars keyword.

       •   session

           The current session data, if a session exists. This is like the session keyword.


   Static Directory
       Static files are served from the ./public directory. You can specify a different location by setting the
       "public_dir" option:

           set public_dir => path( app->location , 'static' );

       When you modify default public_dir you have to set "static_handler" option.

           set static_handler => true;

       Note that the public directory name is not included in the URL. A file ./public/css/style.css is made
       available as <http://example.com/css/style.css>.

   Static File from a Route Handler
       It's possible for a route handler to send a static file, as follows:

           get '/download/*' => sub {
               my ($file) = splat;

               send_file $file;

       Or even if you want your index page to be a plain old index.html file, just do:

           get '/' => sub {
               send_file '/index.html'


       Files are uploaded in Dancer2 using the class Dancer2::Core::Request::Upload.  The objects are accessible
       within the route handlers using the "upload" keyword:

           post '/upload' => sub {
               my $upload     = upload('file_input_name');    # upload object


   Configuration and environments
       Configuring a Dancer2 application can be done in many ways. The easiest one (and maybe the dirtiest) is
       to put all your settings statements at the top of your script, before calling the dance() method.

       Other ways are possible: for example, you can define all your settings in the file "appdir/config.yml".
       For this, you must have installed the YAML module, and of course, write the config file in YAML.

       That's better than the first option, but it's still not perfect as you can't switch easily from an
       environment to another without rewriting the config file.

       A better solution is to have one config.yml file with default global settings, like the following:

           # appdir/config.yml
           logger: 'file'
           layout: 'main'

       And then write as many environment files as you like in "appdir/environments". That way, the appropriate
       environment config file will be loaded according to the running environment (if none is specified, it
       will be 'development').

       You can change the running environment when starting your app using the "plackup" command's "--env" or
       "--E" switch:

           plackup -E production bin/app.psgi

       Altenatively, you can set the "DANCER_ENVIRONMENT"
       <https://metacpan.org/pod/Dancer2::Config#DANCER_ENVIRONMENT> environment variable in the shell or in
       your web server's configuration file.

       Typically, you'll want to set the following values in a development config file:

           # appdir/environments/development.yml
           log: 'debug'
           startup_info: 1
           show_stacktrace:  1

       And in a production one:

           # appdir/environments/production.yml
           log: 'warning'
           startup_info: 0
           show_stacktrace:  0

       Please note that you are not limited to writing configuration files in YAML.  Dancer2 supports any file
       format that is supported by Config::Any, such as JSON, XML, INI files, and Apache-style config files. See
       the Dancer2 configuration guide <https://metacpan.org/pod/Dancer2::Config#MANIPULATING-SETTINGS-VIA-
       CONFIGURATION-FILES> for more information.

   Accessing configuration information
       A Dancer2 application can use the "config" keyword to easily access the settings within its config file,
       for instance:

           get '/appname' => sub {
               return "This is " . config->{appname};

       This makes keeping your application's settings all in one place simple and easy - you shouldn't need to
       worry about implementing all that yourself. :)

       It's possible to change almost every parameter of the application via the settings mechanism.

       A setting is a key/value pair assigned by the keyword set:

           set setting_name => 'setting_value';

       More usefully, settings can be defined in a configuration file.  Environment-specific settings can also
       be defined in environment-specific files (for instance, you do not want to show error stacktraces in
       production, and might want extra logging in development).

       When writing a webservice, data serialization/deserialization is a common issue to deal with. Dancer2 can
       automatically handle that for you, via a serializer.

       When setting up a serializer, a new behaviour is authorized for any route handler you define: any non-
       scalar response will be rendered as a serialized string, via the current serializer.

       Here is an example of a route handler that will return a hashref:

           use Dancer2;
           set serializer => 'JSON';

           get '/user/:id/' => sub {
               { foo => 42,
                 number => 100234,
                 list => [qw(one two three)],

       Dancer2 will render the response via the current serializer.

       Hence, with the JSON serializer set, the route handler above would result in a content like the


       If you send a value which is validated serialized data, but is not in the form a key and value pair (such
       as a serialized string or a JSON array), the data will not be available in "params" but will be available
       in "request->data".

       The following serializers are available, be aware they dynamically depend on Perl modules you may not
       have on your system.

       •   JSON

           Requires JSON.

       •   YAML

           Requires YAML,

       •   XML

           Requires XML::Simple.

       •   Mutable

           Will try to find the appropriate serializer using the Content-Type and Accept-type header of the

   Importing using Appname
       An app in Dancer2 uses the class name (defined by the "package" function) to define the App name. Thus
       separating the App to multiple files, actually means creating multiple applications. This means that any
       engine defined in an application, because the application is a complete separate scope, will not be
       available to a different application:

            package MyApp::User {
                use Dancer2;
                set serializer => 'JSON';
                get '/view' => sub {...};

            package MyApp::User::Edit {
                use Dancer2;
                get '/edit' => sub {...};

       These are two different Dancer2 Apps. They have different scopes, contexts, and thus different engines.
       While "MyApp::User" has a serializer defined, "MyApp::User::Edit" will not have that configuration.

       By using the import option "appname", we can ask Dancer2 to extend an App without creating a new one:

            package MyApp::User {
                use Dancer2;
                set serializer => 'JSON';
                get '/view' => sub {...};

            package MyApp::User::Edit {
                use Dancer2 appname => 'MyApp::User'; # extending MyApp::User
                get '/edit' => sub {...};

       The import option "appname" allows you to seamlessly extend Dancer2 Apps without creating unnecessary
       additional applications or repeat any definitions.  This allows you to spread your application routes
       across multiple files and allow ease of mind when developing it, and accommodate multiple developers
       working on the same codebase.

            # app.pl
            use MyApp::User;
            use MyApp::User::Edit;

            # single application composed of routes provided in multiple files

       This way only one class needs to be loaded while creating an app:

            # app.pl:
            use MyApp::User;


   Configuring logging
       It's possible to log messages generated by the application and by Dancer2 itself.

       To start logging, select the logging engine you wish to use with the "logger" setting; Dancer2 includes
       built-in log engines named "file" and "console", which log to a logfile and to the console respectively.

       To enable logging to a file, add the following to your config file:

           logger: 'file'

       Then you can choose which kind of messages you want to actually log:

           log: 'core'      # will log debug, info, warnings, errors,
                            #   and messages from Dancer2 itself
           log: 'debug'     # will log debug, info, warning and errors
           log: 'info'      # will log info, warning and errors
           log: 'warning'   # will log warning and errors
           log: 'error'     # will log only errors

       If you're using the "file" logging engine, a directory "appdir/logs" will be created and will host one
       logfile per environment. The log message contains the time it was written, the PID of the current
       process, the message and the caller information (file and line).

   Logging your own messages
       Just call debug <https://metacpan.org/pod/Dancer2::Manual#debug>, info
       <https://metacpan.org/pod/Dancer2::Manual#info>, warning
       <https://metacpan.org/pod/Dancer2::Manual#warning> or error
       <https://metacpan.org/pod/Dancer2::Manual#error> with your message:

           debug "This is a debug message from my app.";


   Using Plack::Test
       Plack::Test receives a common web request (using standard HTTP::Request objects), fakes a web server in
       order to create a proper PSGI request, and sends it to the web application. When the web application
       returns a PSGI response (which Dancer applications do), it will then convert it to a common web response
       (as a standard HTTP::Response object).

       This allows you to then create requests in your test, create the code reference for your web application,
       call them, and receive a response object, which can then be tested.

       Basic Example

       Assuming there is a web application:

            # MyApp.pm
            package MyApp;
            use Dancer2;
            get '/' => sub {'OK'};

       The following test base.t is created:

            # base.t
            use strict;
            use warnings;
            use Test::More tests => 2;
            use Plack::Test;
            use HTTP::Request;
            use MyApp;

       Creating a coderef for the application using the "to_app" keyword:

            my $app = MyApp->to_app;

       Creating a test object from Plack::Test for the application:

            my $test = Plack::Test->create($app);

       Creating the first request object and sending it to the test object to receive a response:

            my $request  = HTTP::Request->new( GET => '/' );
            my $response = $test->request($request);

       It can now be tested:

            ok( $response->is_success, '[GET /] Successful request' );
            is( $response->content, 'OK', '[GET /] Correct content' );

       Putting it together

            # base.t
            use strict;
            use warnings;
            use Test::More;
            use Plack::Test;
            use HTTP::Request::Common;
            use MyApp;

            my $test     = Plack::Test->create( MyApp->to_app );
            my $response = $test->request( GET '/' );

            ok( $response->is_success, '[GET /] Successful request' );
            is( $response->content, 'OK', '[GET /] Correct content' );



       Tests can be separated using Test::More's "subtest" functionality, thus creating multiple self-contained
       tests that don't overwrite each other.

       Assuming we have a different app that has two states we want to test:

            # MyApp.pm
            package MyApp;
            use Dancer2;
            set serializer => 'JSON';

            get '/:user' => sub {
                my $user = route_parameters->get('user');

                $user and return { user => $user };

                return {};


       This is a contrived example of a route that checks for a user parameter. If it exists, it returns it in a
       hash with the key 'user'. If not, it returns an empty hash

            # param.t
            use strict;
            use warnings;
            use Test::More;
            use Plack::Test;
            use HTTP::Request::Common;
            use MyApp;

            my $test = Plack::Test->create( MyApp->to_app );

            subtest 'A empty request' => sub {
                my $res = $test->request( GET '/' );
                ok( $res->is_success, 'Successful request' );
                is( $res->content '{}', 'Empty response back' );

            subtest 'Request with user' => sub {
                my $res = $test->request( GET '/?user=sawyer_x' );
                ok( $res->is_success, 'Successful request' );
                is( $res->content '{"user":"sawyer_x"}', 'Empty response back' );



       To handle cookies, which are mostly used for maintaining sessions, the following modules can be used:

       •   Test::WWW::Mechanize::PSGI

       •   LWP::Protocol::PSGI

       •   HTTP::Cookies

       Taking the previous test, assuming it actually creates and uses cookies for sessions:

            # ... all the use statements
            use HTTP::Cookies;

            my $jar  = HTTP::Cookies->new;
            my $test = Plack::Test->create( MyApp->to_app );

            subtest 'A empty request' => sub {
                my $res = $test->request( GET '/' );
                ok( $res->is_success, 'Successful request' );
                is( $res->content '{}', 'Empty response back' );
                ok( $jar->as_string, 'We have cookies!' );

            subtest 'Request with user' => sub {
                my $req = GET '/?user=sawyer_x';
                my $res = $test->request($req);
                ok( $res->is_success, 'Successful request' );
                is( $res->content '{"user":"sawyer_x"}', 'Empty response back' );

                ok( ! $jar->as_string, 'All cookies deleted' );


       Here a cookie jar is created, all requests and responses, existing cookies, as well as cookies that were
       deleted by the response, are checked.

       Accessing the configuration file

       By importing Dancer2 in the command line scripts, there is full access to the configuration using the
       imported keywords:

            use strict;
            use warnings;
            use Test::More;
            use Plack::Test;
            use HTTP::Request::Common;
            use MyApp;
            use Dancer2;

            my $appname = config->{'appname'};
            diag "Testing $appname";

            # ...


       What it does

       Carton sets up a local copy of your project prerequisites. You only need to define them in a file and ask
       Carton to download all of them and set them up.  When you want to deploy your app, you just carry the git
       clone and ask Carton to set up the environment again and you will then be able to run it.

       The benefits are multifold:

       •   Local Directory copy

           By putting all the dependencies in a local directory, you can make sure they aren't updated by
           someone else by accident and their versions locked to the version you picked.

       •   Sync versions

           Deciding which versions of the dependent modules your project needs allows you to sync this with
           other developers as well. Now you're all using the same version and they don't change unless you want
           update the versions you want. When updated everyone again uses the same new version of everything.

       •   Carry only the requirement, not bundled modules

           Instead of bundling the modules, you only actually bundle the requirements.  Carton builds them for
           you when you need it.

       Setting it up

       First set up a new app:

            $ dancer2 gen -a MyApp

       Delete the files that are not needed:

            $ rm -f Makefile.PL MANIFEST MANIFEST.SKIP

       Create a git repo:

            $ git init && git add . && git commit -m "initial commit"

       Add a requirement using the cpanfile format:

            $ cat > cpanfile
            requires 'Dancer2' => 0.155000;
            requires 'Template' => 0;
            recommends 'URL::Encode::XS' => 0;
            recommends 'CGI::Deurl::XS' => 0;
            recommends 'HTTP::Parser::XS' => 0;

       Ask carton to set it up:

            $ carton install
            Installing modules using [...]
            Successfully installed [...]
            Complete! Modules were install into [...]/local

       Now we have two files: cpanfile and cpanfile.snapshot. We add both of them to our Git repository and we
       make sure we don't accidentally add the local/ directory Carton created which holds the modules it

            $ echo local/ >> .gitignore
            $ git add .gitignore cpanfile cpanfile.snapshot
            $ git commit -m "Start using carton"

       When we want to update the versions on the production machine, we simply call:

            $ carton install --deployment

       By using --deployment we make sure we only install the modules we have in our cpanfile.snapshot file and
       do not fallback to querying the CPAN.

       App::FatPacker (using its command line interface, fatpack) packs dependencies into a single file,
       allowing you to carry a single file instead of a directory tree.

       As long as your application is pure-Perl, you could create a single file with your application and all of
       Dancer2 in it.

       The following example will demonstrate how this can be done:

       Assuming we have an application in lib/MyApp.pm:

            package MyApp;
            use Dancer2;
            get '/' => sub {'OK'};

       And we have a handler in bin/app.pl:

            use strict;
            use warnings;
            use FindBin;
            use lib "$FindBin::Bin/../lib";
            use MyApp;


       To fatpack it, we begin by tracing the script:

            $ fatpack trace bin/app.pl

       This creates a fatpacker.trace file. From this we create the packlists:

            $ fatpack packlists-for `cat fatpacker.trace` > packlists

       The packlists are stored in a file called packlists.

       Now we create the tree using the following command:

            $ fatpack tree `cat packlists`

       The tree is created under the directory fatlib.

       Now we create a file containing the dependency tree, and add our script to it, using the following

            $ (fatpack file; cat bin/app.pl) > myapp.pl

       This creates a file called myapp.pl with everything in it. Dancer2 uses MIME::Types which has a database
       of all MIME types and helps translate those.  The small database file containing all of these types is a
       binary and therefore cannot be fatpacked. Hence, it needs to be copied to the current directory so our
       script can find it:

            $ cp fatlib/MIME/types.db .


   Plack middlewares
       If you want to use Plack middlewares, you need to enable them using Plack::Builder as such:

           # in app.psgi or any other handler
           use MyApp;
           use Plack::Builder;

           builder {
               enable 'Deflater';
               enable 'Session', store => 'File';
               enable 'Debug', panels => [ qw<DBITrace Memory Timer> ];

       The nice thing about this setup is that it will work seamlessly through Plack or through the internal web

           # load dev web server (without middlewares)
           perl -Ilib app.psgi

           # load plack web server (with middlewares)
           plackup -I lib app.psgi

       You do not need to provide different files for either server.

       Path-based middlewares

       If you want to set up a middleware for a specific path, you can do that using Plack::Builder which uses

           # in your app.psgi or any other handler
           use MyApp;
           use Plack::Builder;

           my $special_handler = sub { ... };

           builder {
               mount '/special' => $special_handler;
               mount '/'        => MyApp->to_app;

       Removing default middlewares

       By default, a Dancer2 app is automatically wrapped with the following middleware

       •   Plack::Middleware::FixMissingBodyInRedirect

       •   Plack::Middleware::Head

       You can configure the setting "no_default_middleware" to a true value to stop your Dancer2 app being
       wrapped with these default middleware layers.

           # in you Dancer2 app or config.yml
           package MyApp;
           use Dancer2

           set no_default_middleware => true;

       This is necessary if you need to add eTag or ContentMD5 headers to "HEAD" requests, and you are
       encouraged to manually add those default middleware back into your PSGI stack.

       Running on Perl web servers with plackup

       A number of Perl web servers supporting PSGI are available on CPAN:

       •   Starman

           "Starman" is a high performance web server, with support for preforking, signals, multiple
           interfaces, graceful restarts and dynamic worker pool configuration.

       •   Twiggy

           "Twiggy" is an "AnyEvent" web server, it's light and fast.

       •   Corona

           "Corona" is a "Coro" based web server.

       To start your application, just run plackup (see Plack and specific servers above for all available

          $ plackup bin/app.psgi
          $ plackup -E deployment -s Starman --workers=10 -p 5001 -a bin/app.psgi

       As you can see, the scaffolded Perl script for your app can be used as a PSGI startup file.

       Enabling content compression

       Content compression (gzip, deflate) can be easily enabled via a Plack middleware (see "Plack::Middleware"
       in Plack): Plack::Middleware::Deflater.  It's a middleware to encode the response body in gzip or
       deflate, based on the "Accept-Encoding" HTTP request header.

       Enable it as you would enable any Plack middleware. First you need to install
       Plack::Middleware::Deflater, then in the handler (usually app.psgi) edit it to use Plack::Builder, as
       described above:

           use Dancer2;
           use MyApp;
           use Plack::Builder;

           builder {
               enable 'Deflater';

       To test if content compression works, trace the HTTP request and response before and after enabling this
       middleware. Among other things, you should notice that the response is gzip or deflate encoded, and
       contains a header "Content-Encoding" set to "gzip" or "deflate".

       Running multiple apps with Plack::Builder

       You can use Plack::Builder to mount multiple Dancer2 applications on a PSGI webserver like Starman.

       Start by creating a simple app.psgi file:

           use OurWiki;  # first app
           use OurForum; # second app
           use Plack::Builder;

           builder {
               mount '/wiki'  => OurWiki->to_app;
               mount '/forum' => OurForum->to_app;

       and now use Starman

           plackup -a app.psgi -s Starman

       Currently this still demands the same appdir for both (default circumstance) but in a future version this
       will be easier to change while staying very simple to mount.

       Running from Apache with Plack

       You can run your app from Apache using PSGI (Plack), with a config like the following:

           <VirtualHost myapp.example.com>
               ServerName www.myapp.example.com
               ServerAlias myapp.example.com
               DocumentRoot /websites/myapp.example.com

               <Directory /home/myapp/myapp>
                   AllowOverride None
                   Order allow,deny
                   Allow from all

               <Location />
                   SetHandler perl-script
                   PerlResponseHandler Plack::Handler::Apache2
                   PerlSetVar psgi_app /websites/myapp.example.com/app.psgi

               ErrorLog  /websites/myapp.example.com/logs/error_log
               CustomLog /websites/myapp.example.com/logs/access_log common

       To set the environment you want to use for your application (production or development), you can set it
       this way:

               SetEnv DANCER_ENVIRONMENT "production"


   Writing a plugin
       See "Writing the plugin" in Dancer2::Plugin for information on how to author a new plugin for Dancer2.


       By default, "use Dancer2" exports all the DSL keywords and sets up the webapp under the name of the
       current package. The following tags control exports and webapp namespace.

       •   !keyword

           If you want to prevent Dancer2 from exporting specific keywords (perhaps you plan to implement them
           yourself in a different way, or they clash with another module you're loading), you can simply
           exclude them:

               use Test::More;
               use Dancer2 qw(!pass);

           The above would import all keywords as usual, with the exception of "pass".

       •   appname

           A larger application may split its source between several packages to aid maintainability. Dancer2
           will create a separate application for each package, each having separate hooks, config and/or
           engines. You can force Dancer2 to collect the route and hooks into a single application with the
           "appname" tag; e.g.

               package MyApp;
               use Dancer2;
               get '/foo' => sub {...};

               package MyApp::Private;
               use Dancer2 appname => MyApp;
               get '/bar' => sub {...};

           The above would add the "bar" route to the MyApp application. Dancer2 will not create an application
           with the name "MyApp::Private".

       •   :nopragmas

           By default Dancer2 will import three pragmas: strict, warnings, and utf8. If you require control over
           the imported pragmas, you can add :nopragmas to the importing flags, in which case Dancer2 will not
           import any pragmas:

               use strict;
               use warnings;
               no warnings 'experimental::smartmatch'; # for example...
               use Dancer2 ':nopragmas'; # do not touch the existing pragmas

           This way importing "Dancer2" does not change the existing pragmas setup you have.

       When you "use Dancer2", you get an "import" method added into the current package. This will override
       previously declared import methods from other sources, such as Exporter. Dancer2 applications support the
       following tags on import:

       •   with

           The "with" tag allows an app to pass one or more config entries to another app, when it "use"s it.

               package MyApp;
               use Dancer2;

               BEGIN { set session => 'YAML' };
               use Blog with => { session => engine('session') };

           In this example, the session engine is passed to the "Blog" app. That way, anything done in the
           session will be shared between both apps.

           Anything that is defined in the config entry can be passed that way. If we want to pass the whole
           config object, it can be done like so:

               use SomeApp with => { %{config()} };


       Dancer2 provides you with a DSL (Domain-Specific Language) which makes implementing your web application

       For example, take the following example:

           use Dancer2;

           get '/hello/:name' => sub {
               my $name = route_parameters->get('name');

       "get" and "route_parameters" are keywords provided by Dancer2.

       See "DSL Keywords manual" in Dancer2::Manual::Keywords for a complete list of keywords provided by


       Dancer Core Developers

       This software is copyright (c) 2024 by Alexis Sukrieh.

       This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as the Perl 5
       programming language system itself.