oracular (3) MARC::Doc::Tutorial.3pm.gz

Provided by: libmarc-record-perl_2.0.7-3_all bug


       MARC::Doc::Tutorial - A documentation-only module for new users of MARC::Record


        perldoc MARC::Doc::Tutorial


   What is MARC?
       The MAchine Readable Cataloging format was designed by the Library of Congress in the late 1960s in order
       to allow libraries to convert their card catalogs into a digital format. The advantages of having
       computerized card catalogs were soon realized, and now MARC is being used by all sorts of libraries
       around the world to provide computerized access to their collections.  MARC data in transmission format
       is optimized for processing by computers, so it's not very readable for the normal human. For more about
       the MARC format, visit the Library of Congress at http://www.loc.gov/marc/

   What is this Tutorial?
       The document you are reading is a beginners guide to using Perl to processing MARC data, written in the
       'cookbook' style. Inside, you will find recipes on how to read, write, update and convert MARC data using
       the MARC::Record CPAN package. As with any cookbook, you should feel free to dip in at any section and
       use the recipe you find interesting. If you are new to Perl, you may want to read from the beginning.

       The document you are reading is distributed with the MARC::Record package, however in case you are
       reading it somewhere else, you can find the latest version at CPAN:
       http://www.cpan.org/modules/by-module/MARC/. You'll notice that some sections aren't filled in yet, which
       is a result of this document being a work in progress. If you have ideas for new sections please make a
       suggestion to perl4lib: https://perl4lib.perl.org/.

   History of MARC on CPAN
       In 1999, a group of developers began working on MARC.pm to provide a Perl module for working with MARC
       data. MARC.pm was quite successful since it grew to include many new options that were requested by the
       Perl/library community.  However, in adding these features the module swiftly outgrew its own clothes,
       and maintenance and addition of new features became extremely difficult. In addition, as libraries began
       using MARC.pm to process large MARC data files (>1000 records) they noticed that memory consumption would
       skyrocket.  Memory consumption became an issue for large batches of records because MARC.pm's object
       model was based on the 'batch' rather than the record... so each record in the file would often be read
       into memory. There were ways of getting around this, but they were not obvious. Some effort was made to
       reconcile the two approaches (batch and record), but with limited success.

       In mid 2001, Andy Lester released MARC::Record and MARC::Field which provided a much simpler and
       maintainable package for processing MARC data with Perl.  As its name suggests, MARC::Record treats an
       individual MARC record as the primary Perl object, rather than having the object represent a given set of
       records. Instead of forking the two projects, the developers agreed to encourage use of the MARC::Record
       framework, and to work on enhancing MARC::Record rather than extending MARC.pm further. Soon afterwards,
       MARC::Batch was added, which allows you to read in a large data file without having to worry about memory

       In Dec., 2004, the MARC::Lint module, an extension to check the validity of MARC records, was removed
       from the MARC::Record distribution, to become a separately distributed package. This tutorial contains
       examples for using MARC::Lint.

   Brief Overview of MARC Classes
       The MARC::Record package is made up of several separate packages. This can be somewhat confusing to
       people new to Perl, or Object Oriented Programming. However this framework allows easy extension, and is
       built to support new input/output formats as their need arises. For a good introduction to using the
       object oriented features of Perl, see the perlboot documentation that came with your version of Perl.

       Here are the packages that get installed with MARC::Record:

           A convenience class for accessing MARC data contained in an external file.

           An object for representing the indicators and subfields of a single MARC field.

           This primary class represents a MARC record, being a container for multiple MARC::Field objects.

           This document!

           A superclass for representing files of MARC data.

           A subclass of MARC::File for working with data encoded in the MicroLIF format.

           A subclass of MARC::File for working with data encoded in the USMARC format.

   Help Wanted!
       It's already been mentioned but it's worth mentioning again: MARC::Doc::Tutorial is a work in progress,
       and you are encouraged to submit any suggestions for additional recipes via the perl4lib mailing list at
       https://perl4lib.perl.org/. Also, patches and issue reports are welcome at


   Reading a record from a file
       Let's say you have a USMARC record in 'file.dat' and you'd like to read in the record and print out its

          1   ## Example R1
          3   ## create a MARC::Batch object.
          4   use MARC::Batch;
          5   my $batch = MARC::Batch->new('USMARC', 'file.dat');
          7   ## get a MARC record from the MARC::Batch object.
          8   ## the $record will be a MARC::Record object.
          9   my $record = $batch->next();
         11   ## print the title contained in the record.
         12   print $record->title(),"\n";

       Using the distribution's 't/camel.usmarc', your result should be:

         ActivePerl with ASP and ADO / Tobias Martinsson.

   Iterating through a batch file
       Now imagine that 'file.dat' actually contains multiple records and we want to print the title for each of
       them. Our program doesn't have to change very much at all: we just need to add a loop around our call to

          1   ## Example R2
          3   ## create a MARC::Batch object.
          4   use MARC::Batch;
          5   my $batch = MARC::Batch->new('USMARC','file.dat');
          7   while (my $record = $batch->next()) {
          9     ## print the title contained in the record.
         10     print $record->title(),"\n";
         12   }

       The call to the "next()" method at line 7 returns the next record from the file. "next()" returns "undef"
       when there are no more records left in the file, which causes the "while" loop to end. This is a useful
       idiom for reading in all the records in a file. Your results with 'camel.usmarc' should be:

         ActivePerl with ASP and ADO / Tobias Martinsson.
         Programming the Perl DBI / Alligator Descartes and Tim Bunce.
         Cross-platform Perl / Eric F. Johnson.

   Checking for errors
       It is a good idea to get in the habit of checking for errors. MARC/Perl has been designed to help you do
       this. Calls to "next()" when iterating through a batch file will return "undef" when there are no more
       records to return...  AND when an error was encountered (see the next recipe to subvert this).  You
       probably want to make sure that you didn't abruptly stop reading a batch file because of an error.

          1   ## Example R3
          3   ## create a MARC::Batch object.
          4   use MARC::Batch;
          5   my $batch = MARC::Batch->new('USMARC','file.dat');
          7   ## get a marc record from the MARC::Batch object.
          8   ## $record will be a MARC::Record object.
          9   while ( my $record = $batch->next() ) {
         10       print $record->title(),"\n";
         11   }
         13   ## make sure there weren't any problems.
         14   if ( my @warnings = $batch->warnings() ) {
         15       print "\nWarnings were detected!\n", @warnings;
         16   }

       The call to "warnings()" at line 14 will retrieve any warning messages and store them in @warnings. This
       allows you to detect when "next()" has aborted prematurely (before the end of the file has been reached).
       When a warning is detected, an explanation is sent to "STDERR". By introducing an error into
       'camel.usmarc', we'll receive the following output to "STDOUT":

         Warnings were detected!
         Invalid indicators "a0" forced to blanks in record 1 for tag 245

   Recovering from errors
       You may want to keep reading a batch file even after an error has been encountered.  If so, you will want
       to turn strict mode off using the "strict_off()" method. You can also prevent warnings from being printed
       to "STDERR" using the "warnings_off()" method. By default, strict is on as a safety precaution to prevent
       you from using corrupt MARC data.  Once off, you can turn both strict and warnings back on again with the
       "strict_on()" and "warnings_on()" methods.

          1   ## Example R4
          3   use MARC::Batch;
          4   my $batch = MARC::Batch->new('USMARC', 'file.dat');
          5   $batch->strict_off();
          7   while ( my $record = $batch->next() ) {
          8      print $record->title(),"\n";
          9   }
         11   ## make sure there weren't any problems.
         12   if ( my @warnings = $batch->warnings() ) {
         13       print "\nWarnings were detected!\n", @warnings;
         14   }

       Introducing a second error to the 'camel.usmarc' file gives the following:

          ActivePerl with ASP and ADO / Tobias Martinsson.
          Programming the Perl DBI / Alligator Descartes and Tim Bunce.
          Cross-platform Perl / Eric F. Johnson.

          Warnings were detected!
          Invalid indicators "a0" forced to blanks in record 1 for tag 245
          Invalid indicators "a0" forced to blanks in record 5 for tag 245

   Looking at a field
       Our previous examples use MARC::Record's "title()" method to easily access the 245 field, but you will
       probably want programs that access lots of other MARC fields. MARC::Record's "field()" method gives you
       complete access to the data found in any MARC field. The "field()" method returns a MARC::Field object
       which can be used to access the data, indicators, and even the individual subfields. Our next example
       shows how this is done.

          1   ## Example R5
          3   ## open a file.
          4   use MARC::Batch;
          5   my $batch = MARC::Batch->new('USMARC','file.dat');
          7   ## read a record.
          8   my $record = $batch->next();
         10   ## get the 100 field as a MARC::Field object.
         11   my $field = $record->field('100');
         12   print "The 100 field contains: ",$field->as_string(),"\n";
         13   print "The 1st indicator is ",$field->indicator(1),"\n";
         14   print "The 2nd indicator is ",$field->indicator(2),"\n";
         15   print "Subfield d contains: ",$field->subfield('d'),"\n";

       Which results in something like:

         The 100 field contains: Martinsson, Tobias, 1976-
         The 1st indicator is 1
         The 2nd indicator is

         Subfield d contains: 1976-
       As before, use a "while" loop to iterate through all the records in a batch.

   Looking at repeatable fields
       So how do you retrieve data from repeatable fields? The "field()" method can help you with this as well.
       In our previous example's line 11, the "field()" method was used in a scalar context, since the result
       was being assigned to the variable $field. However in a list context, "field()" will return all the
       fields in the record of that particular type. For example:

          1   ## Example R6
          3   use MARC::Batch;
          4   my $batch = MARC::Batch->new('USMARC','file.dat');
          5   my $record = $batch->next();
          7   ## get all the 650 fields (list context).
          8   my @fields = $record->field('650');
         10   ## examine each 650 field and print it out.
         11   foreach my $field (@fields) {
         12     print $field->as_string(),"\n";
         13   }

       Which prints out the following for the first record of 't/camel.usmarc':

         Active server pages.

   Looking at a set of related fields
       "field()" also allows you to retrieve similar fields using '.' as a wildcard.

          1   ## Example R7
          3   use MARC::Batch;
          4   my $batch = MARC::Batch->new('USMARC','file.dat');
          5   my $record = $batch->next();
          7   # retrieve all title fields in one shot.
          8   foreach my $field ($record->field('2..')) {
          9     print $field->tag(),' contains ',$field->as_string(),"\n";
         10   }

       Notice the shorthand in line 8 which compacts lines 7-13 of our previous example.  Instead of storing the
       fields in an array, the "field()" still returns a list in the "for" loop. Line 9 uses the "tag()" method
       which returns the tag number for a particular MARC field, which is useful when you aren't certain what
       tag you are currently dealing with. Sample output from this recipe:

          245 contains ActivePerl with ASP and ADO / Tobias Martinsson.
          260 contains New York : John Wiley & Sons, 2000.

       You  can also return all tags for a specific record by using '...'  in "field" (though, see the next

   Looking at all the fields in a record
       The last example in this section illustrates how to retrieve all the fields in a record using the
       "fields()" method. This method is similar to passing '...' as a wildcard (see our previous recipe for
       alternative access).

          1   ## Example R8
          3   use MARC::Batch;
          4   my $file = MARC::Batch->new('USMARC','file.dat');
          5   my $record = $batch->next();
          7   ## get all of the fields using the fields() method.
          8   my @fields = $record->fields();
         10   ## print out the tag, the indicators and the field contents.
         11   foreach my $field (@fields) {
         12     print
         13       $field->tag(), " ",
         14       defined $field->indicator(1) ? $field->indicator(1) : "",
         15       defined $field->indicator(2) ? $field->indicator(2) : "",
         16       " ", $field->as_string, " \n";
         17   }

       The above code would print the following for the first record of 't/camel.usmarc':

         001  fol05731351
         003  IMchF
         300    xxi, 289 p. : ill. ; 23 cm. + 1 computer  laser disc (4 3/4 in.)
         500    "Wiley Computer Publishing."
         650  0 Perl (Computer program language)
         630 00 Active server pages.
         630 00 ActiveX.


       The examples in the Section 1 covered how to read in existing USMARC data in a file. Section 2 will show
       you how to create a MARC record from scratch.  The techniques in this section would allow you to write
       programs which create MARC records that could then be loaded into an online catalog, or sent to a third

   Creating a record
       To create a new MARC record, you'll need to first create a MARC::Record object, add a leader (though
       MARC::Record can create leaders automatically if you don't specifically define one), and then create and
       add MARC::Field objects to your MARC::Record object. For example:

          1   ## Example C1
          3   ## create a MARC::Record object.
          4   use MARC::Record;
          5   my $record = MARC::Record->new();
          7   ## add the leader to the record. optional.
          8   $record->leader('00903pam  2200265 a 4500');
         10   ## create an author field.
         11   my $author = MARC::Field->new(
         12     '100',1,'',
         13       a => 'Logan, Robert K.',
         14       d => '1939-'
         15     );
         16   $record->append_fields($author);
         18   ## create a title field.
         19   my $title = MARC::Field->new(
         20     '245','1','4',
         21       a => 'The alphabet effect /',
         22       c => 'Robert K. Logan.'
         23     );
         24   $record->append_fields($title);

       The key to creating records from scratch is to use "append_fields()", which adds a field to the end of
       the record. Since each field gets added at the end, it's up to you to order the fields the way you want.
       "insert_fields_before()" and "insert_fields_after()" are similar methods that allow you to define where
       the field gets added. These methods are covered in more detail below.


       Sections 1 and 2 showed how to read and create USMARC data. Once you know how to read and create, it
       becomes important to know how to write the USMARC data to disk in order to save your work. In these
       examples, we will create a new record and save it to a file called 'record.dat'.

   Writing records to a file
          1   ## Example W1
          3   ## create a MARC::Record object.
          4   use MARC::Record;
          5   my $record = MARC::Record->new();
          7   ## add the leader to the record. optional.
          8   $record->leader('00903pam  2200265 a 4500');
         10   ## create an author field.
         11   my $author = MARC::Field->new(
         12     '100',1,'',
         13       a => 'Logan, Robert K.',
         14       d => '1939-'
         15     );
         17   ## create a title field.
         18   my $title = MARC::Field->new(
         19     '245','1','4',
         20       a => 'The alphabet effect /',
         21       c => 'Robert K. Logan.'
         22     );
         24   $record->append_fields($author, $title);
         26   ## open a filehandle to write to 'record.dat'.
         27   open(OUTPUT, '> record.dat') or die $!;
         28   print OUTPUT $record->as_usmarc();
         29   close(OUTPUT);

       The "as_usmarc()" method call at line 28 returns a scalar value which is the raw USMARC data for $record.
       The raw data is then promptly printed to the "OUTPUT" file handle. If you want to output multiple records
       to a file, simply repeat the process at line 28 for the additional records. Also of note is the
       "append_fields" method: unlike recipe C1 which called the method once for each field added, this recipe
       demonstrates that "append_fields" can accept multiple arguments.

       Note to the curious: the "as_usmarc()" method is actually an alias to the MARC::File::USMARC "encode()"
       method. Having separate "encode()" methods is a design feature of the MARC class hierarchy, since it
       allows extensions to be built that translate MARC::Record objects into different data formats.

   Debugging with "as_formatted()"
       Since raw USMARC data isn't very easy for humans to read, it is often useful to be able to see the
       contents of your MARC::Record object represented in a 'pretty' way for debugging purposes. If you have a
       MARC::Record object you'd like to pretty-print, use the "as_formatted()" method.

          1   ## Example W2
          3   ## create a MARC::Record object.
          4   use MARC::Record;
          5   my $record = MARC::Record->new();
          7   $record->leader('00903pam  2200265 a 4500');
          9   $record->append_fields(
         10    MARC::Field->new('100','1','', a=>'Logan, Robert K.', d=>'1939-'),
         11    MARC::Field->new('245','1','4', a=>'The alphabet effect /', c=>'Robert K. Logan.')
         12   );
         14   ## pretty print the record.
         15   print $record->as_formatted(), "\n";

       This code will pretty print the contents of the newly created record:

         LDR 00903pam  2200265 a 4500
         100 1  _aLogan, Robert K.
         245 14 _aThe alphabet effect /
                _cRobert K. Logan.

       Notice on lines 9-12 how you can add a list of new fields by creating MARC::Field objects within a call
       to "append_fields()". This is yet another shorthand method to those shown in recipes C1 and W1. For more
       pretty-printing capabilities, try "marcdump()" in our next recipe.

   Debugging with marcdump()
       If you have written USMARC data to a file (as in recipe W2) and you would like to verify that the data is
       stored correctly you can use the "marcdump" command line utility that was installed with the MARC::Record

        % marcdump record.dat
        LDR 00122pam  2200049 a 4500
        100 1  _aLogan, Robert K.
        245 14 _aThe alphabet effect /
               _cRobert K. Logan.

         Recs  Errs Filename
        ----- ----- --------
            1     0 record.dat

       As you can see, this command results in the record being pretty printed to your screen ("STDOUT")
       similarly to the "as_formatted" method from recipe W2. It is useful for verifying your USMARC data after
       it has been stored on disk. More details about debugging are found later in VALIDATING.


       Now that you know how to read, write and create MARC data, you have the tools you need to update or edit
       exiting MARC data. Updating MARC data is a common task for library catalogers. Sometimes there are huge
       amounts of records that need to be touched up... and while the touch ups are very detail oriented, they
       are also highly repetitive. Luckily, computers are tireless, and not very prone to error (assuming the
       programmer isn't).

       When libraries receive large batches of MARC records for electronic text collections such as NetLibrary,
       Making of America, or microfiche sets like Early American Imprints, the records are often loaded into an
       online system and then the system is used to update the records. Unfortunately, not all these systems are
       created equal, and catalogers have to spend a great deal of time touching up each individual record. An
       alternative would be to process the records prior to import and then, once in the system, the records
       would not need editing. This scenario would save a great deal of time for the cataloger who would be
       liberated to spend their time doing original cataloging... which computers are notably bad at!

   Adding a field
       Imagine a batch of records in 'file.dat' that you'd like to add local notes (590) to, then saving your

          1   ## Example U1
          3   ## create our MARC::Batch object.
          4   use MARC::Batch;
          5   my $batch = MARC::Batch->new('USMARC','file.dat');
          7   ## open a file handle to write to.
          8   open(OUT,'>new.dat') or die $!;
         10   ## read each record, modify, then print.
         11   while ( my $record = $batch->next() ) {
         13       ## add a 590 field.
         14       $record->append_fields(
         15          MARC::Field->new('590','','',a=>'Access provided by Enron.')
         16       );
         18       print OUT $record->as_usmarc();
         20   }
         22   close(OUT);

   Preserving field order
       As its name suggests, "append_fields()" will add the 590 field in recipe U1 to the end of the record. If
       you want to preserve a particular order, you can use the "insert_fields_before()" and
       "insert_fields_after()" methods. In order to use these, you need to locate the field you want to insert
       before or after.  Here is an example ("insert_fields_after()" works similarly):

          1   ## Example U2
          3   use MARC::Batch;
          4   my $batch = MARC::Batch->new('USMARC','file.dat');
          5   open(OUT,'>new.dat') or die $!;
          7   ## read in each record.
          8   while ( my $record = $batch->next() ) {
         10       ## find the tag after 590.
         11       my $before;
         12       foreach ($record->fields()) {
         13           $before = $_;
         14           last if $_->tag() > 590;
         15       }
         17       ## create the 590 field.
         18       my $new = MARC::Field->new('590','','',a=>'Access provided by Enron.');
         20       ## insert our 590 field after the $before.
         21       $record->insert_fields_before($before,$new);
         23       ## and print out the new record.
         24       print OUT $record->as_usmarc();
         26   }

   Deleting a field
       You can also delete fields that you don't want. But you will probably want to check that the field
       contains what you expect before deleting it. Let's say Enron has gone out of business and the 590 field
       needs to be deleted:

          1   ## Example U3
          3   use MARC::Batch;
          4   my $batch = MARC::Batch->new('USMARC','new.dat');
          5   open(OUT,'>newer.dat') or die $1;
          7   while ( my $record = $batch->next() ) {
          9     ## get the 590 record.
         10     my $field = $record->field('590');
         12     ## if there is a 590 AND it has the word "Enron"...
         13     if ($field and $field->as_string() =~ /Enron/i) {
         15       ## delete it!
         16       $record->delete_field($field);
         18     }
         20     ## output possibly modified record.
         21     print OUT $record->as_usmarc();
         23   }

       The 590 field is retrieved on line 10, but notice how we check that we actually received a valid $field,
       and that it then contains the word 'Enron' before we delete it. You need to pass "delete_field()" a
       MARC::Field object that can be retrieved with the "field()" method.

   Changing existing fields
       Perhaps rather than adding or deleting a field, you need to modify an existing field. This is achieved in
       several steps: first, read in the MARC record you want to update, and then the field you're interested
       in.  From there, call the field's "update" or "replace_with" methods to modify its contents, and then
       resave the record. Below is an example of updating existing 590 field's containing the word 'Enron' to
       indicate that access is now provided through Arthur Andersen:

          1   ## Example U4
          3   use MARC::Batch;
          4   my $batch = MARC::Batch->new('USMARC','new.dat');
          5   open(OUT,'>newer.dat') or die $1;
          7   while ( my $record = $batch->next() ) {
          9     ## look for a 590 containing "Enron"...
         10     my $field = $record->field('590');
         11     if ($field and $field->as_string =~ /Enron/i) {
         13       ## create a new 590 field.
         14       my $new_field = MARC::Field->new(
         15         '590','','', a => 'Access provided by Arthur Andersen.' );
         17       ## replace existing with our new one.
         18       $field->replace_with($new_field);
         20     }
         22     ## output possibly modified record.
         23     print OUT $record->as_usmarc();
         25   }

       In this example, we used MARC::Field's method "replace_with()" to replace an existing field in the record
       with a new field that we created. To use "replace_with()", you need to retrieve the field you want to
       replace from a MARC::Record object (line 10), create a new field to replace the existing one with (lines
       13-15), and then call the existing field's "replace_with()" method passing the new field as an argument
       (lines 18). You must pass "replace_with()" a valid MARC::Field object.

   Updating subfields and indicators
       If you'd rather not replace an existing field with a new one, you can also edit the contents of the field
       itself using the "update()" method. Let's say you've got a batch of records and want to make sure that
       the 2nd indicator for the 245 field is properly set for titles that begin with 'The' (where the indicator
       should be '4').

          1   ## Example U5
          3   use MARC::Batch;
          4   my $batch = MARC::Batch->new('USMARC','file.dat');
          5   open(OUT,'>new.dat') or die $!;
          7   while (my $record = $batch->next()) {
          9     ## retrieve the 245 record.
         10     my $field_245 = $record->field('245');
         12     ## if we got 245 and it starts with 'The'...
         13     if ($field_245 and $field_245->as_string() =~ /^The /) {
         15       ## if the 2nd indicator isn't 4, update
         16       if ($field_245->indicator(2) != 4) {
         17         $field_245->update( ind2 => 4 );
         18       }
         20     }
         22     print OUT $record->as_usmarc();
         24   }

       In a similar fashion, you can update individual or multiple subfields:

         $field_245->update( a => 'History of the World :', b => 'part 1' );

       But beware, you can only update the first occurrence of a subfield using "update()". If you need to do
       more finer grained updates, you are advised to build a new field and replace the existing field with

   Changing a record's leader
       The above procedure works for fields, but editing the leader requires that you use the "leader()" method.
       When called with no arguments, "leader()" will return the current leader, and when you pass a scalar
       value as an argument, the leader will be set to this value. This example shows how you might want to
       update position 6 of a records leader to reflect a computer file.

          1   ## Example U6
          3   use MARC::Batch;
          4   my $batch = MARC::Batch->new('USMARC','file.dat');
          5   open(OUT,'>new.dat') or die $!;
          6   my $record = $batch->next();
          8   ## get the current leader.
          9   my $leader = $record->leader();
         11   ## replace position 6 with 'm'
         12   substr($leader,6,1) = 'm';
         14   ## update the leader
         15   $record->leader($leader);
         17   ## save the record to a file
         18   print OUT $record->as_usmarc();

   Modifying fields without indicators
       MARC::Record and MARC::Field are smart and know that you don't have field indicators with tags less than
       010. Here's an example of updating/adding an 005 field to indicate a new transaction time. For a little
       pizzazz, we use Perl's "localtime()" to generate the data we need for this field.

          1   ## Example U7
          3   use MARC::Batch;
          4   my $batch = MARC::Batch->new('USMARC','file.dat');
          5   open(OUT,'>new.dat') or die $!;
          7   while (my $record = $batch->next() ) {
          9     ## see if there is a 005 field.
         10     my $field_005 = $record->field('005');
         12     ## delete it if we find one.
         13     $record->delete_field($field_005) if $field_005;
         15     ## figure out the contents of our new 005 field.
         16     my ($sec,$min,$hour,$mday,$mon,$year) = localtime();
         17     $year += 1900; $mon += 1; # catering to offsets.
         18     my $datetime = sprintf("%4d%02d%02d%02d%02d%02d.0",
         19                             $year,$mon,$mday,$hour,$min,$sec);
         21     ## create a new 005 field using our new datetime.
         22     $record->append_fields( MARC::Field->new('005',$datetime) );
         24     ## save record to a file.
         25     print OUT $record->as_usmarc();
         27   }

   Reordering subfields
       You may find yourself in the situation where you would like to programmatically reorder, and possibly
       modify, subfields in a particular field. For example, imagine that you have a batch of records that have
       856 fields which contain subfields z, u, and possibly 3... in any order!  Now imagine that you'd like to
       standardize the subfield z, and reorder them so that subfield 3 precedes subfield z, which precedes
       subfield u. This is tricky but can be done in the following manner: read in a record, extract the
       existing 856 field, build a new 856 field based on the existing one, replace the existing field with your
       newly created version.

          1   ## Example U8
          3   use MARC::Batch;
          4   my $batch = MARC::Batch->new('USMARC','856.dat');
          5   open(OUT,'>856_new.dat') or die $!;
          7   while (my $record = $batch->next()) {
          9     my $existing = $record->field('856');
         11     ## make sure 856 exists.
         12     if ($existing) {
         14       ## our ordered subfields.
         15       my @subfields = ();
         17       ## if we have a subfield 3, add it.
         18       if (defined($existing->subfield('3'))) {
         19         push(@subfields,'3',$existing->subfield('3'));
         20       }
         22       ## now add subfields z and u.
         23       push(@subfields,'z','Access restricted',
         24         'u',$existing->subfield('u'));
         26       ## create a new 856.
         27       my $new = MARC::Field->new(
         28          856', $existing->indicator(1),
         29          $existing->indicator(2), @subfields
         30       );
         32       ## replace the existing subfield.
         33       $existing->replace_with($new);
         35     }
         37     ## write out the record
         38     print OUT $record->as_usmarc();
         40   }

   Updating subject subfield x to subfield v
       As a somewhat more complicated example, you may find yourself wanting to update the last subfield x in a
       650 field to be a subfield v instead. With the  MARC::Field "subfields()" and "replace_with()" methods
       along with some  fancy footwork this can be done relatively easily.

          1  ## Example U9
          3  use MARC::Batch;
          5  my $file = shift;
          7  my $batch = MARC::Batch->new('USMARC', $file);
          8  while ( my $record = $batch->next() ) {
         10    # go through all 6XX fields in the record.
         11    foreach my $subject ( $record->field( '6..' ) ) {
         13      # extract subfields as an array of array refs.
         14      my @subfields = $subject->subfields();
         16      # setup an array to store our new field.
         17      my @newSubfields = ();
         19      # a flag to indicate that we found an subfield x.
         20      my $foundX = 0;
         22      # use pop() to read the subfields backwards.
         23      while ( my $subfield = pop( @subfields ) ) {
         25        # for convenience, pull out the subfield
         26        # code and data from  the array ref.
         27        my ($code,$data) = @$subfield;
         29        # if the subfield code is 'x' and
         30        # we haven't already found one...
         31        if ( $code eq 'x' and ! $foundX ) {
         33          # change to a v.
         34          $code = 'v';
         36          # set flag so we know not to
         37          # translate any more subfield x.
         38          $foundX = 1;
         40        }
         42        # add our (potentially changed) subfield
         43        # data to our new subfield data array.
         44        unshift( @newSubfields, $code, $data );
         46      }
         48      # if we did find a subfield x, then create a new field using our
         49      # new subfield data, and replace the old one with the new one.
         50      if ( $foundX ) {
         51        my $newSubject = MARC::Field->new(
         52          $subject->tag(),
         53          $subject->indicator(1),
         54          $subject->indicator(2),
         55          @newSubfields
         56        );
         57        $subject->replace_with( $newSubject );
         58      }
         60    }
         62    # output the potentially changed record as MARC.
         63    print $record->as_usmarc();
         65  }


       MARC::Lint, available on CPAN and in cvs on SourceForge, has some extra goodies to allow you to validate
       records. MARC::Lint provides an extensive battery of tests, and it also provides a framework for adding

   Using MARC::Lint
       Here is an example of using MARC::Lint to generate a list of errors present in a batch of records in a
       file named 'file.dat':

          1   ## Example V1
          3   use MARC::Batch;
          4   use MARC::Lint;
          6   my $batch = MARC::Batch->new('USMARC','file.dat');
          7   my $linter = MARC::Lint->new();
          8   my $counter = 0;
         10   while (my $record = $batch->next() ) {
         12     $counter++;
         14     ## feed the record to our linter object.
         15     $linter->check_record($record);
         17     ## get the warnings...
         18     my @warnings = $linter->warnings();
         20     ## output any warnings.
         21     if (@warnings) {
         23       print "RECORD $counter\n";
         24       print join("\n",@warnings),"\n";
         26     }
         28   }

       MARC::Lint is quite thorough, and will check the following when validating: presence of a 245 field,
       repeatability of fields and subfields, valid use of subfield within particular fields, presence of
       indicators and their values. All checks are based on MARC21 bibliographic format.

   Customizing MARC::Lint
       MARC::Lint makes no claim to check everything that might be wrong with a MARC record. In practice,
       individual libraries may have their own idea about what is valid or invalid. For example, a library may
       mandate that all MARC records with an 856 field should have a subfield z that reads "Connect to this

       MARC::Lint does provide a framework for adding rules. It can be done using the object oriented
       programming technique of inheritance. In short, you can create your own subclass of MARC::Lint, and then
       use it to validate your records. Here's an example:

          1   ## Example V2
          3   ## first, create our own subclass of MARC::Lint.
          4   ## should be saved in a file called MyLint.pm.
          6   package MyLint;
          7   use base qw(MARC::Lint);
          9   ## add a method to check that the 856
         10   ## fields contain a correct subfield z.
         11   sub check_856 {
         13     ## your method is passed the MARC::Lint
         14     ## and MARC::Field objects for the record.
         15     my ($self,$field) = @_;
         17     if ($field->subfield('z') ne 'Connect to this resource') {
         19       ## add a warning to our lint object.
         20       $self->warn("856 subfield z must read 'Connect to this resource'.");
         22     }
         24   }

       Then create a separate program that uses your subclass to validate your MARC records. You'll need to make
       sure your program is able to find your module (in this case, MyLint.pm)... this can be achieved by
       putting both MyLint.pm and the following program in the same directory:

          1   ## Example V3
          3   use MARC::Batch;
          4   use MyLint;
          6   my $linter = MyLint->new();
          7   my $batch = MARC::Batch->new('USMARC','file.marc');
          8   my $counter = 0;
         10   while (my $record = $batch->next()) {
         12     $counter++;
         14     ## check the record
         15     $linter->check_record($record);
         17     ## get the warnings, and print them out
         18     my @warnings = $linter->warnings();
         19     if (@warnings) {
         20       print "RECORD $counter\n";
         21       print join("\n",@warnings),"\n";
         22     }
         24   }

       Notice how the call to "check_record()"  at line 15 automatically calls the "check_record" in MARC::Lint.
       The property of inheritance is what makes this happen. $linter is an instance of the MyLint class, and
       MyLint inherits from the MARC::Lint class, which allows $linter to inherit all the functionality of a
       normal MARC::Lint object plus the new functionality found in the "check_856" method.

       Notice also that we don't have to call "check_856()" directly. The call to "check_record()" automatically
       looks for any "check_XXX" methods that it can call to verify the record. Pretty neat stuff. If you've
       added validation checks that you think could be of use to the general public, please share them on the
       perl4lib mailing list, or become a developer and add them to the source!


       Brian Eno fans might catch this reference to his autobiography which was comprised of a years worth of
       diary entries plus extra topics at the end, and was entitled "A Year With Swollen Appendices". The
       following section is a grab bag group of appendices. Many of them are not filled in yet; this is because
       they are just ideas... so perhaps the appendices aren't that swollen yet.  Feel free to suggest new ones,
       or to fill these in.

   Comparing Collections
   Authority Records
   Call numbers
   Subject headings
       Suppose you have a batch of MARC records and you want to extract all the subject headings, generating a
       report of how many times each subject heading appeared in the batch:

          1   use MARC::File::USMARC;
          2   use constant MAX => 20;
          4   my %counts;
          6   my $filename = shift or die "Must specify filename\n";
          7   my $file = MARC::File::USMARC->in( $filename );
          9   while ( my $marc = $file->next() ) {
         10       for my $field ( $marc->field("6..") ) {
         11           my $heading = $field->subfield('a');
         13           # trailing whitespace / punctuation.
         14           $heading =~ s/[.,]?\s*$//;
         16           # Now count it.
         17           ++$counts{$heading};
         18       }
         19   }
         20   $file->close();
         22   # Sort the list of headings based on the count of each.
         23   my @headings = reverse sort { $counts{$a} <=> $counts{$b} } keys %counts;
         25   # Take the top N hits...
         26   @headings = @headings[0..MAX-1];
         28   # And print out the results.
         29   for my $heading ( @headings ) {
         30       printf( "%5d %s\n", $counts{$heading}, $heading );
         31   }

       Which will generate results like this:

         600 United States
         140 World War, 1939-1945
          78 Great Britain
          63 Afro-Americans
          61 Indians of North America
          58 American poetry
          55 France
          53 West (U.S.)
          53 Science fiction
          53 American literature
          50 Shakespeare, William
          48 Soviet Union
          46 Mystery and detective stories
          45 Presidents
          43 China
          40 Frontier and pioneer life
          38 English poetry
          37 Authors, American
          37 English language
          35 Japan

       MARC::File::MARCMaker, available on CPAN and in cvs on SourceForge, is a subclass of MARC::File for
       working with MARC 21 data encoded in the format used by the Library of Congress MARCMaker and MARCBreaker
       programs (<http://www.loc.gov/marc/makrbrkr.html>) and MarcEdit ().

       An example of a brief record in this format:

        =LDR  00314nam  22001215a 4500
        =001  ctr00000123\
        =003  XX-XxUND
        =005  20000613133448.0
        =008  051029s2005\\\\xxua\\\\\\\\\\001\0\eng\\
        =040  \\$aXX-XxUND$cXX-XxUND
        =245  00$aSample of MARCMaker record.
        =260  \\$a[United States] :$b[S.n.],$c2005.
        =300  \\$a1 p. ;$c28 cm.

       The following example converts an ISO2709 format record into MARCMaker format.

          1    ## Example Maker1
          3    use MARC::Batch;
          4    use MARC::File::MARCMaker;
          6    #mrc indicates ISO2709 format
          7    my $mrc_in = 'in.mrc';
          8    #mrk indicates MARCMaker format
          9    my $mrk_out = 'out.mrk';
          11   #initialize $batch_mrc as new MARC::Batch object
          12   my $batch_mrc = MARC::Batch->new('USMARC', $mrc_in);
          14   #open mrk (MARCMaker) format output file
          15   open (OUTMRK, ">$mrk_out") || die "Cannot open $mrk_out, $!";
          17   my $rec_count = 0;
          18   while (my $record = $batch_mrc->next()) {
          19      $rec_count++;
          21      print OUTMRK MARC::File::MARCMaker->encode($record);
          23   } # while
          25   print "$rec_count records processed\n";

       The following example shows conversion from MARCMaker format to ISO2709 format.

          1    ## Example Maker2
          3    use MARC::Batch;
          4    use MARC::File::MARCMaker;
          6    #mrk indicates MARCMaker format
          7    my $mrk_in = 'in.mrk';
          8    #mrc indicates ISO2709 format
          9    my $mrc_out = 'out.mrc';
          11   #initialize $batch_mrk as new MARC::Batch object
          12   my $batch_mrk = MARC::Batch->new( 'MARCMaker', $mrk_in);
          14   #open mrc (ISO2709) format output file
          15   open (OUTMRC, ">$mrc_out") || die "Cannot open $mrc_out, $!";
          17   my $rec_count = 0;
          18   while (my $record = $batch_mrk->next()) {
          19      $rec_count++;
          21      print OUTMRC $record->as_usmarc();
          23   } # while
          25   print "$rec_count records processed\n";

       Chris Biemesderfer was kind enough to contribute a short example of how to use MARC::Record in tandem
       with Net::Z3950.  Net::Z3950 is a CPAN module which provides an easy to use interface to the Z39.50
       protocol so that you can write programs that retrieve records from bibliographic database around the

       Chris' program is a command line utility which you run like so:

         ./zm.pl 0596000278

       where 0596000278 is an ISBN (for the 3rd edition of the Camel incidentally).  The program will query the
       Library of Congress Z39.50 server for the ISBN, and dump out the retrieved MARC record on the screen. The
       program is designed to lookup multiple ISBNs if you separate them with a space.  This is just an example
       showing what is possible.

          1   #!/usr/bin/perl -w
          3   # GET-MARC-ISBN -- Get MARC records by ISBN from a Z39.50 server
          5   use strict;
          6   use Carp;
          7   use Net::Z3950;
          8   use MARC::Record;
         10   exit if ($#ARGV < 0);
         12   # We handle multiple ISBNs in the same query by assembling a
         13   # (potentially very large) search string with Prefix Query Notation
         14   # that ORs the ISBN-bearing attributes.
         15   #
         16   # For purposes of automation, we want to request batches of many MARC
         17   # records.  I am not a Z39.50 weenie, though, and I don't know
         18   # offhand if there is a limit on how big a PQN query can be...
         20   my $zq = "\@attr 1=7 ". pop();
         21   while (@ARGV) { $zq = '@or @attr 1=7 '. pop() ." $zq" }
         24   # Set up connection management structures, connect
         25   # to the server, and submit the Z39.50 query.
         27   my $mgr = Net::Z3950::Manager->new( databaseName => 'voyager' );
         28   $mgr->option( elementSetName => "f" );
         29   $mgr->option( preferredRecordSyntax => Net::Z3950::RecordSyntax::USMARC );
         31   my $conn = $mgr->connect('z3950.loc.gov', '7090');
         32   croak "Unable to connect to server" if !defined($conn);
         34   my $rs = $conn->search($zq);
         36   my $numrec = $rs->size();
         37   print STDERR "$numrec record(s) found\n";
         39   for (my $ii = 1; $ii <= $numrec; $ii++) {
         41       # Extract MARC records from Z3950
         42       # result set, and load MARC::Record.
         43       my $zrec = $rs->record($ii);
         44       my $mrec = MARC::Record->new_from_usmarc($zrec->rawdata());
         45       print $mrec->as_formatted, "\n\n";
         47   }

       Here's a script that will do a Z39.50 query (using Chris Biemesderfer's zm.pl as a model), get a MARC
       record back, and store it as a binary blob in a MySQL table of this structure:

        | Field         | Type          | Null | Key | Default | Extra          |
        | TitleID       | int(7)        |      | PRI | NULL    | auto_increment |
        | RecLastMod    | timestamp(14) | YES  |     | NULL    |                |
        | ISSN          | text          | YES  |     | NULL    |                |
        | RawMARCRecord | blob          | YES  |     | NULL    |                |

          1 #!/usr/bin/perl -w
          3 # Script that reads in a file of ISSNs, queries a Z39.50 server,
          4 # and stores resulting records in a database. Limitations: Only
          5 # stores 1 records per ISSN.
          6 # Last updated 2004-09-08 Mark Jordan, mjordan@sfu.ca
          8 use strict;
          9 use Carp;
         10 use Net::Z3950;
         11 use MARC::Record;
         12 use DBI;
         14 # DB connection settings
         15 my $host = "somehost";
         16 my $user = "someuser";
         17 my $password = "somepass";
         18 my $database = "somedb";
         20 # Input file (one ISSS/line)
         21 my $InputFile = $ARGV[0];
         23 # Prepare list of ISSNs to search
         24 my @ISSNs;
         25 open (INPUT, "< $InputFile") or die "Can't find input file\n";
         26 while (<INPUT>) { chomp $_; push (@ISSNs, $_); }
         27 close INPUT;
         30 # Set up connection management structures, connect to the server,
         31 # and submit the Z39.50 query.
         32 my $mgr = Net::Z3950::Manager->new( databaseName => 'voyager' );
         33 $mgr->option( elementSetName => "f" );
         34 $mgr->option( preferredRecordSyntax => Net::Z3950::RecordSyntax::USMARC );
         35 my $conn = $mgr->connect('z3950.loc.gov', '7090');
         36 croak "Unable to connect to server" if !defined($conn);
         39 my $handle = DBI->connect("DBI:mysql:$database:$host","$user","$password")
         40         or die $DBI::errstr;
         42 foreach my $ISSN (@ISSNs) {
         43         my $zq = "\@attr 1=8 ". $ISSN;
         44         my $rs = $conn->search($zq);
         45         my $numrec = $rs->size();
         46         if ($numrec == 0) {
         47             print "Record for ISSN $ISSN not found, moving to next ISSN...\n";
         48             next;
         49         } else {
         50            # Extract MARC record from the result set, and invoke MARC::Record
         51            my $zrec = $rs->record(1);
         52            my $mrec = MARC::Record->new_from_usmarc($zrec->rawdata());
         53            my $rawdata = $zrec->rawdata();
         54            $rawdata = $handle->quote ($rawdata);
         55            # Add to db
         56            my $SQL = "insert into Titles values (NULL,NULL,'$ISSN',$rawdata)";
         57            my $cursor = $handle->prepare($SQL);
         58            $cursor->execute;
         59            print "Record for ISSN $ISSN added to database...\n";
         60            $cursor->finish;
         61         }
         62 }
         63 $handle->disconnect;
         65 __END__

       If you want to pull records out of the same database and do something with them, here's a template

          1 #!/usr/bin/perl -w
          3 # Script that gets MARC records (in blobs) from a database.
          4 # Last updated 2004-09-08 Mark Jordan, mjordan@sfu.ca
          6 use strict;
          7 use MARC::Record;
          8 use DBI;
         10 # DB connection settings
         11 my $mysql_host = "somehost";
         12 my $mysql_user = "someuser";
         13 my $mysql_password = "somepass*";
         14 my $mysql_database = "somedb";
         17 my $handle = DBI->connect("DBI:mysql:$mysql_database:$mysql_host",
         18         "$mysql_user","$mysql_password") or die $DBI::errstr;
         20 my $SQL = "select * from Titles";
         21 my $cursor = $handle->prepare($SQL);
         22 $cursor->execute;
         24 while (my @Records = $cursor->fetchrow_array) {
         25         my $RawMARC = $Records[3];
         26         my $mrec = MARC::Record->new_from_usmarc($RawMARC);
         27         # Print out the title
         28         print $mrec->title , "\n";
         29 }
         31 $cursor->finish;
         32 $handle->disconnect;
         34 __END__



       Many thanks to all the contributors who have made this document possible.

       •   Bryan Baldus <eijabb@cpan.org>

       •   Chris Biemesderfer <chris@seagoat.com>

       •   Morbus Iff <morbus@disobey.com>

       •   Mark Jordan <mjordan@sfu.ca>

       •   Andy Lester <andy@petdance.com>

       •   Christopher Morgan <morgan@acm.org>

       •   Shashi Pinheiro <SPinheiro@utsa.edu>

       •   Jackie Shieh <jshieh@umich.edu>

       •   Ed Summers <ehs@pobox.com>