oracular (3) File::Fu::File::Temp.3pm.gz

File::Fu::File::Temp - temporary files
use File::Fu; my $handle = File::Fu->temp_file; new The directory argument is required, followed by an optional template argument and/or flags. The template may contain some number of 'X' characters. If it does not, ten of them will be appended. my $handle = File::Fu::File::Temp->new($dir, 'foo'); my $file = $handle->name; By default, the file will be deleted when the handle goes out of scope. Optionally, it may be deleted immediately after creation or just not deleted. my $handle = File::Fu::File::Temp->new($dir, 'foo', -secure); my $handle = File::Fu::File::Temp->new($dir, -noclean); # also $handle->noclean; -secure Delete the named file (if the OS supports it) immediately after opening. Calling name() on this sort of handle throws an error. -nocleanup Don't attempt to remove the file when the $handle goes out of scope. name my $file_obj = $handle->name; nocleanup Disable autocleanup. $handle->nocleanup; write Write @content to the tempfile and close it. $handle = $handle->write(@content); do Execute subref with $handle as $_. If you chain this with the constructor, the destructor cleanup will happen immediately after sub has returned. my @x = $handle->do(sub {something($_->name); ...}); DESTROY Called automatically when the handle goes out of scope. $handle->DESTROY; XXX Constant representing a chunk of X characters.
Eric Wilhelm @ <ewilhelm at cpan dot org> http://scratchcomputing.com/
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Copyright (C) 2008 Eric L. Wilhelm, All Rights Reserved.
Absolutely, positively NO WARRANTY, neither express or implied, is offered with this software. You use this software at your own risk. In case of loss, no person or entity owes you anything whatsoever. You have been warned.
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.