oracular (3) OAuth::Lite2::Client::WebServer.3pm.gz

OAuth::Lite2::Client::WebServer - OAuth 2.0 Web Server Profile Client
my $client = OAuth::Lite2::Client::WebServer->new( id => q{my_client_id}, secret => q{my_client_secret}, authorize_uri => q{http://example.org/authorize}, access_token_uri => q{http://example.org/token}, ); # redirect user to authorize page. sub start_authorize { my $your_app = shift; my $redirect_url = $client->uri_to_redirect( redirect_uri => q{http://yourapp/callback}, scope => q{photo}, state => q{optional_state}, ); $your_app->res->redirect( $redirect_url ); } # this method corresponds to the url 'http://yourapp/callback' sub callback { my $your_app = shift; my $code = $your_app->request->param("code"); my $access_token = $client->get_access_token( code => $code, redirect_uri => q{http://yourapp/callback}, ) or return $your_app->error( $client->errstr ); $your_app->store->save( access_token => $access_token->access_token ); $your_app->store->save( expires_at => time() + $access_token->expires_in ); $your_app->store->save( refresh_token => $access_token->refresh_token ); } sub refresh_access_token { my $your_app = shift; my $access_token = $client->refresh_access_token( refresh_token => $refresh_token, ) or return $your_app->error( $client->errstr ); $your_app->store->save( access_token => $access_token->access_token ); $your_app->store->save( expires_at => time() + $access_token->expires_in ); $your_app->store->save( refresh_token => $access_token->refresh_token ); } sub access_to_protected_resource { my $your_app = shift; my $access_token = $your_app->store->get("access_token"); my $expires_at = $your_app->store->get("expires_at"); my $refresh_token = $your_app->store->get("refresh_token"); unless ($access_token) { $your_app->start_authorize(); return; } if ($expires_at < time()) { $your_app->refresh_access_token(); return; } my $req = HTTP::Request->new( GET => q{http://example.org/photo} ); $req->header( Authorization => sprintf(q{OAuth %s}, $access_token) ); my $agent = LWP::UserAgent->new; my $res = $agent->request($req); ... }
Client library for OAuth 2.0 Web Server Profile.
new( %params ) id Client ID secret Client secret authorize_uri authorization page uri on auth-server. access_token_uri token endpoint uri on auth-server. refresh_token_uri refresh-token endpoint uri on auth-server. if you omit this, access_token_uri is used instead. agent user agent. if you omit this, LWP::UserAgent's object is set by default. You can use your custom agent or preset-agents. See also OAuth::Lite2::Agent::Dump OAuth::Lite2::Agent::Strict OAuth::Lite2::Agent::PSGIMock uri_to_redirect( %params ) get_access_token( %params ) execute verification, and returns OAuth::Lite2::Client::Token object. code Authorization-code that is issued beforehand by server redirect_uri The URL that has used for user authorization's callback refresh_access_token( %params ) Refresh access token by refresh_token, returns OAuth::Lite2::Client::Token object. refresh_token get_server_state Obtain OAuth::Lite2::Client::ServerState object. last_request Returns a HTTP::Request object that is used when you obtain or refresh access token last time internally. last_request Returns a HTTP::Response object that is used when you obtain or refresh access token last time internally.
Ryo Ito, <ritou.06@gmail.com> Lyo Kato, <lyo.kato@gmail.com>
Copyright (C) 2010 by Lyo Kato This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself, either Perl version 5.8.8 or, at your option, any later version of Perl 5 you may have available.