oracular (3) Markdown::Render.3pm.gz

Markdown::Render - Render markdown as HTML
use Markdown::Render; my $md = Markdown::Render->new( infile => 'README.md'); $md->render_markdown->print_html; ...or from the command line to create HTML md-utils -r README.md > README.html ...or from the command line to replace render custom tags md-utils README.md.in > README.md
Renders markdown as HTML using either GitHub's API or Text::Markdown::Discount. Optionally adds additional metadata to markdown document using custom tags. See README.md <https://github.com/rlauer6/markdown-utils/blob/master/README.md> for more details. Note: This module originally used Text::Markdown as an alternative to using the GitHub API however, there are too many bugs and idiosyncracies in that module. This module will now use Text::Markdown::Discount which is not only faster, but seems to be more compliant with GFM.
new new( options ) Any of the options passed to the "new" method can also be set or retrieved use the "set_NAME" or "get_NAME" methods. css URL of a CSS file to add to head section of printed HTML. engine One of "github" or "text_markdown". default: text_markdown git_user Name of the git user that is used in the "GIT_USER" tag. git_email Email address of the git user that is used in the "GIT_EMAIL" tag. infile Path to a file in markdow format. markdown Text of the markdown to be rendered. mode If using the GitHub API, mode can be either "gfm" or "markdown". default: markdown no_title Boolean that indicates that no title should be added to the table of contents. default: false title Title to be used for the table of contents. finalize_markdown Updates the markdown by interpolating the custom keywords. Invoking this method will create a table of contents and replace keywords with their values. Invoke this method prior to invoking "render_markdown". Returns the Markdown::Render object. render_markdown Passes the markdown to GitHub's markdown rendering engine. After invoking this method you can retrieve the processed html by invoking "get_html" or create a fully rendered HTML page using the "print_html" method. Returns the Markdown::Render object. print_html print_html(options) Outputs the fully rendered HTML page. css URL of a CSS style sheet to include in the head section. If no CSS file option is passed a default CSS file will b used. If a CSS element is passed but it is undefined or empty, then no CSS will be specified in the final document. title Title to be added in the head section of the document. If no title option is passed the name of the file will be use as the title. If an title option is passed but is undefined or empty, no title element will be added to the document.
Rob Lauer - rlauer6@comcast.net
GitHub Markdown API <https://docs.github.com/en/rest/markdown> Text::Markdown::Discount