oracular (3) Minion::Job.3pm.gz

Minion::Job - Minion job
package MyApp::Task::Foo; use Mojo::Base 'Minion::Job', -signatures; sub run ($self, @args) { # Magic here! :) }
Minion::Job is a container for Minion jobs.
Minion::Job inherits all events from Mojo::EventEmitter and can emit the following new ones. cleanup $job->on(cleanup => sub ($job) { ... }); Emitted in the process performing this job right before the process will exit. $job->on(cleanup => sub ($job) { $job->app->log->debug("Process $$ is about to exit"); }); failed $job->on(failed => sub ($job, $err) { ... }); Emitted in the worker process managing this job or the process performing it, after it has transitioned to the "failed" state. $job->on(failed => sub ($job, $err) { say "Something went wrong: $err"; }); finish $job->on(finish => sub ($job) { ... }); Emitted in the process performing this job if the task was successful. $job->on(finish => sub ($job) { my $id = $job->id; my $task = $job->task; $job->app->log->debug(qq{Job "$id" was performed with task "$task"}); }); finished $job->on(finished => sub ($job, $result) { ... }); Emitted in the worker process managing this job or the process performing it, after it has transitioned to the "finished" state. $job->on(finished => sub ($job, $result) { my $id = $job->id; say "Job $id is finished."; }); reap $job->on(reap => sub ($job, $pid) { ... }); Emitted in the worker process managing this job, after the process performing it has exited. $job->on(reap => sub ($job, $pid) { my $id = $job->id; say "Job $id ran in process $pid"; }); spawn $job->on(spawn => sub ($job, $pid) { ... }); Emitted in the worker process managing this job, after a new process has been spawned for processing. $job->on(spawn => sub ($job, $pid) { my $id = $job->id; say "Job $id running in process $pid"; }); start $job->on(start => sub ($job) { ... }); Emitted in the process performing this job, after it has been spawned. $job->on(start => sub ($job) { $0 = $job->id; });
Minion::Job implements the following attributes. args my $args = $job->args; $job = $job->args([]); Arguments passed to task. id my $id = $job->id; $job = $job->id($id); Job id. minion my $minion = $job->minion; $job = $job->minion(Minion->new); Minion object this job belongs to. retries my $retries = $job->retries; $job = $job->retries(5); Number of times job has been retried. task my $task = $job->task; $job = $job->task('foo'); Task name.
Minion::Job inherits all methods from Mojo::EventEmitter and implements the following new ones. app my $app = $job->app; Get application from "app" in Minion. # Longer version my $app = $job->minion->app; execute my $err = $job->execute; Perform job in this process and return "undef" if the task was successful or an exception otherwise. Note that this method should only be used to implement custom workers. # Perform job in foreground if (my $err = $job->execute) { $job->fail($err) } else { $job->finish } fail my $bool = $job->fail; my $bool = $job->fail('Something went wrong!'); my $bool = $job->fail({whatever => 'Something went wrong!'}); Transition from "active" to "failed" state with or without a result, and if there are attempts remaining, transition back to "inactive" with a delay based on "backoff" in Minion. finish my $bool = $job->finish; my $bool = $job->finish('All went well!'); my $bool = $job->finish({whatever => 'All went well!'}); Transition from "active" to "finished" state with or without a result. info my $info = $job->info; Get job information. # Check job state my $state = $job->info->{state}; # Get job metadata my $progress = $job->info->{notes}{progress}; # Get job result my $result = $job->info->{result}; These fields are currently available: args args => ['foo', 'bar'] Job arguments. attempts attempts => 25 Number of times performing this job will be attempted. children children => ['10026', '10027', '10028'] Jobs depending on this job. created created => 784111777 Epoch time job was created. delayed delayed => 784111777 Epoch time job was delayed to. expires expires => 784111777 Epoch time job is valid until before it expires. finished finished => 784111777 Epoch time job was finished. lax lax => 0 Existing jobs this job depends on may also have failed to allow for it to be processed. notes notes => {foo => 'bar', baz => [1, 2, 3]} Hash reference with arbitrary metadata for this job. parents parents => ['10023', '10024', '10025'] Jobs this job depends on. priority priority => 3 Job priority. queue queue => 'important' Queue name. result result => 'All went well!' Job result. retried retried => 784111777 Epoch time job has been retried. retries retries => 3 Number of times job has been retried. started started => 784111777 Epoch time job was started. state state => 'inactive' Current job state, usually "active", "failed", "finished" or "inactive". task task => 'foo' Task name. time time => 784111777 Server time. worker worker => '154' Id of worker that is processing the job. is_finished my $bool = $job->is_finished; Check if job performed with "start" is finished. Note that this method should only be used to implement custom workers. kill $job->kill('INT'); Send a signal to job performed with "start". Note that this method should only be used to implement custom workers. note my $bool = $job->note(mojo => 'rocks', minion => 'too'); Change one or more metadata fields for this job. Setting a value to "undef" will remove the field. The new values will get serialized by "backend" in Minion (often with Mojo::JSON), so you shouldn't send objects and be careful with binary data, nested data structures with hash and array references are fine though. # Share progress information $job->note(progress => 95); # Share stats $job->note(stats => {utime => '0.012628', stime => '0.002429'}); parents my $parents = $job->parents; Return a Mojo::Collection object containing all jobs this job depends on as Minion::Job objects. # Check parent state for my $parent ($job->parents->each) { my $info = $parent->info; say "$info->{id}: $info->{state}"; } perform $job->perform; Perform job in new process and wait for it to finish. Note that this method should only be used to implement custom workers. pid my $pid = $job->pid; Process id of the process spawned by "start" if available. Note that this method should only be used to implement custom workers. remove my $bool = $job->remove; Remove "failed", "finished" or "inactive" job from queue. retry my $bool = $job->retry; my $bool = $job->retry({delay => 10}); Transition job back to "inactive" state, already "inactive" jobs may also be retried to change options. These options are currently available: attempts attempts => 25 Number of times performing this job will be attempted. delay delay => 10 Delay job for this many seconds (from now), defaults to 0. expire expire => 300 Job is valid for this many seconds (from now) before it expires. lax lax => 1 Existing jobs this job depends on may also have transitioned to the "failed" state to allow for it to be processed, defaults to "false". Note that this option is EXPERIMENTAL and might change without warning! parents parents => [$id1, $id2, $id3] Jobs this job depends on. priority priority => 5 Job priority. queue queue => 'important' Queue to put job in. run $job->run(@args); Task to perform by this job. Meant to be overloaded in a subclass to create a custom task class. Note that this method is EXPERIMENTAL and might change without warning! start $job = $job->start; Perform job in new process, but do not wait for it to finish. Note that this method should only be used to implement custom workers. # Perform two jobs concurrently $job1->start; $job2->start; my ($first, $second); sleep 1 until $first ||= $job1->is_finished and $second ||= $job2->is_finished; stop $job->stop; Stop job performed with "start" immediately. Note that this method should only be used to implement custom workers.
Minion, Minion::Guide, <https://minion.pm>, Mojolicious::Guides, <https://mojolicious.org>.