oracular (3) Pithub::Base.3pm.gz

Provided by: libpithub-perl_0.01041-1_all bug


       Pithub::Base - Github v3 base class for all Pithub modules


       version 0.01041


       All Pithub modules inherit from Pithub::Base, even Pithub itself. So all attributes listed here can
       either be set in the constructor or via the setter on the objects.

       If any attribute is set on a Pithub object it gets automatically set on objects that get created by a
       method call on the Pithub object. This is very convenient for attributes like the "token" or the "user"
       and "repo" attributes.

       The "user" and "repo" attributes are special: They get even set on method calls that require both of
       them. This is to reduce verbosity, especially if you want to do a lot of things on the same repo. This
       also works for other objects: If you create an object of Pithub::Repos where you set the "user" and
       "repo" attribute in the constructor, this will also be set once you get to the Pithub::Repos::Keys object
       via the "keys" method.

       Attributes passed along from the parent can be changed in the method call.

           my $p = Pithub->new( per_page => 50 );
           my $r1 = $p->repos;                         # $r->per_page == 50
           my $r2 = $p->repos( per_page => 100 );      # $r->per_page == 100


           # just to demonstrate the "magic"
           print Pithub->new( user => 'plu' )->repos->user;          # plu
           print Pithub::Repos->new( user => 'plu' )->keys->user;    # plu

           # and now some real use cases
           my $p = Pithub->new( user => 'plu', repo => 'Pithub' );
           my $r = $p->repos;

           print $r->user;    # plu
           print $r->repo;    # pithub

           # usually you would do
           print $r->get( user => 'plu', repo => 'Pithub' )->content->{html_url};

           # but since user + repo has been set already
           print $r->get->content->{html_url};

           # of course parameters to the method take precedence
           print $r->get( user => 'miyagawa', repo => 'Plack' )->content->{html_url};

           # it even works on other objects
           my $repo = Pithub::Repos->new( user => 'plu', repo => 'Pithub' );
           print $repo->watching->list->first->{login};


       Off by default.

       See also: "auto_pagination" in Pithub::Result.

       Defaults to <https://api.github.com>.  For GitHub Enterprise, you'll likely need an URL like


           my $users = Pithub::Users->new( api_uri => 'https://api-foo.github.com' );

           # ... is the same as ...

           my $users = Pithub::Users->new;

       If you want to use the response directly in JavaScript for example, Github supports setting a JSONP
       callback parameter.

       See also: <http://developer.github.com/v3/#json-p-callbacks>.


           my $p = Pithub->new( jsonp_callback => 'loadGithubData' );
           my $result = $p->users->get( user => 'plu' );
           print $result->raw_content;

       The result will look like this:

               "meta": {
                   "status": 200,
                   "X-RateLimit-Limit": "5000",
                   "X-RateLimit-Remaining": "4661"
               "data": {
                   "type": "User",
                   "location": "Dubai",
                   "url": "https://api.github.com/users/plu",
                   "login": "plu",
                   "name": "Johannes Plunien",

       Be careful: The content method will try to decode the JSON into a Perl data structure. This is not
       possible if the "jsonp_callback" is set:

           # calling this ...
           print $result->content;

           # ... will throw an exception like this ...
           Runtime error: malformed JSON string, neither array, object, number, string or atom,
           at character offset 0 (before "loadGithubData( ...

       There are two helper methods:

       •   clear_jsonp_callback: reset the jsonp_callback attribute


           has_jsonp_callback: check if the jsonp_callback attribute is set

       Controls how many items are fetched per API call, aka "page".  See also:
       <http://developer.github.com/v3/#pagination> and "auto_pagination".

       To minimize the number of API calls to get a complete listing, this defaults to the maximum allowed by
       Github, which is currently 100.  This may change in the future if Github changes their maximum.


           my $users = Pithub::Users->new( per_page => 30 );

           # ... is the same as ...

           my $users = Pithub::Users->new;

       There are two helper methods:

       •   clear_per_page: reset the per_page attribute


           has_per_page: check if the per_page attribute is set

       This is a CodeRef and can be used to modify the HTTP::Request object on a global basis, before it's being
       sent to the Github API. It's useful for setting MIME types for example. See also:
       <http://developer.github.com/v3/mimes/>. This is the right way to go if you want to modify the HTTP
       request of all API calls. If you just want to change a few, consider sending the "prepare_request"
       parameter on any method call.

       Let's use this example from the Github docs:



       Return html rendered from the body's markdown. Response will include body_html.


           my $p = Pithub::Issues->new(
               prepare_request => sub {
                   my ($request) = @_;
                   $request->header( Accept => 'application/vnd.github-issue.html+json' );

           my $result = $p->get(
               user     => 'miyagawa',
               repo     => 'Plack',
               issue_id => 209,

           print $result->content->{body_html};

       Please compare to the solution where you set the custom HTTP header on the method call, instead globally
       on the object:

           my $p = Pithub::Issues->new;

           my $result = $p->get(
               user     => 'miyagawa',
               repo     => 'Plack',
               issue_id => 209,
               options  => {
                   prepare_request => sub {
                       my ($request) = @_;
                       $request->header( Accept => 'application/vnd.github-issue.html+json' );

           print $result->content->{body_html};

       This can be set as a default repo to use for API calls that require the repo parameter to be set. There
       are many of them and it can get kind of verbose to include the repo and the user for all of the calls,
       especially if you want to do many operations on the same user/repo.


           my $c = Pithub::Repos::Collaborators->new( repo => 'Pithub' );
           my $result = $c->list( user => 'plu' );

       There are two helper methods:

       •   clear_repo: reset the repo attribute


           has_repo: check if the repo attribute is set

       If the OAuth token is set, Pithub will sent it via an HTTP header on each API request. Currently the
       basic authentication method is not supported.

       See also: <http://developer.github.com/v3/oauth/>

       By default a LWP::UserAgent object, but it can be anything that implements the same interface. For
       example, you could also use WWW::Mechanize::Cached to cache requests on disk, so that subsequent runs of
       your app can run faster and be less likely to exceed rate limits.

       This can be set as a default user to use for API calls that require the user parameter to be set.


           my $c = Pithub::Repos::Collaborators->new( user => 'plu' );
           my $result = $c->list( repo => 'Pithub' );

       There are two helper methods:

       •   clear_user: reset the user attribute


           has_user: check if the user attribute is set

       It might make sense to use this together with the repo attribute:

           my $c = Pithub::Repos::Commits->new( user => 'plu', repo => 'Pithub' );
           my $result = $c->list;
           my $result = $c->list_comments;
           my $result = $c->get('6b6127383666e8ecb41ec20a669e4f0552772363');

       This can set utf8 flag.


           my $p = Pithub->new(utf8 => 0); # disable utf8 en/decoding
           my $p = Pithub->new(utf8 => 1); # enable utf8 en/decoding (default)


       This method is the central point: All Pithub are using this method for making requests to the Github. If
       Github adds a new API call that is not yet supported, this method can be used directly. It accepts an
       hash with following keys:

       •   method: mandatory string, one of the following:

           •   DELETE

           •   GET

           •   PATCH

           •   POST

           •   PUT

       •   path: mandatory string of the relative path used for making the API call.

       •   data: optional data reference, usually a reference to an array or hash. It must be possible to
           serialize this using JSON.  This will be the HTTP request body.

       •   options: optional hash reference to set additional options on the request. So far "prepare_request"
           is supported. See more about that in the examples below. So this can be used on every method which
           maps directly to an API call.

       •   params: optional hash reference to set additional "GET" parameters. This could be achieved using the
           "prepare_request" in the "options" hashref as well, but this is shorter. It's being used in list
           method of Pithub::Issues for example.

       Usually you should not end up using this method at all. It's only available if Pithub is missing anything
       from the Github v3 API.  Though here are some examples how to use it:

       •   Same as "list" in Pithub::Issues:

               my $p      = Pithub->new;
               my $result = $p->request(
                   method => 'GET',
                   path   => '/repos/plu/Pithub/issues',
                   params => {
                       state     => 'closed',
                       direction => 'asc',

       •   Same as "get" in Pithub::Users:

               my $p = Pithub->new;
               my $result = $p->request(
                   method => 'GET',
                   path   => '/users/plu',

       •   Same as "create" in Pithub::Gists:

               my $p      = Pithub->new;
               my $method = 'POST';
               my $path   = '/gists';
               my $data   = {
                   description => 'the description for this gist',
                   public      => 1,
                   files       => { 'file1.txt' => { content => 'String file content' } }
               my $result = $p->request(
                   method => $method,
                   path   => $path,
                   data   => $data,

       •   Same as "get" in Pithub::GitData::Trees:

               my $p       = Pithub->new;
               my $method  = 'GET';
               my $path    = '/repos/miyagawa/Plack/issues/209';
               my $data    = undef;
               my $options = {
                   prepare_request => sub {
                       my ($request) = @_;
                       $request->header( Accept => 'application/vnd.github-issue.html+json' );
               my $result = $p->request(
                   method  => $method,
                   path    => $path,
                   data    => $data,
                   options => $options,

       This method always returns a Pithub::Result object.

   has_token (?$request)
       This method checks if a token has been specified, or if not, and a request object is passed, then it
       looks for an Authorization header in the request.

       Query the rate limit for the current object and authentication method.


       Johannes Plunien <plu@cpan.org>

       This software is copyright (c) 2011 by Johannes Plunien.

       This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as the Perl 5
       programming language system itself.