oracular (3) IO::Async::Listener.3pm.gz

Provided by: libio-async-perl_0.803-1_all bug


       "IO::Async::Listener" - listen on network sockets for incoming connections


          use Future::AsyncAwait;
          use IO::Async::Listener;

          use IO::Async::Loop;
          my $loop = IO::Async::Loop->new;

          my $listener = IO::Async::Listener->new(
             on_stream => sub {
                my ( undef, $stream ) = @_;

                   on_read => sub {
                      my ( $self, $buffref, $eof ) = @_;
                      $self->write( $$buffref );
                      $$buffref = "";
                      return 0;

                $loop->add( $stream );

          $loop->add( $listener );

          await $listener->listen(
             service  => "echo",
             socktype => 'stream',


       This object can also be used indirectly via an IO::Async::Loop:

          use IO::Async::Stream;

          use IO::Async::Loop;
          my $loop = IO::Async::Loop->new;

          await $loop->listen(
             service  => "echo",
             socktype => 'stream',

             on_stream => sub {



       This subclass of IO::Async::Handle adds behaviour which watches a socket in listening mode, to accept
       incoming connections on them.

       A Listener can be constructed and given a existing socket in listening mode.  Alternatively, the Listener
       can construct a socket by calling the "listen" method. Either a list of addresses can be provided, or a
       service name can be looked up using the underlying loop's "resolve" method.


       The following events are invoked, either using subclass methods or CODE references in parameters:

   on_accept $clientsocket | $handle
       Invoked whenever a new client connects to the socket.

       If neither "handle_constructor" nor "handle_class" parameters are set, this will be invoked with the new
       client socket directly. If a handle constructor or class are set, this will be invoked with the newly-
       constructed handle, having the new socket already configured onto it.

   on_stream $stream
       An alternative to "on_accept", this is passed an instance of IO::Async::Stream when a new client
       connects. This is provided as a convenience for the common case that a Stream object is required as the
       transport for a Protocol object.

       This is now vaguely deprecated in favour of using "on_accept" with a handle constructor or class.

   on_socket $socket
       Similar to "on_stream", but constructs an instance of IO::Async::Socket.  This is most useful for
       "SOCK_DGRAM" or "SOCK_RAW" sockets.

       This is now vaguely deprecated in favour of using "on_accept" with a handle constructor or class.

   on_accept_error $socket, $errno
       Optional. Invoked if the "accept" syscall indicates an error (other than "EAGAIN" or "EWOULDBLOCK"). If
       not provided, failures of "accept" will be passed to the main "on_error" handler.


       The following named parameters may be passed to "new" or "configure":

   on_accept => CODE
   on_stream => CODE
   on_socket => CODE
       CODE reference for the event handlers. Because of the mutually-exclusive nature of their behaviour, only
       one of these may be set at a time. Setting one will remove the other two.

   handle => IO
       The IO handle containing an existing listen-mode socket.

   handle_constructor => CODE
       Optional. If defined, gives a CODE reference to be invoked every time a new client socket is accepted
       from the listening socket. It is passed the listener object itself, and is expected to return a new
       instance of IO::Async::Handle or a subclass, used to wrap the new client socket.

          $handle = $handle_constructor->( $listener );

       This can also be given as a subclass method

          $handle = $listener->handle_constructor();

   handle_class => STRING
       Optional. If defined and "handle_constructor" isn't, then new wrapper handles are constructed by invoking
       the "new" method on the given class name, passing in no additional parameters.

          $handle = $handle_class->new();

       This can also be given as a subclass method

          $handle = $listener->handle_class->new;

   acceptor => STRING|CODE
       Optional. If defined, gives the name of a method or a CODE reference to use to implement the actual
       accept behaviour. This will be invoked as:

          ( $accepted ) = await $listener->acceptor( $socket );

          ( $handle ) = await $listener->acceptor( $socket, handle => $handle );

       It is invoked with the listening socket as its its argument, and optionally an IO::Async::Handle instance
       as a named parameter, and is expected to return a "Future" that will eventually yield the newly-accepted
       socket or handle instance, if such was provided.


       The following methods documented in "await" expressions return Future instances.

          $acceptor = $listener->acceptor;

       Returns the currently-set "acceptor" method name or code reference. This may be of interest to Loop
       "listen" extension methods that wish to extend or wrap it.

          $name = $listener->sockname;

       Returns the "sockname" of the underlying listening socket

          $family = $listener->family;

       Returns the socket address family of the underlying listening socket

          $socktype = $listener->socktype;

       Returns the socket type of the underlying listening socket

          await $listener->listen( %params );

       This method sets up a listening socket and arranges for the acceptor callback to be invoked each time a
       new connection is accepted on the socket.

       Most parameters given to this method are passed into the "listen" method of the IO::Async::Loop object.
       In addition, the following arguments are also recognised directly:

       on_listen => CODE
               Optional. A callback that is invoked when the listening socket is ready.  Similar to that on the
               underlying loop method, except it is passed the listener object itself.

                  $on_listen->( $listener );


   Listening on UNIX Sockets
       The "handle" argument can be passed an existing socket already in listening mode, making it possible to
       listen on other types of socket such as UNIX sockets.

          use IO::Async::Listener;
          use IO::Socket::UNIX;

          use IO::Async::Loop;
          my $loop = IO::Async::Loop->new;

          my $listener = IO::Async::Listener->new(
             on_stream => sub {
                my ( undef, $stream ) = @_;

                   on_read => sub {
                      my ( $self, $buffref, $eof ) = @_;
                      $self->write( $$buffref );
                      $$buffref = "";
                      return 0;

                $loop->add( $stream );

          $loop->add( $listener );

          my $socket = IO::Socket::UNIX->new(
             Local => "echo.sock",
             Listen => 1,
          ) or die "Cannot make UNIX socket - $!\n";

             handle => $socket,


   Passing Plain Socket Addresses
       The "addr" or "addrs" parameters should contain a definition of a plain socket address in a form that the
       IO::Async::OS "extract_addrinfo" method can use.

       This example shows how to listen on TCP port 8001 on address

             addr => {
                family   => "inet",
                socktype => "stream",
                port     => 8001,
                ip       => "",

       This example shows another way to listen on a UNIX socket, similar to the earlier example:

             addr => {
                family   => "unix",
                socktype => "stream",
                path     => "echo.sock",

   Using A Kernel-Assigned Port Number
       Rather than picking a specific port number, is it possible to ask the kernel to assign one arbitrarily
       that is currently free. This can be done by requesting port number 0 (which is actually the default if no
       port number is otherwise specified). To determine which port number the kernel actually picked, inspect
       the "sockport" accessor on the actual socket filehandle.

       Either use the Future returned by the "listen" method:

             addr => { family => "inet" },
          )->on_done( sub {
             my ( $listener ) = @_;
             my $socket = $listener->read_handle;

             say "Now listening on port ", $socket->sockport;

       Or pass an "on_listen" continuation:

             addr => { family => "inet" },

             on_listen => sub {
                my ( $listener ) = @_;
                my $socket = $listener->read_handle;

                say "Now listening on port ", $socket->sockport;


       Paul Evans <leonerd@leonerd.org.uk>