oracular (3) MooseX::LogDispatch.3pm.gz

Provided by: libmoosex-logdispatch-perl_1.2002-2_all bug


       MooseX::LogDispatch - A Logging Role for Moose


       This document describes MooseX::LogDispatch version 1.1000


        package MyApp;
        use Moose;
        with 'MooseX::LogDispatch';
        # or
        # with 'MooseX::LogDispatch::Levels'

        # This is optional. Will log to screen if not provided
        has log_dispatch_conf => (
          is => 'ro',
          lazy => 1,
          default => sub {
            my $self = shift;
            My::Configurator->new( # <- you write this class!
                file => $self->log_file,
                debug => $self->debug,


        # This is the same as the old FileBased config parameter to the role. If you
        # prefer you could name the attribute 'config_filename' instead.
        has log_dispatch_conf => (
          is => 'ro',
          lazy => 1,
          default => "/path/to/my/logger.conf"

        # Here's another variant, using a Log::Dispatch::Configurator-style
        #  hashref to configure things without an explicit subclass
        has log_dispatch_conf => (
          is => 'ro',
          isa => 'HashRef',
          lazy => 1,
          required => 1,
          default => sub {
            my $self = shift;
            return $self->debug ?
                 class     => 'Log::Dispatch::Screen',
                 min_level => 'debug',
                 stderr    => 1,
                 format    => '[%p] %m at %F line %L%n',
               : {
                   class     => 'Log::Dispatch::Syslog',
                   min_level => 'info',
                   facility  => 'daemon',
                   ident     => $self->daemon_name,
                   format    => '[%p] %m',

        sub foo {
          my ($self) = @_;
          $self->logger->debug("started foo");
          $self->logger->debug('ending foo');


       Log::Dispatch role for use with your Moose classes.


       This is the main Log::Dispatch::Config object that does all the work. It has methods for each of the log
       levels, such as "debug" or "error".

       This is an optional attribute you can give to your class.  If you define it as a hashref value, that will
       be interpreted in the style of the configuration hashrefs documented in Log::Dispatch::Config documents
       where they show examples of using a PLUGGABLE CONFIGURATOR for pluggable configuration.

       You can also gain greater flexibility by defining your own complete Log::Dispatch::Configurator subclass
       and having your "log_dispatch_config" attribute be an instance of this class.

       If this attribute has a value of a string, it will be taken to by the path to a config file for

       By lazy-loading this attribute ("lazy => 1"), you can have the configuration determined at runtime.  This
       is nice if you want to change your log format and/or destination at runtime based on things like
       MooseX::Getopt / MooseX::Daemonize parameters.

       If you don't provide this attribute, we'll default to sending everything to the screen in a reasonable
       debugging format.

       If this attribute has a true value, and Log::Dispatch::Config has a configured log instance, this will be
       used in preference to anything set via "log_dispatch_config".

       The main use for this attribute is when you want to use this module in another library module - i.e. the
       consumer of this role is not the end user. Setting this attribute to true makes it much easier for the
       end user to configure logging.

       Note: If you are using a class consuming this one as a role, and plan on reinstantiating that class, its
       probably a good idea to set this to 1 to avoid errors.


       MooseX::LogDispatch::Levels, Log::Dispatch::Configurator, Log::Dispatch::Config, Log::Dispatch.


       The old "with Logger(...)" style has been deprecated in favour of just using one of two roles and making
       the config much more flexible. As of version 1.2000 of this module, attempting to use it will make your
       code die.


       Please report any bugs or feature requests to "bug-moosex-logdispatch@rt.cpan.org", or through the web
       interface at <http://rt.cpan.org>.

       Or come bother us in "#moose" on "irc.perl.org".


       Ash Berlin "<ash@cpan.org>" v1.2000 fixes by Mike Whitaker "<penfold@cpan.org>"

       Based on work by Chris Prather  "<perigrin@cpan.org>"

       Thanks to Brandon Black "<blblack@gmail.com>" for showing me a much nicer way to configure things.

       Some development sponsored by Takkle Inc.

       Copyright (c) 2007, Ash Berlin "<ash@cpan.org>". Some rights reserved.

       Copyright (c) 2007, Chris Prather "<perigrin@cpan.org>". Some rights reserved.

       This module is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl
       itself. See perlartistic.