oracular (3) mongoc_manage_collection_indexes.3.gz

To create an Atlas Search Index, use the createSearchIndexes command: bson_t cmd; // Create command. { char *cmd_str = bson_strdup_printf ( BSON_STR ({ "createSearchIndexes" : "%s", "indexes" : [ { "definition" : {"mappings" : {"dynamic" : false}}, "name" : "test-index" } ] }), collname); ASSERT (bson_init_from_json (&cmd, cmd_str, -1, &error)); bson_free (cmd_str); } if (!mongoc_collection_command_simple ( coll, &cmd, NULL /* read_prefs */, NULL /* reply */, &error)) { bson_destroy (&cmd); HANDLE_ERROR ("Failed to run createSearchIndexes: %s", error.message); } printf ("Created index: \"test-index\"\n"); bson_destroy (&cmd); To list Atlas Search Indexes, use the $listSearchIndexes aggregation stage: const char *pipeline_str = BSON_STR ({"pipeline" : [ {"$listSearchIndexes" : {}} ]}); bson_t pipeline; ASSERT (bson_init_from_json (&pipeline, pipeline_str, -1, &error)); mongoc_cursor_t *cursor = mongoc_collection_aggregate (coll, MONGOC_QUERY_NONE, &pipeline, NULL /* opts */, NULL /* read_prefs */); printf ("Listing indexes:\n"); const bson_t *got; while (mongoc_cursor_next (cursor, &got)) { char *got_str = bson_as_canonical_extended_json (got, NULL); printf (" %s\n", got_str); bson_free (got_str); } if (mongoc_cursor_error (cursor, &error)) { bson_destroy (&pipeline); mongoc_cursor_destroy (cursor); HANDLE_ERROR ("Failed to run $listSearchIndexes: %s", error.message); } bson_destroy (&pipeline); mongoc_cursor_destroy (cursor); To update an Atlas Search Index, use the updateSearchIndex command: bson_t cmd; // Create command. { char *cmd_str = bson_strdup_printf ( BSON_STR ({ "updateSearchIndex" : "%s", "definition" : {"mappings" : {"dynamic" : true}}, "name" : "test-index" }), collname); ASSERT (bson_init_from_json (&cmd, cmd_str, -1, &error)); bson_free (cmd_str); } if (!mongoc_collection_command_simple ( coll, &cmd, NULL /* read_prefs */, NULL /* reply */, &error)) { bson_destroy (&cmd); HANDLE_ERROR ("Failed to run updateSearchIndex: %s", error.message); } printf ("Updated index: \"test-index\"\n"); bson_destroy (&cmd); To drop an Atlas Search Index, use the dropSearchIndex command: bson_t cmd; // Create command. { char *cmd_str = bson_strdup_printf ( BSON_STR ({"dropSearchIndex" : "%s", "name" : "test-index"}), collname); ASSERT (bson_init_from_json (&cmd, cmd_str, -1, &error)); bson_free (cmd_str); } if (!mongoc_collection_command_simple ( coll, &cmd, NULL /* read_prefs */, NULL /* reply */, &error)) { bson_destroy (&cmd); HANDLE_ERROR ("Failed to run dropSearchIndex: %s", error.message); } printf ("Dropped index: \"test-index\"\n"); bson_destroy (&cmd); For a full example, see example-manage-search-indexes.c.
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