oracular (3) SWISS::Ref.3pm.gz

SWISS::Ref represents a single reference of a SWISS-PROT + TREMBL entry as specified in the user manual http://www.expasy.org/sprot/userman.html .
Inherits from
"RN" The reference number. "RP" The RP line(s), unwrapped as a string. "RC" Zero or more RC lines. Data structure: {Token}[qualifier1, qualifierN]. A hash of arrays. Hash keys are the RC tokens, array elements are the qualifiers for that token. "RX" References to bibliographic databases. Data structure: {Database}[identifier1, identifierN]. A hash of arrays. Hash keys are the names of bibliographic databases, array elements are the identifiers of the reference for that database. "RG" The RG line(s), unwrapped as a string. "RA" The list of Authors. An object of type SWISS::ListBase. "RT" The publication title, unwrapped as a string. "RL" The RL line. Data structure: String.
Standard methods new fromText toText Writing methods add_MedlineID Add a RX line 'MEDLINE; nnnnnnnn.' to the reference. add_Author Add an author to the RA line of the reference. rc_sort Sort elements of the RC line alphabetically.
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