oracular (3) GraphQL::Plugin::Type.3pm.gz

GraphQL::Plugin::Type - GraphQL plugins implementing types
package GraphQL::Plugin::Type::DateTime; use Moo; extends qw(GraphQL::Plugin::Type); my $iso8601 = DateTime::Format::ISO8601->new; GraphQL::Plugin::Type->register( GraphQL::Type::Scalar->new( name => 'DateTime', serialize => sub { return if !defined $_[0]; $_[0].'' }, parse_value => sub { return if !defined $_[0]; $iso8601->parse_datetime(@_); }, ) ); 1; package main; use GraphQL::Schema; use GraphQL::Plugin::Type::DateTime; use GraphQL::Execution qw(execute); my $schema = GraphQL::Schema->from_doc(<<'EOF'); type Query { dateTimeNow: DateTime } EOF post '/graphql' => sub { send_as JSON => execute( $schema, body_parameters->{query}, { dateTimeNow => sub { DateTime->now } }, undef, body_parameters->{variables}, body_parameters->{operationName}, undef, ); };
Class implementing the scheme by which additional GraphQL type classes can be implemented. The author considers this is only worth doing for scalars, and indeed this scheme is (now) how the non- standard "DateTime" is implemented in graphql-perl. If one wants to create other types (GraphQL::Type::Object, GraphQL::Type::InputObject, etc), then the Schema Definition Language is already available. However, any type can be registered with the "register" method, and will be automatically available to GraphQL::Schema objects with no additional code.
register($graphql_type) When called with a GraphQL::Type subclass, will register it, otherwise dies. registered Returns a list of registered classes.