oracular (3) Locale::Po4a::AsciiDoc.3pm.gz

Locale::Po4a::AsciiDoc - convert AsciiDoc documents from/to PO files
The po4a (PO for anything) project goal is to ease translations (and more interestingly, the maintenance of translations) using gettext tools on areas where they were not expected like documentation. Locale::Po4a::AsciiDoc is a module to help the translation of documentation in the AsciiDoc format.
These are this module's particular options: definitions The name of a file containing definitions for po4a, as defined in the INLINE CUSTOMIZATION section. You can use this option if it is not possible to put the definitions in the document being translated. In a definitions file, lines must not start by two slashes, but directly by po4a:. entry Space-separated list of attribute entries you want to translate. By default, no attribute entries are translatable. macro Space-separated list of macro definitions. style Space-separated list of style definitions. forcewrap Enable automatic line wrapping in non-verbatim blocks, even if the result could be misinterpreted by AsciiDoc formatters. By default, po4a will not wrap the produced AsciiDoc files because a manual inspection is mandated to ensure that the wrapping does not change the formatting. Consider for instance the following list item: * a long sentence that is ending with a number 1. A second sentence. If the wrapping leads to the following presentation, the item is split into a numbered sub-list. To make things worse, only the speakers of the language used in the translation can inspect the situation. * a long sentence that is ending with a number 1. A second sentence. Note that not wrapping the files produced by po4a should not be a problem since those files are meant to be processed automatically. They should not be regarded as source files anyway. With this option, po4a will produce better-looking AsciiDoc files, but it may lead to possibly erroneous formatted outputs. noimagetargets By default, the targets of block images are translatable to give opportunity to make the content point to translated images. This can be stopped by setting this option. tablecells This option is a flag that enables sub-table segmentation into cell content. The segmentation is limited to cell content, without any parsing inside of it. compat Switch parsing rules to compatibility with different tools. Available options are "asciidoc" or "asciidoctor". Asciidoctor has stricter parsing rules, such as equality of length of opening and closing block fences. nolinting Disable linting messages. When the source code cannot be fixed for clearer document structure, these messages are useless. cleanspaces Remove extra spaces from the source segments in no-wrap mode. This is useful when the translation tools are sensitive to the number of spaces. yfm_keys Comma-separated list of keys to process for translation in the YAML Front Matter section. All other keys are skipped. Keys are matched with a case-sensitive match. If yfm_paths and yfm_keys are used together, values are included if they are matched by at least one of the options. Array values are always translated, unless the yfm_skip_array option is provided. yfm_skip_array Do not translate array values in the YAML Front Matter section. yfm_paths Comma-separated list of hash paths to process for extraction in the YAML Front Matter section, all other paths are skipped. Paths are matched with a case-sensitive match. If yfm_paths and yfm_keys are used together, values are included if they are matched by at least one of the options. Arrays values are always returned unless the yfm_skip_array option is provided.
The AsciiDoc module can be customized with lines starting by //po4a:. These lines are interpreted as commands to the parser. The following commands are recognized: //po4a: macro name[attribute list] This describes in detail the parameters of a macro; name must be a valid macro name, and it ends with an underscore if the target must be translated. The attribute list argument is a comma separated list which contains information about translatable arguments. This list contains either numbers, to define positional parameters, or named attributes. If a plus sign (+) is prepended to name, then the macro and its arguments are translated as a whole. There is no need to define attribute list in this case, but brackets must be present. //po4a: style [attribute list] This describes in detail which attributes of a style must be translated. The attribute list argument is a comma separated list which contains information about translatable arguments. This list contains either numbers, to define positional parameters, or named attributes. The first attribute is the style name, it will not be translated. If a plus sign (+) is prepended to the style name, then the attribute list is translated as a whole. There is no need to define translatable attributes. If a minus sign (-) is prepended to the style name, then this attribute is not translated. //po4a: entry name This declares an attribute entry as being translatable. By default, they are not translated.
Tested successfully on simple AsciiDoc files.
Nicolas François <nicolas.francois@centraliens.net> Denis Barbier <barbier@linuxfr.org>
Copyright © 2005-2008 Nicolas FRANÇOIS <nicolas.francois@centraliens.net>. Copyright © 2012 Denis BARBIER <barbier@linuxfr.org>. Copyright © 2017 Martin Quinson <mquinson#debian.org>. This program is free software; you may redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of GPL v2.0 or later (see the COPYING file).