oracular (3) Statistics::R::REXP.3pm.gz

Statistics::R::REXP - base class for R objects ("SEXP"s)
version 1.0002
use Statistics::R::REXP; # we usually get REXPs from an RDS file: my $rexp = Statistics::R::IO::readRDS('file.rds'); # REXPs are stringifiable say $rexp; # REXPs can be converted to the closest native Perl data type print $rexp->to_pl;
An object of this class represents a native R object. This class cannot be directly instantiated (it will die if you call "new" on it), because it is intended as a base abstract class with concrete subclasses to represent specific object types. An R object has a value and an optional set of named attributes, which themselves are R objects. Because the meaning of 'value' depends on the actual object type (for example, a vector vs. a "NULL", in R terminology), "REXP" does not provide a generic value accessor method, although individual subclasses will typically have one.
attributes Returns a hash reference to the object's attributes. sexptype Returns the name of the corresponding R SEXP type, as listed in SEXPTYPE <http://cran.r- project.org/doc/manuals/r-release/R-ints.html#SEXPTYPEs>. to_pl Returns Perl representation of the object's value. This is an abstract method; see concrete subclasses for the value returned by specific object types, as well as the way to access the R (-ish) value of the object, if such makes sense. is_null Returns TRUE if the object is an R "NULL" object. In "REXP"'s class hierarchy, this is the case only for "Statistics::REXP::Null". is_vector Returns TRUE if the object is an R vector object. In "REXP"'s class hierarchy, this is the case only for "Statistics::REXP::Vector" and its descendants. inherits CLASS_NAME Returns TRUE if the object is an instance of R S3-style class "CLASS_NAME", in the same fashion as the R function "base::inherits <http://stat.ethz.ch/R-manual/R- patched/library/base/html/class.html>".
"REXP" overloads the stringification, "eq" and "ne" methods; subclasses further specialize for their types if necesssary.
Classes in the "REXP" hierarchy are intended to be immutable. Please do not try to change their value or attributes. More "is_*" accessors should be added. There are no known bugs in this module. Please see Statistics::R::IO for bug reporting.
See Statistics::R::IO for support and contact information.
Davor Cubranic <cubranic@stat.ubc.ca>
This software is Copyright (c) 2017 by University of British Columbia. This is free software, licensed under: The GNU General Public License, Version 3, June 2007