oracular (3) OpenOffice::OODoc::Intro.3pm.gz

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       OpenOffice::OODoc::Intro - Introduction to the Open OpenDocument Connector


       This introductory notice is intended to allow the user to understand the general principles and to learn
       some basic features of the OODoc module without browsing the whole reference manual.

       The reference manual is a set of OpenOffice::OODoc::xxx separate documents, where xxx is the codename of
       a particular functional area.  The present introduction, as well as the OpenOffice::OODoc main chapter,
       should be read in order to get the big picture before any attempt to dig in the detailed documentation.

       Just before reading this intro, it's a good idea to have a look at the short (and commented) examples
       provided in the distribution.

       Another general introduction to this Perl OpenDocument Connector has been published in The Perl Review
       (issue #3.1, dec. 2006) <http://www.theperlreview.com>

       There is an alternative intro for french-reading users. It's available in ODT
       (<http://jean.marie.gouarne.online.fr/doc/oodoc_guide.odt>) or PDF
       (<http://jean.marie.gouarne.online.fr/doc/oodoc_guide.pdf>). In addition, a general presentation in
       French can be downloaded at <http://jean.marie.gouarne.online.fr/doc/perl_odf_connector.pdf>


       The main goal of the Open OpenDocument Connector (OODoc) is to allow quick application development in 2

       - replacement of old-style, proprietary, client-based macros for intensive and non-interactive document

       - direct read/write operations by enterprise software on office documents, and/or document-driven

       OODoc provides an abstraction of the document objects and isolates the programmer from low level XML
       navigation, UTF8 encoding and file compression details. For example:

               use OpenOffice::OODoc;
               my $document = odfDocument(file => 'filename.odt');
                               text    => 'Some new text',
                               style   => 'Text body'
               $document->appendTable("My Table", 6, 4);
               $document->cellValue("My Table", 2, 1, "New value");

       The script above appends a new paragraph, with given text and style, and a table with 6 lines and 4
       columns, to an existing document, then inserts a value at a given position in the table. It takes much
       less time than the opening of the document with your favourite text processor, and can be executed
       without any desktop software connection. A program using this library can run without any OpenOffice.org
       installation (and, practically, OODoc has been tested on platforms where OpenOffice.org is not available

       More generally, OpenOffice::OODoc provides a lot of methods (probably most of them are not useful for
       you) allowing create/search/update/delete operations with document elements such as:

       - ordinary text containers (paragraphs, headings, item lists); - tables and cells; - user fields; -
       sections; - images; - styles; - bookmarks; - bibliography entries; - page layout; - metadata (i.e. title,
       subject, and other general properties).

       Every document processing begins by the initialization of an object abstraction of the document. The most
       usual constructor for this object is the odfDocument() function. When an object is initialized using this
       function, it brings a lot of methods allowing allowing the application to retrieve, read, update, delete
       or create almost every content and style element.  Another constructor, odfMeta() is available in order
       to allow metadata processing (see below). These odfXxx() methods (and others) are shortcuts for


       where "Xxx" is generally "Document", for full access to the content, but may be another specialized
       object such as "Manifest" or "Meta".  The long "OpenOffice::OODoc::...->new()" syntax can (and should) be
       avoided, and replaced by the odfDocument(), odfMeta() or odfManitest() functions.

       A document object initialization requires one or more options. The most usual option is the file name, as
       in the first example. By default, this parameter is regarded as a previously existing file. It's possible
       to instantiate a document object with a new, empty document, with an additional "create" option giving
       the content class of the document to be generated. So, in our first example, the constructor could be:

               my $document = odfDocument
                               file            => 'filename.odt',
                               create          => 'text'

       This instruction creates a new file containing a text (i.e. an OpenDocument Text) document (and replaces
       any previously existing file with the same name). However, the new file will be actually created by the
       $document->save instruction, not by the object initialization. If "create" is set, the documents are
       generated according to ODF templates. By default, OODoc uses a set of templates which are included in the
       CPAN package, but it's possible to use custom templates instead.

       When the 'create' option is in use, the newly created document may be formatted either in the OASIS
       OpenDocument format (ODF) or in the primary OpenOffice.org 1.0 format. If an additional 'opendocument' is
       provided and set to 'true', then the new document will be ODF-compliant. If the same option is present
       and set to 'false', the old OOo 1.0 format will be selected instead. Without the 'opendocument' option,
       the format will depend on the installation default (in the CPAN distribution, the default is set to
       OpenDocument but it can be changed by the user at the install time). In the other hand, the provided
       filename is not used by OODoc in order to select the file format, so you are free to create an ODF file
       with an OOo-like ".sxw" extension, and so on. The only one filename suffix that is meaningful for OODoc
       is ".xml" (by default, a file whose name is like "*.xml" is processed as flat XML and not as a regular,
       compressed ODF file).

       For existing files, the format (ODF or OOo) is automatically detected according to the real content of
       the file (whatever the filename).

       The present version of OpenOffice::OODoc is based on the OpenDocument specification, which has been
       published (May 2005) as an OASIS standard under the following title:

       "Open Document Format for Office Applications (OpenDocument) v1.0"

       It works with ODF 1.1 and 1.2 documents as well, knowing that these newer versions use the same basic
       data structure as 1.0, and (hopefully) this library doesn't depend on any particular feature which could
       be removed from the specification.


       The OODoc toolbox is organized in 3 logical layers. It's not necessary for you to remember the (annoying)
       details given in the next few paragraphs, but these details are described only to explain the general
       organisation of the modules. If you have only a few dozens of seconds for reading this document, please
       jump directly at the part III (practical examples) and come back later if you want to know more.

   OpenDocument packaging
       The first layer consists of the OpenOffice::OODoc::File class (defined in the File.pm module). This class
       is responsible of read/write operations with the ODF physical files. It does every I/O and
       compression/uncompression processing. It's mainly an easy-to-use, OpenDocument-oriented wrapper for the
       standard Archive::Zip Perl module (but it could be extended to encapsulate any other physical storage
       method for the ODF documents).

       Every physical access to a document through the OpenOffice::OODoc API requires the use of one or more
       "connectors", each one being associated to an ODF "container". The appropriate constructor is the
       odfContainer() function, which requires a file name/path as its first (and mandatory) argument:

               my $resource = odfContainer("myfile.odt");

       The instruction above creates an instance of ODF container, associated to a given filename. The returned
       object (assuming the specified file exists and is readable) is an OpenOffice::OODoc::File instance, i.e.
       an abstraction of the ODF physical file. However, it's possible to associate a container with an ODF that
       doesn't exist yet, provided that an additional 'create' named parameter, whose value is the class of the
       new document, is set. The following example creates an instance of spreadsheet ODF package:

               my $container = odfContainer("accounts.ods", create => 'spreadsheet');

       Note that no persistent resource is created at this time. Without the 'create' option, the odfContainer()
       function attempts to load the structure of the specified ODF file (and fails if something is wrong). With
       the 'create' option, the structure is loaded in memory according to defaut ODF templates that belong to
       the OpenOffice::OODoc installation. But any persistent change (including the creation of the new ODF
       file, if any) requires the save() method. As an example, the following code really created a new ODF
       presentation file (without content):

               my $container = odfContainer("show.odp", create => 'presentation');

       Or, more concisely:

               odfContainer("show.odp", create => 'presentation')->save;

       So, the most minimalistic OpenOffice::OODoc application is a one-liner that creates an empty document.

       For an existing resource, an open IO::File is allowed instead of a file name.

       Once initialized, such a container is typically used as a basis to instantiate one or more document-
       oriented connectors using odfDocument(), introduced later.  However, for the users who know exactly what
       they do, an ODF container brings some low-level methods, such as physical export and/or import of
       document parts.  The next example exports all the named persistent styles of "doc1.odt" then imports them
       in "doc2.odt":

               my $p1 = odfContainer("doc1.odt");
               my $p2 = odfContainer("doc2.odt");

       Caution: there is no consistency check with raw_import(), so the application may ensure that the imported
       part makes sense according to the remainder of the target container (so, in this example, it may ensure
       that all the styles needed in the document content are conveniently defined in the imported part).  Note
       that the raw_import() method doesn't produce any persistent effect before the save() method is issued
       from the importing container. All the changes are lost if the program ends or the objects goes out of
       scope before save().

   XML access
       An OpenOffice::OODoc::File object which has been instantiated using odfContainer(), it becomes available
       for processing through document-oriented, XML-based connectors. A typical OpenOffice::OODoc user doesn't
       need to be really "XML-aware", and most applications will probably use the high-level, XML-free methods
       provided by the Document and Meta objects, introduced later. However, the present section could prove
       useful for the general knowledge of the API.

       The second layer is made of the OpenOffice::OODoc::XPath class (XPath.pm), which is an ODF/XML-aware
       class. This class is generally not directly used by the applications; it's mainly a common ancestor for
       more specialised (and more user-friendly) other classes. OpenOffice::OODoc::XPath is an object-oriented
       representation of an XML part of an OpenDocument file (ex: content.xml, meta.xml, styles.xml, etc.),
       using the XML::Twig Perl API to access individual XML elements. It provides an XPath-based syntax for
       advanced users who want to directly get or set any element or attribute in any part of a document. If you
       want to deal in the same time with several XML components of the same document, you can/must create
       several OpenOffice::OODoc::XPath against the document (ex: one OpenOffice::OODoc::XPath will be
       associated with 'meta.xml' to represent the metadata, another one will be associated with 'content.xml'
       to give access to the content. OpenOffice::OODoc::XPath accepts and provides only XML strings from/to the
       application; but it's able to connect with an OpenOffice::OODoc::File object for file I/O operation, so
       you can use it without explicit file management coding.

       For an example, if you want to get access to the content of any ODF file (say 'foo.odt'), you have to
       write something like:

               use OpenOffice::OODoc;
               my $container = odfContainer("foo.odt");
               my $doc = odfDocument
                               container => $container,
                               part      => 'content'

       then $doc becomes an abstraction of the 'content' part of the document (corresponding to the document
       body and some automatic styles).  This new object brings a lot of methods allowing the applications to
       retrieve, read, modify, delete and creates elements in the documents.

       An element is a consistent piece of content or style definition. Any element may contain a text and/or
       one or more attributes. As an example, the following example selects a paragraph, then gets its text
       content and the name of its style:

               my $element = $doc->getElement('//text:p', 2);
               my $text = $doc->getText($element);
               my $style = $doc->getAttribute($element, 'style name');

       Note that the getElement() method works with XPath expressions. According to the ODF specification,
       "text:p" specifies a paragraph. The double slash ("//") means "everything from the root of the document".
       The second argument of getElement() is the position of the needed element in the list (knowing that
       "//text:p" designates all the paragraphs); this position is zero-based, so in this example the third
       paragraph is selected. The search space of getElement() is the whole document by default, but it's
       possible to restrict it to a given context, specified through a additional argument. A context is a
       particular element, previously selected. As an example, the following code selects the 3rd paragraph in
       the 4th section (if any):

               my $section = $doc->getElement('//text:section', 3);
               my $paragraph = $doc->getElement('//text:p', 2, $section);

       (Of course, there is a getSection() method that allows you to forget the XPath expression and to retrieve
       a section by name instead of number.)

       In a real application, the user doesn't need to known such an XPath expression, because there is a more
       convenient getParagraph() method that just requires the paragraph number. However, the generic, XPath-
       based getElement() method remains available in order to retrieve any element that is not covered by a
       specialized accessor.

       The getText() method is self-documented in the example. The getAttribute() method requires, after the
       element itself, the name of the attribute whose value is needed. The real ODF name of the style attribute
       of a paragraph is "text:style-name"; however, the application may use the "style name" simplified form
       knowing that getAttribute() is able to translate the attribute names according to a simple logic: every
       space in the given name is replaced by a "-" and, if no prefix is specified, the prefix of the element
       itself is used, so "style name" is automatically interpreted as "text:style-name" in this particular

       You don't need to remember the path of such usual objects as paragraphs, headings, lists, images, ...,
       and other well known document components, because the 3rd layer (see below) provides easy-to-use,
       predefined accessors for these objects.

       The text content and the attributes of a selected element may be changed. The following sequence puts a
       new text content and affects a new style to our previously selected paragraph:

               $doc->setText($element, "A new text content");
               $doc->setAttribute($element, 'style name' => "Text Body Style");

       The same layer of the API allows one to append of insert new elements. The next example demonstrates the
       use of appendElement(); it creates a new paragraph with given text and style and appends it to the
       existing content:

                       text            => "Hello world",
                       attributes      => {
                               'style name'    => "Text Body Style"

       For those who hate complex instructions, the 3 lines below do the same job as the example above:

               my $new_element = $doc->appendElement('text:p');
               $doc->setText($new_element, "Hello world");
               $doc->setAttribute($new_element, 'style name' => "Text Body Style");

       Remember that the changes above are done in the volatile content of document object; up to now; nothing
       is changed in the corresponding file. In order to commit the changes and make them persistent, we need to
       call the save() method of the container that has been used to instantiate the document.

       The API allows the user, in simple situations, to "forget" the ODF container behind the document. The
       following "hello world" example, that creates and saves a new document, works without explicit use of the
       odfContainer() constructor:

               my $doc = odfDocument(
                               file => "foo.odt",
                               create => 'text',
                               part => 'content'
                       text            => "Hello World !",
                       attributes      => {
                               'style name'    => "Text Body Style"

       Note that odfDocument() is used here with a 'file' parameter, whose value is a file name, instead of a
       'container'. At the end, save() is called from the document instance itself instead of a container.
       However, a container is always instantiated, but it's just hidden; and save() is only a stub method, the
       real job being done by the save() method of the container. Such a shortcut is useful in this example
       because the program processes one part only, i.e. the content; for applications that uses more than one
       part (content, styles, meta- data), two or more document connectors must be instantiated in association
       with the same container connector, and, as a consequence, the explicit use of odfContainer() is

       OpenOffice::OODoc::XPath allows some quick element manipulation and exchange, and can operate on several
       documents in the same session. For example:

               my $doc1 = odfDocument(file => 'file1.odt', part => 'content');
               my $doc2 = odfDocument(file => 'file2.odt', part => 'content');
               my $paragraph = $doc1->getElement('//text:p', 15);
                       ('//text:h', 0, $paragraph, position => 'after');

       This sequence takes an arbitrary paragraph (the 16th one) of a document and inserts it immediately after
       an arbitrary heading (the first one) in another document. Here, we used an insertElement() method to
       directly transfer an existing text element, but the same method (with different arguments) can create a
       new element according to application data, or from a well- formed XML string describing any document
       element in regular Open Document syntax. Example:

               # a program
               my $doc = odfDocument(file => 'file1.odt', part => 'content');
               open MYFILE, "> transfer.xml";
               print MYFILE $doc1->exportXMLElement('//text:p', 15);
               close MYFILE;

               # another program
               my $doc2 = odfDocument(file => 'file2.odt', part => 'content');
               open MYFILE, "< transfer.xml";
                       ('//text:h', 0, <MYFILE>, position => 'after');
               close MYFILE;

       These last two short programs produce the same effect as the preceding one, but the target file can be
       processed later than the source one and in a different location, because there is no direct link in the
       two documents.  The first program exports an XML description of the selected element, then the second
       program uses this description to create and insert a new element that is an exact replicate of the
       exported one. In the meantime, the XML intermediate file can be checked, processed and transmitted with
       any language and protocol.

       The OpenOffice::OODoc::XPath manual page describes a lot more common features that may be used through
       the document-oriented API introduced below.

       But it's just a beginning, because, in the real world, you have to do much more sophisticated processing,
       and you have not a lot of time to learn the XML path of any kind of document element (paragraph, heading,
       item list, table, draw frame, style, ...).

   Document-oriented API
       So there is a third, more user-friendly layer, that should be the only one visible for most of the

       The third layer is designed as a set of application-oriented classes, inherited from
       OpenOffice::OODoc::XPath. In this layer, the basic principle is "allow the user to forget XML". Each
       document element is considered from the user's point of view, and the XML path to get it is hidden. This
       approach works only if a specialized OpenOffice::OODoc::XPath class is defined for each kind of content.
       So, we ultimately need the following classes:

               OpenOffice::OODoc::Text for the textual content of any document;
               OpenOffice::OODoc::Image to deal with the graphic objects;
               OpenOffice::OODoc::Styles for page/style definitions;
               OpenOffice::OODoc::Meta for the metadata (meta.xml);

       Fortunately, the 3 first ones should not be expressly used in real applications, knowing that the toolbox
       provides a compound OpenOffice::OODoc::Document class which inherits all their features. As a
       consequence, ordinary users have just to deal with OpenOffice::OODoc::Document to process any content
       (graphic or textual) or layout. An OpenOffice::OODoc::Document object is instantiated through the
       odfDocument() function, that is a shortcut for OpenOffice::OODoc::Document->new(). For other parts, such
       as the metadata or the file manifest, other constructors are available.

       Simply put, a typical application will need OpenOffice::OODoc::Document in order to process the content
       and the layout, and OpenOffice::OODoc::Meta for a read/write access to the global properties.

       However, the reference manual in organized according to the kind of features, in order to avoid a huge
       manual page for the Document class. As a consequence, the documentation of this compound class includes 4
       chapters (::Text, ::Styles, ::Image and ::Document, the last one describing a few transverse methods. In
       addition, the user should remember that all the low-level attributes and methods described in the ::Xpath
       manual chapter are inherited by both ::Document and ::Meta.

       The OpenOffice::OODoc::Text class brings some table processing methods (table creation, direct access to
       individual cells). These methods, (under some conditions) can be used with spreadsheets (ODF spreadsheet
       documents) as well as with tables included in text documents.

       To illustrate the differences between the layers, the two following instructions are equivalent:

               print $doc->getText('//text:p', 2);
               print $doc->getParagraphText(2);

       provided that $doc has been previously created through an odfDocument() call.

       The difference looks tiny, but in fact OODoc::Text contains much more sophisticated text-aware methods
       that avoid a lot of coding and probably a lot of errors. For example, the following code puts the content
       of an ordinary perl list (@mydata) in an ODF document as an regular item list:

               my $list = $doc->appendItemList();
               $doc->setText($list, @mydata);

       The first instruction creates an empty list at the end of the document body.  The second one populates
       the new list with the content of an application- provided table. The setText() method automatically
       modify its behaviour according to the functional type of its first argument (with is not the same for a
       paragraph as for an itemlist or a table cell).

       The same layer provides some global processing methods such as:

               my $result = $doc->selectTextContent($filter, \&myFunction);

       that produces a double effect:

       1) it scans the whole document body and extracts the content of every text element matching a given
       filter expression (that is an exact string or a conventional Perl regular expression);

       2) it triggers automatically an application-provided function each time a matching content is found; the
       called function can execute any on-the-fly search/replace/delete operation on the current content and get
       data from any external database or communication channel; the return value of the function automatically
       replaces the matching string.

       So such a method can be used in sophisticated conditional fusion- transformation scripts.

       But you can use the same method to get a flat ASCII export of the whole document, without other
       processing, if you provide neither filter nor action:

               print $doc->getTextContent;

       Of course, OODoc can process presentation and not only content.  Example:

               $filter = 'Dear valued customer';
               foreach $element ($doc->selectElementsByContent($filter))
                       $doc->setStyle($element, 'Welcome')
                               if $element->isParagraph;

       After this last code sequence, every paragraph containing the string 'Dear valued customer' has the
       'Welcome' style (assuming 'Welcome' is a paragraph style, already defined or to be defined in the

       A style (like any other document element) can be completely created by program, or imported (directly or
       through an XML string) from another document. The second way is generally the better because you need a
       lot of parameters to build a completely new style by program, but the creation of a simple style is not a
       headache with the OODoc::Styles module, provided that you have an ODF attributes glossary at hand.  The
       following example show the way to build the "Welcome" style.  This piece of code declares "Welcome" as a
       paragraph style, whith "Standard" as parent style, and with some private properties (Times 16 bold font
       and navy blue foreground).

                               family          => 'paragraph',
                               parent          => 'Standard',
                               properties      =>
                                       'area'                  => 'text',
                                       'style:font-name'       => 'Times',
                                       'fo:font-size'          => '16pt',
                                       'fo:font-weight'        => 'bold',
                                       'fo:color'              => '#000080'

       The color attributes are encoded in RGB hexadecimal format. It's possible to use more mnemonic values or
       symbols, through conversion functions provided by the Styles module, and optional user-provided colour
       maps.  For example, "#000080" could be replaced by odfColor('navy blue'), provided that an appropriate
       color table is available at the run time; see odfLoadColorMap() in the OpenOffice::OODoc::Styles manual

       According to the application logic, each newly created style can be registered either as a "named" style
       (i.e. visible and reusable through a typical office software suite) or as an "automatic" style.

       For an ordinary application that needs the best processing facility for any kind of content and
       presentation element, the OODoc::Document module is the best choice. This module defines a special class
       that inherits from Text, Image and Styles classes. It allows the programmer, for example, to simply
       insert a new paragraph, create an image object, anchor the image to the paragraph, then create the styles
       needed to control the presentation of both the paragraph and the image, all that in the same sequence and
       in any order.

       Caution: In order to get a convenient translation between the user's local character set and the common
       ODF encoding (utf8), the application must indicate the appropriate encoding. The default one is
       iso-8859-1 in the CPAN distribution; it can be set using the odfLocalEncoding() function.  Example:

               use OpenOffice::OODoc;
               odfLocalEncoding 'iso-8859-15';

       The default encoding can be selected by the user during the installation, and changed later by editing a
       configuration file. In addition, a program working with several documents in the same time can select a
       distinct character set for each one.

Some practical uses

       To begin playing with the modules, you should before all see the self-documented sample scripts provided
       in the package. These scripts do nothing really useful, but they show the way to use the modules.

       You should directly load the full library with the single "use OpenOffice::OODoc" in the beginning of
       your scripts.  Then you should only use (in the beginning) the Document and/or Meta classes only.  We
       encourage you, in the first time, to avoid any explicit OODoc::XPath basic method invocation, and to deal
       only with available "intelligent" modules (Text, Image, Styles, via Document, and Meta), in order to get
       immediate results with a minimal effort.  And, if you use this stuff for evangelization purpose, you can
       show the code to prove that the OpenDocument format allows a lot of things with a few lines.

       You can avoid the heavy object oriented notation such as:

               my $meta = OpenOffice::OODoc::Meta->new(file => "xxx.ods");

       and use the shortcuts like:

               my $meta = odfMeta(file => "xxx.ods");

       The first thing you have to do with a document is to create an object focused on the member you want to
       work with, and "feed" it with regular ODF XML. The most straightforward way to do that is to create the
       object in association with an ODF file.

   Dealing with metadata
       We need metadata access, so we use OODoc::Meta

               use OpenOffice::OODoc;

               my $doc = odfMeta(file => 'myfile.odt');
               my $title = $doc->title;
               if ($title)     { print "The title is $title"; }
               else            { print "There is no title"; }

       Here, because the constructor of OODoc::Meta is called with a 'file' parameter, OODoc::Meta knows it
       needs a file access and it dynamically requires the OODoc::File module, instantiates a corresponding
       object using the file name, connects to it, and asks it for the 'meta.xml' member of the file. All that
       annoying processing is hidden for the programmer. We have just to query for the useful object, the title.

       In the same way, we could get (or even change) the document creation or last modification date registered
       by the editing software:

               my $d1 = $doc->creation_date;
               my $d2 = $doc->date;

       The dates, in the ODF documents properties, are stored in ISO-8601 format (yyyy-mm-ddThh:mm:ss); this
       format is readable but not necessarily convenient for any application. But the API provides easy to use
       tools allowing conversion to or from the regular numeric time() format of the system, allowing any kind
       of formatting or calculation.

       We could get more complex metadata structures, such as the user defined fields:

               my %ud  = $doc->user_defined;
               foreach my $name (keys %ud)
                       { print $name . '->' . $ud{$name} . "\n"; }

       This code captures the user defined fields (names and values) in a hash table, which then is displayed in
       a "name->value" form. You could see the way to update the user defined fields in the 'set_fields' script,
       provided with the distribution. The most usual metadata accessors have a symmetrical behaviour. To update
       the title, for example, you have to call the 'title' method with a string argument:

               $doc->title("New title");

       You can proceed in the same way with subject, description, keywords.

       The 'keywords' is an example of polymorphic behaviour (which is quite common for many OODoc methods):

               my $keywords = $doc->keywords;
               my @keywords = $doc->keywords;

       In the first form, the keywords are returned concatenated and comma- separated in a single editable text
       line. In the second one, we get the keywords as a list. But if 'keywords' is called to add new keywords,
       these ones must be provided as a list:

               $doc->keywords("kw1", "kw2", "kw3");

       The program is automatically prevented from introducing redundancy in the keyword list (the 'keywords'
       method deletes duplicates). While 'keywords' can only add new keywords, you have to call removeKeyword to
       delete an existing keyword. If you want to destroy the entire list of keywords in a single call, you have
       just to write:


       Well, we have done some updates in the metadata, but these updates apply only in memory. To make it
       persistent in the file, we have just to issue a:


       I said OODoc::Meta (which is an OODoc::XPath) did not know anything about the OpenDocument compressed
       files. But in my example,the object has been created with a 'file' argument and associated with an
       implicit OODoc::File object. So, the 'save' method of OODoc::XPath is only a stub method which sends a
       'save' command to the connected OODoc::File object. With an object created with an 'xml' parameter
       (providing the metadata through an XML string, without reference to a file), a 'save' call generates a
       'No archive object' error. However, if the object had been created from an XML flat file (instead of a
       regular ODF compressed file), the output would be a flat XML file as well.

       Note: A document is always saved in the same file format as it's source.  The save() can't act as a
       format converter. So, you can't save an OOo 1.0 file in OASIS OpenDocument format and vice versa, and you
       can't directly (without intermediate processing) save in ODF compressed format a document loaded from XML
       data. However, thanks to the getXMLContent() method, you can write the flat XML to the standard output or
       a given file handle.

       If you prefer to keep the original file unchanged, you can issue a


       that produces the same thing as 'File/SaveAs' in your favorite office software: if called with an
       argument, 'save' creates a new file containing all the changed and unchanged members of the original one.

       Of course, whatever the way you will use (or not use) the save() method, you will never process valuable
       documents without a backup copy...

   Example 2 - Manipulating text
       Here we must read and update some text content elements. By "text content", we mean not only "flat text".
       While the most interesting module is named OpenOffice::OODoc::Text, it's not fully dedicated to text
       documents.  It can deal with the text content of presentations, as well as the sheets and cells of a

       Our program begins with something like that:

               use OpenOffice::OODoc;
               my $doc = odfDocument(file => 'myfile.odt');

       The second line produces an OpenOffice::OODoc::Document object, which inherits from O::O::Text,
       O::O::Image and O::O::Styles. However, in the present example, we'll use its O::O::Text features only.

       To give a very high level abstract, we can say that OODoc::Text provides 2 kinds of read access methods:
       - the 'get' methods that return data referred by unconditional addressing, like getParagraph(4); - the
       'select' methods that return data selected against a given filter, related to a text content or an
       attribute value, like selectParagraphsByStyle('Text body').

       Some 'get' or 'select' methods return lists while other return individual elements or values.

       Returned data may be elements or texts. Text data can be exported or displayed, but the application needs
       elements to do any read/write operation on the content. For example:

               my $text = $doc->getTextContent;

       extracts the whole content of the document as a flat, editable text in the local character set, for
       immediate use (or display on a dumb terminal).  Of course, there are more the one way to do the same
       thing, so you can get the same result with a 'select' method as with a 'get' one if you use a "non-
       filtering filter". So:

               my $text = $doc->selectTextContent('.*');

       will also return the whole text content. But this last method, with some additional arguments and an
       appropriate filter, is much more powerful, because it can do 'on-the-fly' processing in each text element
       matching the filter (for example, insert values extracted from an enterprise database or resulting from
       complex calculations).  The output of getTextContent can be tagged according to the type of each text
       element, so the application can easily use this method to export the text in an alternative (simple)
       markup language.

       To do some intelligent processing in the text, we need to deal with individual text objects such as
       paragraphs, headings, list items or table cells. For example, to export the content of the 5th paragraph
       (paragraph numbering beginning with 0), we could directly get the text with:

               my $text = $doc->getParagraphText(4);

       But in order to update the same paragraph, or change its style, I need the paragraph element, not only
       its text content:

               my $para = $doc->getParagraph(4);
               # text processing takes place here
               $doc->setText($para, $other_text);
               $doc->setStyle($para, $my_style);

       Some methods can dynamically adapt to the text element type they have to process. For example, the
       getText method (exporting the text content of a given text element), can return the content of many kinds
       of element (paragraphs, headings, table cells, item lists or individuals list items).  In addition, any
       text content extracted with an high-level OODoc method is transcoded in the local character set (UTF-8
       issues are (we hope) hidden for the application). Optionally, the text output can be instrumented with
       begin and end application-provided tags according to the element type (so it's possible to export the
       text in an alternative, simple XML dialect, or in LaTeX, or in an application-specific markup language).

       In order to facilitate some kinds of massive document processing operations, OODoc::Text provides a few
       high level methods that do iterative processing upon whole sets of text elements. One example is
       selectElementsByContent: this method looks for any text container matching a given pattern (string or
       regular expression) and, each time an element is selected, it executes an application-provided callback
       function. An example of use is provided in the 'search' demo script, which selects any text element in a
       document matching a given expression, and appends the selected content as a sequence of paragraphs in
       another document.

       The more usual methods have explicit names, and can be used without their exhaustive documentation,
       provided that the programmer has a good understanding of the general philosophy. Heading and paragraph
       manipulations are quite simple. The situation is more complex with other text content such as item lists,
       tables and graphics.

       To get an individual list item, you must point to it from a previously obtained list element:

               my $item_list = $doc->getList(2);
               my $item = $doc->getListItem($item_list, 4);

       Here, $item contains the 5th item of the 3rd list of the document. The content of the item could then be
       exported by a generic method such as getText(), or processed using another method. Note that, if the
       application doesn't need the $item_list object for any other use, it can directly get the list item with
       the same method with a list number (instead of s list object) as its first argument:

               my $item = $doc->getListItem(2, 4);

   Playing with tables and spreadsheets
       Because the need of data capture within table structures is more evident, there is a direct accessor to
       get any individual table cell:

               my $value = $doc->getCellValue($table, $line, $col);

       For example:

               my $value = $doc->getCellValue(0, 12, 0);

       This code example returns the value of the 1st cell of the 13th row of the 1st table in the document.
       Note the 'cell value' is simply the text content if the cell type is string; but if the cell type is any
       numeric type, getCellValuereturns the content of the value attribute and ignores the text. The first
       argument (the table) can be either the table number (zero-based, according to its sequential position in
       the document) or the logical table name (as it's get or set by the end-user with OOo Writer or Calc).

       A cell can be selected in a table using either it's numeric (row, column) coordinates or a "spreadsheet-
       like" alphanumeric notation. So, the example above could be written as

               my $value = $doc->getCellValue(0, "A11");

       Caution, in the classical spreadsheet notation, the column comes first while it comes last in the numeric
       coordinates. In addition, knowing that the numeric coordinates are zero-based, "A1" corresponds to (0,0).
       Finally, remember that the alphanumeric coordinates must be provided in a single string while numeric
       coordinates require two arguments.

       This alphanumeric notation is probably more user-friendly for OOo Calc documents, but it's allowed by
       OODoc whatever the document class: you can use it with tables in text documents as well.

       Caution: The direct cell addressing works only when the table XML storage is "normalized", i.e. when
       every table object (row, column or cell) is mapped to an exclusive XML element. The application program
       can easily ensure this "normalization" thanks to the normalizeSheet() method, described in the
       OpenOffice::OODoc::Text manual page. However, up to now, the tables included in text document through
       OpenOffice.org Writer are normalized, so they are immediately available for direct addressing. In the
       other hand, with OpenOffice.org Calc spreadsheets, several contiguous objects are mapped to a single XML
       element as long as they have the same content, the same type and the same presentation. It's not an
       issue; it's a feature allowed by the OpenDocument specification in order to save storage space, knowing
       that typical large spreadsheets contain a lot of empty, or repetitive, cells. As a consequence, several
       cells may be located at the same coordinates. The normalizeSheet() method allows the application to
       define a safe area, sized according to its needs, where the direct object addressing works whatever the
       XML storage method in use.

       The table-related methods can be used with spreadsheets (i.e. OOo Calc documents) as well as with tables
       included in text documents. However, before addressing cells in a spreadsheet document, a program must
       "declare" the size of the used area in each target sheet (this requirement is due to performance
       considerations, for Calc documents only).

       You can also change the content of a cell:

               $doc->updateCell($table, $line, $col, $value);
               $doc->updateCell($table, $line, $col, $value, $string);
               $doc->updateCell($cell, $value);
               $doc->updateCell($cell, $value, $string);

       The first form puts the $value in the target cell, assuming it's a string cell or, if it's a numeric one,
       your choice is to put the same content as the value and the displayable string. The second form (assuming
       the target cell is numeric) provides independent content for value and string (the programmer must know
       what (s)he does, for example in case of currency or date cell). The 3rd and 4th forms do respectively the
       same things, but use a previously obtained cell element in place of 3D coordinates (in order to avoid
       unnecessary low-level XPath recalculation).

       For a flat text (non-numeric) cell whose the reference is already available, setText() produces the same
       result as updateCell():

               my $cell = $doc->getCell($table, $row, $col);
               $doc->setText($cell, "The text in the cell");

       Both getCellValue() and updateCell() can be replaced by the cellValue() shortcut, that is a read/write
       accessor to indivudual cells. So:

               my $value = $doc->cellValue("Sheet4", "B12");
               $doc->cellValue("Sheet1", "P5", $value);

       copies a value from one cell to another one in another table.

       In this intro, the cells are assumed to be text-only. Of course, the code is more complex with numeric
       cells, because the program have to get or set some additional information, according to its data type.

       OODoc::Text allows the program to create a new table, using the appendTable or insertTable method. The
       following example appends a new table with 8 lines and 5 columns to the document.

               my $table = $doc->appendTable("MyTable", 8, 5);

       But this new table is (by default) a pure text table. It's possible to build very sophisticated table
       structures, with an appropriate data type and a special presentation for each cell. But, to complete this
       task, the application must provide a lot of parameters. So, it's recommended to avoid purely programmatic
       table construction, and to reuse existing table structures and styles in template documents previously
       created with an ODF compatible software.

   Sections, subdocuments and hyperlinks
       For sophisticated document structures, paragraphs and other text containers may be included in sections.
       The API allows the applications to easily create or retrieve sections, whith the getSection(),
       appendSection(), and insertSection() methods. A given section may be either populated with a local
       content or provided with an external link (file path or URL) in order to include a subdocument. In
       addition, using lockSection() and unlockSection(), the programs can control the end-user write protection
       of any section.

       The following example (working with OOo 2.0) appends to a master document a new, write-protected section
       including a new document which can be reached through an internet link:

               my $url = "http://jean.marie.gouarne.online.fr/doc/oodoc_guide.odt";
                       "Getting Started",
                       link            => $url,
                       protected       => "true"

       And, if an unfortunate end-user is barred from updating a section by a lost password, the programmer can
       help with a single line such as:


       Of course, a section can host any local content instead of an external link.

               my $section = $doc->appendSection("Section 1");
                       attachment      => $section,
                       text            => "The first paragraph in the section",
                       style           => "Standard"

       Here, a section is created and receives a paragraph as its first content.

       An existing set of content elements could migrate under a section. The next example, more sophisticated,
       selects the list of all the elements that hierarchically depend on the first level 1 title of the
       document and moves these elements to a given section:

               my @content = $doc->getChapterContent(0, level => 1);
               $doc->moveElementsToSection("Section 1");

       The sections are not the only places for using hyperlinks. The applications can associate hyperlinks to
       any portion of text. The following example puts a remote (http) link on every "OpenDocument" character
       string in a given paragraph:

                       ($para, "OpenDocument", "http://www.oasis-open.org");

       The target of an hyperlink may be a bookmark or a heading in the current document or in another ODF
       document. For example, if the target is a bookmark included in the same document, the link is the name of
       the bookmark with a leading "#":

               $doc->setHyperlink($para, "a string", "#MyMark");

       When the target is a heading (i.e. a hierarchical title), the link is made of the text of the heading,
       prefixed with "#" and suffixed by "|outline".

       If an hyperlink is aimed at any target belonging to another document (in the local filesystem or
       elsewhere), you have just to concatenate the file path and the internal path. The example below puts an
       hyperlink to a particular heading located in a remote document:

                       $para, "read the conclusion",

   Manipulating variables, bibliographic entries, bookmarks
       The OODoc toolbox provides easy read/write accessors to some useful objects that can be included in OOo
       text documents.

       If a text document contains a user-defined field, the corresponding value can be read and updated. For
       example, if the user needs to increase a numeric by a given value, the corresponding code could be:

               $old_value = $doc->userFieldValue("FieldName");
               $doc->userFieldValue("FieldName", $old_value + $added_value);

       In addition, the OODoc API allows the user to "declare" new user-defined fields if needed (see
       setUserFieldDeclaration() in OpenOffice::OODoc::XPath).

       Any OpenDocument-compliant variable text field may be inserted in a document through the textField()
       method. The next example appends a paragraph whose text content is "This document contains <page-count>
       pages", knowing that the real page count will be dynamically displayed by the office software:

               my $p = $doc->appendParagraph
                       (text => "This document contains ");
               $doc->appendElement($p, $doc->textField('page-count'));
               $doc->extendText($p, " pages");

       While the sequence above appends a text field at the end of a paragraph, the setTextField() method may
       insert a text field anywhere within an existing paragraph according to various positioning parameters.
       The example hereafter creates a date field immediately after the last occurrence of the substring "the
       current date is "; the 'after' option provides the search string while the 'way' option specifies that it
       must be searched backward:

                       $paragraph, 'date',
                       after   => "the current date is ",
                       way     => 'backward'

       It's possible to get or set any property of a bibliography entry. An entry can be selected by its
       identifier (as it appears for the end-user). The first example below prints the title and the author of
       the first found occurrence of a "[GEN99]" entry, while the second one creates (or updates) its "ISBN" and
       "pages" properties:

               # 1
               my %properties = $doc->bibliographyEntryContent("GEN99");
               print "Title = $properties{'title'}\n";
               print "Author = $properties{'author'}\n";

               # 2
                               isbn    => 'xxxxyyyyzzzz',
                               pages   => 254

       In addition, a getBibliographyEntries() method allows the user to retrieve the full list of the entries
       included in a document.

       An additional bibliography entry may be inserted within a paragraph using setBibliographyMark(). As an
       example, the following instruction inserts a new bibliography mark as a replacement of the first
       substring "reference needed" that may occur after the 20th character in a given paragraph:

                       $doc->setBibliographyMark (
                               offset     => 20,
                               replace    => "reference needed",
                               attributes => {
                                   identifier  => "JDE",
                                   title       => "OASIS OpenDocument Essentials",
                                   author      => "J. David Eisenberg",
                                   year        => 2005,
                                   isbn        => "1-4116-6832-4"

       We can put a bookmark in a paragraph containing a given string.  Example:

               my $paragraph   = $doc->selectElementByContent("my search string");
               $doc->setBookmark($paragraph, "MyMark");

       The instruction above puts the mark at the beginning of the paragraph; however, setBookmark() could put
       the mark at any position within the text, according to optional parameters. To illustrate the positioning
       logic, the following instruction puts the bookmark immediately after the first occurrence of "xyz" that
       appear after the first 20 characters:

                       $paragraph, "MyMark",
                       offset  => 20,
                       after   => "xyz"

       Note that there are many possible positioning parameter combinations for bookmarks and any other markup
       elements intended to be inserted within text containers; the various possibilities are inherited from the
       setChildElement() method, that is described in the OpenOffice::OODoc::XPath manual page.

       A bookmark (created either through OpenOffice::OODoc or through this Perl API) can be used to retrieve a
       text element:

               my $paragraph = $doc->selectElementByBookmark("MyMark");

       Note that the insert position of text fields, bibliography marks, bookmarks, and other markup elements
       may be specified using the same set of position parameters and according to the same logic, that are
       inherited from the common setChildElement() method, described in OpenOffice::OODoc::XPath.

   Dealing with text AND metadata
       Sometimes we must access both the text content and the metadata. So, we need two OODoc::XPath objects :
       one OODoc::Document and one OODoc::Meta. And to avoid collisions and inefficient I/O operations, we need
       to connect the 2 objects with the same OODoc::File "server".

               use OpenOffice::OODoc;
               my $archive     = odfContainer('myfile.odt');
               my $content     = odfDocument(container => $archive);
               my $meta        = odfMeta(container => $archive);
               # process content and metadata

       In this case, the $content and $meta are explicitly linked to a common container. As a consequence, when
       the save() method of this container is triggered, all the changes through them are made persistent.

       There is an example of simultaneous access to content and metadata in the script 'set_title' (where some
       text content is used to generate a piece of metadata).

   Manipulating graphics
       The module OODoc::Image brings some functionalities that can be used against any OO document. The
       following code (combining the capabilities of OODoc::Text and OODoc::Image) selects the first paragraph
       containing the string "OpenOffice" and attach an imported image to it.

               my $p = $doc->selectElementByContent("OpenOffice");
               die "Paragraph not found" unless $p;
                       "Paris landscape",
                       description     => "Montmartre in winter",
                       attachment      => $p,
                       import          => "C:\MyDocuments\montmartre.jpg",
                       size            => "5cm, 3.5cm",
                       style           => "graphics2"

       In a spreadsheet document, the same image could be attached to a cell instead of a paragraph; to do so,
       the "attachment" option should be set to a cell element, previously obtained using getCell(). With the
       same syntax, in a presentation document, the "attachment" should be a draw page, previously selected
       using getDrawPage(). A "page" option allows the user to anchor an image to a page, instead of attaching
       it to a text container.

       In this example, the image is physically imported. But I could replace the "import" parameter by a "link"
       one, in order to use the image as an external link (cf. the "link" option when you insert an image in
       OpenOffice.org). This link could use a local filesystem path as well as a remote access path such as

       My new image needs a style (called "graphics2" in my example) to be presented.  This style could be an
       existing one, but my program could create it if needed, using an OODoc::Styles method (see below).

       Any characteristic of an existing image can be read or updated using simple methods. For example, it's
       easy to change the size and the position of my image:

               $doc->imageSize("Paris landscape", "10cm, 7cm");
               $doc->imagePosition("Paris landscape", "3cm, 0cm");

       The size and position strings indicate the used length unit. OODoc doesn't the provided unit, so the
       application should ensure that only ODF-compliant units are used. Possible units are, for example, "cm"
       (centimeter), "mm" (meter), "in" (inch), "pt" (point).

       The logical name of the image (here "Paris landscape") is the best way to retrieve an image object, so
       it's a mandatory argument with the createImageElement method. With OpenOffice.org Writer, each image is
       created with an unique name (that is "Image1", "Image2", etc. if the user doesn't provide a more
       significant one). But with OpenOffice.org Impress, the images are unnamed by default. We recommend you to
       give a significant name to each object that you want to process later by program, knowing that if an
       object can be easily caught by program, it's potentially reusable.

       An image can be selected by his description (i.e. the text the end-user can edit in the image properties
       dialog in OpenOffice.org). So, the following sequence provides the list of images whose the description
       contains the string "Montmartre":

               my @images = $doc->selectImageElementsByDescription("Montmartre");

       If you have to store and process a graphical content out of the end user's editing software, you can
       export it as an ordinary file:

               $doc->exportImage("Paris landscape", "/home/pictures/montmartre.jpg");

       And you can use a symmetric importImage method to change the content of an image element.

   Managing styles
       The OODoc::Styles allows the programmer to get any style definition, to change it and, if really needed,
       to create new styles. In the first part of this document, you can see an example of paragraph style
       creation. Unfortunately, createStyle could drive you to heavy coding efforts, because a very
       sophisticated style definition needs a lot of parameters and requires the knowledge of a lot of ODF
       attribute names. So we recommend you to systematically reuse existing styles (stored in ODF template
       documents used as "style repositories" or in XML databases). The createStyle method supports a
       "prototype" parameter that allows you to clone an existing style, contained in the same document or in
       another one.

       The next code sequence selects the "Text body" style of a document, and uses it as a template to create a
       "My Text body" style in another document, changing the font size only:

               my $template = $doc1->getStyleElement("Text body");
                               "My Text Body",
                               family          => "paragraph",
                               prototype       => $template,
                               properties      =>
                                       "area"          => "text",
                                       "fo:font-size"  => "12pt",
                                       "fo:color"      => odfColor("dark blue")

       Here a "dark blue" color has been given to the text; but "dark blue" is an arbitrary string, that must be
       present in a user-provided, previously loaded color map; without this color map, the users must, at their
       choice, either directly provide an hexadecimal, six-digit color code, with a leading "#" (such as
       "#00008b", that is the translation of "dark blue" in my installation), or get it through the odfColor()
       function with 3 decimal RGB values as arguments.

       Because a style is required for each image in a document, the OODoc::Document brings a more user-friendly
       createImageStyle method. This method allows you to create an image style without any mandatory parameter
       (excepted the name).  So, the "graphics2" style I invoked in a previous createImage example could be
       simply created by:


       Without other indication, the module automatically creates a style with "reasonable" values, so the image
       is really visible in the document. Of course, the application could provide explicit values for some
       parameters if needed. The following call, for example, provides specific values for contrast, luminance
       and gamma correction:

                               properties      =>
                                       'draw:contrast'         => '2%',
                                       'draw:luminance'        => '-3%',
                                       'draw:gamma'            => '1.1'

       Styles are not made only to control the presentation of individual elements.  There are special styles
       for page layout. While these styles are described with very specific data structures, the OODoc::Styles
       module contains some methods dedicated to page styling.

   Dealing with styles AND content
       While the OpenOffice::OODoc::Document methods can process both the content (text, complex structures and
       graphics) and the styles, it's not always possible any style and any content through the same object in
       the same session.

       Each individual instance of ::Document wraps an indivudual part of an ODF package. The default part is
       "content.xml", but all the named style definitions are stored in the "styles.xml" part (in a few words, a
       named style is a style which was designed in order to be used by more than one content element; for
       example, any style which could be selected through the style dialog box of a typical user-oriented office
       software is a "named" style).

       In order to avoid a lot of useless XML parsing, only one part at a time is loaded. As a consequence, if
       the application needs to process content and named styles during the same session, it must create 2
       instances of ::Document objects, associated with the same ODF container. Each instance must be associated
       with the appropriate target. For example:

               use OpenOffice::OODoc;

               my $archive     = odfContainer('myfile.odt');
               my $content     = odfDocument
                               container => $archive,
                               part => 'content'
               my $styles      = odfDocument
                               container => $archive,
                               part => 'styles'

       After this sequence, the $styles object gives access to any named style while all the document body can
       be processed through the $content object. Note that in this last example, we could avoid the "part"
       option for the "content" member of the package (because "content" is the default).

       Knowing that its always possible to process content, named styles and metadata in the same session, we
       could instantiate a ::Meta object through odfMeta() as well. So up to 3 connecting objects can be used as
       interfaces for the same ODF file.

       Of course, a single $archive->save() can make persistent all the changes made through all the connected


       Comments, questions and answers are welcome through the CPAN forum

       Bug reports should be sent using <http://rt.cpan.org/NoAuth/Bugs.html?Dist=OpenOffice-OODoc>


       Developer/Maintainer: Jean-Marie Gouarne <http://jean.marie.gouarne.online.fr>

       Contact: jmgdoc@cpan.org

       Copyright 2004-2010 by Genicorp, S.A. <http://www.genicorp.com>

       Initial English version of the reference manual by Graeme A. Hunter (graeme.hunter@zen.co.uk).

       License: GNU Lesser General Public License v2.1