oracular (3) mongoc_client_encryption_create_encrypted_collection.3.gz

mongoc_collection_t* mongoc_client_encryption_create_encrypted_collection ( mongoc_client_encryption_t *enc, mongoc_database_t *database, const char *name, const bson_t *in_options, bson_t *out_options, const char *kms_provider, const bson_t *opt_masterKey, bson_error_t *error) BSON_GNUC_WARN_UNUSED_RESULT; Create a new collection with Queryable Encryption enabled. Requires a valid mongoc_client_encryption_t object to operate. Added in version 1.24.0. SEE ALSO: This function is a convenience API wrapping mongoc_database_create_collection().
• enc: The mongoc_client_encryption_t to be used to configure encryption for the new collection. • database: The mongoc_database_t in which the new collection will be created. • name: The name of the new collection. • in_options: The options for the new collection. (See below). • out_options: An optional output option for the final create-collection options. Should point to storage for a bson_t. The pointed-to object must be destroyed by the caller. If NULL, has no effect. • kms_provider: The name of the KMS provider to use for generating new data encryption keys for encrypted fields within the collection. • opt_masterKey: If provided, used as the masterkey option when data encryption keys need to be created. (See: mongoc_client_encryption_datakey_opts_set_masterkey()) • error: Optional output parameter pointing to storage for a bson_error_t. If an error occurs, will be initialized with error information.
If successful, this function returns a new mongoc_collection_t object. Upon failure, returns NULL and initializes *error with an error indicating the reason for failure. The returned collection object must be freed by the caller.
The in_options parameter behaves similarly to the opts parameter for mongoc_database_create_collection(), which accepts the options for the create MongoDB command (Documented here). The in_options document accepted here is different in one important way: The $.encryptedFields.fields array is required by this function, and, unlike the schema documented for the create command, accepts a value of null for the keyId parameter on each array element. This function has the following as-if effect: 1. A new set of options O will be created based on in_options. 2. For each element F in the $.encryptedFields.fields array of O: 1. If F contains a "keyId": null element, a new data encryption key K_f will be created as-if by calling the mongoc_client_encryption_create_datakey(), using the relevant arguments that were given to mongoc_client_encryption_create_encrypted_collection. 2. The ID of K_f will be used to replace the "keyId": null element within F. 3. A collection will be created using the options O. 4. If out_options is not NULL, O will be written to out_options.
MongoDB, Inc