oracular (3) Type::Params.3pm.gz

Provided by: libtype-tiny-perl_2.004000-1_all bug


       Type::Params - sub signature validation using Type::Tiny type constraints and coercions


        use v5.20;
        use strict;
        use warnings;
        use experimental 'signatures';

        package Horse {
          use Moo;
          use Types::Standard qw( Object );
          use Type::Params -sigs;
          use namespace::autoclean;

          ...;   # define attributes, etc

          signature_for add_child => (
            method     => 1,
            positional => [ Object ],

          sub add_child ( $self, $child ) {

            push @{ $self->children }, $child;

            return $self;

        package main;

        my $boldruler = Horse->new;

        $boldruler->add_child( Horse->new );

        $boldruler->add_child( 123 );   # dies (123 is not an Object!)


       This module is covered by the Type-Tiny stability policy.


       This documents the details of the Type::Params package.  Type::Tiny::Manual is a better starting place if
       you're new.

       Type::Params uses Type::Tiny constraints to validate the parameters to a sub. It takes the slightly
       unorthodox approach of separating validation into two stages:

       1.  Compiling the parameter specification into a coderef; then

       2.  Using the coderef to validate parameters.

       The first stage is slow (it might take a couple of milliseconds), but you only need to do it the first
       time the sub is called. The second stage is fast; according to my benchmarks faster even than the XS
       version of Params::Validate.


       The modern API can be exported using:

        use Type::Params -sigs;


        use Type::Params -v2;

       Or by requesting functions by name:

        use Type::Params qw( signature signature_for );

   "signature( %spec )"
       The "signature" function takes a specification for your function's signature and returns a coderef. You
       then call the coderef in list context, passing @_ to it. The coderef will check, coerce, and apply other
       procedures to the values, and return the tidied values, or die with an error.

       The usual way of using it is:

        sub your_function {
          state $signature = signature( ... );
          my ( $arg1, $arg2, $arg3 ) = $signature->( @_ );


       Perl allows a slightly archaic way of calling coderefs without using parentheses, which may be slightly
       faster at the cost of being more obscure:

        sub your_function {
          state $signature = signature( ... );
          my ( $arg1, $arg2, $arg3 ) = &$signature;


       If you need to support Perl 5.8, which didn't have the "state" keyword:

        my $__your_function_sig;
        sub your_function {
          $__your_function_sig ||= signature( ... );
          my ( $arg1, $arg2, $arg3 ) = $__your_function_sig->( @_ );


       One important thing to note is how the signature is only compiled into a coderef the first time your
       function gets called, and thereafter will be reused.

       Signature Specification Options

       The signature specification is a hash which must contain either a "positional", "named", or "multiple"
       key indicating whether your function takes positional parameters, named parameters, or supports multiple
       calling conventions, but may also include other options.

       "positional" ArrayRef

       This is conceptually a list of type constraints, one for each positional parameter. For example, a
       signature for a function which accepts two integers:

        signature( positional => [ Int, Int ] )

       However, each type constraint is optionally followed by a hashref of options which affect that parameter.
       For example:

        signature( positional => [
          Int, { default => 40 },
          Int, { default =>  2 },
        ] )

       Type constraints can instead be given as strings, which will be looked up using "dwim_type" from

        signature( positional => [
          'Int', { default => 40 },
          'Int', { default =>  2 },
        ] )

       See the section below for more information on parameter options.

       Optional parameters must follow required parameters, and can be specified using either the Optional
       parameterizable type constraint, the "optional" parameter option, or by providing a default.

        signature( positional => [
          Int, { optional => !!1 },
          Int, { default  => 42 },
        ] )

       A single slurpy parameter may be provided at the end, using the Slurpy parameterizable type constraint,
       or the "slurpy" parameter option:

        signature( positional => [
          Slurpy[ ArrayRef[Int] ],
        ] )

        signature( positional => [
          ArrayRef[Int], { slurpy => !!1 },
        ] )

       The "positional" option can also be abbreviated to "pos".

       So "signature( pos => [...] )" can be used instead of the longer "signature( positional => [...] )".

       If a signature uses positional parameters, the values are returned by the coderef as a list:

        sub add_numbers {
          state $sig = signature( positional => [ Num, Num ] );
          my ( $num1, $num2 ) = $sig->( @_ );

          return $num1 + $num2;

        say add_numbers( 2, 3 );   # says 5

       "named" ArrayRef

       This is conceptually a list of pairs of names and type constraints, one name+type pair for each
       positional parameter. For example, a signature for a function which accepts two integers:

        signature( named => [ foo => Int, bar => Int ] )

       However, each type constraint is optionally followed by a hashref of options which affect that parameter.
       For example:

        signature( named => [
          foo => Int, { default => 40 },
          bar => Int, { default =>  2 },
        ] )

       Type constraints can instead be given as strings, which will be looked up using "dwim_type" from

        signature( named => [
          foo => 'Int', { default => 40 },
          bar => 'Int', { default =>  2 },
        ] )

       Optional and slurpy parameters are allowed, but unlike positional parameters, they do not need to be at
       the end.

       See the section below for more information on parameter options.

       If a signature uses named parameters, the values are returned by the coderef as an object:

        sub add_numbers {
          state $sig = signature( named => [ num1 => Num, num2 => Num ] );
          my ( $arg ) = $sig->( @_ );

          return $arg->num1 + $arg->num2;

        say add_numbers(   num1 => 2, num2 => 3   );   # says 5
        say add_numbers( { num1 => 2, num2 => 3 } );   # also says 5

       "named_to_list" ArrayRef|Bool

       The "named_to_list" option is ignored for signatures using positional parameters, but for signatures
       using named parameters, allows them to be returned in a list instead of as an object:

        sub add_numbers {
          state $sig = signature(
            named         => [ num1 => Num, num2 => Num ],
            named_to_list => !!1,
          my ( $num1, $num2 ) = $sig->( @_ );

          return $num1 + $num2;

        say add_numbers(   num1 => 2, num2 => 3   );   # says 5
        say add_numbers( { num1 => 2, num2 => 3 } );   # also says 5

       You can think of "add_numbers" above as a function which takes named parameters from the outside, but
       receives positional parameters on the inside.

       You can use an arrayref to specify the order the paramaters will be returned in. (By default they are
       returned in the order they were defined in.)

        sub add_numbers {
          state $sig = signature(
            named         => [ num1 => Num, num2 => Num ],
            named_to_list => [ qw( num2 num1 ) ],
          my ( $num2, $num1 ) = $sig->( @_ );

          return $num1 + $num2;

       "head" Int|ArrayRef

       "head" provides an additional list of non-optional, positional parameters at the start of @_. This is
       often used for method calls. For example, if you wish to define a signature for:

        $object->my_method( foo => 123, bar => 456 );

       You could write it as this:

        sub my_method {
          state $signature = signature(
            head    => [ Object ],
            named   => [ foo => Optional[Int], bar => Optional[Int] ],
          my ( $self, $arg ) = $signature->( @_ );


       If "head" is set as a number instead of an arrayref, it is the number of additional arguments at the

        sub my_method {
          state $signature = signature(
            head    => 1,
            named   => [ foo => Optional[Int], bar => Optional[Int] ],
          my ( $self, $arg ) = $signature->( @_ );


       In this case, no type checking is performed on those additional arguments; it is just checked that they

       "tail" Int|ArrayRef

       A "tail" is like a "head" except that it is for arguments at the end of @_.

        sub my_method {
          state $signature = signature(
            head    => [ Object ],
            named   => [ foo => Optional[Int], bar => Optional[Int] ],
            tail    => [ CodeRef ],
          my ( $self, $arg, $callback ) = $signature->( @_ );


        $object->my_method( foo => 123, bar => 456, sub { ... } );

       "method" Bool|TypeTiny

       While "head" can be used for method signatures, a more declarative way is to set "method => 1".

       If you wish to be specific that this is an object method, intended to be called on blessed objects only,
       then you may use "method => Object", using the Object type from Types::Standard. If you wish to specify
       that it's a class method, then use "method => Str", using the Str type from Types::Standard. ("method =>
       ClassName" is perhaps clearer, but it's a slower check.)

        sub my_method {
          state $signature = signature(
            method  => 1,
            named   => [ foo => Optional[Int], bar => Optional[Int] ],
          my ( $self, $arg ) = $signature->( @_ );


       If "method" is true (or a type constraint) then any parameter defaults which are coderefs will be called
       as methods.

       "description" Str

       This is the description of the coderef that will show up in stack traces.  It defaults to "parameter
       validation for X" where X is the caller sub name.  Usually the default will be fine.

       "package" Str

       The package of the sub whose paramaters we're supposed to be checking.  As well as showing up in stack
       traces, it's used by "dwim_type" if you provide any type constraints as strings.

       The default is probably fine, but if you're wrapping "signature" so that you can check signatures on
       behalf of another package, you may need to provide it.

       "subname" Str

       The name of the sub whose paramaters we're supposed to be checking.

       The default is probably fine, but if you're wrapping "signature" so that you can check signatures on
       behalf of another package, you may need to provide it.

       "caller_level" Int

       If you're wrapping "signature" so that you can check signatures on behalf of another package, then
       setting "caller_level" to 1 (or more, depending on the level of wrapping!) may be an alternative to
       manually setting the "package" and "subname".

       "on_die" Maybe[CodeRef]

       Usually when your coderef hits an error, it will throw an exception, which is a blessed Error::TypeTiny

       If you provide an "on_die" coderef, then instead the Error::TypeTiny object will be passed to it. If the
       "on_die" coderef returns something, then whatever it returns will be returned as your signature's

        sub add_numbers {
          state $sig = signature(
            positional => [ Num, Num ],
            on_die     => sub {
              my $error = shift;
              print "Existential crisis: $error\n";
              exit( 1 );
          my ( $num1, $num2 ) = $sig->( @_ );

          return $num1 + $num2;

        say add_numbers();   # has an existential crisis

       This is probably not very useful.

       "goto_next" Bool|CodeLike

       This can be used for chaining coderefs. If you understand "on_die", it's more like an "on_live".

        sub add_numbers {
          state $sig = signature(
            positional => [ Num, Num ],
            goto_next  => sub {
              my ( $num1, $num2 ) = @_;

              return $num1 + $num2;

          my $sum = $sig->( @_ );
          return $sum;

        say add_numbers( 2, 3 );   # says 5

       If set to a true boolean instead of a coderef, has a slightly different behaviour:

        sub add_numbers {
          state $sig = signature(
            positional => [ Num, Num ],
            goto_next  => !!1,

          my $sum = $sig->(
            sub { return $_[0] + $_[1] },
          return $sum;

        say add_numbers( 2, 3 );   # says 5

       This looks strange. Why would this be useful? Well, it works nicely with Moose's "around" keyword.

        sub add_numbers {
          return $_[1] + $_[2];

        around add_numbers => signature(
          method     => !!1,
          positional => [ Num, Num ],
          goto_next  => !!1,
          package    => __PACKAGE__,
          subname    => 'add_numbers',

        say __PACKAGE__->add_numbers( 2, 3 );   # says 5

       Note the way "around" works in Moose is that it expects a wrapper coderef as its final argument. That
       wrapper coderef then expects to be given a reference to the original function as its first parameter.

       This can allow, for example, a role to provide a signature wrapping a method defined in a class.

       This is kind of complex, and you're unlikely to use it, but it's been proven useful for tools that
       integrate Type::Params with Moose-like method modifiers.

       "strictness" Bool|Str

       If you set "strictness" to a false value (0, undef, or the empty string), then certain signature checks
       will simply never be done. The initial check that there's the correct number of parameters, plus type
       checks on parameters which don't coerce can be skipped.

       If you set it to a true boolean (i.e. 1) or do not set it at all, then these checks will always be done.

       Alternatively, it may be set to the quoted fully-qualified name of a Perl global variable or a constant,
       and that will be compiled into the coderef as a condition to enable strict checks.

        state $signature = signature(
          strictness => '$::CHECK_TYPES',
          positional => [ Int, ArrayRef ],

        # Type checks are skipped
          local $::CHECK_TYPES = 0;
          my ( $number, $list ) = $signature->( {}, {} );

        # Type checks are performed
          local $::CHECK_TYPES = 1;
          my ( $number, $list ) = $signature->( {}, {} );

       A recommended use of this is with Devel::StrictMode.

        use Devel::StrictMode qw( STRICT );

        state $signature = signature(
          strictness => STRICT,
          positional => [ Int, ArrayRef ],

       "multiple" ArrayRef

       This option allows your signature to support multiple calling conventions.  Each entry in the array is an
       alternative signature, as a hashref:

        state $signature = signature(
          multiple => [
              positional => [ ArrayRef, Int ],
              named      => [ array => ArrayRef, index => Int ],
              named_to_list => 1,

       That signature will allow your function to be called as:

        your_function( $arr, $ix )
        your_function( array => $arr, index => $ix )
        your_function( { array => $arr, index => $ix } )

       Sometimes the alternatives will return the parameters in a different order:

        state $signature = signature(
          multiple => [
            { positional => [ ArrayRef, Int ] },
            { positional => [ Int, ArrayRef ] },
        my ( $xxx, $yyy ) = $signature->( @_ );

       So how does your sub know whether $xxx or $yyy is the arrayref?  One option is to use the
       "${^_TYPE_PARAMS_MULTISIG}" global variable which will be set to the index of the signature which was

        my @results = $signature->( @_ );
        my ( $arr, $ix ) = ${^_TYPE_PARAMS_MULTISIG} == 1
          ? reverse( @results )
          : @results;

       A neater solution is to use a "goto_next" coderef to re-order alternative signature results into your
       preferred order:

        state $signature = signature(
          multiple => [
            { positional => [ ArrayRef, Int ] },
            { positional => [ Int, ArrayRef ], goto_next => sub { reverse @_ } },
        my ( $arr, $ix ) = $signature->( @_ );

       While conceptally "multiple" is an arrayref of hashrefs, it is also possible to use arrayrefs in the

        multiple => [
          [ ArrayRef, Int ],
          [ Int, ArrayRef ],

       When an arrayref is used like that, it is a shortcut for a positional signature.

       Coderefs may additionally be used:

        state $signature = signature(
          multiple => [
            [ ArrayRef, Int ],
            { positional => [ Int, ArrayRef ], goto_next => sub { reverse @_ } },
            sub { ... },
            sub { ... },

       The coderefs should be subs which return a list of parameters if they succeed and throw an exception if
       they fail.

       The following signatures are equivalent:

        state $sig_1 = signature(
          multiple => [
            { method => 1, positional => [ ArrayRef, Int ] },
            { method => 1, positional => [ Int, ArrayRef ] },

        state $sig_2 = signature(
          method   => 1,
          multiple => [
            { positional => [ ArrayRef, Int ] },
            { positional => [ Int, ArrayRef ] },

       The "multiple" option can also be abbreviated to "multi".

       So "signature( multi => [...] )" can be used instead of the longer "signature( multiple => [...] )".
       Three whole keystrokes saved!

       (Note: in older releases of Type::Params, "${^_TYPE_PARAMS_MULTISIG}" was called
       "${^TYPE_PARAMS_MULTISIG}". The latter name is deprecated, and support for it will be removed in a future
       release of Type::Params.)

       "message" Str

       Only used by "multiple" signatures. The error message to throw when no signatures match.

       "want_source" Bool

       Instead of returning a coderef, return Perl source code string. Handy for debugging.

       "want_details" Bool

       Instead of returning a coderef, return a hashref of stuff including the coderef. This is mostly for
       people extending Type::Params and I won't go into too many details about what else this hashref contains.

       "bless" Bool|ClassName, "class" ClassName|ArrayRef, and "constructor" Str

       Named parameters are usually returned as a blessed object:

        sub add_numbers {
          state $sig = signature( named => [ num1 => Num, num2 => Num ] );
          my ( $arg ) = $sig->( @_ );

          return $arg->num1 + $arg->num2;

       The class they are blessed into is one built on-the-fly by Type::Params.  However, these three signature
       options allow you more control over that process.

       Firstly, if you set "bless => false" and do not set "class" or "constructor", then $arg will just be an
       unblessed hashref.

        sub add_numbers {
          state $sig = signature(
            named        => [ num1 => Num, num2 => Num ],
            bless        => !!0,
          my ( $arg ) = $sig->( @_ );

          return $arg->{num1} + $arg->{num2};

       This is a good speed boost, but having proper methods for each named parameter is a helpful way to catch
       misspelled names.

       If you wish to manually create a class instead of relying on Type::Params generating one on-the-fly, you
       can do this:

        package Params::For::AddNumbers {
          sub num1 { return $_[0]{num1} }
          sub num2 { return $_[0]{num2} }
          sub sum {
            my $self = shift;
            return $self->num1 + $self->num2;

        sub add_numbers {
          state $sig = signature(
            named        => [ num1 => Num, num2 => Num ],
            bless        => 'Params::For::AddNumbers',
          my ( $arg ) = $sig->( @_ );

          return $arg->sum;

       Note that "Params::For::AddNumbers" here doesn't include a "new" method because Type::Params will
       directly do "bless( $arg, $opts{bless} )".

       If you want Type::Params to use a proper constructor, you should use the "class" option instead:

        package Params::For::AddNumbers {
          use Moo;
          has [ 'num1', 'num2' ] => ( is => 'ro' );
          sub sum {
            my $self = shift;
            return $self->num1 + $self->num2;

        sub add_numbers {
          state $sig = signature(
            named        => [ num1 => Num, num2 => Num ],
            class        => 'Params::For::AddNumbers',
          my ( $arg ) = $sig->( @_ );

          return $arg->sum;

       If you wish to use a constructor named something other than "new", then use:

        state $sig = signature(
          named        => [ num1 => Num, num2 => Num ],
          class        => 'Params::For::AddNumbers',
          constructor  => 'new_from_hashref',

       Or as a shortcut:

        state $sig = signature(
          named        => [ num1 => Num, num2 => Num ],
          class        => [ 'Params::For::AddNumbers', 'new_from_hashref' ],

       It is doubtful you want to use any of these options, except "bless => false".

       Parameter Options

       In the parameter lists for the "positional" and "named" signature options, each parameter may be followed
       by a hashref of options specific to that parameter:

          positional => [
            Int, \%options_for_first_parameter,
            Int, \%options_for_other_parameter,

          named => [
            foo => Int, \%options_for_foo,
            bar => Int, \%options_for_bar,

       The following options are supported for parameters.

       "optional" Bool

       An option called optional!

       This makes a parameter optional:

        sub add_nums {
          state $sig = signature(
            positional => [
              Bool, { optional => !!1 },

          my ( $num1, $num2, $debug ) = $sig->( @_ );

          my $sum = $num1 + $num2;
          warn "$sum = $num1 + $num2" if $debug;

          return $sum;

        add_nums( 2, 3, 1 );   # prints warning
        add_nums( 2, 3, 0 );   # no warning
        add_nums( 2, 3    );   # no warning

       Types::Standard also provides a Optional parameterizable type which may be a neater way to do this:

        state $sig = signature(
          positional => [ Int, Int, Optional[Bool] ],

       In signatures with positional parameters, any optional parameters must be defined after non-optional
       parameters. The "tail" option provides a workaround for required parameters at the end of @_.

       In signatures with named parameters, the order of optional and non-optional parameters is unimportant.

       "slurpy" Bool

       A signature may contain a single slurpy parameter, which mops up any other arguments the caller provides
       your function.

       In signatures with positional parameters, slurpy params must always have some kind of ArrayRef or HashRef
       type constraint, must always appear at the end of the list of positional parameters, and they work like

        sub add_nums {
          state $sig = signature(
            positional => [
              ArrayRef[Num], { slurpy => !!1 },
          my ( $first_num, $other_nums ) = $sig->( @_ );

          my $sum = $first_num;
          $sum += $_ for @$other_nums;

          return $sum;

        say add_nums( 1 );            # says 1
        say add_nums( 1, 2 );         # says 3
        say add_nums( 1, 2, 3 );      # says 6
        say add_nums( 1, 2, 3, 4 );   # says 10

       In signatures with named parameters, slurpy params must always have some kind of HashRef type constraint,
       and they work like this:

        use builtin qw( true false );

        sub process_data {
          state $sig = signature(
            method => true,
            named  => [
              input   => FileHandle,
              output  => FileHandle,
              flags   => HashRef[Bool], { slurpy => true },
          my ( $self, $arg ) = @_;
          warn "Beginning data processing" if $arg->flags->{debug};


          input  => \*STDIN,
          output => \*STDOUT,
          debug  => true,

       The Slurpy type constraint from Types::Standard may be used as a shortcut to specify slurpy parameters:

          positional => [ Num, Slurpy[ ArrayRef[Num] ] ],

       The type Slurpy[Any] is handled specially and treated as a slurpy ArrayRef in signatures with positional
       parameters, and a slurpy HashRef in signatures with named parameters, but has some additional
       optimizations for speed.

       "default" CodeRef|ScalarRef|Ref|Str|Undef

       A default may be provided for a parameter.

        state $check = signature(
          positional => [
            Int, { default => "666" },
            Int, { default => "999" },

       Supported defaults are any strings (including numerical ones), "undef", and empty hashrefs and arrayrefs.
       Non-empty hashrefs and arrayrefs are not allowed as defaults.

       Alternatively, you may provide a coderef to generate a default value:

        state $check = signature(
          positional => [
            Int, { default => sub { 6 * 111 } },
            Int, { default => sub { 9 * 111 } },

       That coderef may generate any value, including non-empty arrayrefs and non-empty hashrefs. For undef,
       simple strings, numbers, and empty structures, avoiding using a coderef will make your parameter
       processing faster.

       Instead of a coderef, you can use a reference to a string of Perl source code:

        state $check = signature(
          positional => [
            Int, { default => \ '6 * 111' },
            Int, { default => \ '9 * 111' },

       Defaults will be validated against the type constraint, and potentially coerced.

       Any parameter with a default will automatically be optional.

       Note that having any defaults in a signature (even if they never end up getting used) can slow it down,
       as Type::Params will need to build a new array instead of just returning @_.

       "coerce" Bool

       Speaking of which, the "coerce" option allows you to indicate that a value should be coerced into the
       correct type:

        state $sig = signature(
          positional => [
            Bool, { coerce => true },

       Setting "coerce" to false will disable coercion.

       If "coerce" is not specified, so is neither true nor false, then coercion will be enabled if the type
       constraint has a coercion, and disabled otherwise.

       Note that having any coercions in a signature (even if they never end up getting used) can slow it down,
       as Type::Params will need to build a new array instead of just returning @_.

       "clone" Bool

       If this is set to true, it will deep clone incoming values via "dclone" from Storable (a core module
       since Perl 5.7.3).

       In the below example, $arr is a reference to a clone of @numbers, so pushing additional numbers to it
       leaves @numbers unaffected.

        sub foo {
          state $check = signature(
            positional => [
              ArrayRef, { clone => 1 }
          my ( $arr ) = &$check;

          push @$arr, 4, 5, 6;

        my @numbers = ( 1, 2, 3 );
        foo( \@numbers );

        print "@numbers\n";  ## 1 2 3

       Note that cloning will significantly slow down your signature.

       "name" Str

       This overrides the name of a named parameter. I don't know why you would want to do that.

       The following signature has two parameters: "foo" and "bar". The name "fool" is completely ignored.

          named => [
            fool   => Int, { name => 'foo' },
            bar    => Int,

       You can, however, also name positional parameters, which don't usually have names.

          positional => [
            Int, { name => 'foo' },
            Int, { name => 'bar' },

       The names of positional parameters are not really used for anything at the moment, but may be
       incorporated into error messages or similar in the future.

       "getter" Str

       For signatures with named parameters, specifies the method name used to retrieve this parameter's value
       from the $arg object.

        sub process_data {
          state $sig = signature(
            method => true,
            named  => [
              input   => FileHandle,    { getter => 'in' },
              output  => FileHandle,    { getter => 'out' },
              flags   => HashRef[Bool], { slurpy => true },
          my ( $self, $arg ) = @_;
          warn "Beginning data processing" if $arg->flags->{debug};

          my ( $in, $out ) = ( $arg->in, $arg->out );

          input  => \*STDIN,
          output => \*STDOUT,
          debug  => true,

       Ignored by signatures with positional parameters.

       "predicate" Str

       The $arg object provided by signatures with named parameters will also include "has" methods for any
       optional arguments.  For example:

        state $sig = signature(
          method => true,
          named  => [
            input   => Optional[ FileHandle ],
            output  => Optional[ FileHandle ],
            flags   => Slurpy[ HashRef[Bool] ],
        my ( $self, $arg ) = $sig->( @_ );

        if ( $self->has_input and $self->has_output ) {

       Setting a "predicate" option allows you to choose a different name for this method.

       It is also possible to set a "predicate" for non-optional parameters, which don't normally get a "has"

       Ignored by signatures with positional parameters.

       "alias" Str|ArrayRef[Str]

       A list of alternative names for the parameter, or a single alternative name.

        sub add_numbers {
          state $sig = signature(
            named => [
              first_number   => Int, { alias => [ 'x' ] },
              second_number  => Int, { alias =>   'y'   },
          my ( $arg ) = $sig->( @_ );

          return $arg->first_number + $arg->second_number;

        say add_numbers( first_number => 40, second_number => 2 );  # 42
        say add_numbers( x            => 40, y             => 2 );  # 42
        say add_numbers( first_number => 40, y             => 2 );  # 42
        say add_numbers( first_number => 40, x => 1, y => 2 );      # dies!

       Ignored by signatures with positional parameters.

       "strictness" Bool|Str

       Overrides the signature option "strictness" on a per-parameter basis.

   "signature_for $function_name => ( %spec )"
       Like "signature", but instead of returning a coderef, wraps an existing function, so you don't need to
       deal with the mechanics of generating the signature at run-time, calling it, and extracting the returned

       The following three examples are roughly equivalent:

        sub add_nums {
          state $signature = signature(
            positional => [ Num, Num ],
          my ( $x, $y ) = $signature->( @_ );

          return $x + $y;


        signature_for add_nums => (
          positional => [ Num, Num ],

        sub add_nums {
          my ( $x, $y ) = @_;

          return $x + $y;

       Or since Perl 5.20:

        signature_for add_nums => (
          positional => [ Num, Num ],

        sub add_nums ( $x, $y ) {
          return $x + $y;

       The "signature_for" keyword turns "signature" inside-out.

       The same signature specification options are supported, with the exception of "want_source",
       "want_details", and "goto_next" which will not work.  (If using the "multiple" option, then "goto_next"
       is still supported in the nested signatures.)

       If you are providing a signature for a sub in another package, then "signature_for
       "Some::Package::some_sub" => ( ... )" will work, as will "signature_for some_sub => ( package =>
       "Some::Package", ... )".  If "method" is true, then "signature_for" will respect inheritance when
       determining which sub to wrap. "signature_for" will not be able to find lexical subs, so use "signature"
       within the sub instead.

       The "goto_next" option is what "signature_for" uses to "connect" the signature to the body of the sub, so
       do not use it unless you understand the consequences and want to override the normal behaviour.

       If the sub being wrapped cannot be found, then "signature_for" will usually throw an error. If you want
       it to "work" in this situation, use the "fallback" option. "fallback => \&alternative_coderef_to_wrap"
       will instead wrap a different coderef if the original cannot be found.  "fallback => 1" is a shortcut for
       "fallback => sub {}".  An example where this might be useful is if you're adding signatures to methods
       which are inherited from a parent class, but you are not 100% confident will exist (perhaps dependent on
       the version of the parent class).

        signature_for add_nums => (
          positional => [ Num, Num ],
          fallback   => sub { $_[0] + $_[1] },

       "signature_for( \@functions, %opts )" is a useful shortcut if you have multiple functions with the same

        signature_for [ 'add_nums', 'subtract_nums' ] => (
          positional => [ Num, Num ],


       The following functions were the API prior to Type::Params v2. They are still supported, but their use is
       now discouraged.

       If you don't provide an import list at all, you will import "compile" and "compile_named":

        use Type::Params;

       This does the same:

         use Type::Params -v1;

       The following exports "compile", "compile_named", and "compile_named_oo":

        use Type::Params -compile;

       The following exports "wrap_subs" and "wrap_methods":

        use Type::Params -wrap;

   "compile( @pos_params )"
       Equivalent to "signature( positional => \@pos_params )".

       "compile( \%spec, @pos_params )" is equivalent to "signature( %spec, positional => \@pos_params )".

   "compile_named( @named_params )"
       Equivalent to "signature( bless => 0, named => \@named_params )".

       "compile_named( \%spec, @named_params )" is equivalent to "signature( bless => 0, %spec, named =>
       \@named_params )".

   "compile_named_oo( @named_params )"
       Equivalent to "signature( bless => 1, named => \@named_params )".

       "compile_named_oo( \%spec, @named_params )" is equivalent to "signature( bless => 1, %spec, named =>
       \@named_params )".

   "validate( \@args, @pos_params )"
       Equivalent to "signature( positional => \@pos_params )->( @args )".

       The "validate" function has never been recommended, and is not exported unless requested by name.

   "validate_named( \@args, @named_params )"
       Equivalent to "signature( bless => 0, named => \@named_params )->( @args )".

       The "validate_named" function has never been recommended, and is not exported unless requested by name.

   "wrap_subs( func1 => \@params1, func2 => \@params2, ... )"
       Equivalent to:

        signature_for func1 => ( positional => \@params1 );
        signature_for func2 => ( positional => \@params2 );

       One slight difference is that instead of arrayrefs, you can provide the output of one of the "compile"

        wrap_subs( func1 => compile_named( @params1 ) );

       "wrap_subs" is not exported unless requested by name.

   "wrap_methods( func1 => \@params1, func2 => \@params2, ... )"
       Equivalent to:

        signature_for func1 => ( method => 1, positional => \@params1 );
        signature_for func2 => ( method => 1, positional => \@params2 );

       One slight difference is that instead of arrayrefs, you can provide the output of one of the "compile"

         wrap_methods( func1 => compile_named( @params1 ) );

       "wrap_methods" is not exported unless requested by name.

   "multisig( @alternatives )"
       Equivalent to:

         signature( multiple => \@alternatives )

       "multisig( \%spec, @alternatives )" is equivalent to "signature( %spec, multiple => \@alternatives )".


       Although Type::Params is not a real type library, it exports two type constraints. Their use is no longer

       Type::Params exports a type Invocant on request. This gives you a type constraint which accepts
       classnames and blessed objects.

        use Type::Params qw( compile Invocant );

        sub my_method {
          state $check = signature(
            method     => Invocant,
            positional => [ ArrayRef, Int ],
          my ($self_or_class, $arr, $ix) = $check->(@_);

          return $arr->[ $ix ];

       "Invocant" is not exported unless requested by name.

       Recommendation: use Defined from Types::Standard instead.

       Type::Params exports a parameterizable type constraint ArgsObject.  It accepts the kinds of objects
       returned by signature checks for named parameters.

         package Foo {
           use Moo;
           use Type::Params 'ArgsObject';

           has args => (
             is  => 'ro',
             isa => ArgsObject['Bar::bar'],

         package Bar {
           use Types::Standard -types;
           use Type::Params 'signature';

           sub bar {
             state $check = signature(
               named => [
                 xxx => Int,
                 yyy => ArrayRef,
             my ( $got ) = $check->( @_ );

             return 'Foo'->new( args => $got );

         Bar::bar( xxx => 42, yyy => [] );

       The parameter "Bar::bar" refers to the caller when the check is compiled, rather than when the parameters
       are checked.

       "ArgsObject" is not exported unless requested by name.

       Recommendation: use Object from Types::Standard instead.


           Affects the building of accessors for $arg objects. If set to true, will use Class::XSAccessor. If
           set to false, will use pure Perl. If this environment variable does not exist, will use

           If Class::XSAccessor is not installed or is too old, pure Perl will always be used as a fallback.


       Please report any bugs to <https://github.com/tobyink/p5-type-tiny/issues>.


       The Type::Tiny homepage <https://typetiny.toby.ink/>.

       Type::Tiny, Type::Coercion, Types::Standard.


       Toby Inkster <tobyink@cpan.org>.

       This software is copyright (c) 2013-2014, 2017-2023 by Toby Inkster.

       This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as the Perl 5
       programming language system itself.