oracular (3) Mojo::DOM::CSS.3pm.gz

Mojo::DOM::CSS - CSS selector engine
use Mojo::DOM::CSS; # Select elements from DOM tree my $css = Mojo::DOM::CSS->new(tree => $tree); my $elements = $css->select('h1, h2, h3');
Mojo::DOM::CSS is the CSS selector engine used by Mojo::DOM, based on the HTML Living Standard <https://html.spec.whatwg.org> and Selectors Level 3 <https://www.w3.org/TR/css3-selectors/>.
All CSS selectors that make sense for a standalone parser are supported. * Any element. my $all = $css->select('*'); E An element of type "E". my $title = $css->select('title'); E[foo] An "E" element with a "foo" attribute. my $links = $css->select('a[href]'); E[foo="bar"] An "E" element whose "foo" attribute value is exactly equal to "bar". my $case_sensitive = $css->select('input[type="hidden"]'); my $case_sensitive = $css->select('input[type=hidden]'); E[foo="bar" i] An "E" element whose "foo" attribute value is exactly equal to any (ASCII-range) case-permutation of "bar". Note that this selector is EXPERIMENTAL and might change without warning! my $case_insensitive = $css->select('input[type="hidden" i]'); my $case_insensitive = $css->select('input[type=hidden i]'); my $case_insensitive = $css->select('input[class~="foo" i]'); This selector is part of Selectors Level 4 <https://dev.w3.org/csswg/selectors-4>, which is still a work in progress. E[foo="bar" s] An "E" element whose "foo" attribute value is exactly and case-sensitively equal to "bar". Note that this selector is EXPERIMENTAL and might change without warning! my $case_sensitive = $css->select('input[type="hidden" s]'); This selector is part of Selectors Level 4 <https://dev.w3.org/csswg/selectors-4>, which is still a work in progress. E[foo~="bar"] An "E" element whose "foo" attribute value is a list of whitespace-separated values, one of which is exactly equal to "bar". my $foo = $css->select('input[class~="foo"]'); my $foo = $css->select('input[class~=foo]'); E[foo^="bar"] An "E" element whose "foo" attribute value begins exactly with the string "bar". my $begins_with = $css->select('input[name^="f"]'); my $begins_with = $css->select('input[name^=f]'); E[foo$="bar"] An "E" element whose "foo" attribute value ends exactly with the string "bar". my $ends_with = $css->select('input[name$="o"]'); my $ends_with = $css->select('input[name$=o]'); E[foo*="bar"] An "E" element whose "foo" attribute value contains the substring "bar". my $contains = $css->select('input[name*="fo"]'); my $contains = $css->select('input[name*=fo]'); E[foo|="en"] An "E" element whose "foo" attribute has a hyphen-separated list of values beginning (from the left) with "en". my $english = $css->select('link[hreflang|=en]'); E:root An "E" element, root of the document. my $root = $css->select(':root'); E:nth-child(n) An "E" element, the "n-th" child of its parent. my $third = $css->select('div:nth-child(3)'); my $odd = $css->select('div:nth-child(odd)'); my $even = $css->select('div:nth-child(even)'); my $top3 = $css->select('div:nth-child(-n+3)'); E:nth-last-child(n) An "E" element, the "n-th" child of its parent, counting from the last one. my $third = $css->select('div:nth-last-child(3)'); my $odd = $css->select('div:nth-last-child(odd)'); my $even = $css->select('div:nth-last-child(even)'); my $bottom3 = $css->select('div:nth-last-child(-n+3)'); E:nth-of-type(n) An "E" element, the "n-th" sibling of its type. my $third = $css->select('div:nth-of-type(3)'); my $odd = $css->select('div:nth-of-type(odd)'); my $even = $css->select('div:nth-of-type(even)'); my $top3 = $css->select('div:nth-of-type(-n+3)'); E:nth-last-of-type(n) An "E" element, the "n-th" sibling of its type, counting from the last one. my $third = $css->select('div:nth-last-of-type(3)'); my $odd = $css->select('div:nth-last-of-type(odd)'); my $even = $css->select('div:nth-last-of-type(even)'); my $bottom3 = $css->select('div:nth-last-of-type(-n+3)'); E:first-child An "E" element, first child of its parent. my $first = $css->select('div p:first-child'); E:last-child An "E" element, last child of its parent. my $last = $css->select('div p:last-child'); E:first-of-type An "E" element, first sibling of its type. my $first = $css->select('div p:first-of-type'); E:last-of-type An "E" element, last sibling of its type. my $last = $css->select('div p:last-of-type'); E:only-child An "E" element, only child of its parent. my $lonely = $css->select('div p:only-child'); E:only-of-type An "E" element, only sibling of its type. my $lonely = $css->select('div p:only-of-type'); E:empty An "E" element that has no children (including text nodes). my $empty = $css->select(':empty'); E:any-link Alias for "E:link". Note that this selector is EXPERIMENTAL and might change without warning! This selector is part of Selectors Level 4 <https://dev.w3.org/csswg/selectors-4>, which is still a work in progress. E:link An "E" element being the source anchor of a hyperlink of which the target is not yet visited (":link") or already visited (":visited"). Note that Mojo::DOM::CSS is not stateful, therefore ":any-link", ":link" and ":visited" yield exactly the same results. my $links = $css->select(':any-link'); my $links = $css->select(':link'); my $links = $css->select(':visited'); E:visited Alias for "E:link". E:scope An "E" element being a designated reference element. Note that this selector is EXPERIMENTAL and might change without warning! my $scoped = $css->select('a:not(:scope > a)'); my $scoped = $css->select('div :scope p'); my $scoped = $css->select('~ p'); This selector is part of Selectors Level 4 <https://dev.w3.org/csswg/selectors-4>, which is still a work in progress. E:checked A user interface element "E" which is checked (for instance a radio-button or checkbox). my $input = $css->select(':checked'); E.warning An "E" element whose class is "warning". my $warning = $css->select('div.warning'); E#myid An "E" element with "ID" equal to "myid". my $foo = $css->select('div#foo'); E:not(s1, s2) An "E" element that does not match either compound selector "s1" or compound selector "s2". Note that support for compound selectors is EXPERIMENTAL and might change without warning! my $others = $css->select('div p:not(:first-child, :last-child)'); Support for compound selectors was added as part of Selectors Level 4 <https://dev.w3.org/csswg/selectors-4>, which is still a work in progress. E:is(s1, s2) An "E" element that matches compound selector "s1" and/or compound selector "s2". Note that this selector is EXPERIMENTAL and might change without warning! my $headers = $css->select(':is(section, article, aside, nav) h1'); This selector is part of Selectors Level 4 <https://dev.w3.org/csswg/selectors-4>, which is still a work in progress. E:has(rs1, rs2) An "E" element, if either of the relative selectors "rs1" or "rs2", when evaluated with "E" as the :scope elements, match an element. Note that this selector is EXPERIMENTAL and might change without warning! my $link = $css->select('a:has(> img)'); This selector is part of Selectors Level 4 <https://dev.w3.org/csswg/selectors-4>, which is still a work in progress. Also be aware that this feature is currently marked "at-risk", so there is a high chance that it will get removed completely. E:text(string_or_regex) An "E" element containing text content that substring matches "string_or_regex" case-insensitively or that regex matches "string_or_regex". For regular expressions use the format :text(/.../). Note that this selector is EXPERIMENTAL and might change without warning! # Substring match my $login = $css->select(':text(Log in)'); # Regex match my $login = $css->select(':text(/Log ?in/)'); # Regex match (case-insensitive) my $login = $css->select(':text(/(?i:Log ?in)/)'); This is a custom selector for Mojo::DOM and not part of any spec. A|E An "E" element that belongs to the namespace alias "A" from CSS Namespaces Module Level 3 <https://www.w3.org/TR/css-namespaces-3/>. Key/value pairs passed to selector methods are used to declare namespace aliases. my $elem = $css->select('lq|elem', lq => 'http://example.com/q-markup'); Using an empty alias searches for an element that belongs to no namespace. my $div = $c->select('|div'); E F An "F" element descendant of an "E" element. my $headlines = $css->select('div h1'); E > F An "F" element child of an "E" element. my $headlines = $css->select('html > body > div > h1'); E + F An "F" element immediately preceded by an "E" element. my $second = $css->select('h1 + h2'); E ~ F An "F" element preceded by an "E" element. my $second = $css->select('h1 ~ h2'); E, F, G Elements of type "E", "F" and "G". my $headlines = $css->select('h1, h2, h3'); E[foo=bar][bar=baz] An "E" element whose attributes match all following attribute selectors. my $links = $css->select('a[foo^=b][foo$=ar]');
Mojo::DOM::CSS implements the following attributes. tree my $tree = $css->tree; $css = $css->tree(['root']); Document Object Model. Note that this structure should only be used very carefully since it is very dynamic.
Mojo::DOM::CSS inherits all methods from Mojo::Base and implements the following new ones. matches my $bool = $css->matches('head > title'); my $bool = $css->matches('svg|line', svg => 'http://www.w3.org/2000/svg'); Check if first node in "tree" matches the CSS selector. Trailing key/value pairs can be used to declare xml namespace aliases. select my $results = $css->select('head > title'); my $results = $css->select('svg|line', svg => 'http://www.w3.org/2000/svg'); Run CSS selector against "tree". Trailing key/value pairs can be used to declare xml namespace aliases. select_one my $result = $css->select_one('head > title'); my $result = $css->select_one('svg|line', svg => 'http://www.w3.org/2000/svg'); Run CSS selector against "tree" and stop as soon as the first node matched. Trailing key/value pairs can be used to declare xml namespace aliases.
You can set the "MOJO_DOM_CSS_DEBUG" environment variable to get some advanced diagnostics information printed to "STDERR". MOJO_DOM_CSS_DEBUG=1
Mojolicious, Mojolicious::Guides, <https://mojolicious.org>.