oracular (3) HTML::Widget::Accessor.3pm.gz

HTML::Widget::Accessor - Accessor Class
use base 'HTML::Widget::Accessor';
Accessor Class.
attributes attrs Arguments: %attributes Arguments: \%attributes Return Value: $self Arguments: none Return Value: \%attributes Accepts either a list of key/value pairs, or a hash-ref. $w->attributes( $key => $value ); $w->attributes( { $key => $value } ); Returns the object reference, to allow method chaining. As of v1.10, passing a hash-ref no longer deletes current attributes, instead the attributes are added to the current attributes hash. This means the attributes hash-ref can no longer be emptied using "$w-"attributes( { } );>. Instead, you may use "%{ $w-"attributes } = ();>. As a special case, if no arguments are passed, the return value is a hash-ref of attributes instead of the object reference. This provides backwards compatibility to support: $w->attributes->{key} = $value; "attrs" is an alias for "attributes". mk_attr_accessors Arguments: @names Return Value: @names
Sebastian Riedel, "sri@oook.de"
This library is free software, you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.