oracular (3) Tickit::Widget::Entry.3pm.gz

"Tickit::Widget::Entry" - a widget for entering text
use Tickit; use Tickit::Widget::Entry; my $entry = Tickit::Widget::Entry->new( on_enter => sub { my ( $self, $line ) = @_; # process $line somehow $self->set_text( "" ); }, ); Tickit->new( root => $entry )->run;
This class provides a widget which allows the user to enter a line of text.
The default style pen is used as the widget pen. The following style pen prefixes are also used: more => PEN The pen used for the "more" scroll markers The following style keys are used: more_left => STRING more_right => STRING The text used to indicate that there is more content scrolled to the left or right, respectively
The following keys are bound by default • Ctrl-K Delete the entire line • Ctrl-U Delete to the start of the line • Ctrl-W or Ctrl-Backspace Delete one word backwards • Backspace Delete one character backwards • Delete Delete one character forwards • Ctrl-Delete Delete one word forwards • End or Ctrl-E Move the cursor to the end of the input line • Enter Accept a line of input by running the "on_enter" action • Home or Ctrl-A Move the cursor to the beginning of the input line • Insert Toggle between overwrite and insert mode • Left Move the cursor one character left • Ctrl-Left or Alt-B Move the cursor one word left • Right Move the cursor one character right • Ctrl-Right or Alt-F Move the cursor one word right
new $entry = Tickit::Widget::Entry->new( %args ); Constructs a new "Tickit::Widget::Entry" object. Takes the following named arguments: text => STR Optional. Initial text to display in the box position => INT Optional. Initial position of the cursor within the text. on_enter => CODE Optional. Callback function to invoke when the "<Enter>" key is pressed.
on_enter $on_enter = $entry->on_enter; set_on_enter $entry->set_on_enter( $on_enter ); Return or set the CODE reference to be called when the "key_enter_line" action is invoked; usually bound to the "Enter" key. $on_enter->( $entry, $line ); position $offset = $entry->position; Returns the current entry position, in terms of characters within the text. set_position $entry->set_position( $position ); Set the text entry position, moving the cursor
bind_keys $entry->bind_keys( $keystr => $value, ... ); Associate methods or CODE references with keypresses. On receipt of a the key the method or CODE reference will be invoked, being passed the stringified key representation and the underlying "Term::TermKey::Key" structure. $ret = $entry->method( $keystr, $key ); $ret = $coderef->( $entry, $keystr, $key ); This method takes a hash of keystring/value pairs. Binding a value of "undef" will remove it. make_popup_at_cursor $win = $entry->make_popup_at_cursor( $top_offset, $left_offset, $lines, $cols ); Since version 0.33. Creates a new popup window, as if calling "make_popup" in Tickit::Window on the widget's main window, but with an offset relative to the current cursor position. An offet of (0, 0) will position the popup window's top left corner exactly over the cursor; this is likely not what you want. To position the popup just below the widget, use a top offset of +1: $win = $entry->make_popup_at_cursor( +1, 0, $lines, $cols ); To position the popup just above the widget, use a top offset of negative the number of lines: $win = $entry->make_popup_at_cursor( -$lines, 0, $lines, $cols );
These methods operate on the text input buffer directly, updating the stored text and changing the rendered display to reflect the changes. They can be used by a program to directly manipulate the text. text $text = $entry->text; Returns the currently entered text. set_text $entry->set_text( $text ); Replace the text in the entry box. This completely redraws the widget's window. It is largely provided for initialisation; for normal edits (such as from keybindings), it is preferable to use "text_insert", "text_delete" or "text_splice". text_insert $entry->text_insert( $text, $pos_ch ); Insert the given text at the given character position. text_delete $deleted = $entry->text_delete( $pos_ch, $len_ch ); Delete the given section of text. Returns the deleted text. text_splice $deleted = $entry->text_splice( $pos_ch, $len_ch, $text ); Replace the given section of text with the given replacement. Returns the text deleted from the section. find_bow_forward $pos = $entry->find_bow_forward( $initial, $else ); Search forward in the string, returning the character position of the next beginning of word from the initial position. If none is found, returns $else. find_eow_forward $pos = $entry->find_eow_forward( $initial ) Search forward in the string, returning the character position of the next end of word from the initial position. If none is found, returns the length of the string. find_bow_backward $pos = $entry->find_bow_backward( $initial ); Search backward in the string, returning the character position of the previous beginning of word from the initial position. If none is found, returns 0. find_eow_backward $pos = $entry->find_eow_backward( $initial ); Search backward in the string, returning the character position of the previous end of word from the initial position. If none is found, returns "undef".
• Plugin ability Try to find a nice way to allow loaded plugins, possibly per-instance if not just globally or per- class. See how many of these TODO items can be done using plugins. • More readline behaviours History. Isearch. History replay. Transpose. Transcase. Yank ring. Numeric prefixes. • Visual selection behaviour Shift-movement, or vim-style. Mouse.
Paul Evans <leonerd@leonerd.org.uk>