oracular (3) Debbugs::Common.3pm.gz

Debbugs::Common -- Common routines for all of Debbugs
use Debbugs::Common qw(:url :html);
This module is a replacement for the general parts of errorlib.pl. subroutines in errorlib.pl will be gradually phased out and replaced with equivalent (or better) functionality here.
The following functions are exported by the ":util" tag getbugcomponent my $file = getbugcomponent($bug_number,$extension,$location) Returns the path to the bug file in location $location, bug number $bugnumber and extension $extension getbuglocation getbuglocation($bug_number,$extension) Returns the the location in which a particular bug exists; valid locations returned currently are archive, db-h, or db. If the bug does not exist, returns undef. getlocationpath getlocationpath($location) Returns the path to a specific location get_hashname get_hashname Returns the hash of the bug which is the location within the archive buglog buglog($bugnum); Returns the path to the logfile corresponding to the bug. Returns undef if the bug does not exist. bug_status bug_status($bugnum) Returns the path to the summary file corresponding to the bug. Returns undef if the bug does not exist. appendfile appendfile($file,'data','to','append'); Opens a file for appending and writes data to it. overwritefile ovewritefile($file,'data','to','append'); Opens file.new, writes data to it, then moves file.new to file. open_compressed_file my $fh = open_compressed_file('foo.gz') or die "Unable to open compressed file: $!"; Opens a file; if the file ends in .gz, .xz, or .bz2, the appropriate decompression program is forked and output from it is read. This routine by default opens the file with UTF-8 encoding; if you want some other encoding, specify it with the second option. getparsedaddrs my $address = getparsedaddrs($address); my @address = getparsedaddrs($address); Returns the output from Mail::Address->parse, or the cached output if this address has been parsed before. In SCALAR context returns the first address parsed. getmaintainers my $maintainer = getmaintainers()->{debbugs} Returns a hashref of package => maintainer pairs. getmaintainers_reverse my @packages = @{getmaintainers_reverse->{'don@debian.org'}||[]}; Returns a hashref of maintainer => [qw(list of packages)] pairs. package_maintainer my @s = package_maintainer(source => [qw(foo bar baz)], binary => [qw(bleh blah)], ); source -- scalar or arrayref of source package names to return maintainers for, defaults to the empty arrayref. binary -- scalar or arrayref of binary package names to return maintainers for; automatically returns source package maintainer if the package name starts with 'src:', defaults to the empty arrayref. reverse -- whether to return the source/binary packages a maintainer maintains instead rehash -- whether to reread the maintainer and source maintainer files; defaults to 0 getpseudodesc my $pseudopkgdesc = getpseudodesc(...); Returns the entry for a pseudo package from the $config{pseudo_desc_file}. In cases where pseudo_desc_file is not defined, returns an empty arrayref. This function can be used to see if a particular package is a pseudopackage or not. sort_versions sort_versions('1.0-2','1.1-2'); Sorts versions using AptPkg::Versions::compare if it is available, or Debbugs::Versions::Dpkg::vercmp if it isn't.
my $english = secs_to_english($seconds); my ($days,$english) = secs_to_english($seconds); XXX This should probably be changed to use Date::Calc
These functions are exported with the :lock tag filelock filelock($lockfile); filelock($lockfile,$locks); FLOCKs the passed file. Use unfilelock to unlock it. Can be passed an optional $locks hashref, which is used to track which files are locked (and how many times they have been locked) to allow for cooperative locking. simple_filelock my ($fh,$t_lockfile,$errors) = simple_filelock($lockfile,$count,$wait); Does a flock of lockfile. If $count is zero, does a blocking lock. Otherwise, does a non-blocking lock $count times, waiting $wait seconds in between. In list context, returns the lockfile filehandle, lockfile name, and any errors which occured. When the lockfile filehandle is undef, locking failed. These lockfiles must be unlocked manually at process end. simple_unlockfile simple_unlockfile($fh,$lockfile); unfilelock unfilelock() unfilelock($locks); Unlocks the file most recently locked. Note that it is not currently possible to unlock a specific file locked with filelock. lockpid lockpid('/path/to/pidfile'); Creates a pidfile '/path/to/pidfile' if one doesn't exist or if the pid in the file does not respond to kill 0. Returns 1 on success, false on failure; dies on unusual errors. checkpid checkpid('/path/to/pidfile'); Checks a pid file and determines if the process listed in the pidfile is still running. Returns the pid if it is, 0 if it isn't running, and undef if the pidfile doesn't exist or cannot be read.
These functions are exported with the :quit tag. quit quit() Exits the program by calling die. Usage of quit is deprecated; just call die instead.
These functions are exported with the :misc tag make_list LIST = make_list(@_); Turns a scalar or an arrayref into a list; expands a list of arrayrefs into a list. That is, make_list([qw(a b c)]); returns qw(a b c); make_list([qw(a b)],[qw(c d)] returns qw(a b c d); english_join print english_join(list => \@list); print english_join(\@list); Joins list properly to make an english phrase. normal -- how to separate most values; defaults to ', ' last -- how to separate the last two values; defaults to ', and ' only_two -- how to separate only two values; defaults to ' and ' list -- ARRAYREF values to join; if the first argument is an ARRAYREF, it's assumed to be the list of values to join In cases where "list" is empty, returns ''; when there is only one element, returns that element. globify_scalar my $handle = globify_scalar(\$foo); if $foo isn't already a glob or a globref, turn it into one using IO::Scalar. Gives a new handle to /dev/null if $foo isn't defined. Will carp if given a scalar which isn't a scalarref or a glob (or globref), and return /dev/null. May return undef if IO::Scalar or IO::File fails. (Check $!) The scalar will fill with octets, not perl's internal encoding, so you must use decode_utf8() after on the scalar, and encode_utf8() on it before. This appears to be a bug in the underlying modules. cleanup_eval_fail() print "Something failed with: ".cleanup_eval_fail($@); Does various bits of cleanup on the failure message from an eval (or any other die message) Takes at most two options; the first is the actual failure message (usually $@ and defaults to $@), the second is the debug level (defaults to $DEBUG). If debug is non-zero, the code at which the failure occured is output. hash_slice hash_slice(%hash,qw(key1 key2 key3)) For each key, returns matching values and keys of the hash if they exist