oracular (3) PDF::API2::Outline.3pm.gz

PDF::API2::Outline - Manage PDF outlines (a.k.a. bookmarks)
# Get/create the top-level outline tree my $outline = $pdf->outline(); # Add an entry my $item = $outline->outline(); $item->title('First Page'); $item->destination($pdf->open_page(1));
Examine the Outline Tree has_children my $boolean = $outline->has_children(); Return true if the current outline item has child items. count my $integer = $outline->count(); Return the number of descendants that are visible when the current outline item is open (expanded). first my $child = $outline->first(); Return the first child of the current outline level, if one exists. last my $child = $outline->last(); Return the last child of the current outline level, if one exists. parent my $parent = $outline->parent(); Return the parent of the current item, if not at the top level of the outline tree. prev my $sibling = $outline->prev(); Return the previous item of the current level of the outline tree. next my $sibling = $outline->next(); Return the next item of the current level of the outline tree. Modify the Outline Tree outline my $child = $outline->outline(); Add an outline item at the end of the current outline's list of children. insert_after my $sibling = $outline->insert_after(); Add an outline item immediately following the current item. insert_before $sibling = $outline->insert_before(); Add an outline item immediately preceding the current item. delete $outline->delete(); Remove the current outline item from the outline tree. If the item has any children, they will effectively be deleted as well since they will no longer be linked. is_open # Get my $boolean = $outline->is_open(); # Set my $outline = $outline->is_open($boolean); Get/set whether the outline is expanded or collapsed. Set Outline Attributes title # Get my $title = $outline->title(); # Set $outline = $outline->title($text); Get/set the title of the outline item. destination $outline = $outline->destination($destination, $location, @args); Set the destination page and optional position of the outline. $location and @args are as defined in "destination" in PDF::API2::NamedDestination. $destination can optionally be the name of a named destination defined elsewhere. uri $outline = $outline->uri($uri); Launch a URI -- typically a web page -- when the outline item is activated. launch $outline->launch($file); Launch an application or file when the outline item is activated. pdf $outline = $outline->pdf($filename, $page_number, $location, @args); Open another PDF file to a particular page number (first page is zero, which is also the default). The page can optionally be positioned at a particular location if $location and @args are set -- see "destination" in PDF::API2::NamedDestination for possible settings.