oracular (3) mst_findadjacent.3.gz

mst_findmatch - Searching a MSTraceGroup for specific MSTrace structures.
#include <libmseed.h> MSTrace *mst_findmatch ( MSTrace *startmst, char dataquality, char *network, char *station, char *location, char *channel ); MSTrace *mst_findadjacent ( MSTraceGroup *mstg, flag *whence, char dataquality, char *network, char *station, char *location, char *channel, double samprate, double sampleratetol, hptime_t starttime, hptime_t endtime, double timetol);
mst_findmatch traverses a MSTrace chain starting at startmst and returns the first entry that matches the source name identifiers. If dataquality is not zero it must also match the found entry. A calling program commonly calls this routine in a loop in order to find all matching MSTraces in a MSTraceGroup. mst_findadjacent finds the first entry in the MSTraceGroup pointed to by mstg that matches the given source name identifiers and is time adjacent to the time coverage described by the samprate, starttime and endtime. If dataquality is not zero it must also match the found entry. See ms_time(3) for a description of the high precision epoch time format needed for starttime and endtime. The tolerance for sample rate and time matching can also be specified. If sampratetol is -1.0 the default tolerance of abs(1-sr1/sr2) < 0.0001 is used. If timetol is -1.0 the default time tolerance of 1/2 the sample period will be used. If sampratetol or timetol is -2.0 the respective tolerance check will not be performed. If time tolerance is not checked whence will be set to whichever end fits best. The time tolerance is specified in seconds. When an adjacent MSTrace is found the whence flag will be set to indicate where the indicated time span is adjacent in the following way: 1: time span fits at the end of the MSTrace 2: time span fits at the beginning of the MSTrace
mst_findmatch returns a pointer to the matching MSTrace structure or 0 if no match found or error. mst_findadjacent returns a pointer to the adjacent MSTrace structure and the whence flag is set when an adjacent MSTrace is found or 0 when no adjacent MSTrace is found.
ms_intro(3), mst_init(3) and ms_time(3).
Chad Trabant IRIS Data Management Center