oracular (3) Math::PlanePath::FactorRationals.3pm.gz

Provided by: libmath-planepath-perl_129-1_all bug


       Math::PlanePath::FactorRationals -- rationals by prime powers


        use Math::PlanePath::FactorRationals;
        my $path = Math::PlanePath::FactorRationals->new;
        my ($x, $y) = $path->n_to_xy (123);


       This path enumerates rationals X/Y with no common factor, based on the prime powers in numerator and
       denominator, as per

           Kevin McCrimmon, "Enumeration of the Positive Rationals", American Math. Monthly, Nov 1960, page 868.

           Gerald Freilich, "A Denumerability Formula for the Rationals", American Math. Monthly, Nov 1965,
           pages 1013-1014.  <http://www.jstor.org/stable/2313350>

           Yoram Sagher, "Counting the rationals", American Math. Monthly, Nov 1989, page 823.

       The result is

           15  |      15   60       240            735  960           1815
           14  |      14       126       350                1134      1694
           13  |      13   52  117  208  325  468  637  832 1053 1300 1573
           12  |      24                 600      1176                2904
           11  |      11   44   99  176  275  396  539  704  891 1100
           10  |      10        90                 490       810      1210
            9  |      27  108       432  675      1323 1728      2700 3267
            8  |      32       288       800      1568      2592      3872
            7  |       7   28   63  112  175  252       448  567  700  847
            6  |       6                 150       294                 726
            5  |       5   20   45   80       180  245  320  405       605
            4  |       8        72       200       392       648       968
            3  |       3   12        48   75       147  192       300  363
            2  |       2        18        50        98       162       242
            1  |       1    4    9   16   25   36   49   64   81  100  121
           Y=0 |
                 X=0   1    2    3    4    5    6    7    8    9   10   11

       A given fraction X/Y with no common factor has a prime factorization

           X/Y = p1^e1 * p2^e2 * ...

       The exponents e[i] are positive, negative or zero, being positive when the prime is in the numerator or
       negative when in the denominator.  Those exponents are represented in an integer N by mapping the
       exponents to non-negative,

           N = p1^f(e1) * p2^f(e2) * ...

           f(e) = 2*e      if e >= 0
                = 1-2*e    if e < 0

           f(e)      e
           ---      ---
            0        0
            1       -1
            2        1
            3       -2
            4        2

       For example

           X/Y = 125/7 = 5^3 * 7^(-1)
           encoded as N = 5^(2*3) * 7^(1-2*(-1)) = 5^6 * 7^1 = 5359375

           N=3   ->  3^-1 = 1/3
           N=9   ->  3^1  = 3/1
           N=27  ->  3^-2 = 1/9
           N=81  ->  3^2  = 9/1

       The effect is to distinguish prime factors of the numerator or denominator by odd or even exponents of
       those primes in N.  Since X and Y have no common factor a given prime appears in one and not the other.
       The oddness or evenness of the p^f() exponent in N can then encode which of the two X or Y it came from.

       The exponent f(e) in N has term 2*e in both cases, but the exponents from Y are reduced by 1.  This can
       be expressed in the following form.  Going from X,Y to N doesn't need to factorize X, only Y.

                    X^2 * Y^2
           N = --------------------
               distinct primes in Y

       N=1,2,3,8,5,6,etc in the column X=1 is integers with odd powers of prime factors.  These are the
       fractions 1/Y so the exponents of the primes are all negative and thus all exponents in N are odd.

       N=1,4,9,16,etc in row Y=1 are the perfect squares.  That row is the integers X/1 so the exponents are all
       positive and thus in N become 2*e, giving simply N=X^2.

       Option "factor_coding => "odd/even"" changes the f() mapping to numerator exponents as odd numbers and
       denominator exponents as even.

           f(e) = 2*e-1    if e > 0
                = -2*e     if e <= 0

       The effect is simply to transpose X<->Y.

       "odd/even" is the form given by Kevin McCrimmon and Gerald Freilich.  The default "even/odd" is the form
       given by Yoram Sagher.

       Option "factor_coding => "negabinary"" changes the f() mapping to negabinary as suggested in

           David M. Bradley, "Counting the Positive Rationals: A Brief Survey",

       This coding is not as compact as odd/even and tends to make bigger N values,

           13  |    2197   4394   6591 140608  10985  13182  15379 281216
           12  |     108                         540           756
           11  |    1331   2662   3993  85184   6655   7986   9317 170368
           10  |    1000          3000                        7000
            9  |       9     18           576     45            63   1152
            8  |    8192         24576         40960         57344
            7  |     343    686   1029  21952   1715   2058         43904
            6  |     216                        1080          1512
            5  |     125    250    375   8000           750    875  16000
            4  |       4            12            20            28
            3  |      27     54          1728    135           189   3456
            2  |       8            24            40            56
            1  |       1      2      3     64      5      6      7    128
           Y=0 |
                 X=0   1      2      3      4      5      6      7      8

   Reversing Binary
       Option "factor_coding => "revbinary"" changes the f() mapping to "reversing binary" where a given integer
       is represented as a sum of powers 2^k with alternating signs

           e = 2^k1 - 2^k2 + 2^k3 - ...           0 <= k1 < k2 < k3

           f(e)      e
           ---      ---
            0        0
            1        1
            2        2
            3       -1
            4        4
            5       -3
            6       -2
            7        3

       This representation is per Knuth volume 2 section 4.1 exercise 27.  The exercise there is to show all
       integers can be represented this way.

            9  |     729  1458        2916  3645        5103 93312        7290
            8  |      32          96         160         224         288
            7  |     343   686  1029  1372  1715  2058       43904  3087  3430
            6  |     216                    1080        1512
            5  |     125   250   375   500         750   875 16000  1125
            4  |      64         192         320         448         576
            3  |      27    54         108   135         189  3456         270
            2  |       8          24          40          56          72
            1  |       1     2     3     4     5     6     7   128     9    10
           Y=0 |
                 X=0   1     2     3     4     5     6     7     8     9    10

       The X axis begins with the integers 1 to 7 because f(1)=1 and f(2)=2 so N=X until X has a prime p^3 or
       higher power.  The first such is X=8=2^3 which is f(7)=3 so N=2^7=128.


       See "FUNCTIONS" in Math::PlanePath for behaviour common to all path classes.

       "$path = Math::PlanePath::FactorRationals->new ()"
       "$path = Math::PlanePath::FactorRationals->new (factor_coding => $str)"
           Create and return a new path object.  "factor_coding" can be

               "even/odd"    (the default)

       "($x,$y) = $path->n_to_xy ($n)"
           Return X,Y coordinates of point $n on the path.  If there's no point $n then the return is an empty

           This depends on factorizing $n and in the current code there's a hard limit on the amount of
           factorizing attempted.  If $n is too big then the return is an empty list.

       "$n = $path->xy_to_n ($x,$y)"
           Return the N point number for coordinates "$x,$y".  If there's nothing at "$x,$y", such as when they
           have a common factor, then return "undef".

           This depends on factorizing $y, or factorizing both $x and $y for negabinary or revbinary.  In the
           current code there's a hard limit on the amount of factorizing attempted.  If the coordinates are too
           big then the return is "undef".

       The current factorizing limits handle anything up to 2^32, and above that numbers comprised of small
       factors.  But big numbers with big factors are not handled.  Is this a good idea?  For large inputs
       there's no merit in disappearing into a nearly-infinite loop.  Perhaps the limits could be configurable
       and/or some advanced factoring modules attempted for a while if/when available.


       This enumeration of the rationals is in Sloane's Online Encyclopedia of Integer Sequences in the
       following forms

           <http://oeis.org/A071974> (etc)

           A071974   X coordinate, numerators
           A071975   Y coordinate, denominators
           A019554   X*Y product
           A102631   N in column X=1, n^2/squarefreekernel(n)
           A072345   X and Y at N=2^k, being alternately 1 and 2^k

           A011262   permutation N at transpose Y/X (exponents mangle odd<->even)

           A060837   permutation DiagonalRationals -> FactorRationals
           A071970   permutation RationalsTree CW -> FactorRationals

       The last A071970 is rationals taken in order of the Stern diatomic sequence stern[i]/stern[i+1] which is
       the Calkin-Wilf tree rows ("Calkin-Wilf Tree" in Math::PlanePath::RationalsTree).

       The negabinary representation is

           A053985   index -> signed
           A005351   signed positives -> index
           A039724   signed positives -> index, in binary
           A005352   signed negatives -> index

       The reversing binary representation is

           A065620   index -> signed
           A065621   signed positives -> index
           A048724   signed negatives -> index


       Math::PlanePath, Math::PlanePath::GcdRationals, Math::PlanePath::RationalsTree,

   Other Ways to Do It
       Niven gives another prime factor based construction but encoding N by runs of 1-bits,

           Ivan Niven, "Note on a paper by L. S. Johnston", American Math. Monthly, volume 55, number 6, June-
           July 1948, page 358.  <http://www.jstor.org/stable/2304962>

       N is written in binary each 0-bit is considered a separator.  The number of 1-bits between each

           N = 11 0 0 111 0 11  binary
                  | |     |
                2  0   3    2   f(e) = run lengths of 1-bits
               -1  0  +2   -1   e exponent by "odd/even" style

           X/Y = 2^(-1) * 3^(+2) * 5^0 * 7^(-1)

       Kevin McCrimmon's note begins with a further possible encoding for N where the prime powers from
       numerator are spread out to primes p[2i+1] and with 0 powers sending a p[2i] power to the denominator.
       In this form the primes from X and Y spread out to different primes rather than different exponents.




       Copyright 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020 Kevin Ryde

       This file is part of Math-PlanePath.

       Math-PlanePath is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU
       General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 3, or (at your
       option) any later version.

       Math-PlanePath is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even
       the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public
       License for more details.

       You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with Math-PlanePath.  If not, see