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       regcomp, regexec, regerror, regfree - POSIX regex functions


       Standard C library (libc, -lc)


       #include <regex.h>

       int regcomp(regex_t *restrict preg, const char *restrict regex,
                   int cflags);
       int regexec(const regex_t *restrict preg, const char *restrict string,
                   size_t nmatch, regmatch_t pmatch[_Nullable restrict .nmatch],
                   int eflags);

       size_t regerror(int errcode, const regex_t *_Nullable restrict preg,
                   char errbuf[_Nullable restrict .errbuf_size],
                   size_t errbuf_size);
       void regfree(regex_t *preg);

       typedef struct {
           size_t    re_nsub;
       } regex_t;

       typedef struct {
           regoff_t  rm_so;
           regoff_t  rm_eo;
       } regmatch_t;

       typedef /* ... */  regoff_t;


       regcomp()  is  used  to  compile  a  regular  expression  into a form that is suitable for
       subsequent regexec() searches.

       On success, the pattern buffer at  *preg  is  initialized.   regex  is  a  null-terminated
       string.  The locale must be the same when running regexec().

       After  regcomp()  succeeds,  preg->re_nsub  holds  the  number of subexpressions in regex.
       Thus, a value of preg->re_nsub + 1 passed as nmatch to regexec() is sufficient to  capture
       all matches.

       cflags is the bitwise OR of zero or more of the following:

              Use  POSIX Extended Regular Expression syntax when interpreting regex.  If not set,
              POSIX Basic Regular Expression syntax is used.

              Do not differentiate case.  Subsequent regexec() searches using this pattern buffer
              will be case insensitive.

              Report  only  overall  success.   regexec()  will use only pmatch for REG_STARTEND,
              ignoring nmatch.

              Match-any-character operators don't match a newline.

              A nonmatching list ([^...]) not containing a newline does not match a newline.

              Match-beginning-of-line operator (^) matches the empty string immediately  after  a
              newline,  regardless  of whether eflags, the execution flags of regexec(), contains

              Match-end-of-line operator ($)  matches  the  empty  string  immediately  before  a
              newline, regardless of whether eflags contains REG_NOTEOL.

       regexec() is used to match a null-terminated string against the compiled pattern buffer in
       *preg, which must have been initialised with regexec().  eflags is the bitwise OR of  zero
       or more of the following flags:

              The match-beginning-of-line operator always fails to match (but see the compilation
              flag REG_NEWLINE above).  This flag may be used when different portions of a string
              are  passed  to regexec() and the beginning of the string should not be interpreted
              as the beginning of the line.

              The match-end-of-line operator always fails to match (but see the compilation  flag
              REG_NEWLINE above).

              Match  [string  +  pmatch[0].rm_so,  string  + pmatch[0].rm_eo) instead of [string,
              string + strlen(string)).  This allows matching embedded NUL  bytes  and  avoids  a
              strlen(3)  on  known-length strings.  If any matches are returned (REG_NOSUB wasn't
              passed to regcomp(), the match succeeded, and nmatch > 0), they overwrite pmatch as
              usual,   and   the   match   offsets  remain  relative  to  string  (not  string  +
              pmatch[0].rm_so).  This flag is a BSD extension, not present in POSIX.

   Match offsets
       Unless REG_NOSUB was passed to regcomp(), it  is  possible  to  obtain  the  locations  of
       matches  within  string: regexec() fills nmatch elements of pmatch with results: pmatch[0]
       corresponds to the entire match, pmatch[1] to the first subexpression, etc.  If there were
       more  matches  than  nmatch,  they  are discarded; if fewer, unused elements of pmatch are
       filled with -1s.

       Each returned valid (non--1) match corresponds to the range  [string  +  rm_so,  string  +

       regoff_t  is a signed integer type capable of storing the largest value that can be stored
       in either an ptrdiff_t type or a ssize_t type.

   Error reporting
       regerror() is used to turn the error codes that can be  returned  by  both  regcomp()  and
       regexec() into error message strings.

       If  preg isn't a null pointer, errcode must be the latest error returned from an operation
       on preg.

       If errbuf_size isn't 0, up to errbuf_size bytes are copied to errbuf; the error string  is
       always null-terminated, and truncated to fit.

       regfree()  deinitializes the pattern buffer at *preg, freeing any associated memory; *preg
       must have been initialized via regcomp().


       regcomp() returns zero for a successful compilation or an error code for failure.

       regexec() returns zero for a successful match or REG_NOMATCH for failure.

       regerror() returns the size of the buffer required to hold the string.


       The following errors can be returned by regcomp():

              Invalid use of back reference operator.

              Invalid use of pattern operators such as group or list.

              Invalid use of repetition operators such as using '*' as the first character.

              Un-matched brace interval operators.

              Un-matched bracket list operators.

              Invalid collating element.

              Unknown character class name.

              Nonspecific error.  This is not defined by POSIX.

              Trailing backslash.

              Un-matched parenthesis group operators.

              Invalid use of the range operator; for example,  the  ending  point  of  the  range
              occurs prior to the starting point.

              Compiled  regular  expression requires a pattern buffer larger than 64 kB.  This is
              not defined by POSIX.

              The regex routines ran out of memory.

              Invalid back reference to a subexpression.


       For an explanation of the terms used in this section, see attributes(7).

       │InterfaceAttributeValue          │
       │regcomp(), regexec()                                    │ Thread safety │ MT-Safe locale │
       │regerror()                                              │ Thread safety │ MT-Safe env    │
       │regfree()                                               │ Thread safety │ MT-Safe        │





       Prior to POSIX.1-2008, regoff_t was required to be capable of storing  the  largest  value
       that can be stored in either an off_t type or a ssize_t type.


       re_nsub  is  only  required to be initialized if REG_NOSUB wasn't specified, but all known
       implementations initialize it regardless.

       Both regex_t and regmatch_t may  (and  do)  have  more  members,  in  any  order.   Always
       reference them by name.


       #include <stdint.h>
       #include <stdio.h>
       #include <stdlib.h>
       #include <regex.h>

       #define ARRAY_SIZE(arr) (sizeof((arr)) / sizeof((arr)[0]))

       static const char *const str =
               "1) John Driverhacker;\n2) John Doe;\n3) John Foo;\n";
       static const char *const re = "John.*o";

       int main(void)
           static const char *s = str;
           regex_t     regex;
           regmatch_t  pmatch[1];
           regoff_t    off, len;

           if (regcomp(&regex, re, REG_NEWLINE))

           printf("String = \"%s\"\n", str);

           for (unsigned int i = 0; ; i++) {
               if (regexec(&regex, s, ARRAY_SIZE(pmatch), pmatch, 0))

               off = pmatch[0].rm_so + (s - str);
               len = pmatch[0].rm_eo - pmatch[0].rm_so;
               printf("#%zu:\n", i);
               printf("offset = %jd; length = %jd\n", (intmax_t) off,
                       (intmax_t) len);
               printf("substring = \"%.*s\"\n", len, s + pmatch[0].rm_so);

               s += pmatch[0].rm_eo;



       grep(1), regex(7)

       The glibc manual section, Regular Expressions