oracular (3) Weasel::FindExpanders::Dojo.3pm.gz

Weasel::FindExpanders::Dojo - XPath mnemonic hooks for Dojo 1.x widgets
use Weasel::FindExpanders::Dojo; my $button = $session->find($session->page, "@button|{text=>\"whatever\"}");
button_expander Finds button tags or input tags of types submit, reset, button and image. Criteria: * 'id' * 'name' * 'text' matches content between open and close tag option_expander Finds options for dijit.form.Select, after the drop down has been invoked at least once (the options don't exist in the DOM tree before that point). Because of that, it's best to search the options through the "select" tag, which offers a "find_option" method which specifically compensates for the issue. Additionally, it's impossible to search options by the value being submitted; these don't exist in the DOM tree unlike with the "option" tags of "select"s. Criteria: * 'id' * 'text' matches the visible description of the item