oracular (3) MooX::Role::Logger.3pm.gz

Provided by: libmoox-role-logger-perl_0.005-2_all bug


       MooX::Role::Logger - Provide logging via Log::Any


       version 0.005


       In your modules:

           package MyModule;
           use Moose;
           with 'MooX::Role::Logger';

           sub run {
               my ($self) = @_;

           sub cry {
               my ($self) = @_;
               $self->_logger->info("I'm sad");

       In your application:

           use MyModule;
           use Log::Any::Adapter ('File', '/path/to/file.log');



       This role provides universal logging via Log::Any.  The class using this role doesn't need to know or
       care about the details of log configuration, implementation or destination.

       Use it when you want your module to offer logging capabilities, but don't know who is going to use your
       module or what kind of logging they will implement.  This role lets you do your part and leaves actual
       log setup and routing to someone else.

       The application that ultimately uses your module can then choose to direct log messages somewhere based
       on its own needs and configuration with Log::Any::Adapter.

       This role is based on Moo so it should work with either Moo or Moose based classes.


       Testing with Log::Any is pretty easy, thanks to Log::Any::Test.  Just load that before Log::Any loads and
       your log messages get sent to a test adapter that includes testing methods:

           use Test::More 0.96;
           use Log::Any::Test;
           use Log::Any qw/$log/;

           use lib 't/lib';
           use MyModule;

           $log->contains_ok( qr/I'm sad/, "got log message" );


       If you have a whole set of classes that should log with a single category, create your own role and set
       the "_build__logger_category" there:

           package MyLibrary::Role::Logger;
           use Moo::Role;
           with 'MooX::Role::Logger';

           sub _build__logger_category { "MyLibrary" }

       Then in your other classes, use your custom role:

           package MyLibrary::Foo;
           use Moo;
           with 'MyLibrary::Role::Logger'


       Returns a logging object.  See Log::Any for a list of logging methods it accepts.

       Override to set the category used for logging.  Defaults to the class name of the object (which could be
       a subclass).  You can override to lock it to a particular name:

           sub _build__logger_category { __PACKAGE__ }


       Since MooX::Role::Logger is universal, you have to use it with one of several Log::Any::Adapter classes:

       •   Log::Any::Adapter::File

       •   Log::Any::Adapter::Stderr

       •   Log::Any::Adapter::Stdout

       •   Log::Any::Adapter::ScreenColoredLevel

       •   Log::Any::Adapter::Dispatch

       •   Log::Any::Adapter::Syslog

       •   Log::Any::Adapter::Log4perl

       These other logging roles are specific to particular logging packages, rather than being universal:

       •   MooseX::LazyLogDispatch

       •   MooseX::Log::Log4perl

       •   MooseX::LogDispatch

       •   MooseX::Role::LogHandler

       •   MooseX::Role::Loggable (uses Log::Dispatchouli)

       •   Role::Log::Syslog::Fast


   Bugs / Feature Requests
       Please report any bugs or feature requests through the issue tracker at
       <https://github.com/dagolden/MooX-Role-Logger/issues>.  You will be notified automatically of any
       progress on your issue.

   Source Code
       This is open source software.  The code repository is available for public review and contribution under
       the terms of the license.


         git clone https://github.com/dagolden/MooX-Role-Logger.git


       David Golden <dagolden@cpan.org>

       This software is Copyright (c) 2013 by David Golden.

       This is free software, licensed under:

         The Apache License, Version 2.0, January 2004