oracular (3) Geo::LibProj::FFI.3pm.gz

Geo::LibProj::FFI - Foreign function interface to PROJ coordinate transformation software
version 1.00
use Geo::LibProj::FFI 0.05 qw(:all); use Feature::Compat::Defer; my $ctx = proj_context_create() or die "Cannot create threading context"; defer { proj_context_destroy($ctx); } my $pj = proj_create_crs_to_crs($ctx, "EPSG:25833", "EPSG:2198", undef) or die "Cannot create proj"; defer { proj_destroy($pj); } ($easting, $northing) = ( 500_000, 6094_800 ); $a = proj_coord( $easting, $northing, 0, 'Inf' ); $b = proj_trans( $pj, PJ_FWD, $a ); printf "Target: easting %.2f, northing %.2f\n", $b->enu_e, $b->enu_n; See also the example script eg/pj_obs_api_mini_demo.pl in this distribution.
This module is a foreign function interface to the PROJ <https://proj.org/> coordinate transformation / projection library. Please see the PROJ library's C function reference <https://proj.org/development/reference/functions.html> for further documentation. You should be able to use those C functions as if they were Perl. Geo::LibProj::FFI offers a large portion of the most commonly used PROJ functions, but more could be added later. If you need a function that isn't yet available in this module, please open a GitHub issue with a description of your use case. This module was originally written for PROJ version 8. It works with PROJ versions as old as 6.2.0, and up to and including the most recent version.
Geo::LibProj::FFI currently offers the following functions. Import all functions and constants by using the tag ":all". Threading contexts <https://proj.org/development/reference/functions.html#threading-contexts> • "proj_context_create" • "proj_context_destroy" • "proj_context_use_proj4_init_rules" Transformation setup <https://proj.org/development/reference/functions.html#transformation-setup> • "proj_create" • "proj_create_argv" • "proj_create_crs_to_crs" • "proj_create_crs_to_crs_from_pj" • "proj_normalize_for_visualization" • "proj_destroy" Area of interest <https://proj.org/development/reference/functions.html#area-of-interest> • "proj_area_create" • "proj_area_set_bbox" • "proj_area_destroy" Coordinate transformation <https://proj.org/development/reference/functions.html#coordinate- transformation> • "proj_trans" Error reporting <https://proj.org/development/reference/functions.html#error-reporting> • "proj_context_errno" • "proj_errno" • "proj_errno_set" • "proj_errno_reset" • "proj_errno_restore" • "proj_errno_string" • "proj_context_errno_string" Logging <https://proj.org/development/reference/functions.html#logging> • "proj_log_level" • "proj_log_func" Info functions <https://proj.org/development/reference/functions.html#info-functions> • "proj_info" • "proj_pj_info" • "proj_grid_info" • "proj_init_info" Lists <https://proj.org/development/reference/functions.html#lists> • "proj_list_operations" • "proj_list_ellps" • "proj_list_units" • "proj_list_angular_units" • "proj_list_prime_meridians" Distances <https://proj.org/development/reference/functions.html#distances> • "proj_lp_dist" • "proj_lpz_dist" • "proj_xy_dist" • "proj_xyz_dist" • "proj_geod" Various <https://proj.org/development/reference/functions.html#various> • "proj_coord" Cleanup <https://proj.org/development/reference/functions.html#cleanup> • "proj_cleanup"
The PROJ library uses numerous composite data types to represent coordinate tuples. The primary coordinate type, "PJ_COORD" <https://proj.org/en/9.3/development/reference/datatypes.html#c.PJ_COORD>, is a C union that gets passed by value. This construct is not well supported by FFI::Platypus, which this module relies on to make the PROJ library API available in Perl. The workaround implemented here is to just use the array "v" internally and only model the union semantics using object methods, which is slightly slower than direct member access in C would be. The method names are the combination of the names of the "PJ_COORD" union member and the individual struct member, joined with an underscore. However, these methods will in turn access the coordinate array by calling the v() method with the array index as argument. This extra method call may cost performance if called in a tight loop. So if speed is more important to you than readable code, you should consider just calling v() directly rather than using the other named union/struct member methods. $pj_coord = proj_coord( @coords ); @coords = $pj_coord->v->@*; # Fast access to individual coordinate numbers: $x = $pj_coord->v(0); $y = $pj_coord->v(1); # Access generic coordinates by named member methods: ($u, $v) = ( $c->uv_u, $c->uv_v ); ($u, $v, $w) = ( $c->uvw_u, $c->uvw_v, $c->uvw_w ); ($u, $v, $w, $t) = ( $c->uvwt_u, $c->uvwt_v, $c->uvwt_w, $c->uvwt_t ); # Access cartesian coordinates by named member methods: ($x, $y) = ( $c->xy_x, $c->xy_y ); ($x, $y, $z) = ( $c->xyz_x, $c->xyz_y, $c->xyz_z ); ($x, $y, $z, $t) = ( $c->xyzt_x, $c->xyzt_y, $c->xyzt_z, $c->xyzt_t ); # Access geodetic coordinates by named member methods: ($lamda, $phi) = ( $c->lp_lam, $c->lp_phi ); ($lamda, $phi, $z) = ( $c->lpz_lam, $c->lpz_phi, $c->lpz_z ); ($lamda, $phi, $z, $t) = ( $c->lpzt_lam, $c->lpzt_phi, $c->lpzt_z, $c->lpzt_t ); # Access ancillary data by named member methods: ($s, $az_fwd, $az_rev) = ( $c->geod_s, $c->geod_a1, $c->geod_a2 ); ($omega, $phi, $kappa) = ( $c->opk_o, $c->opk_p, $c->opk_k ); ($east, $north, $up) = ( $c->enu_e, $c->enu_n, $c->enu_u ); Modifying "PJ_COORD" values is possible. All methods shown above act as mutators if a new value is passed as an argument. In the case of v(), you can pass either an array reference or two arguments representing the array index and the new value, respectively. $c = proj_coord( 0, 0, 0, 0 ); $c->v( [12, 34, 56] ); $c->v(1, 78); $c->xy_x(99); say join ' ', $c->v->@*; # 99 78 56 0 Creating new "PJ_COORD" values should only be done with the proj_coord() function. Other ways to construct such values may exist, but these must be considered implementation details that are subject to change. The proj_coord() function is the only supported way to create "PJ_COORD" values. Before version 0.05 of Geo::LibProj::FFI, "PJ_COORD" method names were joined with the arrow operator instead of an underscore ("$c->xyz->x" etc.). The old syntax is now discouraged, but there are no immediate plans to remove it. Data types other than "PJ_COORD" are available as well. Please see the PROJ data type reference <https://proj.org/development/reference/datatypes.html> for further documentation.
• Geo::LibProj::cs2cs • Geo::Proj4 • PDL::GIS::Proj • PROJ C API Reference: Data types <https://proj.org/development/reference/datatypes.html>, Functions <https://proj.org/development/reference/functions.html>
The API this module gives access to is the "proj.h" API, which is available under the terms of the Expat MIT license. Copyright (c) 2016, 2017, Thomas Knudsen / SDFE Copyright (c) 2018, Even Rouault The API designers didn't write this Perl module, and the module author didn't design the API.
Arne Johannessen (AJNN <https://metacpan.org/author/AJNN>)
This software is Copyright (c) 2021-2024 by Arne Johannessen. This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the Artistic License 2.0 or (at your option) the same terms as the Perl 5 programming language system itself.