oracular (3) HTML::WikiConverter.3pm.gz

Provided by: libhtml-wikiconverter-perl_0.68-4_all bug


       HTML::WikiConverter - Convert HTML to wiki markup


         use HTML::WikiConverter;
         my $wc = new HTML::WikiConverter( dialect => 'MediaWiki' );
         print $wc->html2wiki( html => '<b>text</b>' ), "\n\n";

         # A more complete example

         my $html = qq(
           <p><i>Italic</i>, <b>bold</b>, <span style="font-weight:bold">also bold</span>, etc.</p>

         my @dialects = HTML::WikiConverter->available_dialects;
         foreach my $dialect ( @dialects ) {
           my $wc = new HTML::WikiConverter( dialect => $dialect );
           my $wiki = $wc->html2wiki( html => $html );
           printf "The %s dialect gives:\n\n%s\n\n", $dialect, $wiki;


       "HTML::WikiConverter" is an HTML to wiki converter. It can convert HTML source into a variety of wiki
       markups, called wiki "dialects". The following dialects are supported:


       Note that while dialects usually produce satisfactory wiki markup, not all features of all dialects are
       supported. Consult individual dialects' documentation for details of supported features. Suggestions for
       improvements, especially in the form of patches, are very much appreciated.

       Since version 0.50 all dialects were separated out from HTML:WikiConverter.  Please install the
       independent dialect packages as needed.


         my $wc = new HTML::WikiConverter( dialect => $dialect, %attrs );

       Returns a converter for the specified wiki dialect. Croaks if $dialect is not provided or its dialect
       module is not installed on your system. Additional attributes may be specified in %attrs; see
       "ATTRIBUTES" for a complete list.

         $wiki = $wc->html2wiki( $html, %attrs );
         $wiki = $wc->html2wiki( html => $html, %attrs );
         $wiki = $wc->html2wiki( file => $file, %attrs );
         $wiki = $wc->html2wiki( uri => $uri, %attrs );

       Converts HTML source to wiki markup for the current dialect. Accepts either an HTML string $html, an file
       $file, or a URI <$uri> to read from.

       Attributes assigned in %attrs (see "ATTRIBUTES") will augment or override previously assigned attributes
       for the duration of the "html2wiki()" call.

         my $ancestor = $wc->elem_search_lineage( $node, \%rules );

       Searches the lineage of $node and returns the first ancestor node that has rules matching those specified
       in %rules, or "undef" if no matching node is found.

       For example, to find out whether $node has an ancestor with rules matching "{ block =>1 }", one could

         if( $wc->elem_search_lineage( $node, { block => 1 } ) ) {
           # do something

         my $html = $wc->given_html;

       Returns the HTML passed to or fetched (ie, from a file or URI) by the last "html2wiki()" method call.
       Useful for debugging.

         my $parsed_html = $wc->parsed_html;

       Returns a string containing the post-processed HTML from the last "html2wiki" call. Post-processing
       includes parsing by HTML::TreeBuilder, CSS normalization by HTML::WikiConverter::Normalizer, and calls to
       the "preprocess" and "preprocess_tree" dialect methods.

         my @dialects = HTML::WikiConverter->available_dialects;

       Returns a list of all available dialects by searching the directories in @INC for "HTML::WikiConverter::"

         my $rules = $wc->rules_for_tag( $tag );

       Returns the rules that will be used for converting elements of the given tag. Follows "alias" references.
       Note that the rules used for a particular tag may depend on the current set of attributes being used.


       You may configure "HTML::WikiConverter" using a number of attributes. These may be passed as arguments to
       the "new" constructor, or can be called as object methods on an H::WC object.

       Some dialects allow other attributes in addition to those below, and may override the attributes' default
       values. Consult the dialect's documentation for details.

       URI to use for converting relative URIs to absolute ones. This effectively ensures that the "src" and
       "href" attributes of image and anchor tags, respectively, are absolute before converting the HTML to wiki
       markup, which is necessary for wiki dialects that handle internal and external links separately. Relative
       URIs are only converted to absolute ones if the "base_uri" argument is present. Defaults to "undef".

       (Required) Dialect to use for converting HTML into wiki markup. See the "DESCRIPTION" section above for a
       list of dialects. "new()" will fail if the dialect given is not installed on your system. Use
       "available_dialects()" to list installed dialects.

       Specifies the encoding used by the HTML to be converted. Also determines the encoding of the wiki markup
       returned by the "html2wiki" method. Defaults to "utf8".

       Passing "escape_entities" a true value uses HTML::Entities to encode potentially unsafe '<', '>', and '&'
       characters.  Defaults to true.

       Boolean indicating whether HTML::TreeBuilder will use strict handling of paragraph tags when parsing HTML
       input. (This corresponds to the "p_strict" method in the HTML::TreeBuilder module.) Enabled by default.

       Boolean indicating whether tags with no attributes ("naked" tags) should be removed and replaced with
       their content. By default, this only applies to non-semantic tags such as <span>, <div>, etc., but does
       not apply to semantic tags such as <strong>, <address>, etc. To override this behavior and specify the
       tags that should be considered for passthrough, provide this attribute with a reference to an array of
       tag names.  Defaults to false, but you'll probably want to enable it.

       Code reference that gets invoked after HTML is parsed but before it is converted into wiki markup. The
       callback is passed two arguments: the "HTML::WikiConverter" object and a HTML::Element pointing to the
       root node of the HTML tree created by HTML::TreeBuilder.

       Boolean that, if enabled, bypasses "HTML::Parser"'s incremental parsing (thus slurping the file in all at
       once) of files when reading HTML files. If File::Slurp is installed, its "read_file()" function will be
       used to perform slurping; otherwise, a common Perl idiom will be used for slurping instead. This option
       is only used if you call "html2wiki()" with the "file" argument.

       Strips elements containing no content (unless those elements legitimately contain no content, such as is
       the case for "br" and "img" tags, for example). Defaults to false.

       A reference to an array of tags to be removed from the HTML input prior to conversion to wiki markup. Tag
       names are the same as those used in HTML::Element. Defaults to "[ '~comment', 'head', 'script', 'style'

       Specifies the LWP::UserAgent object to be used when fetching the URI passed to "html2wiki()". If
       unspecified and "html2wiki()" is passed a URI, a default user agent will be created.

       Takes a URI, regular expression, or coderef (or a reference to an array of elements of these types) used
       to determine which links are to wiki pages: a link whose "href" parameter matches "wiki_uri" will be
       treated as a link to a wiki page. In addition, "wiki_uri" will be used to extract the title of the wiki
       page. The way this is done depends on whether the "wiki_uri" has been set to a string, regexp, or
       coderef. The default is "undef", meaning that all links will be treated as external links by default.

       If "wiki_uri" is a string, it is interpreted as a URI template, and it will be assumed that URIs to wiki
       pages are created by joining "wiki_uri" with the wiki page title. For example, the English Wikipedia
       might use "http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/" as the value of "wiki_uri". Ward's wiki might use
       "http://c2.com/cgi/wiki?". These examples use an absolute "wiki_uri", but a relative URI can be used as
       well; an absolute URI will be created based on the value of "base_uri". For example, the Wikipedia
       example above can be rewritten using "base_uri" of "http://en.wikipedia.org" and a "wiki_uri" of

       "wiki_uri" can also be a regexp that matches URIs to wiki pages and also extracts the page title from
       them. For example, the English Wikipedia might use

       "wiki_uri" can also be a coderef that takes the current "HTML::WikiConverter" object and a URI object. It
       should return the title of the wiki page extracted from the URI, or "undef" if the URI doesn't represent
       a link to a wiki page.

       As mentioned above, the "wiki_uri" attribute can either take a single URI/regexp/coderef element or it
       may be assigned a reference to an array of any number of these elements. This is useful for wikis that
       have different ways of creating links to wiki pages. For example, the English Wikipedia might use:

         my $wc = new HTML::WikiConverter(
           dialect => 'MediaWiki',
           wiki_uri => [
             sub { pop->query_param('title') } # requires URI::QueryParam

       Helps HTML::TreeBuilder parse HTML fragments by wrapping HTML in "<html>" and "</html>" before passing it
       through "html2wiki". Boolean, enabled by default.


       Consult HTML::WikiConverter::Dialects for documentation on how to write your own dialect module for
       "HTML::WikiConverter". Or if you're not up to the task, drop me an email and I'll have a go at it when I
       get a spare moment.


       HTML::Tree, Convert::Wiki


       David J. Iberri, "<diberri@cpan.org>"


       Please report any bugs or feature requests to "bug-html-wikiconverter at rt.cpan.org", or through the web
       interface at <http://rt.cpan.org/NoAuth/ReportBug.html?Queue=HTML-WikiConverter>.  I will be notified,
       and then you'll automatically be notified of progress on your bug as I make changes.


       You can find documentation for this module with the perldoc command.

           perldoc HTML::WikiConverter

       You can also look for information at:

       •   AnnoCPAN: Annotated CPAN documentation


       •   CPAN Ratings


       •   RT: CPAN's request tracker


       •   Search CPAN



       Thanks to Tatsuhiko Miyagawa for suggesting Bundle::HTMLWikiConverter as well as providing code for the
       "available_dialects()" class method.

       My thanks also goes to Martin Kudlvasr for catching (and fixing!) a bug in the logic of how HTML files
       were processed.

       Big thanks to Dave Schaefer for the PbWiki dialect and for the idea behind the new "attributes()"

       Copyright (c) David J. Iberri, all rights reserved.

       This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl