oracular (3) ssh_connection.3erl.gz

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       ssh_connection -
           This module provides API functions to send SSH Connection Protocol
           events to the other side of an SSH channel.


       The  SSH  Connection  Protocol is used by clients and servers, that is, SSH channels, to communicate over
       the SSH connection. The API functions in this module send  SSH  Connection  Protocol  events,  which  are
       received  as  messages  by  the  remote  channel handling the remote channel. The Erlang format of thoose
       messages is (see also below):

       {ssh_cm, ssh:connection_ref(), channel_msg()}

       If the ssh_client_channel behavior is used to implement the channel process, these messages  are  handled
       by handle_ssh_msg/2.


       ssh_data_type_code() = integer() >= 0

              The valid values are 0 ("normal") and 1 ("stderr"), see RFC 4254, Section 5.2.

       result() = req_status() | {error, reason()}

       reason() = closed | timeout

              The result of a call.

              If  the  request  reached  the  peer, was handled and the response reached the requesting node the
              req_status() is the status reported from the peer.

              If not, the reason() indicates what went wrong:

                  indicates that the channel or connection was closed when trying to send the request

                  indicates that the operation exceeded a time limit

       req_status() = success | failure

              The status of a request. Corresponds to the  SSH_MSG_CHANNEL_SUCCESS  and  SSH_MSG_CHANNEL_FAILURE
              values in RFC 4254, Section 5.4.

   SSH Connection Protocol: General
       event() = {ssh_cm, ssh:connection_ref(), channel_msg()}

       channel_msg() =
           data_ch_msg() |
           eof_ch_msg() |
           closed_ch_msg() |
           pty_ch_msg() |
           env_ch_msg() |
           shell_ch_msg() |
           exec_ch_msg() |
           signal_ch_msg() |
           window_change_ch_msg() |
           exit_status_ch_msg() |

              As mentioned in the introduction, the SSH Connection Protocol events are handled as messages. When
              writing a channel handling process without using the support by  the  ssh_client_channel  behavior
              the process must handle thoose messages.

       want_reply() = boolean()

              Messages   that   include   a   WantReply   expect   the   channel   handling   process   to  call
              ssh_connection:reply_request/4 with the boolean value of WantReply as the second argument.

   Data Transfer (RFC 4254, section 5.2)
       data_ch_msg() =
            Data :: binary()}

              Data  has  arrived  on  the   channel.   This   event   is   sent   as   a   result   of   calling

   Closing a Channel (RFC 4254, section 5.3)
       eof_ch_msg() = {eof, ssh:channel_id()}

              Indicates  that  the  other  side  sends  no  more data. This event is sent as a result of calling

       closed_ch_msg() = {closed, ssh:channel_id()}

              This event is sent as a result of calling ssh_connection:close/2. Both the handling of this  event
              and sending it are taken care of by the ssh_client_channel behavior.

   Requesting a Pseudo-Terminal (RFC 4254, section 6.2)
       pty_ch_msg() =
            {Terminal :: string(),
             CharWidth :: integer() >= 0,
             RowHeight :: integer() >= 0,
             PixelWidth :: integer() >= 0,
             PixelHeight :: integer() >= 0,
             TerminalModes :: [term_mode()]}}

       term_mode() =
           {Opcode :: atom() | byte(), Value :: integer() >= 0}

              A  pseudo-terminal  has  been  requested  for  the  session.  Terminal  is  the  value of the TERM
              environment variable value, that is,  vt100.  Zero  dimension  parameters  must  be  ignored.  The
              character/row  dimensions override the pixel dimensions (when non-zero). Pixel dimensions refer to
              the drawable area of  the  window.  Opcode  in  the  TerminalModes  list  is  the  mnemonic  name,
              represented  as  a lowercase Erlang atom, defined in RFC 4254, Section 8. It can also be an Opcode
              if the mnemonic name is not listed in the RFC. Example: OP code: 53,  mnemonic  name  ECHO  erlang
              atom: echo. This event is sent as a result of calling ssh_connection:ptty_alloc/4.

   Environment Variable Passing (RFC 4254, section 6.4)
       env_ch_msg() =
            Var :: string(),
            Value :: string()}

              Environment  variables  can be passed to the shell/command to be started later. This event is sent
              as a result of calling  ssh_connection:setenv/5.

   Starting a Shell or Command (RFC 4254, section 6.5)
       shell_ch_msg() = {shell, ssh:channel_id(), want_reply()}

              This message requests that the user default shell is started at the other end. This event is  sent
              as a result of calling  ssh_connection:shell/2.

       exec_ch_msg() =
           {exec, ssh:channel_id(), want_reply(), Command :: string()}

              This message requests that the server starts execution of the given command. This event is sent as
              a result of calling ssh_connection:exec/4 .

   Window Dimension Change Message (RFC 4254, section 6.7)
       window_change_ch_msg() =
            CharWidth :: integer() >= 0,
            RowHeight :: integer() >= 0,
            PixelWidth :: integer() >= 0,
            PixelHeight :: integer() >= 0}

              When the window (terminal) size changes on the client side, it can send a message  to  the  server
              side to inform it of the new dimensions. No API function generates this event.

   Signals (RFC 4254, section 6.9)
       signal_ch_msg() =
           {signal, ssh:channel_id(), SignalName :: string()}

              A  signal can be delivered to the remote process/service using the following message. Some systems
              do not support signals, in which case they are to ignore  this  message.  There  is  currently  no
              function  to  generate  this  event  as  the signals referred to are on OS-level and not something
              generated by an Erlang program.

   Returning Exit Status (RFC 4254, section 6.10)
       exit_status_ch_msg() =
            ExitStatus :: integer() >= 0}

              When the command running at the other end terminates, the following message can be sent to  return
              the  exit  status  of  the  command.  A zero exit_status usually means that the command terminated
              successfully. This event is sent as a result of calling  ssh_connection:exit_status/3.

       exit_signal_ch_msg() =
            ExitSignal :: string(),
            ErrorMsg :: string(),
            LanguageString :: string()}

              A remote execution can terminate violently because of a signal. Then this message can be received.
              For details on valid string values, see RFC 4254 Section 6.10, which shows a special case of these


       adjust_window(ConnectionRef, ChannelId, NumOfBytes) -> ok


                 ConnectionRef = ssh:connection_ref()
                 ChannelId = ssh:channel_id()
                 NumOfBytes = integer()

              Adjusts the SSH flow control window. This is to be  done  by  both  the  client-  and  server-side
              channel processes.

              Channels  implemented  with  the   ssh_client_channel  behavior  do not normally need to call this
              function as flow control is handled by the behavior. The behavior adjusts the  window  every  time
              the callback  handle_ssh_msg/2 returns after processing channel data.

       close(ConnectionRef, ChannelId) -> ok


                 ConnectionRef = ssh:connection_ref()
                 ChannelId = ssh:channel_id()

              A server- or client-channel process can choose to close their session by sending a close event.

              This  function  is  called  by the ssh_client_channel behavior when the channel is terminated, see
              ssh_client_channel(3erl). Thus, channels implemented with  the  behavior  are  not  to  call  this
              function explicitly.

       exec(ConnectionRef, ChannelId, Command, Timeout) -> result()


                 ConnectionRef = ssh:connection_ref()
                 ChannelId = ssh:channel_id()
                 Command = string()
                 Timeout = timeout()

              Is  to be called by a client-channel process to request that the server starts executing the given
              command. The result is several messages according to the following pattern. The last message is  a
              channel close message, as the exec request is a one-time execution that closes the channel when it
              is done.

                N x data message(s):
                  The result of executing the command can be only one line or thousands of  lines  depending  on
                  the command.

                0 or 1 x eof message:
                  Indicates that no more data is to be sent.

                0 or 1 x exit signal message:
                  Not all systems send signals. For details on valid string values, see RFC 4254, Section 6.10

                0 or 1 x exit status message:
                  It  is recommended by the SSH Connection Protocol to send this message, but that is not always
                  the case.

                1 x closed status message:
                  Indicates that the ssh_client_channel started for the execution of the command  has  now  been
                  shut down.

              See the User's Guide section on One-Time Execution for examples.

       exit_status(ConnectionRef, ChannelId, Status) -> ok


                 ConnectionRef = ssh:connection_ref()
                 ChannelId = ssh:channel_id()
                 Status = integer()

              Is to be called by a server-channel process to send the exit status of a command to the client.

       ptty_alloc(ConnectionRef, ChannelId, Options) -> result()

       ptty_alloc(ConnectionRef, ChannelId, Options, Timeout) -> result()


                 ConnectionRef = ssh:connection_ref()
                 ChannelId = ssh:channel_id()
                 Options = proplists:proplist()
                 Timeout = timeout()

              Sends an SSH Connection Protocol pty_req, to allocate a pseudo-terminal. Is to be called by an SSH
              client process.


                {term, string()}:
                  Defaults to os:getenv("TERM") or vt100 if it is undefined.

                {width, integer()}:
                  Defaults to 80 if pixel_width is not defined.

                {height, integer()}:
                  Defaults to 24 if pixel_height is not defined.

                {pixel_width, integer()}:
                  Is disregarded if width is defined.

                {pixel_height, integer()}:
                  Is disregarded if height is defined.

                {pty_opts, [{posix_atom(), integer()}]}:
                  Option can be an empty list. Otherwise, see possible POSIX names in Section 8 in  RFC 4254.

       reply_request(ConnectionRef, WantReply, Status, ChannelId) -> ok


                 ConnectionRef = ssh:connection_ref()
                 WantReply = boolean()
                 Status = req_status()
                 ChannelId = ssh:channel_id()

              Sends status replies to requests where the requester has stated that it  wants  a  status  report,
              that is, WantReply = true. If WantReply is false, calling this function becomes a "noop". Is to be
              called while handling an SSH Connection Protocol message containing a WantReply boolean value.

       send(ConnectionRef, ChannelId, Data) ->
       send(ConnectionRef, ChannelId, Data, Timeout) ->
       send(ConnectionRef, ChannelId, Type, Data) ->
       send(ConnectionRef, ChannelId, Type, Data, TimeOut) -> ok | Error


                 ConnectionRef = ssh:connection_ref()
                 ChannelId = ssh:channel_id()
                 Data = iodata()
                 Type = ssh_data_type_code()
                 Timeout = timeout()
                 Error = {error, reason()}

              Is to be called by client- and server-channel processes to send data to each other.

              The function subsystem/4 and subsequent calls of send/3,4,5 must be executed in the same process.

       send_eof(ConnectionRef, ChannelId) -> ok | {error, closed}


                 ConnectionRef = ssh:connection_ref()
                 ChannelId = ssh:channel_id()

              Sends EOF on channel ChannelId.

       session_channel(ConnectionRef, Timeout) -> Result

       session_channel(ConnectionRef, InitialWindowSize, MaxPacketSize,
                       Timeout) ->


                 ConnectionRef = ssh:connection_ref()
                 InitialWindowSize = MaxPacketSize = integer() >= 1 | undefined
                 Timeout = timeout()
                 Result = {ok, ssh:channel_id()} | {error, reason()}

              Opens a channel for an SSH session. The channel id returned from this function is the id  used  as
              input to the other functions in this module.

       setenv(ConnectionRef, ChannelId, Var, Value, Timeout) -> success


                 ConnectionRef = ssh:connection_ref()
                 ChannelId = ssh:channel_id()
                 Var = Value = string()
                 Timeout = timeout()

              Environment variables can be passed before starting the shell/command. Is to be called by a client
              channel processes.

       shell(ConnectionRef, ChannelId) -> Result


                 ConnectionRef = ssh:connection_ref()
                 ChannelId = ssh:channel_id()
                 Result = ok | success | failure | {error, timeout}

              Is to be called by a client channel process to request that  the  user  default  shell  (typically
              defined in /etc/passwd in Unix systems) is executed at the server end.

              Note:  the return value is ok instead of success unlike in other functions in this module. This is
              a fault that was introduced so long ago that any change would break a  large  number  of  existing

       subsystem(ConnectionRef, ChannelId, Subsystem, Timeout) ->


                 ConnectionRef = ssh:connection_ref()
                 ChannelId = ssh:channel_id()
                 Subsystem = string()
                 Timeout = timeout()

              Is  to  be  called by a client-channel process for requesting to execute a predefined subsystem on
              the server.

              The function subsystem/4 and subsequent calls of send/3,4,5 must be executed in the same process.