oracular (3) Software::Copyright::Statement.3pm.gz

Software::Copyright::Statement - a copyright statement for one owner
version 0.012
use Software::Copyright::Statement; my $statement = Software::Copyright::Statement->new('2020,2021, Joe <joe@example.com>'); $statement->name; # => is "Joe" $statement->email; # => is 'joe@example.com' $statement->range; # => is '2020, 2021' # merge records $statement->merge(Software::Copyright::Statement->new('2022, Joe <joe@example.com>')); $statement->range; # => is '2020-2022' # update the year range $statement->add_years('2015, 2016-2019')->stringify; # => is '2015-2022, Joe <joe@example.com>' # stringification my $string = "$statement"; # => is '2015-2022, Joe <joe@example.com>' # test if a statement "contains" another one my $st_2020 = Software::Copyright::Statement->new('2020, Joe <joe@example.com>'); $statement->contains($st_2020); # => is '1'
This class holds one copyright statement, i.e. year range, name and email of one copyright contributor. On construction, a cleanup is done to make the statement more standard. Here are some cleanup example: 2002-6 Joe => 2002-2006, Joe 2001,2002,2003,2004 Joe => 2001-2004, Joe # found in markdown documents 2002 Joe mailto:joe@example.com => 2002, Joe <joe@example.com>
The constructor can be called without argument or with a string containing: • a year range (optional) • a name (mandatory) • an email address (optional) E.g: my $st = Software::Copyright::Statement->new(); my $st = Software::Copyright::Statement->new('2002, Joe <joe@example.com>');
name Set or get owner's name email Set or get owner's name owner Returns a Software::Copyright::Owner object. This object can be used as a string. merge Merge 2 statements. Note that the 2 statements must belong to the same owner (the name attributes must be identical). See the Synopsis for an example. This method returns $self add_years Add a year range to the copyright owner. This method accepts year ranges like "2020", "2018, 2020", "2016-2020,2022". White spaces are ignored. This method returns $self stringify Returns a string containing a year range (if any), a name and email (if any) of the copyright owner. contains Return 1 if the other statement is contained in current statement, i.e. owner or record are identical and other year range is contained in current year range. For instance: • "2016, Joe" is contained in "2014-2020, Joe" • "2010, Joe" is not contained in "2014-2020, Joe" Operator overload Operator "" is overloaded to call "stringify".
Dominique Dumont
This software is Copyright (c) 2022 by Dominique Dumont <dod@debian.org>. This is free software, licensed under: The GNU General Public License, Version 3, June 2007