oracular (3) ospeed.3ncurses.gz

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       PC, UP, BC, ospeed, tgetent, tgetflag, tgetnum, tgetstr, tgoto, tputs - curses emulation of termcap


       #include <curses.h>
       #include <term.h>

       char PC;
       char * UP;
       char * BC;
       short ospeed;

       int tgetent(char *bp, const char *name);
       int tgetflag(const char *id);
       int tgetnum(const char *id);
       char *tgetstr(const char *id, char **area);
       char *tgoto(const char *cap, int col, int row);
       int tputs(const char *str, int affcnt, int (*putc)(int));


       ncurses provides the foregoing variables and functions as a compatibility layer for programs that use the
       termcap library.  The API is the same, but behavior is emulated using the terminfo  database.   Thus,  it
       can  be  used  only to query the capabilities of terminal database entries for which a terminfo entry has
       been compiled.

       tgetent loads the terminal database entry for name; see term(7).  This must be done before calling any of
       the other functions.  It returns

          1    on success,

          0    if  there  is  no  such  entry (or if the matching entry describes a generic terminal, having too
               little information for curses applications to run), and

          -1   if the terminfo database could not be found.

       This implementation differs from those of historical termcap libraries.

          •   ncurses ignores the buffer pointer bp, as do other termcap implementations conforming to  portions
              of  X/Open  Curses now withdrawn.  The BSD termcap library would store a copy of the terminal type
              description in the area referenced by this pointer.  terminfo stores terminal type descriptions in
              compiled form, which is not the same thing.

          •   The  meanings  of  the  return  values differ.  The BSD termcap library does not check whether the
              terminal type description includes the generic (gn) capability,  nor  whether  the  terminal  type
              description  supports an addressable cursor, a property essential for any curses implementation to

   Retrieving Capability Values
       tgetflag reports the Boolean entry for id, or zero if it is not available.

       tgetnum obtains the numeric entry for id, or -1 if it is not available.

       tgetstr returns the string entry for id, or NULL if it is not available.  Use tputs to output the  string
       returned.  The area parameter is used as follows.

          •   It is assumed to be the address of a pointer to a buffer managed by the calling application.

          •   However,  ncurses  checks  to  ensure  that  area  is not NULL, and also that the resulting buffer
              pointer is not NULL.  If either check fails, area is ignored.

          •   If the checks succeed, ncurses also copies the return value to the buffer pointed to by area,  and
              the library updates area to point past the null character terminating this value.

          •   The return value itself is an address in the terminal type description loaded into memory.

   Applying String Capabilities
       String  capabilities can be parameterized; see subsection “Parameterized Strings” in  terminfo(5).  tgoto
       applies its second and third arguments to the parametric placeholders in the  capability  stored  in  the
       first argument.

       •   The   capability  may  contain  padding  specifications;  see  subsection  “Delays  and  Padding”  of
           terminfo(5).  The output of tgoto should thus be passed  to  tputs  rather  than  some  other  output
           function such as printf(3).

       •   While  tgoto  is  assumed  to  be  used  for the two-parameter cursor positioning capability, termcap
           applications also use it for single-parameter capabilities.

           Doing so reveals a quirk in tgoto: most hardware terminals use cursor addressing with row first,  but
           the  original developers of the termcap interface chose to put the col (column) parameter first.  The
           tgoto function swaps the order of its parameters.  It does this  even  for  calls  requiring  only  a
           single parameter.  In that case, the first parameter is merely a placeholder.

       •   Normally  the  ncurses library is compiled without full termcap support.  In that case, tgoto uses an
           internal version of tparm(3NCURSES) (a more capable function).

           Because it uses tparm internally, tgoto is able to use some  terminfo  features,  but  not  all.   In
           particular, it allows only numeric parameters; tparm supports string parameters.

           However,  tparm  is not a termcap feature, and portable termcap applications should not rely upon its

       tputs is described in terminfo(3NCURSES).  It can retrieve capabilities by  either  termcap  or  terminfo

   Global Variables
       The  variables  PC, UP and BC are set by tgetent to the terminfo entry's data for pad_char, cursor_up and
       backspace_if_not_bs, respectively.  UP is not used by ncurses.  PC is used by delay_output(3NCURSES).  BC
       is  used  by  tgoto emulation.  The variable ospeed is set by ncurses using a system-specific encoding to
       indicate the terminal's data rate.

   Releasing Memory
       The termcap functions provide no means of freeing memory, because  legacy  termcap  implementations  used
       only  the buffer areas provided by the caller via tgetent and tgetstr.  Those buffers are unused in term‐

       By contrast, terminfo allocates memory.  It uses setupterm(3NCURSES) to obtain the data used  by  tgetent
       and the functions that retrieve capability values.  One could use
       to  free this memory, but there is an additional complication with ncurses.  It uses a fixed-size pool of
       storage locations, one per value of the terminal name parameter given to tgetent.  The screen(1)  program
       relies upon this arrangement to improve its performance.

       An  application  that uses only the termcap functions, not the higher level curses API, could release the
       memory  using  del_curterm(3NCURSES),  because  the  pool   is   freed   using   other   functions;   see


       The return values of tgetent, tgetflag, tgetname, and tgetstr are documented above.

       tgoto returns NULL on error.  Error conditions include:

       •   uninitialized state (tgetent was not called successfully),

       •   cap being a null pointer,

       •   cap referring to a canceled capability,

       •   cap being a capability with string-valued parameters (a terminfo-only feature), and

       •   cap being a capability with more than two parameters.

       See terminfo(3NCURSES) regarding tputs.


       ncurses  compares  only the first two characters of the id parameter of tgetflag, tgetnum, and tgetstr to
       the capability names in the database.


       These functions are no longer standardized (and the variables  never  were);  ncurses  provides  them  to
       support legacy applications.  They should not be used in new programs.

       •   X/Open  Curses,  Issue  4,  Version  2  (1996),  describes  these  functions,  marking them as “TO BE

       •   X/Open Curses, Issue 7 (2009) marks the termcap  interface  (along  with  vwprintw  and  vwscanw)  as

       Neither  X/Open  Curses  nor the SVr4 man pages documented the return values of tgetent correctly, though
       all three shown here were in fact returned ever since SVr1.  In particular, an  omission  in  the  X/Open
       Curses specification has been misinterpreted to mean that tgetent returns OK or ERR.  Because the purpose
       of these functions is to provide compatibility with the termcap library,  that  is  a  defect  in  X/Open
       Curses, Issue 4, Version 2 rather than in ncurses.

   Compatibility with BSD termcap
       Externally  visible  variables  are provided for support of certain termcap applications.  However, their
       correct usage is poorly documented; for  example,  it  is  unclear  when  reading  and  writing  them  is
       meaningful.  In particular, some applications are reported to declare and/or modify ospeed.

       The  constraint  that only the first two characters of the id parameter are used escapes many application
       developers.  The BSD termcap library did  not  require  a  trailing  null  character  on  the  capability
       identifier  passed  to  tgetstr,  tgetnum,  and tgetflag.  Some applications thus assume that the termcap
       interface does not require the trailing null character for the capability identifier.

       •   ncurses disallows matches by the termcap interface against extended capability names that are  longer
           than two characters; see user_caps(5).

       The BSD termcap function tgetent returns the text of a termcap entry in the buffer passed as an argument.
       This library, like other terminfo implementations, does not store terminal type descriptions as text.  It
       sets the buffer contents to a null-terminated string.

   Header File
       This  library includes a termcap.h header for compatibility with other implementations, but the header is
       rarely used because the other implementations are not strictly compatible.


       Bill Joy originated a forerunner of termcap called “ttycap”, dated September 1977, and released  in  1BSD
       (March  1978).   It used many of the same function names as the later termcap, such as tgetent, tgetflag,
       tgetnum, and tgetstr.

       A clear descendant, the termlib library, followed in 2BSD (May 1979), adding tgoto and tputs.  The former
       applied  at  that  time  only  to cursor positioning capabilities, thus the overly specific name.  Little
       changed in 3BSD (late 1979) except the addition of test programs and a termlib man page, which documented
       the API shown in section “SYNOPSIS” above.

       4BSD  (November  1980)  renamed  termlib to termcap and added another test program.  The library remained
       much the same though 4.3BSD (June  1986).   4.4BSD-Lite  (June  1994)  refactored  it,  leaving  the  API

       Function  prototypes  were  a feature of ANSI C (1989).  The library long antedated the standard and thus
       provided no header file declaring them.  Nevertheless, the BSD sources included two  different  termcap.h
       header files over time.

       •   One  was  used  internally by jove(1) from 4.3BSD onward.  It declared global symbols for the termcap
           variables that it used.

       •   The other appeared in 4.4BSD-Lite Release 2 (June 1995) as part of libedit (also known as  the  edit‐
           line  library).   CSRG source history shows that this was added in mid-1992.  The libedit header file
           was used internally as a convenience for  compiling  the  editline  library.   It  declared  function
           prototypes,  but  no  global  variables.   This  header file was added to NetBSD's termcap library in

       Meanwhile, GNU termcap began development in 1990.  Its first release (1.0) in 1991 included  a  termcap.h
       header.   Its second (1.1) in September 1992 modified the header to use const for the function prototypes
       in the header where one would expect the parameters to be read-only.  BSD termcap did not.  The prototype
       for tputs also differed, but in that instance, it was libedit that differed from BSD termcap.

       GNU termcap 1.3 was bundled with bash(1) in mid-1993 to support the readline(3) library.

       ncurses  1.8.1  (November  1993)  provided a termcap.h file.  It reflected influence from GNU termcap and
       emacs(1) (rather than jove(1)), providing the following interface:

       •   global symbols used by emacs,

       •   const-qualified function prototypes, and

       •   a prototype for tparam, a GNU termcap feature.

       Later (in mid-1996) the tparam function was removed from ncurses.  Any two of  the  four  implementations
       thus  differ,  and programs that intend to work with all termcap library interfaces must account for that


       If you call tgetstr to fetch column_address (ch) or any other parameterized string capability,  be  aware
       that  it is returned in terminfo notation, not the older and not-quite-compatible termcap notation.  This
       does not cause problems if all you do with it is call tgoto or tparm, which  both  parametrically  expand
       terminfo-style string capabilities as terminfo does.  (If ncurses is configured to support termcap, tgoto
       checks whether the string is terminfo-style by looking for “%p” parameters or “<...>” delays, and invokes
       a termcap-style parser if the string appears not to use terminfo syntax.)

       Because  terminfo's  syntax  for  padding  in  string  capabilities  differs from termcap's, users can be

       •   tputs("50") in a terminfo system transmits “50” rather than busy-waiting for 50 milliseconds.

       •   However, if ncurses is configured to support termcap, it may also have  been  configured  to  support
           BSD-style padding.

           In that case, tputs inspects strings passed to it, looking for digits at the beginning of the string.

           tputs("50") in a termcap system may busy-wait for 50 milliseconds rather than transmitting “50”.

       termcap  has  nothing  analogous  to terminfo's set_attributes (sgr) capability.  One consequence is that
       termcap applications assume that “me” (equivalent to terminfo's  exit_attribute_mode  (sgr0)  capability)
       does  not  reset the alternate character set.  ncurses checks for, and modifies the data shared with, the
       termcap interface to accommodate the latter's limitation in this respect.


       ncurses(3NCURSES), terminfo(3NCURSES), putc(3), terminfo_variables(3NCURSES), terminfo(5)
