oracular (3) bson_tutorial.3.gz

Provided by: libbson-doc_1.26.0-1.1ubuntu2_all bug


   Include bson.h
       All libbson's functions and types are available in one header file. Simply include bson.h:


          #include <stdio.h>
          #include <bson/bson.h>

          main (int argc, const char **argv)
             bson_t *b;
             char *j;

             b = BCON_NEW ("hello", BCON_UTF8 ("bson!"));
             j = bson_as_canonical_extended_json (b, NULL);
             printf ("%s\n", j);

             bson_free (j);
             bson_destroy (b);

             return 0;

       The  libbson  installation  includes  a  CMake config-file package, so you can use CMake's
       find_package command to import libbson's CMake target and link to  libbson  (as  a  shared


          # Specify the minimum version you require.
          find_package (bson-1.0 1.7 REQUIRED)

          # The "hello_bson.c" sample program is shared among four tests.
          add_executable (hello_bson ../../hello_bson.c)
          target_link_libraries (hello_bson PRIVATE mongo::bson_shared)

       You  can  also  use  libbson as a static library instead: Use the mongo::bson_static CMake

          # Specify the minimum version you require.
          find_package (bson-1.0 1.7 REQUIRED)

          # The "hello_bson.c" sample program is shared among four tests.
          add_executable (hello_bson ../../hello_bson.c)
          target_link_libraries (hello_bson PRIVATE mongo::bson_static)

       If you're not using CMake, use pkg-config on the command line to set  header  and  library

          gcc -o hello_bson hello_bson.c $(pkg-config --libs --cflags libbson-1.0)

       Or to statically link to libbson:

          gcc -o hello_bson hello_bson.c $(pkg-config --libs --cflags libbson-static-1.0)


   The bson_t structure
       BSON  documents  are  created  using the bson_t structure. This structure encapsulates the
       necessary logic for encoding using the BSON Specification. At the core, bson_t is a buffer
       manager and set of encoding routines.

          BSON  documents  can  live  on  the stack or the heap based on the performance needs or
          preference of the consumer.

       Let's start by creating a new BSON document on the stack.  Whenever  using  libbson,  make
       sure you #include <bson/bson.h>.

          bson_t b;

          bson_init (&b);

       This creates an empty document. In JSON, this would be the same as {}.

       We  can  now proceed to adding items to the BSON document. A variety of functions prefixed
       with bson_append_ can be used based on the type of field you want to append. Let's  append
       a UTF-8 encoded string.

          bson_append_utf8 (&b, "key", -1, "value", -1);

       Notice  the  two -1 parameters. The first indicates that the length of key in bytes should
       be determined with strlen(). Alternatively, we could have passed the number  3.  The  same
       goes for the second -1, but for value.

       Libbson  provides  macros  to  make  this  less  tedious  when  using string literals. The
       following two appends are identical.

          bson_append_utf8 (&b, "key", -1, "value", -1);
          BSON_APPEND_UTF8 (&b, "key", "value");

       Now let's take a look at an example that adds a  few  different  field  types  to  a  BSON

          bson_t b = BSON_INITIALIZER;

          BSON_APPEND_INT32 (&b, "a", 1);
          BSON_APPEND_UTF8 (&b, "hello", "world");
          BSON_APPEND_BOOL (&b, "bool", true);

       Notice  that  we  omitted  the  call to bson_init(). By specifying BSON_INITIALIZER we can
       remove the need to initialize the structure to a base state.

   Sub-Documents and Sub-Arrays
       To simplify the creation of sub-documents  bson_append_document_begin()  can  be  used  to
       build a sub-document using the parent's memory region as the destination buffer.

          bson_t parent = BSON_INITIALIZER;
          bson_t child;

          bson_append_document_begin (&parent, "foo", 3, &child);
          bson_append_int32 (&child, "baz", 3, 1);
          bson_append_document_end (&parent, &child);

          char *str = bson_as_relaxed_extended_json (&parent, NULL);
          printf ("%s\n", str); // Prints: { "foo" : { "baz" : 1 } }
          bson_free (str);

          bson_destroy (&parent);

       To  simplify  the  creation  of  sub-arrays  bson_array_builder_t  can  be used to build a
       sub-array using the parent's memory region as the destination buffer.

          bson_t parent = BSON_INITIALIZER;
          bson_array_builder_t *bab;

          bson_append_array_builder_begin (&parent, "foo", 3, &bab);
          bson_array_builder_append_int32 (bab, 9);
          bson_array_builder_append_int32 (bab, 8);
          bson_array_builder_append_int32 (bab, 7);
          bson_append_array_builder_end (&parent, bab);

          char *str = bson_as_relaxed_extended_json (&parent, NULL);
          printf ("%s\n", str); // Prints: { "foo" : [ 9, 8, 7 ] }
          bson_free (str);

          bson_destroy (&parent);

   Simplified BSON C Object Notation
       Creating BSON documents by hand can be tedious and time consuming. BCON, or BSON C  Object
       Notation,  was  added  to  allow for the creation of BSON documents in a format that looks
       closer to the destination format.

       The following example shows the use of BCON. Notice that values for fields are wrapped  in
       the  BCON_*  macros.  These  are  required  for  the  variadic  processor to determine the
       parameter type.

          bson_t *doc;

          doc = BCON_NEW ("foo",
                          BCON_INT32 (1),
                          BCON_INT32 (100),
                          BCON_UTF8 ("value"),

       Creates the following document

          { "foo" : { "int" : 1, "array" : [ 100, { "sub" : "value" } ] } }


       Many libbson  functions  report  errors  by  returning  NULL  or  -1  and  filling  out  a
       bson_error_t structure with an error domain, error code, and message.

       • error.domain names the subsystem that generated the error.

       • error.code is a domain-specific error type.

       • error.message describes the error.

       Some  error  codes overlap with others; always check both the domain and code to determine
       the type of error.

       │BSON_ERROR_JSONBSON_JSON_ERROR_READ_CORRUPT_JSbson_json_reader_t tried         │
       │                  │ BSON_JSON_ERROR_READ_INVALID_PARAM │ to parse invalid MongoDB         │
       │                  │ BSON_JSON_ERROR_READ_CB_FAILURE    │ Extended JSON.  Tried to         │
       │                  │                                    │ parse   a   valid   JSON         │
       │                  │                                    │ document that is invalid         │
       │                  │                                    │ as MongoDBExtended JSON.         │
       │                  │                                    │ An   internal   callback         │
       │                  │                                    │ failure   during    JSON         │
       │                  │                                    │ parsing.                         │
       │BSON_ERROR_READERBSON_ERROR_READER_BADFDbson_json_reader_new_from_file() │
       │                  │                                    │ could not open the file.         │


       Libbson provides a simple way to generate ObjectIDs. It can be used in  a  single-threaded
       or multi-threaded manner depending on your requirements.

       The bson_oid_t structure represents an ObjectID in MongoDB. It is a 96-bit identifier.

       • 4 bytes : The UNIX timestamp in big-endian format.

       • 5 bytes : A random number.

       • 3 bytes : A 24-bit monotonic counter incrementing from rand() in big-endian.

   Sorting ObjectIDs
       The  typical  way  to  sort  in  C is using qsort(). Therefore, Libbson provides a qsort()
       compatible callback function named bson_oid_compare(). It returns  less  than  1,  greater
       than 1, or 0 depending on the equality of two bson_oid_t structures.

   Comparing Object IDs
       If   you   simply   want   to   compare   two  bson_oid_t  structures  for  equality,  use

       To generate a bson_oid_t, you may use the following.

          bson_oid_t oid;

          bson_oid_init (&oid, NULL);

   Parsing ObjectID Strings
       You can also parse a  string  containing  a  bson_oid_t.  The  input  string  MUST  be  24
       characters or more in length.

          bson_oid_t oid;

          bson_oid_init_from_string (&oid, "123456789012345678901234");

          bson_oid_t oid;

          bson_oid_init_from_string_unsafe (&oid, "123456789012345678901234");

   Hashing ObjectIDs
       If  you need to store items in a hashtable, you may want to use the bson_oid_t as the key.
       Libbson provides a hash function for just this purpose. It is based on DJB hash.

          unsigned hash;

          hash = bson_oid_hash (oid);

   Fetching ObjectID Creation Time
       You can easily fetch the time that a bson_oid_t was generated using bson_oid_get_time_t().

          time_t t;

          t = bson_oid_get_time_t (oid);
          printf ("The OID was generated at %u\n", (unsigned) t);


       BSON documents are lazily parsed as necessary. To begin parsing a BSON document,  use  one
       of  the  provided  Libbson  functions  to  create  a new bson_t from existing data such as
       bson_new_from_data(). This will make a copy of the data so that additional  mutations  may
       occur to the BSON document.

          If  you  only  want to parse a BSON document and have no need to mutate it, you may use
          bson_init_static() to avoid making a copy of the data.

          bson_t *b;

          b = bson_new_from_data (my_data, my_data_len);
          if (!b) {
             fprintf (stderr, "The specified length embedded in <my_data> did not match "

          bson_destroy (b);

       Only two checks are performed when creating a new bson_t from an existing  buffer.  First,
       the  document must begin with the buffer length, matching what was expected by the caller.
       Second, the document must end with the expected trailing \0 byte.

       To parse the document further we use a bson_iter_t to  iterate  the  elements  within  the
       document. Let's print all of the field names in the document.

          bson_t *b;
          bson_iter_t iter;

          if ((b = bson_new_from_data (my_data, my_data_len))) {
             if (bson_iter_init (&iter, b)) {
                while (bson_iter_next (&iter)) {
                   printf ("Found element key: \"%s\"\n", bson_iter_key (&iter));
             bson_destroy (b);

       Converting  a document to JSON uses a bson_iter_t and bson_visitor_t to iterate all fields
       of a BSON document recursively and generate a UTF-8 encoded JSON string.

          bson_t *b;
          char *json;

          if ((b = bson_new_from_data (my_data, my_data_len))) {
             if ((json = bson_as_canonical_extended_json (b, NULL))) {
                printf ("%s\n", json);
                bson_free (json);
             bson_destroy (b);

   Recursing into Sub-Documents
       Libbson provides convenient sub-iterators to dive down into a sub-document  or  sub-array.
       Below  is  an  example that will dive into a sub-document named "foo" and print it's field

          bson_iter_t iter;
          bson_iter_t child;
          char *json;

          if (bson_iter_init_find (&iter, doc, "foo") &&
              BSON_ITER_HOLDS_DOCUMENT (&iter) && bson_iter_recurse (&iter, &child)) {
             while (bson_iter_next (&child)) {
                printf ("Found sub-key of \"foo\" named \"%s\"\n",
                        bson_iter_key (&child));

   Finding Fields using Dot Notation
       Using the bson_iter_recurse() function exemplified above, bson_iter_find_descendant()  can
       find a field for you using the MongoDB style path notation such as "foo.bar.0.baz".

       Let's create a document like {"foo": {"bar": [{"baz: 1}]}} and locate the "baz" field.

          bson_t *b;
          bson_iter_t iter;
          bson_iter_t baz;

          b =
             BCON_NEW ("foo", "{", "bar", "[", "{", "baz", BCON_INT32 (1), "}", "]", "}");

          if (bson_iter_init (&iter, b) &&
              bson_iter_find_descendant (&iter, "foo.bar.0.baz", &baz) &&
              BSON_ITER_HOLDS_INT32 (&baz)) {
             printf ("baz = %d\n", bson_iter_int32 (&baz));

          bson_destroy (b);

   Validating a BSON Document
       If  all  you  want  to  do  is  validate  that  a  BSON  document  is  valid,  you can use

          size_t err_offset;

          if (!bson_validate (doc, BSON_VALIDATE_NONE, &err_offset)) {
             fprintf (stderr,
                      "The document failed to validate at offset: %u\n",
                      (unsigned) err_offset);

       See the bson_validate() documentation for more information and examples.


       Libbson expects that you are always working with UTF-8  encoded  text.  Anything  else  is
       invalid API use.

       If  you  should need to walk through UTF-8 sequences, you can use the various UTF-8 helper
       functions distributed with Libbson.

   Validating a UTF-8 Sequence
       To validate the string contained in my_string, use the following. You may pass -1 for  the
       string length if you know the string is NULL-terminated.

          if (!bson_utf8_validate (my_string, -1, false)) {
             printf ("Validation failed.\n");

       If my_string has NULL bytes within the string, you must provide the string length. Use the
       following format. Notice the true at the end indicating \0 is allowed.

          if (!bson_utf8_validate (my_string, my_string_len, true)) {
             printf ("Validation failed.\n");

       For more information see the API reference for bson_utf8_validate().


       MongoDB, Inc

       2017-present, MongoDB, Inc