oracular (3) Stdlib.Buffer.3o.gz

Provided by: ocaml-man_5.2.0-3_all bug


       Stdlib.Buffer - no description


       Module   Stdlib.Buffer


       Module Buffer
        : (module Stdlib__Buffer)

       Unsynchronized accesses

       Unsynchronized  accesses to a buffer may lead to an invalid buffer state.  Thus, concurrent accesses to a
       buffer must be synchronized (for instance with a Mutex.t ).

       type t

       The abstract type of buffers.

       val create : int -> t

       create n returns a fresh buffer, initially empty.  The n parameter is the initial size  of  the  internal
       byte  sequence  that holds the buffer contents. That byte sequence is automatically reallocated when more
       than n characters are stored in the buffer, but shrinks back to n characters when reset is  called.   For
       best  performance,  n  should  be  of  the  same  order of magnitude as the number of characters that are
       expected to be stored in the buffer (for instance, 80 for a buffer that holds one output line).   Nothing
       bad will happen if the buffer grows beyond that limit, however. In doubt, take n = 16 for instance.  If n
       is not between 1 and Sys.max_string_length , it will be clipped to that interval.

       val contents : t -> string

       Return a copy of the current contents of the buffer.  The buffer itself is unchanged.

       val to_bytes : t -> bytes

       Return a copy of the current contents of the buffer.  The buffer itself is unchanged.

       Since 4.02

       val sub : t -> int -> int -> string

       Buffer.sub b off len returns a copy of len bytes from the current contents of the buffer b , starting  at
       offset off .

       Raises Invalid_argument if off and len do not designate a valid range of b .

       val blit : t -> int -> bytes -> int -> int -> unit

       Buffer.blit src srcoff dst dstoff len copies len characters from the current contents of the buffer src ,
       starting at offset srcoff to dst , starting at character dstoff .

       Since 3.11.2

       Raises Invalid_argument if srcoff and len do not designate a valid range of src , or if dstoff and len do
       not designate a valid range of dst .

       val nth : t -> int -> char

       Get the n-th character of the buffer.

       Raises Invalid_argument if index out of bounds

       val length : t -> int

       Return the number of characters currently contained in the buffer.

       val clear : t -> unit

       Empty the buffer.

       val reset : t -> unit

       Empty the buffer and deallocate the internal byte sequence holding the buffer contents, replacing it with
       the initial internal byte sequence of length n that was allocated by Buffer.create n  .   For  long-lived
       buffers that may have grown a lot, reset allows faster reclamation of the space used by the buffer.

       val output_buffer : out_channel -> t -> unit

       output_buffer oc b writes the current contents of buffer b on the output channel oc .

       val truncate : t -> int -> unit

       truncate b len truncates the length of b to len Note: the internal byte sequence is not shortened.

       Since 4.05

       Raises Invalid_argument if len < 0 or len > length b .

       Note:  all  add_*  operations can raise Failure if the internal byte sequence of the buffer would need to
       grow beyond Sys.max_string_length .

       val add_char : t -> char -> unit

       add_char b c appends the character c at the end of buffer b .

       val add_utf_8_uchar : t -> Uchar.t -> unit

       add_utf_8_uchar b u appends the UTF-8 encoding of u at the end of buffer b .

       Since 4.06

       val add_utf_16le_uchar : t -> Uchar.t -> unit

       add_utf_16le_uchar b u appends the UTF-16LE encoding of u at the end of buffer b .

       Since 4.06

       val add_utf_16be_uchar : t -> Uchar.t -> unit

       add_utf_16be_uchar b u appends the UTF-16BE encoding of u at the end of buffer b .

       Since 4.06

       val add_string : t -> string -> unit

       add_string b s appends the string s at the end of buffer b .

       val add_bytes : t -> bytes -> unit

       add_bytes b s appends the byte sequence s at the end of buffer b .

       Since 4.02

       val add_substring : t -> string -> int -> int -> unit

       add_substring b s ofs len takes len characters from offset ofs in string s and appends them at the end of
       buffer b .

       Raises Invalid_argument if ofs and len do not designate a valid range of s .

       val add_subbytes : t -> bytes -> int -> int -> unit

       add_subbytes  b s ofs len takes len characters from offset ofs in byte sequence s and appends them at the
       end of buffer b .

       Since 4.02

       Raises Invalid_argument if ofs and len do not designate a valid range of s .

       val add_substitute : t -> (string -> string) -> string -> unit

       add_substitute b f s appends the string pattern s  at  the  end  of  buffer  b  with  substitution.   The
       substitution process looks for variable references in the pattern and substitutes each variable reference
       with its value, as obtained by applying the mapping f to the variable name. Inside the string pattern,  a
       variable  reference  is  a  non-escaped  $  immediately  followed by a variable name, which is one of the

       -a non empty sequence of alphanumeric or _ characters,

       -an arbitrary sequence of characters enclosed by a pair of matching parentheses or  curly  brackets.   An
       escaped  $  character  is a $ that immediately follows a backslash character; the two characters together
       stand for a plain $ .

       val add_buffer : t -> t -> unit

       add_buffer b1 b2 appends the current contents of buffer b2 at the end of buffer b1 .  b2 is not modified.

       val add_channel : t -> in_channel -> int -> unit

       add_channel b ic n reads at most n characters from the input channel ic and stores them  at  the  end  of
       buffer b .

       Raises  End_of_file  if  the  channel  contains fewer than n characters. In this case, the characters are
       still added to the buffer, so as to avoid loss of data.

       Raises Invalid_argument if len < 0 or len > Sys.max_string_length .

   Buffers and Sequences
       val to_seq : t -> char Seq.t

       Iterate on the buffer, in increasing order.

       The behavior is not specified if the buffer is modified during iteration.

       Since 4.07

       val to_seqi : t -> (int * char) Seq.t

       Iterate on the buffer, in increasing order, yielding indices along chars.

       The behavior is not specified if the buffer is modified during iteration.

       Since 4.07

       val add_seq : t -> char Seq.t -> unit

       Add chars to the buffer

       Since 4.07

       val of_seq : char Seq.t -> t

       Create a buffer from the generator

       Since 4.07

   Binary encoding of integers
       The functions in this section append binary encodings of integers to buffers.

       Little-endian (resp. big-endian) encoding means that least (resp.  most)  significant  bytes  are  stored
       first.   Big-endian  is also known as network byte order.  Native-endian encoding is either little-endian
       or big-endian depending on Sys.big_endian .

       32-bit and 64-bit integers are represented by the int32 and int64 types, which can be interpreted  either
       as signed or unsigned numbers.

       8-bit  and 16-bit integers are represented by the int type, which has more bits than the binary encoding.
       Functions that encode these values truncate their inputs to their least significant bytes.

       val add_uint8 : t -> int -> unit

       add_uint8 b i appends a binary unsigned 8-bit integer i to b .

       Since 4.08

       val add_int8 : t -> int -> unit

       add_int8 b i appends a binary signed 8-bit integer i to b .

       Since 4.08

       val add_uint16_ne : t -> int -> unit

       add_uint16_ne b i appends a binary native-endian unsigned 16-bit integer i to b .

       Since 4.08

       val add_uint16_be : t -> int -> unit

       add_uint16_be b i appends a binary big-endian unsigned 16-bit integer i to b .

       Since 4.08

       val add_uint16_le : t -> int -> unit

       add_uint16_le b i appends a binary little-endian unsigned 16-bit integer i to b .

       Since 4.08

       val add_int16_ne : t -> int -> unit

       add_int16_ne b i appends a binary native-endian signed 16-bit integer i to b .

       Since 4.08

       val add_int16_be : t -> int -> unit

       add_int16_be b i appends a binary big-endian signed 16-bit integer i to b .

       Since 4.08

       val add_int16_le : t -> int -> unit

       add_int16_le b i appends a binary little-endian signed 16-bit integer i to b .

       Since 4.08

       val add_int32_ne : t -> int32 -> unit

       add_int32_ne b i appends a binary native-endian 32-bit integer i to b .

       Since 4.08

       val add_int32_be : t -> int32 -> unit

       add_int32_be b i appends a binary big-endian 32-bit integer i to b .

       Since 4.08

       val add_int32_le : t -> int32 -> unit

       add_int32_le b i appends a binary little-endian 32-bit integer i to b .

       Since 4.08

       val add_int64_ne : t -> int64 -> unit

       add_int64_ne b i appends a binary native-endian 64-bit integer i to b .

       Since 4.08

       val add_int64_be : t -> int64 -> unit

       add_int64_be b i appends a binary big-endian 64-bit integer i to b .

       Since 4.08

       val add_int64_le : t -> int64 -> unit

       add_int64_ne b i appends a binary little-endian 64-bit integer i to b .

       Since 4.08