oracular (3) Wiki::Toolkit.3pm.gz

Provided by: libwiki-toolkit-perl_0.86-1_all bug


       Wiki::Toolkit - A toolkit for building Wikis.


       Helps you develop Wikis quickly by taking care of the boring bits for you.  You will still need to write
       some code - this isn't an instant Wiki.


         # Set up a wiki object with an SQLite storage backend, and an
         # inverted index/DB_File search backend.  This store/search
         # combination can be used on systems with no access to an actual
         # database server.
         # The database should already exist; it can be created using
         # the supplied wiki-toolkit-setupdb script.

         my $store     = Wiki::Toolkit::Store::SQLite->new(
             dbname => "/home/wiki/store.db" );
         my $indexdb   = Search::InvertedIndex::DB::DB_File_SplitHash->new(
             -map_name  => "/home/wiki/indexes.db",
             -lock_mode => "EX" );
         my $search    = Wiki::Toolkit::Search::SII->new(
             indexdb => $indexdb );

         my $wiki      = Wiki::Toolkit->new( store     => $store,
                                             search    => $search );

         # Do all the CGI stuff.
         my $q      = CGI->new;
         my $action = $q->param("action");
         my $node   = $q->param("node");

         if ($action eq 'display') {
             my $raw    = $wiki->retrieve_node($node);
             my $cooked = $wiki->format($raw);
             print_page(node    => $node,
                        content => $cooked);
         } elsif ($action eq 'preview') {
             my $submitted_content = $q->param("content");
             my $preview_html      = $wiki->format($submitted_content);
             print_editform(node    => $node,
                            content => $submitted_content,
                            preview => $preview_html);
         } elsif ($action eq 'commit') {
             my $submitted_content = $q->param("content");
             my $cksum = $q->param("checksum");
             my $written = $wiki->write_node($node, $submitted_content, $cksum);
             if ($written) {
             } else {
                 handle_conflict($node, $submitted_content);


             # Set up store, search and formatter objects.
             my $store     = Wiki::Toolkit::Store::SQLite->new(
                 dbname => "/home/wiki/store.db" );
             my $indexdb   = Search::InvertedIndex::DB::DB_File_SplitHash->new(
                 -map_name  => "/home/wiki/indexes.db",
                 -lock_mode => "EX" );
             my $search    = Wiki::Toolkit::Search::SII->new(
                 indexdb => $indexdb );
             my $formatter = My::HomeMade::Formatter->new;

             my $wiki = Wiki::Toolkit->new(
                 store     => $store,     # mandatory
                 search    => $search,    # defaults to undef
                 formatter => $formatter  # defaults to something suitable

           "store" must be an object of type "Wiki::Toolkit::Store::*" and "search" if supplied must be of type
           "Wiki::Toolkit::Search::*" (though this isn't checked yet - FIXME). If "formatter" isn't supplied, it
           defaults to an object of class Wiki::Toolkit::Formatter::Default.

           You can get a searchable Wiki up and running on a system without an actual database server by using
           the SQLite storage backend with the SII/DB_File search backend - cut and paste the lines above for a
           quick start, and see Wiki::Toolkit::Store::SQLite, Wiki::Toolkit::Search::SII, and
           Search::InvertedIndex::DB::DB_File_SplitHash when you want to learn the details.

           "formatter" can be any object that behaves in the right way; this essentially means that it needs to
           provide a "format" method which takes in raw text and returns the formatted version. See
           Wiki::Toolkit::Formatter::Default for a simple example. Note that you can create a suitable object
           from a sub very quickly by using Test::MockObject like so:

             my $formatter = Test::MockObject->new();
             $formatter->mock( 'format', sub { my ($self, $raw) = @_;
                                               return uc( $raw );
                                             } );

           I'm not sure whether to put this in the module or not - it'd let you just supply a sub instead of an
           object as the formatter, but it feels wrong to be using a Test::* module in actual code.

             my $content = $wiki->retrieve_node($node);

             # Or get additional data about the node as well.
             my %node = $wiki->retrieve_node("HomePage");
             print "Current Version: " . $node{version};

             # Maybe we stored some of our own custom metadata too.
             my $categories = $node{metadata}{category};
             print "Categories: " . join(", ", @$categories);
             print "Postcode: $node{metadata}{postcode}[0]";

             # Or get an earlier version:
             my %node = $wiki->retrieve_node( name    => "HomePage",
                                              version => 2,
             print $node{content};

           In scalar context, returns the current (raw Wiki language) contents of the specified node. In list
           context, returns a hash containing the contents of the node plus additional data:

           metadata - a reference to a hash containing any caller-supplied metadata sent along the last time the
           node was written

           The "node" parameter is mandatory. The "version" parameter is optional and defaults to the newest
           version. If the node hasn't been created yet, it is considered to exist but be empty (this behaviour
           might change).

           Note on metadata - each hash value is returned as an array ref, even if that type of metadata only
           has one value.

             my $ok = $wiki->moderate_node(name => $node, version => $version);

           Marks the given version of the node as moderated. If this is the highest moderated version, then
           update the node's contents to hold this version.

             my $ok = $wiki->set_node_moderation(name => $node, required => $required);

           Sets if a node requires moderation or not.  (Moderation is required when $required is true).

           When moderation is required, new versions of a node will sit about until they're tagged as moderated,
           when they will become the new node.

             my $ok = $wiki->rename_node(old_name => $old_name, new_name => $new_name, create_new_versions => $create_new_versions );

           Renames a node, updating any references to it as required.

           Uses the internal_links table to identify the nodes that link to this one, and re-writes any wiki
           links in these to point to the new name. If required, it can mark these updates to other pages as a
           new version.

             my $ok = $wiki->verify_checksum($node, $checksum);

           Sees whether your checksum is current for the given node. Returns true if so, false if not.

           NOTE: Be aware that when called directly and without locking, this might not be accurate, since there
           is a small window between the checking and the returning where the node might be changed, so don't
           rely on it for safe commits; use "write_node" for that. It can however be useful when previewing
           edits, for example.

             # List all nodes that link to the Home Page.
             my @links = $wiki->list_backlinks( node => "Home Page" );

             # List all nodes that have been linked to from other nodes but don't
             # yet exist.
             my @links = $wiki->list_dangling_links;

           Each node is returned once only, regardless of how many other nodes link to it.

             my @nodes = $wiki->list_all_nodes;

           Returns a list containing the name of every existing node.  The list won't be in any kind of order;
           do any sorting in your calling script.

             # All documentation nodes.
             my @nodes = $wiki->list_nodes_by_metadata(
                 metadata_type  => "category",
                 metadata_value => "documentation",
                 ignore_case    => 1,   # optional but recommended (see below)

             # All pubs in Hammersmith.
             my @pubs = $wiki->list_nodes_by_metadata(
                 metadata_type  => "category",
                 metadata_value => "Pub",
             my @hsm  = $wiki->list_nodes_by_metadata(
                 metadata_type  => "category",
                 metadata_value  => "Hammersmith",
             my @results = my_l33t_method_for_ANDing_arrays( \@pubs, \@hsm );

           Returns a list containing the name of every node whose caller-supplied metadata matches the criteria
           given in the parameters.

           By default, the case-sensitivity of both "metadata_type" and "metadata_value" depends on your
           database - if it will return rows with an attribute value of "Pubs" when you asked for "pubs", or
           not.  If you supply a true value to the "ignore_case" parameter, then you can be sure of its being
           case-insensitive.  This is recommended.

           If you don't supply any criteria then you'll get an empty list.

           This is a really really really simple way of finding things; if you want to be more complicated then
           you'll need to call the method multiple times and combine the results yourself, or write a plugin.

       list_nodes_by_missing_metadata Returns nodes where either the metadata doesn't exist, or is blank
           Unlike list_nodes_by_metadata(), the metadata value is optional (the metadata type is required).

             # All nodes missing documentation
             my @nodes = $store->list_nodes_by_missing_metadata(
                 metadata_type  => "category",
                 metadata_value => "documentation",
                 ignore_case    => 1,   # optional but recommended (see below)

             # All nodes which don't have a latitude defined
             my @nodes = $store->list_nodes_by_missing_metadata(
                 metadata_type  => "latitude"

           This is documented in Wiki::Toolkit::Store::Database; see there for parameters and return values.
           All parameters are passed through directly to the store object, so, for example,

             my @nodes = $wiki->list_recent_changes( days => 7 );

           does exactly the same thing as

             my @nodes = $wiki->store->list_recent_changes( days => 7 );

             my @nodes = $wiki->list_unmoderated_nodes();
             my @nodes = $wiki->list_unmoderated_nodes(
                                                           only_where_latest => 1

             $nodes[0]->{'name'}              # The name of the node
             $nodes[0]->{'node_id'}           # The id of the node
             $nodes[0]->{'version'}           # The version in need of moderation
             $nodes[0]->{'moderated_version'} # The newest moderated version

             Fetches details of all the node versions that require moderation (id,
              name, version, and latest moderated version).

             If only_where_latest is set, then only the latest version of nodes where
              the latest version needs moderating are returned.
             Otherwise, all node versions (including old ones, and possibly multiple
              per node) are returned.

             my @versions = $wiki->list_node_all_versions("HomePage");

             my @versions = $wiki->list_node_all_versions(
                                                           name => 'HomePage',
                                                           with_content => 1,
                                                           with_metadata => 0

           Returns all the versions of a node, optionally including the content and metadata, as an array of
           hashes (newest versions first).

       list_last_version_before List the last version of every node before a given date. If no version existed
       before that date, will return undef for version. Returns a hash of id, name, version and date
               my @nv = $wiki->list_last_version_before('2007-01-02 10:34:11')
               foreach my $data (@nv) {


             my $ok = $wiki->node_exists( "Wombat Defenestration" );

             # or ignore case - optional but recommended
             my $ok = $wiki->node_exists(
                                          name        => "monkey brains",
                                          ignore_case => 1,

           Returns true if the node has ever been created (even if it is currently empty), and false otherwise.

           By default, the case-sensitivity of "node_exists" depends on your store backend.  If you supply a
           true value to the "ignore_case" parameter, then you can be sure of its being case-insensitive.  This
           is recommended.

             my $needs = $wiki->node_required_moderation( "Wombat Defenestration" );

           Returns true if the node exists and requires moderation, and false otherwise.

             $wiki->delete_node( name => "Home Page", version => 15 );

           "version" is optional.  If it is supplied then only that version of the node will be deleted.
           Otherwise the node and all its history will be completely deleted.

           Doesn't do any locking though - to fix? You probably don't want to let anyone except Wiki admins call
           this. You may not want to use it at all.

           Croaks on error, silently does nothing if the node or version doesn't exist, returns true if no

             # Find all the nodes which contain the word 'expert'.
             my %results = $wiki->search_nodes('expert');

           Returns a (possibly empty) hash whose keys are the node names and whose values are the scores in some
           kind of relevance-scoring system I haven't entirely come up with yet. For OR searches, this could
           initially be the number of terms that appear in the node, perhaps.

           Defaults to AND searches (if $and_or is not supplied, or is anything other than "OR" or "or").

           Searches are case-insensitive.

           Croaks if you haven't defined a search backend.

             if ( $wiki->supports_phrase_searches ) {
                 return $wiki->search_nodes( '"fox in socks"' );

           Returns true if your chosen search backend supports phrase searching, and false otherwise.

             if ( $wiki->supports_fuzzy_searches ) {
                 return $wiki->fuzzy_title_match( 'Kings Cross, St Pancreas' );

           Returns true if your chosen search backend supports fuzzy title searching, and false otherwise.

           NOTE: This section of the documentation assumes you are using a search engine which supports fuzzy
           matching. (See above.) The Wiki::Toolkit::Search::DBIxFTS backend in particular does not.

             $wiki->write_node( "King's Cross St Pancras", "A station." );
             my %matches = $wiki->fuzzy_title_match( "Kings Cross St. Pancras" );

           Returns a (possibly empty) hash whose keys are the node names and whose values are the scores in some
           kind of relevance-scoring system I haven't entirely come up with yet.

           Note that even if an exact match is found, any other similar enough matches will also be returned.
           However, any exact match is guaranteed to have the highest relevance score.

           The matching is done against "canonicalised" forms of the search string and the node titles in the
           database: stripping vowels, repeated letters and non-word characters, and lowercasing.

           Croaks if you haven't defined a search backend.

             my $plugin = Wiki::Toolkit::Plugin::Foo->new;
             $wiki->register_plugin( plugin => $plugin );

           Registers the plugin with the wiki as one that needs to be informed when we write a node.

           If the plugin "isa" Wiki::Toolkit::Plugin, calls the methods set up by that parent class to let it
           know about the backend store, search and formatter objects.

           Finally, calls the plugin class's "on_register" method, which should be used to check tables are set
           up etc. Note that because of the order these things are done in, "on_register" for
           Wiki::Toolkit::Plugin subclasses can use the "datastore", "indexer" and "formatter" methods as it
           needs to.

             my @plugins = $wiki->get_registered_plugins;

           Returns an array of plugin objects.

             my $written = $wiki->write_node($node, $content, $checksum, \%metadata, $requires_moderation);
             if ($written) {
             } else {

           Writes the specified content into the specified node in the backend storage; and indexes/reindexes
           the node in the search indexes (if a search is set up); calls "post_write" on any registered plugins.

           Note that you can blank out a node without deleting it by passing the empty string as $content, if
           you want to.

           If you expect the node to already exist, you must supply a checksum, and the node is write-locked
           until either your checksum has been proved old, or your checksum has been accepted and your change
           committed.  If no checksum is supplied, and the node is found to already exist and be nonempty, a
           conflict will be raised.

           The first two parameters are mandatory, the others optional. If you want to supply metadata but have
           no checksum (for a newly-created node), supply a checksum of "undef".

           The final parameter, $requires_moderation (which defaults to false), is ignored except on new nodes.
           For existing nodes, use $wiki->toggle_node_moderation to change the node moderation flag.

           Returns the version of the updated node on success, 0 on conflict, croaks on error.

           Note on the metadata hashref: Any data in here that you wish to access directly later must be a key-
           value pair in which the value is either a scalar or a reference to an array of scalars.  For example:

             $wiki->write_node( "Calthorpe Arms", "nice pub", $checksum,
                                { category => [ "Pubs", "Bloomsbury" ],
                                  postcode => "WC1X 8JR" } );

             # and later

             my @nodes = $wiki->list_nodes_by_metadata(
                 metadata_type  => "category",
                 metadata_value => "Pubs"             );

           For more advanced usage (passing data through to registered plugins) you may if you wish pass key-
           value pairs in which the value is a hashref or an array of hashrefs. The data in the hashrefs will
           not be stored as metadata; it will be checksummed and the checksum will be stored instead. Such data
           can only be accessed via plugins.

             my $cooked = $wiki->format($raw, $metadata);

           Passed straight through to your chosen formatter object. You do not have to supply the $metadata
           hashref, but if your formatter allows node metadata to affect the rendering of the node then you will
           want to.

             my $store  = $wiki->store;
             my $dbname = eval { $wiki->store->dbname; }
               or warn "Not a DB backend";

           Returns the storage backend object.

             my $search_obj = $wiki->search_obj;

           Returns the search backend object.

             my $formatter = $wiki->formatter;

           Returns the formatter backend object.


       For a very quick Wiki startup without any of that icky programming stuff, see Tom Insam's
       Wiki::Toolkit::Kwiki, an instant wiki based on Wiki::Toolkit.

       Or for the specialised application of a wiki about a city, see the OpenGuides distribution.

       Wiki::Toolkit allows you to use different formatting modules.  Text::WikiFormat might be useful for
       anyone wanting to write a custom formatter. Existing formatters include:

       •   Wiki::Toolkit::Formatter::Default (in this distro)

       •   Wiki::Toolkit::Formatter::Pod

       •   Wiki::Toolkit::Formatter::UseMod

       There's currently a choice of three storage backends - all database-backed.

       •   Wiki::Toolkit::Store::MySQL (in this distro)

       •   Wiki::Toolkit::Store::Pg (in this distro)

       •   Wiki::Toolkit::Store::SQLite (in this distro)

       •   Wiki::Toolkit::Store::Database (parent class for the above - in this distro)

       A search backend is optional:

       •   Wiki::Toolkit::Search::DBIxFTS (in this distro, uses DBIx::FullTextSearch)

       •   Wiki::Toolkit::Search::SII (in this distro, uses Search::InvertedIndex)

       Standalone plugins can also be written - currently they should only read from the backend storage, but
       write access guidelines are coming soon. Plugins written so far and available from CPAN:

       •   Wiki::Toolkit::Plugin::GeoCache

       •   Wiki::Toolkit::Plugin::Categoriser

       •   Wiki::Toolkit::Plugin::Locator::UK

       •   Wiki::Toolkit::Plugin::RSS::ModWiki

       If writing a plugin you might want an easy way to run tests for it on all possible backends:

       •   Wiki::Toolkit::TestConfig::Utilities (in this distro)

       Other ways to implement Wikis in Perl include:

       •   CGI::Kwiki (an instant wiki)

       •   CGI::pWiki

       •   AxKit::XSP::Wiki

       •   Apache::MiniWiki

       •   UseModWiki <http://usemod.com>

       •   Chiq Chaq <http://chiqchaq.sourceforge.net/>


       Kake Pugh (kake@earth.li) and the Wiki::Toolkit team (including Nick Burch and Dominic Hargreaves)


       Questions should go to cgi-wiki-dev@earth.li.

            Copyright (C) 2002-2004 Kake Pugh.  All Rights Reserved.
            Copyright (C) 2006-2013 the Wiki::Toolkit team. All Rights Reserved.

       This module is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl


       The developer web site and bug tracker is at
         http://www.wiki-toolkit.org/ - please file bugs there as appropriate.

       You could also subscribe to the dev list at


       Bugs are documented at <https://github.com/OpenGuides/Wiki-Toolkit/issues>


       Various London.pm types helped out with code review, encouragement, JFDI, style advice, code snippets,
       module recommendations, and so on; far too many to name individually, but particularly Richard Clamp,
       Tony Fisher, Mark Fowler, and Chris Ball.

       blair christensen sent patches and gave me some good ideas. chromatic continues to patiently apply my
       patches to Text::WikiFormat and help me get it working in just the way I need. Paul Makepeace helped me
       add support for connecting to non-local databases. Shevek has been prodding me a lot lately. The
       OpenGuides team keep me well-supplied with encouragement and bug reports.

       Nick Burch has been leading the way with development leading up to the release under the Wiki::Toolkit


       I'm only obsessed with Wikis because of the Open Guide to London -- <http://openguides.org/london/>