oracular (3) Pinto::Manual::Installing.3pm.gz

Provided by: pinto_0.14000-2_all bug


       Pinto::Manual::Installing - Tips for installing Pinto


       version 0.14


       For the impatient...

         curl -L http://getpinto.stratopan.com | bash
         source ~/opt/local/pinto/etc/bashrc

       And then possibly...

         echo source ~/opt/local/pinto/etc/bashrc >> ~/.bashrc


       For most situations, Pinto is more like an application than a library.  It is a tool that you use to
       develop and manage your code, but Pinto itself is not part of your code.  Pinto also has a lot of
       dependencies, some of which may conflict with or complicate your code.

       Pinto can also serve as the backend supporting a daemonized Starman server exposed to the wilds of the
       internet.  Doing so opens the door to many additional security concerns.  We suggest below some practices
       we hope will serve to minimize the risks of doing so.


       For the reasons above, I recommend installing Pinto as a stand-alone application in its own sandbox.
       That way, it doesn't pollute your environment with its dependencies.  Nor will you pollute Pinto with
       changes to your environment, so Pinto will function even when your other environment dependencies are
       broken. And hopefully, you can use Pinto to help fix whatever broke!

   Step 1: Run the pinto installer script
       The installer script at <http://getpinto.stratopan.com> is mostly just a wrapper around cpanm, which
       installs pinto in a self-contained directory:

          # If you use curl...
          curl -L http://getpinto.stratopan.com | bash

          # If you use wget...
          wget -O - http://getpinto.stratopan.com | bash

       All the dependent modules will come from a curated repository on Stratopan <http://stratopan.com>.  These
       aren't always the latest versions of things, but they are versions that I know will work.

   Step 2: Set up the pinto environment
       The pinto installer generates a setup script for you.  By default, it is located at
       ~/opt/local/pinto/etc/bashrc.  To load that setup into your current shell, just give this command:

         source ~/opt/local/pinto/etc/bashrc

       To make these settings part of your everyday shell environment, just add that last command to your
       ~/.profile or ~/.bashrc or whatever setup file is appropriate for your shell.

       If you wish to customize any of the other environment variables that pinto uses, you can place those
       commands in ~/.pintorc.  If that file exists, the setup script will source them as well.  See pinto for a
       list of the relevant environment variables.


       If you will be running the pintod daemon exposed to the internet, it is suggested that you assume root
       privileges and proceed as follows:

       (1) create a pinto user like so:

           adduser --system --home /opt/local/pinto --shell /bin/false \
               --disabled-login --group pinto

       (2) set some environmental variables:

           export PINTO_HOME=/opt/local/pinto
           export PINTO_REPOSITORY_ROOT=/var/pinto

       check that the exports took with `env`.

       (3) run the installer as described above, and source the environmental variables to facilitate the steps
       of setting up the repository.

       (4) choose an authentication backend and install it like so:

           cpanm -L $PINTO_HOME Authen::Simple::Kerberos

       to review your options see Authen::Simple.

       (5) choose an appropriate startup script and install it:

           cp $PINTO_HOME/etc/init.d/pintod.debian /etc/init.d/pintod

           update-rc.d pintod start 50 2 3 4 5 . stop 20 0 1 6 .

       Currently daemonizing the pintod server will run the starman workers as root.  We hope to soon have the
       pintod daemon drop its privileges after initiating the master and before spawning the workers, so that
       the workers will run as the pinto user.  Until that feature is in place, pinto repository administrators
       are urged to keep their installations safely behind firewalls, protected from the potentially hostile


       If you're going to be hacking on Pinto itself, or want to try building on the API directly, then you can
       install Pinto straight into your development environment, just like you would do for any other module.

       Just beware that Pinto has lots of dependencies.  And if you subsequently upgrade any of those
       dependencies to something that breaks Pinto, then you might find yourself in a pickle.  The whole point
       of Pinto is to help you manage your dependencies, so if you break Pinto, it won't be able to help you.


       Naturally, installation procedures will vary from one environment to another.  If this procedure doesn't
       work for you, or if you'd like to suggest a procedure for a different environment (e.g. Windows,
       Perlbrew, Strawberry Perl, etc.), then please contact me.  Your contributions would be greatly




       Pinto (the library)

       pinto (the command)


       Jeffrey Ryan Thalhammer <jeff@stratopan.com>

       This software is copyright (c) 2015 by Jeffrey Ryan Thalhammer.

       This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as the Perl 5
       programming language system itself.