oracular (3) Math::PlanePath::GrayCode.3pm.gz

Provided by: libmath-planepath-perl_129-1_all bug


       Math::PlanePath::GrayCode -- Gray code coordinates


        use Math::PlanePath::GrayCode;

        my $path = Math::PlanePath::GrayCode->new;
        my ($x, $y) = $path->n_to_xy (123);


       This path is a mapping of N to X,Y using Gray codes.

             7  |  63-62 57-56 39-38 33-32
                |      |  |        |  |
             6  |  60-61 58-59 36-37 34-35
             5  |  51-50 53-52 43-42 45-44
                |      |  |        |  |
             4  |  48-49 54-55 40-41 46-47
             3  |  15-14  9--8 23-22 17-16
                |      |  |        |  |
             2  |  12-13 10-11 20-21 18-19
             1  |   3--2  5--4 27-26 29-28
                |      |  |        |  |
            Y=0 |   0--1  6--7 24-25 30-31
                  X=0  1  2  3  4  5  6  7

       The default is the form by Faloutsos which is an X,Y split in binary reflected Gray code.

           Christos Faloutsos, "Gray Codes for Partial Match and Range Queries", IEEE Transactions on Software
           Engineering (TSE), volume 14, number 10, October 1988, pages 1381-1393.  DOI 10.1109/32.6184

       N is converted to a Gray code, then split by bits to X,Y, and those X,Y converted back from Gray to
       integer indices.  Stepping from N to N+1 changes just one bit of the Gray code and therefore changes just
       one of X or Y each time.

       Y axis N=0,3,12,15,48,etc are values with only digits 0,3 in base 4.  X axis N=0,1,6,7,24,25,etc are
       values 2k and 2k+1 where k uses only digits 0,3 in base 4.

       The default is binary.  Option "radix => $r" can select another radix.  This radix is used for both the
       Gray code and the digit splitting.  For example "radix => 4",

           radix => 4

           127-126-125-124  99--98--97--96--95--94--93--92  67--66--65--64
                         |   |                           |   |
           120-121-122-123 100-101-102-103  88--89--90--91  68--69--70--71
             |                           |   |                           |
           119-118-117-116 107-106-105-104  87--86--85--84  75--74--73--72
                         |   |                           |   |
           112-113-114-115 108-109-110-111  80--81--82--83  76--77--78--79

            15--14--13--12  19--18--17--16  47--46--45--44  51--50--49--48
                         |   |                           |   |
             8-- 9--10--11  20--21--22--23  40--41--42--43  52--53--54--55
             |                           |   |                           |
             7-- 6-- 5-- 4  27--26--25--24  39--38--37--36  59--58--57--56
                         |   |                           |   |
             0-- 1-- 2-- 3  28--29--30--31--32--33--34--35  60--61--62--63

   Apply Type
       Option "apply_type => $str" controls how Gray codes are applied to N and X,Y.  It can be one of

           "TsF"    to Gray, split, from Gray  (default)
           "Ts"     to Gray, split
           "Fs"     from Gray, split
           "FsT"    from Gray, split, to Gray
            "sT"    split, to Gray
            "sF"    split, from Gray

       "T" means integer-to-Gray, "F" means integer-from-Gray, and omitted means no transformation.  For example
       the following is "Ts" which means N to Gray then split, leaving Gray coded values for X,Y.

           apply_type => "Ts"

            7  |  51--50  52--53  44--45  43--42
               |       |       |       |       |
            6  |  48--49  55--54  47--46  40--41
            5  |  60--61  59--58  35--34  36--37  ...-66
               |       |       |       |       |       |
            4  |  63--62  56--57  32--33  39--38  64--65
            3  |  12--13  11--10  19--18  20--21
               |       |       |       |       |
            2  |  15--14   8-- 9  16--17  23--22
            1  |   3-- 2   4-- 5  28--29  27--26
               |       |       |       |       |
           Y=0 |   0-- 1   7-- 6  31--30  24--25
                 X=0   1   2   3   4   5   6   7

       This "Ts" is quite attractive because a step from N to N+1 changes just one bit in X or Y alternately,
       giving 2-D single-bit changes.  For example N=19 at X=4 followed by N=20 at X=6 is a single bit change in

       N=0,2,8,10,etc on the leading diagonal X=Y is numbers using only digits 0,2 in base 4.  N=0,3,15,12,etc
       on the Y axis is numbers using only digits 0,3 in base 4, but in a Gray code order.

       The "Fs", "FsT" and "sF" forms effectively treat the input N as a Gray code and convert from it to
       integers, either before or after split.  For "Fs" the effect is little Z parts in various orientations.

           apply_type => "sF"

            7  |  32--33  37--36  52--53  49--48
               |    /       \       /       \
            6  |  34--35  39--38  54--55  51--50
            5  |  42--43  47--46  62--63  59--58
               |    \       /       \       /
            4  |  40--41  45--44  60--61  57--56
            3  |   8-- 9  13--12  28--29  25--24
               |    /       \       /       \
            2  |  10--11  15--14  30--31  27--26
            1  |   2-- 3   7-- 6  22--23  19--18
               |    \       /       \       /
           Y=0 |   0-- 1   5-- 4  20--21  17--16
                 X=0   1   2   3   4   5   6   7

   Gray Type
       The "gray_type" option selects the type of Gray code.  The choices are

           "reflected"     increment to radix-1 then decrement (default)
           "modular"       increment to radix-1 then cycle back to 0

       For example in decimal,

           integer       Gray         Gray
                      "reflected"   "modular"
           -------    -----------   ---------
              0            0            0
              1            1            1
              2            2            2
            ...          ...          ...
              8            8            8
              9            9            9
             10           19           19
             11           18           10
             12           17           11
             13           16           12
             14           15           13
            ...          ...          ...
             17           12           16
             18           11           17
             19           10           18

       Notice on reaching "19" the reflected type runs the least significant digit back down from 9 to 0, which
       is a reverse or reflection of the preceding 0 to 9 upwards.  The modular form instead continues to
       increment that least significant digit, wrapping around from 9 to 0.

       In binary, the modular and reflected forms are the same (see "Equivalent Combinations" below).

       There's various other systematic ways to make a Gray code changing a single digit successively.  But many
       ways are implicitly based on a pre-determined fixed number of bits or digits, which doesn't suit an
       unlimited path like here.

   Equivalent Combinations
       Some option combinations are equivalent,

           condition                  equivalent
           ---------                  ----------
           radix=2                    modular==reflected
                                      and TsF==Fs, Ts==FsT

           radix>2 odd, reflected     TsF==FsT, Ts==Fs, sT==sF
                                      because T==F

           radix>2 even, reflected    TsF==Fs, Ts==FsT

       In radix=2 binary, the "modular" and "reflected" Gray codes are the same because there's only digits 0
       and 1 so going forward or backward is the same.

       For odd radix and reflected Gray code, the "to Gray" and "from Gray" operations are the same.  For
       example the following table is ternary radix=3.  Notice how integer value 012 maps to Gray code 010, and
       in turn integer 010 maps to Gray code 012.  All values are either pairs like that or unchanged like 021.

           integer      Gray
                     "reflected"       (written in ternary)
             000        000
             001        001
             002        002
             010        012
             011        011
             012        010
             020        020
             021        021
             022        022

       For even radix and reflected Gray code, "TsF" is equivalent to "Fs", and also "Ts" equivalent to "FsT".
       This arises from the way the reversing behaves when split across digits of two X,Y values.  (In higher
       dimensions such as a split to 3-D X,Y,Z it's not the same.)

       The net effect for distinct paths is

           condition         distinct combinations
           ---------         ---------------------
           radix=2           four TsF==Fs, Ts==FsT, sT, sF
           radix>2 odd       / three reflected TsF==FsT, Ts==Fs, sT==sF
                             \ six modular TsF, Ts, Fs, FsT, sT, sF
           radix>2 even      / four reflected TsF==Fs, Ts==FsT, sT, sF
                             \ six modular TsF, Ts, Fs, FsT, sT, sF

   Peano Curve
       In "radix => 3" and other odd radices, the "reflected" Gray type gives the Peano curve (see
       Math::PlanePath::PeanoCurve).  This is since the "reflected" encoding is equivalent to Peano's "xk" and
       "yk" complementing.

           radix => 3, gray_type => "reflected"

           53--52--51  38--37--36--35--34--33
                    |   |                   |
           48--49--50  39--40--41  30--31--32
            |                   |   |
           47--46--45--44--43--42  29--28--27
            6-- 7-- 8-- 9--10--11  24--25--26
            |                   |   |
            5-- 4-- 3  14--13--12  23--22--21
                    |   |                   |
            0-- 1-- 2  15--16--17--18--19--20


       See "FUNCTIONS" in Math::PlanePath for the behaviour common to all path classes.

       "$path = Math::PlanePath::GrayCode->new ()"
       "$path = Math::PlanePath::GrayCode->new (radix => $r, apply_type => $str, gray_type => $str)"
           Create and return a new path object.

       "($x,$y) = $path->n_to_xy ($n)"
           Return the X,Y coordinates of point number $n on the path.  Points begin at 0 and if "$n < 0" then
           the return is an empty list.

       "$n = $path->n_start ()"
           Return the first N on the path, which is 0.

   Level Methods
       "($n_lo, $n_hi) = $path->level_to_n_range($level)"
           Return "(0, $radix**(2*$level) - 1)".


       The turns in the default binary TsF curve are either to the left +90 or a reverse 180.  For example at
       N=2 the curve turns left, then at N=3 it reverses back 180 to go to N=4.  The turn is given by the low
       zero bits of (N+1)/2,

             if even then turn 90 left
             if odd  then turn 180 reverse

       Or equivalently

           floor((N+1)/2) lowest non-zero digit in base 4,
             1 or 3 = turn 90 left
             2      = turn 180 reverse

       The 180 degree reversals are all horizontal.  They occur because at those N the three N-1,N,N+1 converted
       to Gray code have the same bits at odd positions and therefore the same Y coordinate.

       See "N to Turn" in Math::PlanePath::KochCurve for similar turns based on low zero bits (but by +60 and
       -120 degrees).


       This path is in Sloane's Online Encyclopedia of Integer Sequences in a few forms,

           <http://oeis.org/A163233> (etc)

           apply_type="TsF" (="Fs"), radix=2  (the defaults)
             A059905    X xor Y
             A039963    turn sequence, 1=+90 left, 0=180 reverse
             A035263    turn undoubled, at N=2n and N=2n+1
             A065882    base4 lowest non-zero,
                          turn undoubled 1,3=left 2=180rev at N=2n,2n+1
             A003159    (N+1)/2 of positions of Left turns,
                          being n with even number of low 0 bits
             A036554    (N+1)/2 of positions of Right turns
                          being n with odd number of low 0 bits

       TsF turn sequence goes in pairs, so N=1 and N=2 left then N=3 and N=4 reverse.  A039963 includes that
       repetition, A035263 is just one copy of each and so is the turn at each pair N=2k and N=2k+1.  There's
       many sequences like A065882 which when taken mod2 equal the "count low 0-bits odd/even" which is the same
       undoubled turn sequence.

           apply_type="Ts", radix=2
             A309952    X coordinate (XOR bit pairs)

           apply_type="sF", radix=2
             A163233    N values by diagonals, same axis start
             A163234     inverse permutation
             A163235    N values by diagonals, opp axis start
             A163236     inverse permutation
             A163242    N sums along diagonals
             A163478     those sums divided by 3

             A163237    N values by diagonals, same axis, flip digits 2,3
             A163238     inverse permutation
             A163239    N values by diagonals, opp axis, flip digits 2,3
             A163240     inverse permutation

             A099896    N values by PeanoCurve radix=2 order
             A100280     inverse permutation

           apply_type="FsT", radix=3, gray_type=modular
             A208665    N values on X=Y diagonal, base 9 digits 0,3,6

       Gray code conversions themselves (not directly offered by the PlanePath code here) are variously

           A003188  binary
           A014550  binary written in binary
           A055975    increments
           A006068    inverse, Gray->integer
           A128173  ternary reflected (its own inverse)
           A105530  ternary modular
           A105529    inverse, Gray->integer
           A003100  decimal reflected
           A174025    inverse, Gray->integer
           A098488  decimal modular
           A226134    inverse, Gray->integer


       Math::PlanePath, Math::PlanePath::ZOrderCurve, Math::PlanePath::PeanoCurve,




       Copyright 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020 Kevin Ryde

       This file is part of Math-PlanePath.

       Math-PlanePath is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU
       General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 3, or (at your
       option) any later version.

       Math-PlanePath is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even
       the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public
       License for more details.

       You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with Math-PlanePath.  If not, see