oracular (3) Sysadm::Install.3pm.gz

Provided by: libsysadm-install-perl_0.48-2_all bug


       Sysadm::Install - Typical installation tasks for system administrators


         use Sysadm::Install qw(:all);

         my $INST_DIR = '/home/me/install/';

         cp("/deliver/someproj.tgz", ".");

            # Write out ...
         blurt("Builder: Mike\nDate: Today\n", "build.dat");

            # Slurp back in ...
         my $data = slurp("build.dat");

            # or edit in place ...
         pie(sub { s/Today/scalar localtime()/ge; $_; }, "build.dat");

         make("test install");

            # run a cmd and tap into stdout and stderr
         my($stdout, $stderr, $exit_code) = tap("ls", "-R");


       Have you ever wished for your installation shell scripts to run reproducibly, without much programming
       fuzz, and even with optional logging enabled? Then give up shell programming, use Perl.

       "Sysadm::Install" executes shell-like commands performing typical installation tasks: Copying files,
       extracting tarballs, calling "make".  It has a "fail once and die" policy, meticulously checking the
       result of every operation and calling "die()" immediately if anything fails.

       "Sysadm::Install" also supports a dry_run mode, in which it logs everything, but suppresses any write
       actions. Dry run mode is enabled by calling Sysadm::Install::dry_run(1). To switch back to normal, call

       As of version 0.17, "Sysadm::Install" supports a confirm mode, in which it interactively asks the user
       before running any of its functions (just like "rm -i"). confirm mode is enabled by calling
       Sysadm::Install::confirm(1). To switch back to normal, call Sysadm::Install::confirm(0).

       "Sysadm::Install" is fully Log4perl-enabled. To start logging, just initialize "Log::Log4perl".
       "Sysadm::Install" acts as a wrapper class, meaning that file names and line numbers are reported from the
       calling program's point of view.

       "cp($source, $target)"
           Copy a file from $source to $target. "target" can be a directory.  Note that "cp" doesn't copy file
           permissions. If you want the target file to reflect the source file's user rights, use "perm_cp()"
           shown below.

       "mv($source, $target)"
           Move a file from $source to $target. "target" can be a directory.

           Download a file specified by $url and store it under the name returned by "basename($url)".

           Untar the tarball in $tarball, which typically adheres to the "someproject-X.XX.tgz" convention.  But
           regardless of whether the archive actually contains a top directory "someproject-X.XX", this function
           will behave if it had one. If it doesn't have one, a new directory is created before the unpacking
           takes place. Unpacks the tarball into the current directory, no matter where the tarfile is located.
           Please note that if you're using a compressed tarball (.tar.gz or .tgz), you'll need IO::Zlib

       "untar_in($tar_file, $dir)"
           Untar the tarball in $tgz_file in directory $dir. Create $dir if it doesn't exist yet.

       "pick($prompt, $options, $default, $opts)"
           Ask the user to pick an item from a displayed list. $prompt is the text displayed, $options is a
           referenc to an array of choices, and $default is the number (starting from 1, not 0) of the default
           item. For example,

               pick("Pick a fruit", ["apple", "pear", "pineapple"], 3);

           will display the following:

               [1] apple
               [2] pear
               [3] pineapple
               Pick a fruit [3]>

           If the user just hits Enter, "pineapple" (the default value) will be returned. Note that 3 marks the
           3rd element of the list, and is not an index value into the array.

           If the user enters 1, 2 or 3, the corresponding text string ("apple", "pear", "pineapple" will be
           returned by "pick()".

           If the optional $opts hash has "{ tty => 1 }" set, then the user response will be expected from the
           console, not STDIN.

       "ask($prompt, $default, $opts)"
           Ask the user to either hit Enter and select the displayed default or to type in another string.

           If the optional $opts hash has "{ tty => 1 }" set, then the user response will be expected from the
           console, not STDIN.

           Create a directory of arbitrary depth, just like "File::Path::mkpath".

           Delete a directory and all of its descendents, just like "rm -rf" in the shell.

           chdir to the given directory. If you don't want to have cd() modify the internal directory stack
           (used for subsequent cdback() calls), set the stack_update parameter to a false value:

               cd($dir, {stack_update => 0});

           chdir back to the last directory before a previous "cd". If the option "reset" is set, it goes all
           the way back to the beginning of the directory stack, i.e. no matter how many cd() calls were made in
           between, it'll go back to the original directory:

                 # go all the way back
               cdback( { reset => 1 } );

           Call "make" in the shell.

       "pie($coderef, $filename, ...)"
           Simulate "perl -pie 'do something' file". Edits files in-place. Expects a reference to a subroutine
           as its first argument. It will read out the file $filename line by line and calls the subroutine
           setting a localized $_ to the current line. The return value of the subroutine will replace the
           previous value of the line.


               # Replace all 'foo's by 'bar' in test.dat
                   pie(sub { s/foo/bar/g; $_; }, "test.dat");

           Works with one or more file names.

           If the files are known to contain UTF-8 encoded data, and you want it to be read/written as a Unicode
           strings, use the "utf8" option:

               pie(sub { s/foo/bar/g; $_; }, "test.dat", { utf8 => 1 });

       "plough($coderef, $filename, ...)"
           Simulate "perl -ne 'do something' file". Iterates over all lines of all input files and calls the
           subroutine provided as the first argument.


               # Print all lines containing 'foobar'
                   plough(sub { print if /foobar/ }, "test.dat");

           Works with one or more file names.

           If the files are known to contain UTF-8 encoded data, and you want it to be read into Unicode
           strings, use the "utf8" option:

               plough(sub { print if /foobar/ }, "test.dat", { utf8 => 1 });

       "my $data = slurp($file, $options)"
           Slurps in the file and returns a scalar with the file's content. If called without argument, data is
           slurped from STDIN or from any files provided on the command line (like <> operates).

           If the file is known to contain UTF-8 encoded data and you want to read it in as a Unicode string,
           use the "utf8" option:

               my $unicode_string = slurp( $file, {utf8 => 1} );

       "blurt($data, $file, $options)"
           Opens a new file, prints the data in $data to it and closes the file.  If "$options->{append}" is set
           to a true value, data will be appended to the file. Default is false, existing files will be

           If the string is a Unicode string, use the "utf8" option:

               blurt( $unicode_string, $file, {utf8 => 1} );

       "blurt_atomic($data, $file, $options)"
           Write the data in $data to a file $file, guaranteeing that the operation will either complete fully
           or not at all. This is accomplished by first writing to a temporary file which is then rename()ed to
           the target file.

           Unlike in "blurt", there is no $append mode in "blurt_atomic".

           If the string is a Unicode string, use the "utf8" option:

               blurt_atomic( $unicode_string, $file, {utf8 => 1} );

       "($stdout, $stderr, $exit_code) = tap($cmd, @args)"
           Run a command $cmd in the shell, and pass it @args as args.  Capture STDOUT and STDERR, and return
           them as strings. If $exit_code is 0, the command succeeded. If it is different, the command failed
           and $exit_code holds its exit code.

           Please note that "tap()" is limited to single shell commands, it won't work with output redirectors
           ("ls >/tmp/foo" 2>&1).

           In default mode, "tap()" will concatenate the command and args given and create a shell command line
           by redirecting STDERR to a temporary file. "tap("ls", "/tmp")", for example, will result in

               'ls' '/tmp' 2>/tmp/sometempfile |

           Note that all commands are protected by single quotes to make sure arguments containing spaces are
           processed as singles, and no globbing happens on wildcards. Arguments containing single quotes or
           backslashes are escaped properly.

           If quoting is undesirable, "tap()" accepts an option hash as its first parameter,

               tap({no_quotes => 1}, "ls", "/tmp/*");

           which will suppress any quoting:

               ls /tmp/* 2>/tmp/sometempfile |

           Or, if you prefer double quotes, use

               tap({double_quotes => 1}, "ls", "/tmp/$VAR");

           wrapping all args so that shell variables are interpolated properly:

               "ls" "/tmp/$VAR" 2>/tmp/sometempfile |

           Another option is "utf8" which runs the command in a terminal set to UTF8.

           Error handling: By default, tap() won't raise an error if the command's return code is nonzero,
           indicating an error reported by the shell. If bailing out on errors is requested to avoid return code
           checking by the script, use the raise_error option:

               tap({raise_error => 1}, "ls", "doesn't exist");

           In DEBUG mode, "tap" logs the entire stdout/stderr output, which can get too verbose at times. To
           limit the number of bytes logged, use the "stdout_limit" and "stderr_limit" options

               tap({stdout_limit => 10}, "echo", "123456789101112");

       "$quoted_string = qquote($string, [$metachars])"
           Put a string in double quotes and escape all sensitive characters so there's no unwanted
           interpolation.  E.g., if you have something like

              print "foo!\n";

           and want to put it into a double-quoted string, it will look like

               "print \"foo!\\n\""

           Sometimes, not only backslashes and double quotes need to be escaped, but also the target
           environment's meta chars. A string containing

               print "$<\n";

           needs to have the '$' escaped like

               "print \"\$<\\n\";"

           if you want to reuse it later in a shell context:

               $ perl -le "print \"\$<\\n\";"

           "qquote()" supports escaping these extra characters with its second, optional argument, consisting of
           a string listing  all escapable characters:

               my $script  = 'print "$< rocks!\\n";';
               my $escaped = qquote($script, '!$'); # Escape for shell use
               system("perl -e $escaped");

               => 1212 rocks!

           And there's a shortcut for shells: By specifying ':shell' as the metacharacters string, qquote() will
           actually use '!$`'.

           For example, if you wanted to run the perl code

               print "foobar\n";


               perl -e ...

           on a box via ssh, you would use

               use Sysadm::Install qw(qquote);

               my $cmd = 'print "foobar!\n"';
                  $cmd = "perl -e " . qquote($cmd, ':shell');
                  $cmd = "ssh somehost " . qquote($cmd, ':shell');

               print "$cmd\n";

           and get

               ssh somehost "perl -e \"print \\\"foobar\\\!\\\\n\\\"\""

           which runs on "somehost" without hickup and prints "foobar!".

           Sysadm::Install comes with a script "one-liner" (installed in bin), which takes arbitrary perl code
           on STDIN and transforms it into a one-liner:

               $ one-liner
               Type perl code, terminate by CTRL-D
               print "hello\n";
               print "world\n";
               perl -e "print \"hello\\n\"; print \"world\\n\"; "

       "$quoted_string = quote($string, [$metachars])"
           Similar to "qquote()", just puts a string in single quotes and escapes what needs to be escaped.

           Note that shells typically don't support escaped single quotes within single quotes, which means that

               $ echo 'foo\'bar'

           is invalid and the shell waits until it finds a closing quote.  Instead, there is an evil trick which
           gives the desired result:

               $ echo 'foo'\''bar'  # foo, single quote, \, 2 x single quote, bar

           It uses the fact that shells interpret back-to-back strings as one.  The construct above consists of
           three back-to-back strings:

               (1) 'foo'
               (2) '
               (3) 'bar'

           which all get concatenated to a single


           If you call "quote()" with $metachars set to ":shell", it will perform that magic behind the scenes:

               print quote("foo'bar");
                 # prints: 'foo'\''bar'

       "perm_cp($src, $dst, ...)"
           Read the $src file's user permissions and modify all $dst files to reflect the same permissions.

       "owner_cp($src, $dst, ...)"
           Read the $src file/directory's owner uid and group gid and apply it to $dst.

           For example: copy uid/gid of the containing directory to a file therein:

               use File::Basename;

               owner_cp( dirname($file), $file );

           Usually requires root privileges, just like chown does.

       "$perms = perm_get($filename)"
           Read the $filename's user permissions and owner/group.  Returns an array ref to be used later when
           calling "perm_set($filename, $perms)".

       "perm_set($filename, $perms)"
           Set file permissions and owner of $filename according to $perms, which was previously acquired by
           calling "perm_get($filename)".

           Run a shell command via "system()" and die() if it fails. Also works with a list of arguments, which
           are then interpreted as program name plus arguments, just like "system()" does it.

       "hammer($cmd, $arg, ...)"
           Run a command in the shell and simulate a user hammering the ENTER key to accept defaults on prompts.

       "say($text, ...)"
           Alias for "print ..., "\n"", just like Perl6 is going to provide it.

           Check if the current script is running as root. If yes, continue. If not, restart the current script
           with all command line arguments is restarted under sudo:

               sudo scriptname args ...

           Make sure to call this before any @ARGV-modifying functions like "getopts()" have kicked in.

           Search all directories in $PATH (the ENV variable) for an executable named $program and return the
           full path of the first hit. Returns "undef" if the program can't be found.

           Opens a file handle to read the output of the following process:

               cd $dir; find ./ -xdev -print0 | cpio -o0 |

           This can be used to capture a file system structure.

           Opens a file handle to write to a

               | (cd $dir; cpio -i0)

           process to restore a file system structure. To be used in conjunction with fs_read_open.

       "pipe_copy($in, $out, [$bufsize])"
           Reads from $in and writes to $out, using sysread and syswrite. The buffer size used defaults to 4096,
           but can be set explicitly.

       "snip($data, $maxlen)"
           Format the data string in $data so that it's only (roughly) $maxlen characters long and only contains
           printable characters.

           If $data is longer than $maxlen, it will be formatted like


           indicating the length of the original string, the beginning, the end, and the number of 'snipped'

           If $data is shorter than $maxlen, it will be returned unmodified (except for unprintable characters
           replaced, see below).

           If $data contains unprintable character's they are replaced by "." (the dot).

       "password_read($prompt, $opts)"
           Reads in a password to be typed in by the user in noecho mode.  A call to password_read("password: ")
           results in

               password: ***** (stars aren't actually displayed)

           This function will switch the terminal back into normal mode after the user hits the 'Return' key.

           If the optional $opts hash has "{ tty => 1 }" set, then the prompt will be redirected to the console
           instead of STDOUT.

           Format the time in a human-readable way, less wasteful than the 'scalar localtime' formatting.

               print nice_time(), "\n";
                 # 2007/04/01 10:51:24

           It uses the system time by default, but it can also accept epoch seconds:

               print nice_time(1170000000), "\n";
                 # 2007/01/28 08:00:00

           It uses localtime() under the hood, so the outcome of the above will depend on your local time zone

       "def_or($foo, $default)"
           Perl-5.9 added the //= construct, which helps assigning values to undefined variables. Instead of

               if(!defined $foo) {
                   $foo = $default;

           you can just write

               $foo //= $default;

           However, this is not available on older perl versions (although there's source filter solutions).
           Often, people use

               $foo ||= $default;

           instead which is wrong if $foo contains a value that evaluates as false.  So Sysadm::Install, the
           everything-and-the-kitchen-sink under the CPAN modules, provides the function "def_or()" which can be
           used like

               def_or($foo, $default);

           to accomplish the same as

               $foo //= $default;

           How does it work, how does $foo get a different value, although it's apparently passed in by value?
           Modifying $_[0] within the subroutine is an old Perl trick to do exactly that.

           Check if the given string has the utf8 flag turned on. Works just like Encode.pm's is_utf8()
           function, except that it silently returns a false if Encode isn't available, for example when an
           ancient perl without proper utf8 support is used.

           Check if we're using a perl with proper utf8 support, by verifying the Encode.pm module is available
           for loading.

           Return the path to the home directory of the current user.


       Mike Schilli, <m@perlmeister.com>

       Copyright (C) 2004-2007 by Mike Schilli

       This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl
       itself, either Perl version 5.8.3 or, at your option, any later version of Perl 5 you may have available.