oracular (3) Wx::Loader.3pm.gz

Provided by: libwx-perl_0.9932-8build8_amd64 bug


       Wx::Loader - using custom dll loaders with Wx


         # For Packagers

         # the order of these use()s is important
         use MyCustomWxLoader;
         use Wx;

         or .....

         use threads;
         use threads::shared;
         use MyCustomLoader;
         use Wx;

         or - Wx::Perl::Splashfast special case

         use MyCustomWxLoader;
         use Wx::Perl::SplashFast ("./logo.jpg",5000);
         use Wx;

         ............. meanwhile in MyCustomWxLoader.pm

         package MyCustomWxLoader;
         require Wx::Mini;
         our @ISA = qw( Wx::Loader::Standard );

         $Wx::wx_binary_loader = __PACKAGE__;
         ...... or
         $Wx::wx_binary_loader = __PACKAGE__->new;

         # For binary distributions

         # Provide a custom Wx::Loader::Custom
         # to be loaded by Wx::Mini

         package Wx::Loader::Custom
         our @ISA = qw( Wx::Loader::Standard );

         # be polite if another loader is already in place

         $Wx::wx_binary_loader = __PACKAGE__ if !$Wx::wx_binary_loader;
         ...... or
         $Wx::wx_binary_loader = __PACKAGE__->new() if !$Wx::wx_binary_loader;


       If you are providing binary distributions of Wx or packaging Wx applications to run on machines without
       Perl (PAR, PerlApp),you may need to override dll loading methods. Providing a custom wx_binary_loader
       package allows you to do this.

Binary Distributions

       A binary distribution my provide alternative sources and loading methods for the wxWidgets dlls. It
       achieves this by providing a Wx::Loader::Custom module in the distribution

         package Wx::Loader::Custom
         our @ISA = qw( Wx::Loader::Standard );

         # be polite if another loader is already in place

         $Wx::wx_binary_loader = __PACKAGE__ if !$Wx::wx_binary_loader;
         ...... or
         $Wx::wx_binary_loader = __PACKAGE__->new() if !$Wx::wx_binary_loader;

         # remember that Wx.pm has not necessarily been loaded so only
         # Wx::Mini is available

Perl Application Packagers

         Applications that package perl scripts to run on machines without
         Perl (PAR, PerlApp etc) can override dll loading methods if necessary
         by loading a custom package before wx

         package MyCustomWxLoader;
         require Wx::Mini;
         our @ISA = qw( Wx::Loader::Standard );

         $Wx::wx_binary_loader = __PACKAGE__;
         ...... or
         $Wx::wx_binary_loader = __PACKAGE__->new;

         # remember that Wx.pm has not necessarily been loaded so only
         # Wx::Mini is available


         The following methods may be provided by custom loaders to override the
         default behaviour

         should return an information string about the loader and MUST be provided.
         The default loader has

         sub loader_info { 'Standard Distribution'; }

         so any custom loader should return something different


         sub loader_info { "Mark's Broken Distribution - it's all my fault"; }

         allows setting a custom path for the wxWidgets libraries.

         sub set_binary_path {
           my $class_or_object = shift;

           ... work out binary path

           return $newbinarypath; # method MUST return a path

         Is called to load wxWidgets plugin dlls using a key for the $Wx::dlls hash
         ( see Wx::Mini )

         sub load_dll {
           my ($class_or_object, $dllkey) = @_;
           ..... load dll - or maybe not

         the default loader does nothing - dependencies are loaded automatically
         and determined by the standard methods of the os:

         an example of pre loading a known dependency

         sub load_dll {
           return if $^O !~ /^(mswin|linux)/i;
           local $ENV{PATH} = $Wx::wx_path . ';' . $ENV{PATH} if $Wx::wx_path;
           return unless exists $Wx::dlls->{$_[1]} && $Wx::dlls->{$_[1]};
           my $dll = $Wx::dlls->{$_[1]};
           $dll = $Wx::wx_path . '/' . $dll if $Wx::wx_path;
           Wx::_load_plugin( $dll );

         Is called ONCE from within an END block
         A custom loader may choose, for example to unload any dlls it has loaded

         sub unload_dll {
           my $class_or_object = shift;

           ... carry out END actions

         The default unload_dll is a noop ( sub unload_dll {} )

         A deprecated method of replacing the load function for plugins
         A custom loader may override this to prevent a legacy loader replacing
         the loading methods.

         A deprecated method of replacing the unload function for plugins
         A custom loader may override this to prevent a legacy loader replacing
         the unloading methods.

         For binary distributions and packaged applications, normal shared
         library loading semantics may not work. A custom loader may provide
         this method to use in place of, or to supplement the standard XS load
         of Wx.dll (Wx.so).

         The method MUST return true or false, depending on whether it has
         loaded Wx.dll (Wx.so).

         For example, to load the core wxWidgets dlls before Wx is loaded

         sub boot_overload {
           require DynaLoader;
           for my $dll ( qw( base core adv ) ) {
             next unless exists $Wx::dlls->{$dll} && $Wx::dlls->{$dll};
             my $file = ( $Wx::wx_path ) ? $Wx::wx_path . '/' . $Wx::dlls->{$dll} : $Wx::dlls->{$dll};
             my $libref = DynaLoader::dl_load_file($file, 0);
             push(@DynaLoader::dl_librefs,$libref) if $libref;

             # Dynaloader should take care of unloading


           #------------ IMPORTANT ----------
           return 0; # we have not loaded Wx

         Some packagers extract dlls at runtime, and then may attempt to remove them
         at application close. This may fail for Wx. For example, on MSWin the directory
         cleanup fails whilst on Linux the application will seg-fault on exit.
         Packagers may avoid this by loading Wx.dll( Wx.so) from a non standard location
         ( perhaps a separate binary distribution of wx dlls ) that is not removed at
         application exit.

         For example

         sub boot_overload {
           my $class = shift
           require DynaLoader;
           for my $dll ( qw( base core adv ) ) {
             next unless exists $Wx::dlls->{$dll} && $Wx::dlls->{$dll};
             my $file = ( $Wx::wx_path ) ? $Wx::wx_path . '/' . $Wx::dlls->{$dll} : $Wx::dlls->{$dll};
             my $libref = DynaLoader::dl_load_file($file, 0);
             push(@DynaLoader::dl_librefs,$libref) if $libref;

             # Dynaloader should take care of unloading



           my $file = $class->get_the_location_to_wx_xs_module;

           # From XSLoader

           my $module  = 'Wx';

           my $boots = "$module\::bootstrap";
           my $bootname = "boot_$module";
           $bootname =~ s/\W/_/g;
           @DynaLoader::dl_require_symbols = ($bootname);
           my $boot_symbol_ref;

           my $libref = dl_load_file($file, 0) or do {
               require Carp;
               Carp::croak("Can't load '$file' for module $module: " . dl_error());
           push(@DynaLoader::dl_librefs,$libref);  # record loaded object

           my @unresolved = dl_undef_symbols();
           if (@unresolved) {
               require Carp;
               Carp::carp("Undefined symbols present after loading $file: @unresolved\n");

           $boot_symbol_ref = dl_find_symbol($libref, $bootname) or do {
               require Carp;
               Carp::croak("Can't find '$bootname' symbol in $file\n");

           push(@DynaLoader::dl_modules, $module); # record loaded module

           my $xs = dl_install_xsub($boots, $boot_symbol_ref, $file);

           push(@DynaLoader::dl_shared_objects, $file); # record files loaded

           #------------ IMPORTANT ----------
           return 1; # we have loaded Wx

Full Custom Loader Example

         # Custom loader for Wx distribution from
         # http://www.wxperl.co.uk/repository

         package Wx::Loader::Custom;
         use strict;
         use warnings;

         our @ISA = qw( Wx::Loader::Standard );

         $Wx::wx_binary_loader = __PACKAGE__ if !$Wx::wx_binary_loader;

         sub loader_info { 'Linux PPM Distribution from http://www.wxperl.co.uk/repository'; }

         sub boot_overload {
             require DynaLoader;
             for my $dll ( qw( base core adv ) ) {
               next unless exists $Wx::dlls->{$dll} && $Wx::dlls->{$dll};
               my $file = ( $Wx::wx_path ) ? $Wx::wx_path . '/' . $Wx::dlls->{$dll} : $Wx::dlls->{$dll};
               my $libref = DynaLoader::dl_load_file($file, 0);
               push(@DynaLoader::dl_librefs,$libref) if $libref;

               # Dynaloader should take care of unloading
            return 0;

         # Allow legacy packaging call to override our load method

         my( $load_fun ) = ( \&_load_dll );

         sub _load_dll {
             return unless exists $Wx::dlls->{$_[0]} && $Wx::dlls->{$_[0]};
             my $dll = $Wx::dlls->{$_[0]};
             $dll = $Wx::wx_path . '/' . $dll if $Wx::wx_path;
             return Wx::_load_plugin( $dll );

         sub external_set_load { $load_fun = $_[1] }

         sub load_dll {
           goto &$load_fun;