oracular (3) SDL::Video.3pm.gz

Provided by: libsdl-perl_2.548-5build1_amd64 bug


       SDL::Video - Bindings to the video category in SDL API


       Core, Video


        use SDL;
        use SDL::Video;
        use SDL::Surface;
        use SDL::Rect;

        # the size of the window box or the screen resolution if fullscreen
        my $screen_width   = 800;
        my $screen_height  = 600;


        # setting video mode
        my $screen_surface = SDL::Video::set_video_mode($screen_width, $screen_height, 32, SDL_ANYFORMAT);

        # drawing something somewhere
        my $mapped_color   = SDL::Video::map_RGB($screen_surface->format(), 0, 0, 255); # blue
                              SDL::Rect->new($screen_width / 4, $screen_height / 4,
                                             $screen_width / 2, $screen_height / 2), $mapped_color);

        # update an area on the screen so its visible
        SDL::Video::update_rect($screen_surface, 0, 0, $screen_width, $screen_height);

        sleep(5); # just to have time to see it


       The constants are exported by default. You can avoid this by doing:

        use SDL::Video ();

       and access them directly:


       or by choosing the export tags below:

       Export tag: ':surface'

        SDL_ASYNCBLIT       Use asynchronous blit if possible
        SDL_SWSURFACE       Stored in the system memory.
        SDL_HWSURFACE       Stored in video memory

       Export tag: ':video'

        SDL_ANYFORMAT       Allow any pixel-format
        SDL_HWPALETTE       Have an exclusive palette
        SDL_DOUBLEBUF       Double buffered
        SDL_FULLSCREEN      Full screen surface
        SDL_OPENGL          Have an OpenGL context
        SDL_OPENGLBLIT      Support OpenGL blitting.
                            NOTE: This option is kept for compatibility only, and is not recommended for new code.
        SDL_RESIZABLE       Resizable surface
        SDL_NOFRAME         No window caption or edge frame
        SDL_HWACCEL         Use hardware acceleration blit
        SDL_SRCCOLORKEY     Use colorkey blitting
        SDL_RLEACCELOK      Private flag
        SDL_RLEACCEL        Accelerated colorkey blitting with RLE
        SDL_SRCALPHA        Use alpha blending blit
        SDL_PREALLOC        Use preallocated memory

       Export tag ':overlay'

        SDL_YV12_OVERLAY    Planar mode: Y + V + U  (3 planes)
        SDL_IYUV_OVERLAY    Planar mode: Y + U + V  (3 planes)
        SDL_YUY2_OVERLAY    Packed mode: Y0+U0+Y1+V0 (1 plane)
        SDL_UYVY_OVERLAY    Packed mode: U0+Y0+V0+Y1 (1 plane)
        SDL_YVYU_OVERLAY    Packed mode: Y0+V0+Y1+U0 (1 plane)

       Export tag ':palette'

        SDL_LOGPAL          Logical palette, which controls how blits are mapped to/from the surface
        SDL_PHYSPAL         Physical palette, which controls how pixels look on the screen

       Export tag ':grab'

        SDL_GRAB_FULLSCREEN Used internally

       Export tag ':gl'


Core Functions

        my $surface = SDL::Video::get_video_surface();

       This function returns the current display SDL::Surface. If SDL is doing format conversion on the display
       surface, this function returns the publicly visible surface, not the real video surface.


        # somewhere after you set the video mode
        my $surface = SDL::Video::get_video_surface();

        printf( "our screen is %d pixels wide and %d pixels high\n", $surface->w, $surface->h );

        my $video_info = SDL::Video::get_video_info();

       This function returns a read-only structure containing information about the video hardware. If it is
       called before SDL::Video::set_video_mode, the "vfmt" member of the returned structure will contain the
       pixel format of the best video mode.


        use SDL;
        use SDL::Video;
        use SDL::VideoInfo;
        use SDL::PixelFormat;


        my $video_info = SDL::Video::get_video_info();

        printf( "we can have %dbits per pixel\n", $video_info->vfmt->BitsPerPixel );

        my $driver_name = SDL::Video::video_driver_name();

       This function will return the name of the initialized video driver up to a maximum of 1024 characters.
       The driver name is a simple one word identifier like "x11", "windib" or "directx".

       Note: Some platforms allow selection of the video driver through the "SDL_VIDEODRIVER" environment


        use SDL;
        use SDL::Video;


        print SDL::Video::video_driver_name() . "\n";

        my @modes = @{ SDL::Video::list_modes( $pixel_format, $flags ) };

       Returns a reference to an array:

       •   of available screen dimensions (as "SDL::Rect"'s) for the given format and video flags.

       •   with first array element 'all'. In this case you can set all modes.

       •   with first array element 'none' if no mode is available.

       Note: <list_modes> should be called before the video_mode ist set. Otherwise you will always get 'all'.


        use SDL;
        use SDL::Video;
        use SDL::VideoInfo;
        use SDL::PixelFormat;
        use SDL::Rect;


        my $video_info = SDL::Video::get_video_info();

        my @modes = @{ SDL::Video::list_modes($video_info->vfmt, SDL_NOFRAME) };

        if($#modes > 0)
            print("available modes:\n");
            foreach my $mode ( @modes )
                printf("%d x %d\n", $mode->w, $mode->h );
        elsif($#modes == 0)
            printf("%s video modes available\n", $modes[0]);

        my $bpp_ok = SDL::Video::video_mode_ok( $width, $height, $bpp, $flags );

       This function is used to check whether the requested mode is supported by the current video device. The
       arguments passed to this function are the same as those you would pass to SDL::Video::set_video_mode.  It
       returns 0 if the mode is not supported at all, otherwise the suggested "bpp".


        use SDL;
        use SDL::Video;


        my $video_mode_ok = SDL::Video::video_mode_ok( 800, 600, 32, SDL_SWSURFACE );

            printf( "this video mode is not supported\n" );

        my $surface = SDL::Video::set_video_mode( 800, 600, 32, SDL_SWSURFACE|SDL_DOUBLEBUF|SDL_FULLSCREEN);

       Sets up a video mode with the specified width, height, bits-per-pixel and flags.  "set_video_mode"
       returns a SDL::Surface on success otherwise it returns undef on error, the error message is retrieved
       using "SDL::get_error".

       List of available flags

           Create the video surface in system memory

           Create the video surface in video memory

           Enables the use of asynchronous updates of the display surface.  This will usually slow down blitting
           on single CPU machines, but may provide a speed increase on SMP systems.

           Normally, if a video surface of the requested bits-per-pixel (bpp) is not available, SDL will emulate
           one with a shadow surface.  Passing "SDL_ANYFORMAT" prevents this and causes SDL to use the video
           surface, regardless of its pixel depth.

           Give SDL exclusive palette access. Without this flag you may not always get the colors you request
           with SDL::set_colors or SDL::set_palette.

           Enable hardware double buffering; only valid with "SDL_HWSURFACE". Calling SDL::Video::flip will flip
           the buffers and update the screen.  All drawing will take place on the surface that is not displayed
           at the moment.  If double buffering could not be enabled then SDL::Video::flip will just perform a
           SDL::Video::update_rect on the entire screen.

           SDL will attempt to use a fullscreen mode. If a hardware resolution change is not possible (for
           whatever reason), the next higher resolution will be used and the display window centered on a black

           Create an OpenGL rendering context. You should have previously set OpenGL video attributes with

           Create an OpenGL rendering context, like above, but allow normal blitting operations.  The screen
           (2D) surface may have an alpha channel, and SDL::update_rects must be used for updating changes to
           the screen surface.  NOTE: This option is kept for compatibility only, and will be removed in next
           versions. Is not recommended for new code.

           Create a resizable window.  When the window is resized by the user a "SDL_VIDEORESIZE" event is
           generated and SDL::Video::set_video_mode can be called again with the new size.

           If possible, SDL_NOFRAME causes SDL to create a window with no title bar or frame decoration.
           Fullscreen modes automatically have this flag set.

       Note 1: Use "SDL_SWSURFACE" if you plan on doing per-pixel manipulations, or blit surfaces with alpha
       channels, and require a high framerate.  When you use hardware surfaces (by passing the flag
       "SDL_HWSURFACE" as parameter), SDL copies the surfaces from video memory to system memory when you lock
       them, and back when you unlock them. This can cause a major performance hit. Be aware that you may
       request a hardware surface, but receive a software surface because the video driver doesn't support
       hardware surface. Many platforms can only provide a hardware surface when using "SDL_FULLSCREEN". The
       "SDL_HWSURFACE" flag is best used when the surfaces you'll be blitting can also be stored in video

       Note 2: If you want to control the position on the screen when creating a windowed surface, you may do so
       by setting the environment variables "SDL_VIDEO_CENTERED=center" or "SDL_VIDEO_WINDOW_POS=x,y". You can
       also set them via "SDL::putenv".

       Note 3: This function should be called in the main thread of your application.

       User note 1: Some have found that enabling OpenGL attributes like "SDL_GL_STENCIL_SIZE" (the stencil
       buffer size) before the video mode has been set causes the application to simply ignore those attributes,
       while enabling attributes after the video mode has been set works fine.

       User note 2: Also note that, in Windows, setting the video mode resets the current OpenGL context. You
       must execute again the OpenGL initialization code (set the clear color or the shade model, or reload
       textures, for example) after calling SDL::set_video_mode. In Linux, however, it works fine, and the
       initialization code only needs to be executed after the first call to SDL::Video::set_video_mode
       (although there is no harm in executing the initialization code after each call to
       SDL::Video::set_video_mode, for example for a multiplatform application).

        $converted_surface = SDL::Video::convert_surface( $surface, $format, $flags );

       Creates a new SDL::surface of the specified SDL::PixelFormat, and then copies and maps the given surface
       to it.  It is also useful for making a copy of a surface.

       The flags parameter is passed to SDL::Surface"->new" and has those semantics.  This function is used
       internally by SDL::Video::display_format.  This function can only be called after "SDL::init".

       it returns a SDL::Surface on success or "undef" on error.

        $new_surface = SDL::Video::display_format( $surface );

       This function takes a surface and copies it to a new surface of the pixel format and colors of the video
       framebuffer, suitable for fast blitting onto the display surface. It calls SDL::Video::convert_surface.

       If you want to take advantage of hardware colorkey or alpha blit acceleration, you should set the
       colorkey and alpha value before calling this function.

       If you want an alpha channel, see "SDL::Video::display_format_alpha".  Return Value

       Note: Remember to use a different variable for the returned surface, otherwise you have a memory leak,
       since the original surface isn't freed.

        $new_surface = SDL::Video::display_format_alpha( $surface );

       This function takes a surface and copies it to a new surface of the pixel format and colors of the video
       framebuffer plus an alpha channel, suitable for fast blitting onto the display surface. It calls

       If you want to take advantage of hardware colorkey or alpha blit acceleration, you should set the
       colorkey and alpha value before calling this function.

       This function can be used to convert a colorkey to an alpha channel, if the "SDL_SRCCOLORKEY" flag is set
       on the surface. The generated surface will then be transparent (alpha=0) where the pixels match the
       colorkey, and opaque (alpha=255) elsewhere.

       Note: The video surface must be initialised using SDL::Video::set_video_mode before this function is
       called, or it will segfault.

        $surface = SDL::Video::load_BMP( $filename );

       Loads a SDL::Surface from a named Windows BMP file.  "SDL::Video::load_BMP" returns a SDL::Surface on
       success or "undef" on error.

       Note: When loading a 24-bit Windows BMP file, pixel data points are loaded as blue, green, red, and NOT
       red, green, blue (as one might expect).

        use SDL;
        use SDL::Video;
        use SDL::Rect;
        use SDL::Surface;

        my $screen_width  = 640;
        my $screen_height = 480;


        my $screen  = SDL::Video::set_video_mode($screen_width, $screen_height, 32, SDL_SWSURFACE);

        my $picture = SDL::Video::load_BMP('test.bmp');

        die(SDL::get_error) unless $picture;

        my $rect    = SDL::Rect->new(0, 0, $screen_width, $screen_height);

        SDL::Video::blit_surface( $picture, SDL::Rect->new(0, 0, $picture->w, $picture->h),
                                  $screen,  SDL::Rect->new(0, 0, $screen->w,  $screen->h) );

        SDL::Video::update_rect( $screen, 0, 0, $screen_width, $screen_height );


        $saved_BMP = SDL::Video::save_BMP( $surface, $filename );

       Saves the given SDL::Surface as a Windows BMP file named filename.  it returns 0 on success or -1 on

        $set_color_key = SDL::Video::set_color_key( $surface, $flag, $key );

       Sets the color key (transparent pixel) in a blittable surface and enables or disables RLE blit
       acceleration.  $key can be an integer or an SDL::Color object. If you pass an SDL::Color object
       SDL::Video::map_RGB will be called on it before setting the color key.

       RLE acceleration can substantially speed up blitting of images with large horizontal runs of transparent
       pixels (i.e., pixels that match the key value).  The key must be of the same pixel format as the surface,
       SDL::Video::map_RGB is often useful for obtaining an acceptable value.  If flag is "SDL_SRCCOLORKEY" then
       key is the transparent pixel value in the source image of a blit.

       If "flag" is OR'd with "SDL_RLEACCEL" then the surface will be drawn using RLE acceleration when drawn
       with SDL::Video::blit_surface.  The surface will actually be encoded for RLE acceleration the first time
       SDL::Video::blit_surface or "SDL::Video::display_format|/display_format" is called on the surface.  If
       "flag" is 0, this function clears any current color key.

       "SDL::Video::set_color_key" returns 0 on success or -1 on error.

        $set_alpha = SDL::Video::set_alpha( $surface, $flag, $key );

       "set_alpha" is used for setting the per-surface alpha value and/or enabling and disabling alpha blending.

       The surface parameter specifies which SDL::surface whose alpha attributes you wish to adjust.  flags is
       used to specify whether alpha blending should be used ( "SDL_SRCALPHA" ) and whether the surface should
       use RLE acceleration for blitting ( "SDL_RLEACCEL" ).  flags can be an OR'd combination of these two
       options, one of these options or 0.  If "SDL_SRCALPHA" is not passed as a flag then all alpha information
       is ignored when blitting the surface.  The alpha parameter is the per-surface alpha value; a surface need
       not have an alpha channel to use per-surface alpha and blitting can still be accelerated with

       Note: The per-surface alpha value of 128 is considered a special case and is optimised, so it's much
       faster than other per-surface values.

       Alpha affects surface blitting in the following ways:

       RGBA->RGB with "SDL_SRCALPHA"
           The source is alpha-blended with the destination, using the alpha channel.  SDL_SRCCOLORKEY and the
           per-surface alpha are ignored.

       RGBA->RGB without "SDL_SRCALPHA"
           The RGB data is copied from the source. The source alpha channel and the per-surface alpha value are
           ignored.  If SDL_SRCCOLORKEY is set, only the pixels not matching the colorkey value are copied.

       RGB->RGBA with "SDL_SRCALPHA"
           The source is alpha-blended with the destination using the per-surface alpha value.  If
           SDL_SRCCOLORKEY is set, only the pixels not matching the colorkey value are copied.  The alpha
           channel of the copied pixels is set to opaque.

       RGB->RGBA without "SDL_SRCALPHA"
           The RGB data is copied from the source and the alpha value of the copied pixels is set to opaque.  If
           SDL_SRCCOLORKEY is set, only the pixels not matching the colorkey value are copied.

           The source is alpha-blended with the destination using the source alpha channel.  The alpha channel
           in the destination surface is left untouched. SDL_SRCCOLORKEY is ignored.

       RGBA->RGBA without "SDL_SRCALPHA"
           The RGBA data is copied to the destination surface.  If SDL_SRCCOLORKEY is set, only the pixels not
           matching the colorkey value are copied.

       RGB->RGB with "SDL_SRCALPHA"
           The source is alpha-blended with the destination using the per-surface alpha value.  If
           SDL_SRCCOLORKEY is set, only the pixels not matching the colorkey value are copied.

       RGB->RGB without "SDL_SRCALPHA"
           The RGB data is copied from the source.  If SDL_SRCCOLORKEY is set, only the pixels not matching the
           colorkey value are copied.

       Note: When blitting, the presence or absence of "SDL_SRCALPHA" is relevant only on the source surface,
       not the destination.  Note: Note that RGBA->RGBA blits (with "SDL_SRCALPHA" set) keep the alpha of the
       destination surface. This means that you cannot compose two arbitrary RGBA surfaces this way and get the
       result you would expect from "overlaying" them; the destination alpha will work as a mask.

       Note: Also note that per-pixel and per-surface alpha cannot be combined; the per-pixel alpha is always
       used if available.

       "SDL::Video::set_alpha" returns 0 on success or -1 on error.

        $fill_rect = SDL::Video::fill_rect( $dest, $dest_rect, $pixel );

       This function performs a fast fill of the given SDL::Rect with the given SDL::PixelFormat. If dest_rect
       is NULL, the whole surface will be filled with color.

       The color should be a pixel of the format used by the surface, and can be generated by the
       SDL::Video::map_RGB or "SDL::Video::map_RGBA|/map_RGBA" functions. If the color value contains an alpha
       value then the destination is simply "filled" with that alpha information, no blending takes place.

       If there is a clip rectangle set on the destination (set via SDL::Video::set_clip_rect), then this
       function will clip based on the intersection of the clip rectangle and the dstrect rectangle, and the
       dstrect rectangle will be modified to represent the area actually filled.

       If you call this on the video surface (ie: the value of SDL::Video::get_video_surface) you may have to
       update the video surface to see the result. This can happen if you are using a shadowed surface that is
       not double buffered in Windows XP using build 1.2.9.

       "SDL::Video::fill_rect" returns 0 on success or -1 on error.

       for an example see "SYNOPSIS".

Surface Locking and Unlocking

        int SDL::Video::lock_surface( $surface );

       "SDL::Video::lock_surface" sets up the given SDL::Surface for directly accessing the pixels.  Between
       calls to SDL::lock_surface and SDL::unlock_surface, you can write to ( "surface-"set_pixels>) and read
       from ( "surface-"get_pixels> ), using the pixel format stored in "surface-"format>.  Once you are done
       accessing the surface, you should use SDL::Video::unlock_surface to release the lock.

       Not all surfaces require locking. If SDL::Video::MUSTLOCK evaluates to 0, then reading and writing pixels
       to the surface can be performed at any time, and the pixel format of the surface will not change.  No
       operating system or library calls should be made between the lock/unlock pairs, as critical system locks
       may be held during this time.  "SDL::Video::lock_surface" returns 0 on success or -1 on error.

       Note: Since SDL 1.1.8, the surface locks are recursive. This means that you can lock a surface multiple
       times, but each lock must have a matching unlock.

        use strict;
        use warnings;
        use Carp;

        use SDL v2.3;
        use SDL::Video;
        use SDL::Event;
        use SDL::Events;
        use SDL::Surface;

        my $screen;

        sub putpixel
            my($x, $y, $color) = @_;
            my $lineoffset     = $y * ($screen->pitch / 4);
            $screen->set_pixels( $lineoffset+ $x, $color);

        sub render
            if( SDL::Video::MUSTLOCK( $screen) )
                return if (SDL::Video::lock_surface( $screen ) < 0)

            my $ticks                = SDL::get_ticks();
            my ($i, $y, $yofs, $ofs) = (0,0,0,0);
            for ($i = 0; $i < 480; $i++)
                for (my $j = 0, $ofs = $yofs; $j < 640; $j++, $ofs++)
                    $screen->set_pixels( $ofs, (  $i * $i + $j * $j + $ticks ) );
                $yofs += $screen->pitch / 4;

            putpixel(10, 10, 0xff0000);
            putpixel(11, 10, 0xff0000);
            putpixel(10, 11, 0xff0000);
            putpixel(11, 11, 0xff0000);

            SDL::Video::unlock_surface($screen) if (SDL::Video::MUSTLOCK($screen));

            SDL::Video::update_rect($screen, 0, 0, 640, 480);

            return 0;

        sub main
            Carp::cluck 'Unable to init SDL: '.SDL::get_error() if( SDL::init(SDL_INIT_VIDEO) < 0);

            $screen = SDL::Video::set_video_mode( 640, 480, 32, SDL_SWSURFACE);

            Carp::cluck 'Unable to set 640x480x32 video' . SDL::get_error() if(!$screen);


                my $event = SDL::Event->new();

                while( SDL::Events::poll_event($event) )
                    my $type = $event->type;
                    return 0 if( $type == SDL_KEYDOWN || $type == SDL_QUIT);


        SDL::Video::unlock_surface( $surface );

       Surfaces that were previously locked using SDL::Video::lock_surface must be unlocked with
       "SDL::Video::unlock_surface".  Surfaces should be unlocked as soon as possible.
       "SDL::Video::unlock_surface" doesn't return anything.

       Note: Since 1.1.8, the surface locks are recursive. See SDL::Video::lock_surface for more information.

        int SDL::Video::MUSTLOCK( $surface );

       "MUSTLOCK" returns 0 if the surface does not have to be locked during pixel operations, otherwise 1.

Screen Updating Functions

        SDL::Video::set_clip_rect( $surface, $rect );

       Sets the clipping rectangle for the given SDL::Surface. When this surface is the destination of a blit,
       only the area within the clip rectangle will be drawn into.  The rectangle pointed to by rect will be
       clipped to the edges of the surface so that the clip rectangle for a surface can never fall outside the
       edges of the surface.  If rect is NULL the clipping rectangle will be set to the full size of the
       surface.  "SDL::Video::set_clip_rect" doesn't returns anything.

        SDL::Video::get_clip_rect( $surface, $rect );

       Gets the clipping rectangle for the given SDL::Surface. When this surface is the destination of a blit,
       only the area within the clip rectangle is drawn into.  The rectangle pointed to by rect will be filled
       with the clipping rectangle of the surface.  "SDL::Video::get_clip_rect" doesn't returns anything;

        use SDL;
        use SDL::Video;
        use SDL::Rect;
        use SDL::Surface;

        my $screen_width  = 640;
        my $screen_height = 480;


        my $screen  = SDL::Video::set_video_mode($screen_width, $screen_height, 32, SDL_SWSURFACE);

        my $rect = SDL::Rect->new(0, 0, 0, 0);

        SDL::Video::get_clip_rect($screen, $rect);

        printf( "rect is %d, %d, %d, %d\n", $rect->x, $rect->y, $rect->w, $rect->h);

        SDL::Video::blit_surface( $src_surface, $src_rect, $dest_surface, $dest_rect );

       This performs a fast blit from the given source SDL::Surface to the given destination SDL::Surface.  The
       width and height in $src_rect determine the size of the copied rectangle. Only the position is used in
       the $dest_rect (the width and height are ignored). Blits with negative "dest_rect" coordinates will be
       clipped properly.  If $src_rect is "undef", the entire surface is copied. If $dest_rect is "undef", then
       the destination position (upper left corner) is (0, 0).  The final blit rectangle is saved in $dest_rect
       after all clipping is performed ($src_rect is not modified).  The blit function should not be called on a
       locked surface. I.e. when you use your own drawing functions you may need to lock a surface, but this is
       not the case with "SDL::Video::blit_surface". Like most surface manipulation functions in SDL, it should
       not be used together with OpenGL.

       The results of blitting operations vary greatly depending on whether "SDL_SRCALPHA" is set or not. See
       SDL::Video::set_alpha for an explanation of how this affects your results. Colorkeying and alpha
       attributes also interact with surface blitting.  "SDL::Video::blit_surface" doesn't returns anything.

       For an example see SDL::Video::load_BMP.

        update_rect( $surface, $left, $top, $width, $height );

       Makes sure the given area is updated on the given screen.  The rectangle must be confined within the
       screen boundaries because there's no clipping.  update_rect doesn't returns any value.

       Note: This function should not be called while screen is locked by SDL::Video::lock_surface

       Note2: If "x", "y", "width" and "height" are all equal to 0, "update_rect" will update the entire screen.

       For an example see SYNOPSIS

        update_rects( $surface, @rects );

       Makes sure the given list of rectangles is updated on the given screen.  The rectangle must be confined
       within the screen boundaries because there's no clipping.  "update_rects" doesn't returns any value.

       Note: This function should not be called while screen is locked by SDL::Video::lock_surface.


        use SDL;
        use SDL::Video;
        use SDL::Surface;
        use SDL::Rect;

        # the size of the window box or the screen resolution if fullscreen
        my $screen_width   = 800;
        my $screen_height  = 600;


        # setting video mode
        my $screen_surface = SDL::Video::set_video_mode($screen_width, $screen_height, 32, SDL_SWSURFACE);

        # drawing the whole screen blue
        my $mapped_color   = SDL::Video::map_RGB($screen_surface->format(), 0, 0, 255); # blue
                              SDL::Rect->new(0, 0, $screen_width, $screen_height),

        my @rects = ();
        push(@rects, SDL::Rect->new(200,   0, 400, 600));
        push(@rects, SDL::Rect->new(  0, 150, 800, 300));

        # updating parts of the screen (should look like a cross)
        SDL::Video::update_rects($screen_surface, @rects);


        $flip = SDL::Video::flip( $screen_surface );

       On hardware that supports double-buffering, this function sets up a flip and returns.  The hardware will
       wait for vertical retrace, and then swap video buffers before the next video surface blit or lock will
       return.  On hardware that doesn't support double-buffering or if "SDL_SWSURFACE" was set, this is
       equivalent to calling "SDL::Video::update_rect( $screen, 0, 0, 0, 0 )".

       A software screen surface is also updated automatically when parts of a SDL window are redrawn, caused by
       overlapping windows or by restoring from an iconified state. As a result there is no proper double buffer
       behavior in windowed mode for a software screen, in contrast to a full screen software mode.

       The "SDL_DOUBLEBUF" flag must have been passed to SDL::Video::set_video_mode, when setting the video mode
       for this function to perform hardware flipping.

       "flip" returns 0 on success or -1 on error.

       Note: If you want to swap the buffers of an initialized OpenGL context, use the function
       SDL::Video::GL_swap_buffers instead.


        use SDL;
        use SDL::Video;
        use SDL::Surface;

        # the size of the window box or the screen resolution if fullscreen
        my $screen_width   = 800;
        my $screen_height  = 600;


        # setting video mode
        my $screen_surface = SDL::Video::set_video_mode($screen_width, $screen_height, 32, SDL_DOUBLEBUF|SDL_FULLSCREEN);

        # do some video operations here

        # doing page flipping
        unless( SDL::Video::flip($screen_surface) == 0 )
            printf( STDERR "failed to swap buffers: %s\n", SDL::get_error() );

Palette, Color and Pixel Functions

        $set_colors = SDL::Video::set_colors( $surface, $start, $color1, $color2, ... )

       Sets a portion of the colormap for the given 8-bit surface.

       When surface is the surface associated with the current display, the display colormap will be updated
       with the requested colors.  If "SDL_HWPALETTE" was set in SDL::Video::set_video_mode flags,
       "SDL::Video::set_colors" will always return 1, and the palette is guaranteed to be set the way you
       desire, even if the window colormap has to be warped or run under emulation.  The color components of a
       SDL::Color structure are 8-bits in size, giving you a total of 2563 = 16777216 colors.  Palettized
       (8-bit) screen surfaces with the "SDL_HWPALETTE" flag have two palettes, a logical palette that is used
       for mapping blits to/from the surface and a physical palette (that determines how the hardware will map
       the colors to the display).  "SDL::Video::set_colors" modifies both palettes (if present), and is
       equivalent to calling SDL::Video::set_palette with the flags set to ( "SDL_LOGPAL | SDL_PHYSPAL" ).

       If "surface" is not a palettized surface, this function does nothing, returning 0.  If all of the colors
       were set as passed to "SDL::Video::set_colors", it will return 1.  If not all the color entries were set
       exactly as given, it will return 0, and you should look at the surface palette to determine the actual
       color palette.

        $set_palette = set_palette( $surface, $flags, $start, $color1, $color2, ... );

       Sets a portion of the palette for the given 8-bit surface.

       Palettized (8-bit) screen surfaces with the "SDL_HWPALETTE" flag have two palettes, a logical palette
       that is used for mapping blits to/from the surface and a physical palette (that determines how the
       hardware will map the colors to the display).  Non screen surfaces have a logical palette only.
       SDL::Video::blit always uses the logical palette when blitting surfaces (if it has to convert between
       surface pixel formats). Because of this, it is often useful to modify only one or the other palette to
       achieve various special color effects (e.g., screen fading, color flashes, screen dimming).

       This function can modify either the logical or physical palette by specifying "SDL_LOGPAL" or
       "SDL_PHYSPAL" the in the flags parameter.

       When surface is the surface associated with the current display, the display colormap will be updated
       with the requested colors.  If "SDL_HWPALETTE" was set in SDL::Video::set_video_mode flags,
       "SDL::Video::set_palette" will always return 1, and the palette is guaranteed to be set the way you
       desire, even if the window colormap has to be warped or run under emulation.  The color components of a
       "SDL::Color" structure are 8-bits in size, giving you a total of 2563 = 16777216 colors.

       If "surface" is not a palettized surface, this function does nothing, returning 0. If all of the colors
       were set as passed to "set_palette", it will return 1. If not all the color entries were set exactly as
       given, it will return 0, and you should look at the surface palette to determine the actual color

        $set_gamma = SDL::Video::set_gamma( $red_gamma, $green_gamma, $blue_gamma );

       Sets the "gamma function" for the display of each color component. Gamma controls the brightness/contrast
       of colors displayed on the screen.  A gamma value of 1.0 is identity (i.e., no adjustment is made).

       This function adjusts the gamma based on the "gamma function" parameter, you can directly specify lookup
       tables for gamma adjustment with SDL::set_gamma_ramp.

       Note: Not all display hardware is able to change gamma.

       "SDL::Video::set_gamma" returns -1 on error.

       Warning: Under Linux (X.org Gnome and Xfce), gamma settings affects the entire display (including the


        use SDL;
        use SDL::Video;
        use SDL::Surface;
        use SDL::Rect;
        use Time::HiRes qw( usleep );

        # the size of the window box or the screen resolution if fullscreen
        my $screen_width   = 800;
        my $screen_height  = 600;


        # setting video mode
        my $screen_surface = SDL::Video::set_video_mode($screen_width, $screen_height, 32, SDL_SWSURFACE);

        # drawing something somewhere
        my $mapped_color   = SDL::Video::map_RGB($screen_surface->format(), 128, 128, 128); # gray
                              SDL::Rect->new($screen_width / 4, $screen_height / 4, $screen_width / 2, $screen_height / 2),

        # update the whole screen
        SDL::Video::update_rect($screen_surface, 0, 0, $screen_width, $screen_height);


           SDL::Video::set_gamma( 1 - $_ / 20, 1, 1 );

           SDL::Video::set_gamma( $_ / 20, 1, 1 );

        SDL::Video::set_gamma( 1, 1, 1 );


        $get_gamma_ramp = SDL::Video::get_gamma_ramp( \@red_table, \@green_table, \@blue_table );

       Gets the gamma translation lookup tables currently used by the display. Each table is an array of 256
       Uint16 values.  "SDL::Video::get_gamma_ramp" returns -1 on error.

        use SDL;
        use SDL::Video;


        my (@red, @green, @blue);

        my $ret = SDL::Video::get_gamma_ramp( \@red, \@green, \@blue );

        if( -1 == $ret )
            print( "an error occurred" );
            printf( "for gamma = 1.0: red=0x%04X, green=0x%04X, blue=0x%04X\n", $red[255], $green[255], $blue[255] );
            printf( "for gamma = 0.5: red=0x%04X, green=0x%04X, blue=0x%04X\n", $red[127], $green[127], $blue[127] );
            printf( "for gamma = 0.0: red=0x%04X, green=0x%04X, blue=0x%04X\n", $red[0],   $green[0],   $blue[0]   );

        $set_gamma_ramp = SDL::Video::set_gamma_ramp( \@red_table, \@green_table, \@blue_table );

       Sets the gamma lookup tables for the display for each color component. Each table is an array ref of 256
       Uint16 values, representing a mapping between the input and output for that channel.  The input is the
       index into the array, and the output is the 16-bit gamma value at that index, scaled to the output color
       precision.  You may pass NULL to any of the channels to leave them unchanged.

       This function adjusts the gamma based on lookup tables, you can also have the gamma calculated based on a
       "gamma function" parameter with SDL::Video::set_gamma.

       Not all display hardware is able to change gamma.  "SDL::Video::set_gamma_ramp" returns -1 on error (or
       if gamma adjustment is not supported).


        use SDL;
        use SDL::Video;


        my (@red, @green, @blue);

        my $ret = SDL::Video::get_gamma_ramp( \@red, \@green, \@blue );

        $red[127] = 0xFF00;

           $ret = SDL::Video::set_gamma_ramp( \@red, \@green, \@blue );

           $ret = SDL::Video::get_gamma_ramp( \@red, \@green, \@blue );

        if( -1 == $ret )
            print( "an error occurred" );
            printf( "for gamma = 1.0: red=0x%04X, green=0x%04X, blue=0x%04X\n", $red[255], $green[255], $blue[255] );
            printf( "for gamma = 0.5: red=0x%04X, green=0x%04X, blue=0x%04X\n", $red[127], $green[127], $blue[127] );
            printf( "for gamma = 0.0: red=0x%04X, green=0x%04X, blue=0x%04X\n", $red[0],   $green[0],   $blue[0]   );

        $pixel = SDL::Video::map_RGB( $pixel_format, $r, $g, $b );

       Maps the RGB color value to the specified SDL::PixelFormat and returns the pixel value as a 32-bit int.
       If the format has a palette (8-bit) the index of the closest matching color in the palette will be
       returned.  If the specified pixel format has an alpha component it will be returned as all 1 bits (fully

       "SDL::Video::map_RGB" returns a pixel value best approximating the given RGB color value for a given
       pixel format.  If the SDL::PixelFormat's  bpp (color depth) is less than 32-bpp then the unused upper
       bits of the return value can safely be ignored (e.g., with a 16-bpp format the return value can be
       assigned to a Uint16, and similarly a Uint8 for an 8-bpp format).

        use SDL;
        use SDL::Video;
        use SDL::PixelFormat;
        use SDL::Surface;


        my $screen_surface = SDL::Video::set_video_mode(640, 480, 16, SDL_SWSURFACE);
        #                                                          ^-- 16 bits per pixel

        $r = 0x9C;
        $g = 0xDC;
        $b = 0x67;

        printf( "for 24bpp it is: 0x%02X 0x%02X 0x%02X\n", $r, $g, $b);

        my $_16bit = SDL::Video::map_RGB( $screen_surface->format, $r, $g, $b );

        # 16bpp is 5 bits red, 6 bits green and 5 bits blue
        # we will obtain the values for each color and calculating them back to 24/32bit color system
        ($r, $g, $b) = @{ SDL::Video::get_RGB( $screen_surface->format, $_16bit ) };

        printf( "for 16bpp it is: 0x%02X 0x%02X 0x%02X\n", $r, $g, $b );

        # so color #9CDC67 becomes #9CDF63

        $pixel = SDL::Video::map_RGBA( $pixel_format, $r, $g, $b, $a );

       Maps the RGBA color value to the specified SDL::PixelFormat and returns the pixel value as a 32-bit int.
       If the format has a palette (8-bit) the index of the closest matching color in the palette will be
       returned.  If the specified pixel format has no alpha component the alpha value will be ignored (as it
       will be in formats with a palette).

       A pixel value best approximating the given RGBA color value for a given pixel format.  If the pixel
       format bpp (color depth) is less than 32-bpp then the unused upper bits of the return value can safely be
       ignored (e.g., with a 16-bpp format the return value can be assigned to a Uint16, and similarly a Uint8
       for an 8-bpp format).

        $rgb_array_ref = SDL::Video::get_RGB( $pixel_format, $pixel );

       Returns RGB values from a pixel in the specified pixel format. The pixel is an integer (e.g. 16bit
       RGB565, 24/32bit RGB888).  This function uses the entire 8-bit [0..255] range when converting color
       components from pixel formats with less than 8-bits per RGB component (e.g., a completely white pixel in
       16-bit RGB565 format would return [0xff, 0xff, 0xff] not [0xf8, 0xfc, 0xf8]).

       For an example see SDL::Video::map_RGB.

        $rgba_array_ref = SDL::Video::get_RGBA( $pixel_format, $pixel );

       Gets RGBA values from a pixel in the specified pixel format.  This function uses the entire 8-bit
       [0..255] range when converting color components from pixel formats with less than 8-bits per RGB
       component (e.g., a completely white pixel in 16-bit RGB565 format would return [0xff, 0xff, 0xff] not
       [0xf8, 0xfc, 0xf8]).

       If the surface has no alpha component, the alpha will be returned as 0xff (100% opaque).

GL Methods

        $gl_load_lib = SDL::Video::GL_load_library( 'path/to/static/glfunctions.dll' );

       If you wish, you may load the OpenGL library from the given path at runtime, this must be done before
       SDL::Video::set_video_mode is called. You must then use SDL::Video::GL_get_proc_address to retrieve
       function pointers to GL functions.

       "GL_load_library" returns 0 on success or -1 or error.

        $proc_address = SDL::Video::GL_get_proc_address( $proc );

       Returns the address of the GL function proc, or NULL if the function is not found. If the GL library is
       loaded at runtime, with SDL::Video::GL_load_library, then all GL functions must be retrieved this way.
       Usually this is used to retrieve function pointers to OpenGL extensions. Note that this function needs an
       OpenGL context to function properly, so it should be called after SDL::Video::set_video_mode has been
       called (with the "SDL_OPENGL" flag).

       It returns undef if the function is not found.


        my $has_multitexture = 1;

        # Get function pointer
        $gl_active_texture_ARB_ptr = SDL::Video::GL_get_proc_address("glActiveTextureARB");

        # Check for a valid function ptr
            printf( STDERR "Multitexture Extensions not present.\n" );
            $has_multitexture = 0;

        $gl_active_texture_ARB_ptr(GL_TEXTURE0_ARB) if $has_multitexture;

        $value = SDL::Video::GL_get_attribute( $attr );

       It returns SDL/OpenGL attribute "attr". This is useful after a call to SDL::Video::set_video_mode to
       check whether your attributes have been set as you expected.  "SDL::Video::GL_get_attribute" returns
       "undef" if the attribute is not found.


        print( SDL::Video::GL_set_attribute(SDL_GL_RED_SIZE) );

        $set_attr = SDL::Video::GL_set_attribute( $attr, $value );

       This function sets the given OpenGL attribute "attr" to "value". The requested attributes will take
       effect after a call to SDL::Video::set_video_mode.  You should use
       "SDL::Video::GL_get_attribute|/GL_get_attribute" to check the values after a SDL::Video::set_video_mode
       call, since the values obtained can differ from the requested ones.

       Available attributes:

       •   "SDL_GL_RED_SIZE"

       •   "SDL_GL_GREEN_SIZE"

       •   "SDL_GL_BLUE_SIZE"

       •   "SDL_GL_ALPHA_SIZE"

       •   "SDL_GL_BUFFER_SIZE"


       •   "SDL_GL_DEPTH_SIZE"

       •   "SDL_GL_STENCIL_SIZE"

       •   "SDL_GL_ACCUM_RED_SIZE"




       •   "SDL_GL_STEREO"




       •   "SDL_GL_SWAP_CONTROL"

       "GL_set_attribute" returns 0 on success or -1 on error.

       Note: The "SDL_DOUBLEBUF" flag is not required to enable double buffering when setting an OpenGL video
       mode. Double buffering is enabled or disabled using the "SDL_GL_DOUBLEBUFFER" attribute.


        SDL::Video::GL_set_attribute(SDL_GL_RED_SIZE, 5);


       Swap the OpenGL buffers, if double-buffering is supported.  "SDL::Video::GL_swap_buffers" doesn't returns
       any value.

Video Overlay Functions

       see SDL::Overlay

        $lock_overlay = SDL::Video::lock_YUV_overlay( $overlay );

       Much the same as SDL::Video::lock_surface, "lock_YUV_overlay" locks the overlay for direct access to
       pixel data.  It returns 0 on success or -1 on error.

        SDL::Video::unlock_YUV_overlay( $overlay );

       The opposite to SDL::Video::lock_YUV_overlay. Unlocks a previously locked overlay. An overlay must be
       unlocked before it can be displayed. "unlock_YUV_overlay" does not return anything.

        $display_overlay = SDL::Video::display_YUV_overlay( $overlay, $dstrect );

       Blit the overlay to the display surface specified when the overlay was created. The SDL::Rect structure,
       "dstrect", specifies a rectangle on the display where the overlay is drawn. The "x" and "y" fields of
       "dstrect" specify the upper left location in display coordinates.  The overlay is scaled (independently
       in x and y dimensions) to the size specified by dstrect, and is "optimized" for 2x scaling

       It returns 0 on success or -1 on error.

Window Management Functions

        SDL::Video::wm_set_caption( $title, $icon );

       Sets the title-bar and icon name of the display window.

       "title" is a UTF-8 encoded null-terminated string which will serve as the window title (the text at the
       top of the window). The function does not change the string. You may free the string after the function

       "icon" is a UTF-8 encoded null-terminated string which will serve as the iconified window title (the text
       which is displayed in the menu bar or desktop when the window is minimized). As with title this string
       may be freed after the function returns.


        use SDL;
        use SDL::Video;
        use SDL::Surface;


        my $screen  = SDL::Video::set_video_mode(640, 480, 32, SDL_SWSURFACE);

        SDL::Video::wm_set_caption( 'maximized title', 'minimized title' );


        SDL::Video::wm_get_caption( $title, $icon );

       Retrieves the title-bar and icon name of the display window.


        use SDL;
        use SDL::Video;
        use SDL::Surface;


        my $screen  = SDL::Video::set_video_mode(640, 480, 32, SDL_SWSURFACE);

        SDL::Video::wm_set_caption( 'maximized title', 'minimized title' );

        my ($title, $icon) = @{ SDL::Video::wm_get_caption() };

        printf( "title is '%s' and icon is '%s'\n", $title, $icon );

        SDL::Video::wm_set_icon( $icon );

       Sets the icon for the display window. Win32 icons must be 32x32.

       This function must be called before the first call to SDL::Video::set_video_mode. Note that this means
       SDL::Image cannot be used.

       The shape is determined by the colorkey or alpha channel of the icon, if any. If neither of those are
       present, the icon is made opaque (no transparency).



       Another option, if your icon image does not have a colorkey set, is to use the SDL::Video::set_color_key
       to set the transparency.


        my $image = SDL::Video::load_BMP("icon.bmp");

        my colorkey = SDL::Video::map_RGB($image->format, 255, 0, 255); # specify the color that will be transparent

        SDL::Video::set_color_key($image, SDL_SRCCOLORKEY, $colorkey);


        $grab_mode = SDL::Video::wm_grab_input($mode);

       Grabbing means that the mouse is confined to the application window, and nearly all keyboard input is
       passed directly to the application, and not interpreted by a window manager, if any.

       When mode is "SDL_GRAB_QUERY" the grab mode is not changed, but the current grab mode is returned.

       "mode" and the return value of "wm_grab_input" can be one of the following:

       •   "SDL_GRAB_QUERY"

       •   "SDL_GRAB_OFF"

       •   "SDL_GRAB_ON"

        $iconify_window = SDL::Video::wm_iconify_window();

       If the application is running in a window managed environment SDL attempts to iconify/minimise it. If
       "wm_iconify_window" is successful, the application will receive a "SDL_APPACTIVE" loss event (see
       Application visibility events at SDL::Event).

       Returns non-zero on success or 0 if iconification is not supported or was refused by the window manager.


        use SDL;
        use SDL::Video;
        use SDL::Surface;


        my $screen  = SDL::Video::set_video_mode(640, 480, 32, SDL_SWSURFACE);




        $toggle = SDL::Video::wm_toggle_fullscreen( $surface );

       Toggles the application between windowed and fullscreen mode, if supported. (X11 is the only target
       currently supported, BeOS support is experimental).


       See "AUTHORS" in SDL.


   Category Objects
       SDL::Surface, SDL::Overlay, SDL::Color, SDL::Rect, SDL::Palette, SDL::PixelFormat, SDL::VideoInfo